2023-10-23 10:41:38 -04:00

174 lines
4.9 KiB

import * as Path from 'path'
import * as Fs from 'fs'
import { getProductName, getVersion } from '../app/package-info'
const productName = getProductName()
const version = getVersion()
const projectRoot = Path.join(__dirname, '..')
export function getDistRoot() {
return Path.join(projectRoot, 'dist')
export function getDistPath() {
return Path.join(
export function getExecutableName() {
const suffix = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? '-dev' : ''
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return `${getWindowsIdentifierName()}${suffix}`
} else if (process.platform === 'linux') {
return 'desktop'
} else {
return productName
export function getOSXZipName() {
return `${productName}-${getDistArchitecture()}.zip`
export function getOSXZipPath() {
return Path.join(getDistPath(), '..', getOSXZipName())
export function getWindowsInstallerName() {
const productName = getExecutableName()
return `${productName}Setup-${getDistArchitecture()}.msi`
export function getWindowsInstallerPath() {
return Path.join(getDistPath(), '..', 'installer', getWindowsInstallerName())
export function getWindowsStandaloneName() {
const productName = getExecutableName()
return `${productName}Setup-${getDistArchitecture()}.exe`
export function getWindowsStandalonePath() {
return Path.join(getDistPath(), '..', 'installer', getWindowsStandaloneName())
export function getWindowsFullNugetPackageName(
includeArchitecture: boolean = false
) {
const architectureInfix = includeArchitecture
? `-${getDistArchitecture()}`
: ''
return `${getWindowsIdentifierName()}-${version}${architectureInfix}-full.nupkg`
export function getWindowsFullNugetPackagePath() {
return Path.join(
export function getWindowsDeltaNugetPackageName(
includeArchitecture: boolean = false
) {
const architectureInfix = includeArchitecture
? `-${getDistArchitecture()}`
: ''
return `${getWindowsIdentifierName()}-${version}${architectureInfix}-delta.nupkg`
export function getWindowsDeltaNugetPackagePath() {
return Path.join(
export function getWindowsIdentifierName() {
return 'GitHubDesktop'
export function getBundleSizes() {
const outPath = Path.join(projectRoot, 'out')
return {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
rendererBundleSize: Fs.statSync(Path.join(outPath, 'renderer.js')).size,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
mainBundleSize: Fs.statSync(Path.join(outPath, 'main.js')).size,
export const isPublishable = () =>
['production', 'beta', 'test'].includes(getChannel())
export const getChannel = () =>
process.env.RELEASE_CHANNEL ?? process.env.NODE_ENV ?? 'development'
export function getDistArchitecture(): 'arm64' | 'x64' {
// If a specific npm_config_arch is set, we use that one instead of the OS arch (to support cross compilation)
if (
process.env.npm_config_arch === 'arm64' ||
process.env.npm_config_arch === 'x64'
) {
return process.env.npm_config_arch
if (process.arch === 'arm64') {
return 'arm64'
// TODO: Check if it's x64 running on an arm64 Windows with IsWow64Process2
// More info:
// Right now (March 3, 2021) is not very important because support for x64
// apps on an arm64 Windows is experimental. See:
return 'x64'
export function getUpdatesURL() {
// It is also possible to use a `x64/` path, but for now we'll leave the
// original URL without architecture in it (which will still work for
// compatibility reasons) in case anything goes wrong until we have everything
// sorted out.
const architecturePath = getDistArchitecture() === 'arm64' ? 'arm64/' : ''
return `${architecturePath}latest?version=${version}&env=${getChannel()}`
export function shouldMakeDelta() {
// Only production and beta channels include deltas. Test releases aren't
// necessarily sequential so deltas wouldn't make sense.
return ['production', 'beta'].includes(getChannel())
export function getIconFileName(): string {
const baseName = 'icon-logo'
return getChannel() === 'development' ? `${baseName}-yellow` : baseName
export function getChannelFromReleaseBranch(): string {
const branchName = process.env.GITHUB_HEAD_REF ?? ''
if (!branchName.includes('releases/')) {
return 'development'
if (getVersion().includes('test')) {
return 'test'
if (getVersion().includes('beta')) {
return 'beta'
return 'production'