notifications: email: on_success: never on_failure: change dist: trusty matrix: include: - os: linux env: CC=clang CXX=clang++ npm_config_clang=1 compiler: clang addons: apt: packages: # by default the container VMs have Git 1.9.1, ermagherd... - git-all # this is required to compile keytar - libsecret-1-dev # this package is essential for testing Electron in a headless fashion # - xvfb # packages required for electron-installer-debian - fakeroot - dpkg # packages required for electron-installer-redhat - rpm # packages required for electron-installer-appimage - xz-utils - xorriso branches: only: - master - /^__release-.*/ language: node_js node_js: - "7" cache: timeout: 600 directories: - node_modules - $HOME/.electron install: - npm install -g yarn@1.2.0 - yarn install --force script: - yarn check-prettiness - yarn lint - yarn build:prod - yarn test:setup - yarn test after_failure: - yarn test:review