# Setting Up Development Dependencies on macOS You will need to install these tools on your machine: - Node.js - Yarn - Python 3 - Xcode and Xcode Command Line Tools (Xcode -> Preferences -> Downloads) ## Node.js Let's see if you have the right version of `node` installed. Open a terminal and run this command inside the Desktop source directory: ```shellsession $ node -v ``` If you see an error about being unable to find `node`, that probably means you don't have any Node tools installed. You can download Node from the [Node.js website](https://nodejs.org/), install the package, and restart your shell. You can verify that your installed version matches the one currently used by GitHub Desktop by looking at [our .node-version file](https://github.com/desktop/desktop/blob/development/.node-version). Usually the same major version is enough but if you're running into problems building Desktop please try installing that exact version. ### I need to use different versions of Node.js in different projects! We currently support these Node version managers: `nvm` and `asdf-nodejs`. #### Configuring `nvm` 1. Install `nvm` using the instructions [here](https://github.com/creationix/nvm#install-script). 2. Within the Desktop source directory, install version of Node.js it requires: ```shellsession $ nvm install ``` 3. Ensure you are running the right version: ```shellsession $ nvm use ``` 4. Verify you have the right version by running `node -v` again: ```shellsession $ node -v ``` If you see any version number, you're good to go. #### Configuring `asdf-nodejs` `asdf` is a little more involved to install. Check out the instructions [here](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf) and [here](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-nodejs) for more information. ## Yarn Follow [this guide](https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install#mac-stable) to install a system-level `yarn`. GitHub Desktop uses a local version of `yarn`, but it needs a version on your `PATH` to bootstrap itself. This is important because `yarn` uses lock files to pin dependencies. If you find yourself changing packages, this will prevent mismatches in versions between machines. If you're not familiar with `yarn`, please read [this document](./working-with-packages.md) to help familiarize yourself with how to do the common package tasks that are relevant to Desktop. ## Python macOS comes with Python pre-installed, and it happens to be the right version, so you're probably fine! But let's be sure. Open a terminal and run this command inside the Desktop source directory: ```shellsession $ python3 --version ``` If you see the output `Python 3.9.x`, you're good to go! ### I need to use different versions of Python in different projects! For this, we recommend [pyenv](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv). (It's the only game in town.) 1. Install pyenv according to [the instructions](https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer#github-way-recommended). 2. Within the Desktop source directory, install version of Python it requires: ```shellsession pyenv install ``` 3. Verify you have the right version by running `python3 --version` again: ```shellsession $ python3 --version ``` If you see the output `Python 3.9.x`, you're good to go! ## Xcode Command Line Tools Run this command to install the Xcode command line tools. ```shellsession xcode-select --install ``` If you already have them, it'll say so! ## Back to setup Once you've installed the necessary dependencies, head back to the [setup page](https://github.com/desktop/desktop/blob/development/docs/contributing/setup.md) to finish getting set up.