mirror of https://github.com/desktop/desktop synced 2024-07-05 00:58:57 +00:00

Merge branch 'master' into license

This commit is contained in:
joshaber 2017-04-10 09:59:38 -04:00
commit ba91a02423
21 changed files with 473 additions and 100 deletions

CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at opensource@github.com. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at [http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4][version]
[homepage]: http://contributor-covenant.org
[version]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
runtime = electron
disturl = https://atom.io/download/electron
target = 1.6.5
target = 1.6.6
arch = x64

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@ -412,6 +412,21 @@ async function getNote(): Promise<string> {
return `GitHub Desktop on ${localUsername}@${OS.hostname()}`
* Map a repository's URL to the endpoint associated with it. For example:
* https://github.com/desktop/desktop -> https://api.github.com
* http://github.mycompany.com/my-team/my-project -> http://github.mycompany.com/api
export function getEndpointForRepository(url: string): string {
const parsed = URL.parse(url)
if (parsed.hostname === 'github.com') {
return getDotComAPIEndpoint()
} else {
return `${parsed.protocol}//${parsed.hostname}/api`
* Get the URL for the HTML site. For example:
@ -456,8 +471,12 @@ export function getDotComAPIEndpoint(): string {
/** Get the user for the endpoint. */
export function getUserForEndpoint(users: ReadonlyArray<User>, endpoint: string): User {
return users.filter(u => u.endpoint === endpoint)[0]
export function getUserForEndpoint(users: ReadonlyArray<User>, endpoint: string): User | null {
const filteredUsers = users.filter(u => u.endpoint === endpoint)
if (filteredUsers.length) {
return filteredUsers[0]
return null
export function getOAuthAuthorizationURL(endpoint: string, state: string): string {

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@ -540,14 +540,15 @@ export class AppStore {
/** This shouldn't be called directly. See `Dispatcher`. */
public async _selectRepository(repository: Repository | CloningRepository | null): Promise<void> {
public async _selectRepository(repository: Repository | CloningRepository | null): Promise<Repository | null> {
this.selectedRepository = repository
if (!repository) { return Promise.resolve() }
if (!(repository instanceof Repository)) { return Promise.resolve() }
if (!repository) { return Promise.resolve(null) }
if (!(repository instanceof Repository)) { return Promise.resolve(null) }
localStorage.setItem(LastSelectedRepositoryIDKey, repository.id.toString())
@ -556,7 +557,7 @@ export class AppStore {
// ensures we don't accidentally run any Git operations against the
// wrong location if the user then relocates the `.git` folder elsewhere
return Promise.resolve(null)
const gitHubRepository = repository.gitHubRepository
@ -567,10 +568,12 @@ export class AppStore {
await this._refreshRepository(repository)
// The selected repository could have changed while we were refreshing.
if (this.selectedRepository !== repository) { return }
if (this.selectedRepository !== repository) { return null }
return repository
public async _updateIssues(repository: GitHubRepository) {
@ -997,18 +1000,19 @@ export class AppStore {
/** This shouldn't be called directly. See `Dispatcher`. */
public async _createBranch(repository: Repository, name: string, startPoint: string): Promise<void> {
public async _createBranch(repository: Repository, name: string, startPoint: string): Promise<Repository> {
const gitStore = this.getGitStore(repository)
await gitStore.performFailableOperation(() => createBranch(repository, name, startPoint))
return this._checkoutBranch(repository, name)
/** This shouldn't be called directly. See `Dispatcher`. */
public async _checkoutBranch(repository: Repository, name: string): Promise<void> {
public async _checkoutBranch(repository: Repository, name: string): Promise<Repository> {
const gitStore = this.getGitStore(repository)
await gitStore.performFailableOperation(() => checkoutBranch(repository, name))
return this._refreshRepository(repository)
await this._refreshRepository(repository)
return repository
/** This shouldn't be called directly. See `Dispatcher`. */
@ -1241,8 +1245,8 @@ export class AppStore {
/** This shouldn't be called directly. See `Dispatcher`. */
public _clone(url: string, path: string, user: User | null): { promise: Promise<boolean>, repository: CloningRepository } {
const promise = this.cloningRepositoriesStore.clone(url, path, user)
public _clone(url: string, path: string, options: { user: User | null, branch?: string }): { promise: Promise<boolean>, repository: CloningRepository } {
const promise = this.cloningRepositoriesStore.clone(url, path, options)
const repository = this.cloningRepositoriesStore
.find(r => r.url === url && r.path === path) !
@ -1274,6 +1278,22 @@ export class AppStore {
return gitStore.clearContextualCommitMessage()
* Fetch a specific refspec for the repository.
* As this action is required to complete when viewing a Pull Request from
* a fork, it does not opt-in to checks that prevent multiple concurrent
* network actions. This might require some rework in the future to chain
* these actions.
public async fetchRefspec(repository: Repository, refspec: string, user: User | null): Promise<void> {
const gitStore = this.getGitStore(repository)
await gitStore.fetchRefspec(user, refspec)
return this._refreshRepository(repository)
/** Fetch the repository. */
public async fetch(repository: Repository, user: User | null): Promise<void> {
await this.withPushPull(repository, async () => {

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@ -2,9 +2,8 @@ import * as Path from 'path'
import { Emitter, Disposable } from 'event-kit'
import { clone as cloneRepo } from '../git'
import { clone as cloneRepo, CloneOptions } from '../git'
import { CloneProgressParser } from '../clone-progress-parser'
import { User } from '../../models/user'
let CloningRepositoryID = 1
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ export class CloningRepositoriesStore {
* Returns a {Promise} which resolves to whether the clone was successful.
public async clone(url: string, path: string, user: User | null): Promise<boolean> {
public async clone(url: string, path: string, options: CloneOptions): Promise<boolean> {
const repository = new CloningRepository(path, url)
this.stateByID.set(repository.id, { output: `Cloning into ${path}`, progressValue: null })
@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ export class CloningRepositoriesStore {
let success = true
const progressParser = new CloneProgressParser()
try {
await cloneRepo(url, path, user, progress => {
await cloneRepo(url, path, options, progress => {
this.stateByID.set(repository.id, {
output: progress,
progressValue: progressParser.parse(progress),

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@ -228,12 +228,14 @@ export class Dispatcher {
/** Select the repository. */
public async selectRepository(repository: Repository | CloningRepository): Promise<void> {
public async selectRepository(repository: Repository | CloningRepository): Promise<Repository | null> {
const repo = this.appStore._selectRepository(repository)
if (repository instanceof Repository) {
await this.refreshGitHubRepositoryInfo(repository)
return repo
/** Load the working directory status. */
@ -302,12 +304,12 @@ export class Dispatcher {
/** Create a new branch from the given starting point and check it out. */
public createBranch(repository: Repository, name: string, startPoint: string): Promise<void> {
public createBranch(repository: Repository, name: string, startPoint: string): Promise<Repository> {
return this.appStore._createBranch(repository, name, startPoint)
/** Check out the given branch. */
public checkoutBranch(repository: Repository, name: string): Promise<void> {
public checkoutBranch(repository: Repository, name: string): Promise<Repository> {
return this.appStore._checkoutBranch(repository, name)
@ -344,8 +346,15 @@ export class Dispatcher {
/** Fetch the repository. */
public async fetch(repository: Repository): Promise<void> {
/** Fetch a specific refspec for the repository. */
public fetchRefspec(repository: Repository, fetchspec: string): Promise<void> {
return this.withAuthenticatingUser(repository, (repo, user) => {
return this.appStore.fetchRefspec(repo, fetchspec, user)
/** Fetch all refs for the repository */
public fetch(repository: Repository): Promise<void> {
return this.withAuthenticatingUser(repository, (repo, user) =>
this.appStore.fetch(repo, user)
@ -394,7 +403,7 @@ export class Dispatcher {
* state in the repository list if the clone completes without error.
public async cloneAgain(url: string, path: string, user: User | null): Promise<void> {
const { promise, repository } = this.appStore._clone(url, path, user)
const { promise, repository } = this.appStore._clone(url, path, { user })
await this.selectRepository(repository)
const success = await promise
if (!success) { return }
@ -412,14 +421,17 @@ export class Dispatcher {
/** Clone the repository to the path. */
public async clone(url: string, path: string, user: User | null): Promise<void> {
const { promise, repository } = this.appStore._clone(url, path, user)
public async clone(url: string, path: string, options: { user: User | null, branch?: string }): Promise<Repository | null> {
const { promise, repository } = this.appStore._clone(url, path, options)
await this.selectRepository(repository)
const success = await promise
if (!success) { return }
// TODO: this exit condition is not great, bob
if (!success) { return Promise.resolve(null) }
const addedRepositories = await this.addRepositories([ path ])
await this.selectRepository(addedRepositories[0])
const addedRepository = addedRepositories[0]
await this.selectRepository(addedRepository)
return addedRepository
/** Rename the branch to a new name. */

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import {
fetch as fetchRepo,
@ -418,6 +419,25 @@ export class GitStore {
* Fetch a given refspec, using the given user for authentication.
* @param user - The user to use for authentication if needed.
* @param refspec - The association between a remote and local ref to use as
* part of this action. Refer to git-scm for more
* information on refspecs: https://www.git-scm.com/book/tr/v2/Git-Internals-The-Refspec
public async fetchRefspec(user: User | null, refspec: string): Promise<void> {
// TODO: we should favour origin here
const remotes = await getRemotes(this.repository)
for (const remote of remotes) {
await this.performFailableOperation(() => fetchRefspec(this.repository, user, remote.name, refspec))
/** Calculate the ahead/behind for the current branch. */
public async calculateAheadBehindForCurrentBranch(): Promise<void> {

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@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ export async function checkoutBranch(repository: Repository, name: string): Prom
await git([ 'checkout', name, '--' ], repository.path, 'checkoutBranch')
/** Check out the paths at HEAD. */
export async function checkoutPaths(repository: Repository, paths: ReadonlyArray<string>): Promise<void> {
await git([ 'checkout', 'HEAD', '--', ...paths ], repository.path, 'checkoutPaths')

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@ -4,14 +4,30 @@ import { ChildProcess } from 'child_process'
const byline = require('byline')
/** Additional arguments to provide when cloning a repository */
export type CloneOptions = {
/** The optional identity to provide when cloning. */
readonly user: User | null
/** The branch to checkout after the clone has completed. */
readonly branch?: string
/** Clone the repository to the path. */
export async function clone(url: string, path: string, user: User | null, progress: (progress: string) => void): Promise<void> {
const env = envForAuthentication(user)
export async function clone(url: string, path: string, options: CloneOptions, progress: (progress: string) => void): Promise<void> {
const env = envForAuthentication(options.user)
const processCallback = (process: ChildProcess) => {
byline(process.stderr).on('data', (chunk: string) => {
await git([ 'clone', '--recursive', '--progress', '--', url, path ], __dirname, 'clone', { env, processCallback })
const args = [ 'clone', '--recursive', '--progress' ]
if (options.branch) {
args.push('-b', options.branch)
args.push('--', url, path)
await git(args, __dirname, 'clone', { env, processCallback })

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { git, envForAuthentication, expectedAuthenticationErrors, GitError } from './core'
import { git, envForAuthentication } from './core'
import { Repository } from '../../models/repository'
import { User } from '../../models/user'
@ -7,15 +7,18 @@ export async function fetch(repository: Repository, user: User | null, remote: s
const options = {
successExitCodes: new Set([ 0 ]),
env: envForAuthentication(user),
expectedErrors: expectedAuthenticationErrors(),
const args = [ 'fetch', '--prune', remote ]
const result = await git(args, repository.path, 'fetch', options)
if (result.gitErrorDescription) {
return Promise.reject(new GitError(result, args))
return Promise.resolve()
await git([ 'fetch', '--prune', remote ], repository.path, 'fetch', options)
/** Fetch a given refspec from the given remote. */
export async function fetchRefspec(repository: Repository, user: User | null, remote: string, refspec: string): Promise<void> {
const options = {
successExitCodes: new Set([ 0, 128 ]),
env: envForAuthentication(user),
await git([ 'fetch', remote, refspec ], repository.path, 'fetchRefspec', options)

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import * as URL from 'url'
import { testForInvalidChars } from './sanitize-branch'
interface IURLAction<T> {
name: string
@ -9,14 +10,25 @@ export interface IOAuthActionArgs {
readonly code: string
export interface IOpenRepositoryArgs {
/** the remote repository location associated with the "Open in Desktop" action */
readonly url: string
/** the optional branch name which should be checked out. use the default branch otherwise. */
readonly branch?: string
/** the pull request number, if pull request originates from a fork of the repository */
readonly pr?: string
/** the file to open after cloning the repository */
readonly filepath?: string
export interface IOAuthAction extends IURLAction<IOAuthActionArgs> {
readonly name: 'oauth'
readonly args: IOAuthActionArgs
export interface IOpenRepositoryAction extends IURLAction<string> {
export interface IOpenRepositoryAction extends IURLAction<IOpenRepositoryArgs> {
readonly name: 'open-repository'
readonly args: string
readonly args: IOpenRepositoryArgs
export interface IUnknownAction extends IURLAction<{}> {
@ -35,11 +47,50 @@ export function parseURL(url: string): URLActionType {
const actionName = hostname.toLowerCase()
if (actionName === 'oauth') {
return { name: 'oauth', args: { code: parsedURL.query.code } }
} else if (actionName === 'openrepo') {
// The `path` will be: /https://github.com/user/repo, so we need to take a
// substring from the first character on.
return { name: 'open-repository', args: `${parsedURL.path!.substr(1)}.git` }
} else {
return unknown
if (actionName === 'openrepo') {
// we require something resembling a URL first
// - bail out if it's not defined
// - bail out if you only have `/`
const pathName = parsedURL.pathname
if (!pathName || pathName.length <= 1) { return unknown }
// trim the leading / from the parsed URL
const probablyAURL = pathName.substr(1)
// suffix the remote URL with `.git`, for backwards compatibility
const url = `${probablyAURL}.git`
const queryString = parsedURL.query
const pr = queryString.pr
const branch = queryString.branch
const filepath = queryString.filepath
if (pr) {
// if anything other than a number is used for the PR value, exit
if (!/^\d+$/.test(pr)) { return unknown }
// we also expect the branch for a forked PR to be a given ref format
if (!/^pr\/\d+$/.test(branch)) { return unknown }
if (branch) {
if (testForInvalidChars(branch)) { return unknown }
return {
name: 'open-repository',
args: {
return unknown

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// See https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
// ASCII Control chars and space, DEL, ~ ^ : ? * [ \
// | " < and > is technically a valid refname but not on Windows
// the magic sequence @{, consecutive dots, leading and trailing dot, ref ending in .lock
const invalidCharacterRegex = /[\x00-\x20\x7F~^:?*\[\\|""<>]|@{|\.\.+|^\.|\.$|\.lock$|\/$/g
/** Sanitize a proposed branch name by replacing illegal characters. */
export function sanitizedBranchName(name: string): string {
return name.replace(invalidCharacterRegex, '-')
.replace(/--+/g, '-')
.replace(/^-/g, '')
/** Validate a branch does not contain any invalid characters */
export function testForInvalidChars(name: string): boolean {
return invalidCharacterRegex.test(name)

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@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ export class CloneRepository extends React.Component<ICloneRepositoryProps, IClo
private cloneImpl(url: string, path: string, user: User | null) {
this.props.dispatcher.clone(url, path, user)
this.props.dispatcher.clone(url, path, { user })
setDefaultDir(Path.resolve(path, '..'))

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import * as React from 'react'
import { Repository } from '../../models/repository'
import { Dispatcher } from '../../lib/dispatcher'
import { sanitizedBranchName } from './sanitized-branch-name'
import { sanitizedBranchName } from '../../lib/sanitize-branch'
import { Branch } from '../../models/branch'
import { TextBox } from '../lib/text-box'
import { Row } from '../lib/row'

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
/** Sanitize a proposed branch name by replacing illegal characters. */
export function sanitizedBranchName(name: string): string {
// See https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-check-ref-format.html
// ASCII Control chars and space, DEL, ~ ^ : ? * [ \
// | " < and > is technically a valid refname but not on Windows
// the magic sequence @{, consecutive dots, leading and trailing dot, ref ending in .lock
return name.replace(/[\x00-\x20\x7F~^:?*\[\\|""<>]|@{|\.\.+|^\.|\.$|\.lock$|\/$/g, '-')
.replace(/--+/g, '-')
.replace(/^-/g, '')

View File

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import * as Path from 'path'
import * as Url from 'url'
import { ipcRenderer, remote } from 'electron'
import { ipcRenderer, remote, shell } from 'electron'
import { App } from './app'
import { Dispatcher, AppStore, GitHubUserStore, GitHubUserDatabase, CloningRepositoriesStore, EmojiStore } from '../lib/dispatcher'
import { URLActionType } from '../lib/parse-url'
import { URLActionType, IOpenRepositoryArgs } from '../lib/parse-url'
import { Repository } from '../models/repository'
import { getDefaultDir, setDefaultDir } from './lib/default-dir'
import { SelectionType } from '../lib/app-state'
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import { StatsDatabase, StatsStore } from '../lib/stats'
import { IssuesDatabase, IssuesStore, SignInStore } from '../lib/dispatcher'
import { requestAuthenticatedUser, resolveOAuthRequest, rejectOAuthRequest } from '../lib/oauth'
import { defaultErrorHandler, createMissingRepositoryHandler } from '../lib/dispatcher'
import { getEndpointForRepository, getUserForEndpoint } from '../lib/api'
import { getLogger } from '../lib/logging/renderer'
import { installDevGlobals } from './install-globals'
@ -82,56 +82,94 @@ ipcRenderer.on('blur', () => {
ipcRenderer.on('url-action', async (event: Electron.IpcRendererEvent, { action }: { action: URLActionType }) => {
if (action.name === 'oauth') {
try {
const user = await requestAuthenticatedUser(action.args.code)
if (user) {
} else {
rejectOAuthRequest(new Error('Unable to fetch authenticated user.'))
switch (action.name) {
case 'oauth':
try {
const user = await requestAuthenticatedUser(action.args.code)
if (user) {
} else {
rejectOAuthRequest(new Error('Unable to fetch authenticated user.'))
} catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
} else if (action.name === 'open-repository') {
} else {
console.log(`Unknown URL action: ${action.name}`)
case 'open-repository':
const { pr, url, branch } = action.args
// a forked PR will provide both these values, despite the branch not existing
// in the repository - drop the branch argument in this case so a clone will
// checkout the default branch when it clones
const branchToClone = (pr && branch) ? undefined : branch
openRepository(url, branchToClone)
.then(repository => handleCloneInDesktopOptions(repository, action.args))
console.log(`Unknown URL action: ${action.name} - payload: ${JSON.stringify(action)}`)
function openRepository(url: string) {
function cloneRepository(url: string, branch?: string): Promise<Repository | null> {
const cloneLocation = getDefaultDir()
const defaultName = Path.basename(Url.parse(url)!.path!, '.git')
const path: string | null = remote.dialog.showSaveDialog({
buttonLabel: 'Clone',
defaultPath: Path.join(cloneLocation, defaultName),
if (!path) { return Promise.resolve(null) }
setDefaultDir(Path.resolve(path, '..'))
const state = appStore.getState()
const user = getUserForEndpoint(state.users, getEndpointForRepository(url)) || null
return dispatcher.clone(url, path, { user, branch })
async function handleCloneInDesktopOptions(repository: Repository | null, args: IOpenRepositoryArgs): Promise<void> {
// skip this if the clone failed for whatever reason
if (!repository) { return }
const { filepath, pr, branch } = args
// we need to refetch for a forked PR and check that out
if (pr && branch) {
await dispatcher.fetchRefspec(repository, `pull/${pr}/head:${branch}`)
await dispatcher.checkoutBranch(repository, branch)
if (filepath) {
const fullPath = Path.join(repository.path, filepath)
// because Windows uses different path separators here
const normalized = Path.normalize(fullPath)
function openRepository(url: string, branch?: string): Promise<Repository | null> {
const state = appStore.getState()
const repositories = state.repositories
const existingRepository = repositories.find(r => {
if (r instanceof Repository) {
const gitHubRepository = r.gitHubRepository
if (!gitHubRepository) { return false }
return gitHubRepository.htmlURL === url
return gitHubRepository.cloneURL === url
} else {
return false
if (existingRepository) {
return dispatcher.selectRepository(existingRepository)
} else {
const cloneLocation = getDefaultDir()
const defaultName = Path.basename(Url.parse(url)!.path!, '.git')
const path: string | null = remote.dialog.showSaveDialog({
buttonLabel: 'Clone',
defaultPath: Path.join(cloneLocation, defaultName),
return dispatcher.selectRepository(existingRepository).then(repo => {
if (!repo || !branch) { return repo }
return dispatcher.checkoutBranch(repo, branch)
if (!path) { return }
setDefaultDir(Path.resolve(path, '..'))
// TODO: This isn't quite right. We should probably get the user from the
// context or URL or something.
const user = state.users[0]
return dispatcher.clone(url, path, user)
return cloneRepository(url, branch)

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import * as React from 'react'
import { Dispatcher } from '../../lib/dispatcher'
import { Repository } from '../../models/repository'
import { Branch } from '../../models/branch'
import { sanitizedBranchName } from '../create-branch/sanitized-branch-name'
import { sanitizedBranchName } from '../../lib/sanitize-branch'
import { TextBox } from '../lib/text-box'
import { Button } from '../lib/button'
import { ButtonGroup } from '../lib/button-group'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { expect, use as chaiUse } from 'chai'
import { setupEmptyRepository, setupFixtureRepository } from '../../fixture-helper'
import { Repository } from '../../../src/models/repository'
import { checkoutBranch, getTip } from '../../../src/lib/git'
import { TipState, IValidBranch } from '../../../src/models/tip'
describe('git/checkout', () => {
it('throws when invalid characters are used for branch name', async () => {
const repository = await setupEmptyRepository()
let errorRaised = false
try {
await checkoutBranch(repository, '..')
} catch (error) {
errorRaised = true
expect(error.message).to.equal('fatal: invalid reference: ..\n')
it('can checkout a valid branch name in an existing repository', async () => {
const path = await setupFixtureRepository('repo-with-many-refs')
const repository = new Repository(path, -1, null, false)
await checkoutBranch(repository, 'commit-with-long-description')
const tip = await getTip(repository)
const validBranch = tip as IValidBranch

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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import * as chai from 'chai'
const expect = chai.expect
import { parseURL, IOpenRepositoryAction, IOAuthAction } from '../../src/lib/parse-url'
describe('parseURL', () => {
it('returns unknown by default', () => {
describe('oauth', () => {
it('returns right name', () => {
const expectedArgs = {
'code': '18142422',
const result = parseURL('x-github-client://oauth?code=18142422&state=e4cd2dea-1567-46aa-8eb2-c7f56e943187')
const openRepo = result as IOAuthAction
describe('openRepo', () => {
it('returns right name', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/desktop/desktop')
const openRepo = result as IOpenRepositoryAction
it('returns unknown when no remote defined', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/')
it('adds branch name if set', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/desktop/desktop?branch=cancel-2fa-flow')
const openRepo = result as IOpenRepositoryAction
it('adds pull request ID if found', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net?branch=pr%2F1569&pr=1569')
const openRepo = result as IOpenRepositoryAction
it('returns unknown for unexpected pull request input', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net?branch=bar&pr=foo')
it('returns unknown for invalid branch name', () => {
// branch=<>
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net?branch=%3C%3E')
it('adds file path if found', () => {
const result = parseURL('github-mac://openRepo/https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net?branch=master&filepath=Octokit.Reactive%2FOctokit.Reactive.csproj')
const openRepo = result as IOpenRepositoryAction

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import * as chai from 'chai'
const expect = chai.expect
import { sanitizedBranchName } from '../../src/ui/create-branch/sanitized-branch-name'
import { sanitizedBranchName } from '../../src/lib/sanitize-branch'
describe('sanitizedBranchName', () => {
it('leaves a good branch name alone', () => {

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
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