/* * This file is part of gitg * * Copyright (C) 2013 - Jesse van den Kieboom * * gitg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * gitg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with gitg. If not, see . */ public class Gitg.DiffStat : Gtk.DrawingArea { private uint d_added; private uint d_removed; private Pango.Layout d_layout; public uint added { get { return d_added; } set { d_added = value; make_layout(); } } public uint removed { get { return d_removed; } set { d_removed = value; make_layout(); } } static construct { install_style_property(new ParamSpecInt("bar-height", "bar height", "bar height", 0, int.MAX, 5, ParamFlags.READWRITE | ParamFlags.STATIC_STRINGS)); } construct { make_layout(); var css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); var fb = @" GitgDiffStat { border: 1px inset shade(@borders, 1.2); border-radius: 5px; background-color: shade(@theme_bg_color, 1.2); -GitgDiffStat-bar-height: 5px; } GitgDiffStat.no-frame { border: 0; border-radius: 0; background-color: inherit; } GitgDiffStat added, GitgDiffStat removed, GitgDiffStat.no-frame added, GitgDiffStat.no-frame removed { border: 0; } GitgDiffStat added, GitgDiffStat.no-frame added { background-color: #33cc33; border-radius: 3px 0px 0px 3px; } GitgDiffStat added:dir(rtl), GitgDiffStat.no-frame added:dir(rtl) { border-radius: 0px 3px 3px 0px; } GitgDiffStat removed, GitgDiffStat.no-frame removed { background-color: #cc3333; border-radius: 0px 3px 3px 0px; } GitgDiffStat removed:dir(rtl), GitgDiffStat.no-frame removed:dir(rtl) { border-radius: 3px 0px 0px 3px; } GitgDiffStat removed:only-child, GitgDiffStat added:only-child, GitgDiffStat.no-frame removed:only-child, GitgDiffStat.no-frame added:only-child { border-radius: 3px; } "; try { css.load_from_data(fb, fb.length); } catch (Error e) { warning("Failed to load diff-stat style: %s", e.message); } get_style_context().add_provider(css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_FALLBACK); css = new Gtk.CssProvider(); var us = @" GitgDiffStat { padding: 1px 5px 1px 3px; } "; try { css.load_from_data(us, us.length); } catch (Error e) { warning("Failed to load diff-stat style: %s", e.message); } get_style_context().add_provider(css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER); } private void make_layout() { var txt = @"$(added + removed)"; if (d_layout == null) { d_layout = create_pango_layout(txt); } else { d_layout.set_text(txt, txt.length); } queue_resize(); } protected override void style_updated() { base.style_updated(); d_layout = null; make_layout(); } protected override bool draw(Cairo.Context context) { // Draw added/removed bars in center var sctx = get_style_context(); var padding = sctx.get_padding(get_state_flags()); var border = sctx.get_border(get_state_flags()); var h = get_allocated_height(); var w = get_allocated_width(); sctx.render_background(context, 0, 0, w, h); sctx.render_frame(context, 0, 0, w, h); Pango.Rectangle rect; d_layout.get_extents(null, out rect); var rtl = (sctx.get_state() & Gtk.StateFlags.DIR_RTL) != 0; int x; if (!rtl) { x = padding.left + border.left + rect.x / Pango.SCALE; } else { x = w - padding.right - border.right - rect.width / Pango.SCALE; } sctx.render_layout(context, x, (h - rect.height / Pango.SCALE) / 2 + rect.y / Pango.SCALE, d_layout); int hbar; sctx.get_style("bar-height", out hbar); var ybar = (h - hbar) / 2; var wrest = (int)(w - padding.left * 2 - (rect.x + rect.width) / Pango.SCALE - padding.right - border.left - border.right); double afrac = 0; var total = added + removed; if (total != 0) { afrac = added / (double)total; } var wbar = (int)(wrest * afrac); if (!rtl) { x += padding.left + rect.width / Pango.SCALE; } else { x -= padding.right + wbar; } sctx.save(); sctx.add_region("added", Gtk.RegionFlags.FIRST | (removed == 0 ? Gtk.RegionFlags.ONLY : 0)); sctx.render_background(context, x, ybar, wbar, hbar); sctx.restore(); sctx.save(); x += rtl ? (wbar - wrest) : wbar; sctx.add_region("removed", Gtk.RegionFlags.LAST | (added == 0 ? Gtk.RegionFlags.ONLY : 0)); sctx.render_background(context, x, ybar, wrest - wbar, hbar); sctx.restore(); return false; } protected override void get_preferred_height(out int minimum_height, out int natural_height) { var sctx = get_style_context(); var padding = sctx.get_padding(get_state_flags()); var border = sctx.get_border(get_state_flags()); Pango.Rectangle rect; d_layout.get_extents(null, out rect); int h = padding.top + padding.bottom + border.top + border.bottom; int hlbl = (rect.height + rect.y) / Pango.SCALE; int bar_height; sctx.get_style("bar-height", out bar_height); h += int.max(hlbl, bar_height); minimum_height = h; natural_height = h; } protected override void get_preferred_width(out int minimum_width, out int natural_width) { var sctx = get_style_context(); var padding = sctx.get_padding(get_state_flags()); var border = sctx.get_border(get_state_flags()); Pango.Rectangle rect; d_layout.get_extents(out rect, null); var w = padding.left + padding.right + border.left + border.right + (rect.width + rect.x) / Pango.SCALE; minimum_width = w; natural_width = 75; } } // ex:ts=4 noet