class Gitg.DiffViewFileInfo : Object { public Ggit.DiffDelta delta { get; construct set; } public bool from_workdir { get; construct set; } public Repository? repository { get; construct set; } public InputStream? new_file_input_stream { get; set; } public string? new_file_content_type { get; private set; } public DiffViewFileInfo(Repository? repository, Ggit.DiffDelta delta, bool from_workdir) { Object(repository: repository, delta: delta, from_workdir: from_workdir); } public async void query(Cancellable? cancellable) { yield query_content(cancellable); } private async void query_content(Cancellable? cancellable) { var file = delta.get_new_file(); var id = file.get_oid(); var path = file.get_path(); if (repository == null || (id.is_zero() && !from_workdir) || (path == null && from_workdir)) { return; } var workdir = repository.get_workdir(); File location = workdir != null ? workdir.get_child(path) : null; if (!from_workdir) { Ggit.Blob blob; try { blob = repository.lookup(id); } catch (Error e) { return; } uint8[]? raw_content = blob.get_raw_content(); if (TextConv.has_textconv_command(repository, file)) raw_content = TextConv.get_textconv_content_from_raw(repository, file, raw_content); var bytes = new Bytes(raw_content); new_file_input_stream = new GLib.MemoryInputStream.from_bytes(bytes); } else if (location != null) { // Try to read from disk try { if (TextConv.has_textconv_command(repository, file)) { uint8[]? content = null; yield location.load_contents_async(cancellable, out content, null); content = TextConv.get_textconv_content_from_raw(repository, file, content); var bytes = new Bytes(content); new_file_input_stream = new GLib.MemoryInputStream.from_bytes(bytes); } else { new_file_input_stream = yield location.read_async(Priority.DEFAULT, cancellable); } } catch { return; } } var seekable = new_file_input_stream as Seekable; if (seekable != null && seekable.can_seek()) { // Read a little bit of content to guess the type yield guess_content_type(new_file_input_stream, location != null ? location.get_basename() : null, cancellable); try {, SeekType.SET, cancellable); } catch (Error e) { stderr.printf("Failed to seek back to beginning of stream...\n"); new_file_input_stream = null; } } } private async void guess_content_type(InputStream stream, string basename, Cancellable? cancellable) { var buffer = new uint8[4096]; size_t bytes_read = 0; try { yield stream.read_all_async(buffer, Priority.DEFAULT, cancellable, out bytes_read); } catch (Error e) { if (bytes_read <= 0) { return; } } buffer.length = (int)bytes_read; bool uncertain; new_file_content_type = GLib.ContentType.guess(basename, buffer, out uncertain); } }