Matthieu Moy a7271ad1dc git-remote-mediawiki: add credential support
The previous version implemented the possibility to log in a wiki, but
the username and password had to be provided as configuration variables.
We add the possibility to use the Git credential system to prompt
the password.

The support if implemented with generic functions that mimic the C API,
designed to be usable from other contexts in the future (i.e. they may
migrate to if someone is interested).

While we're there, do a bit of refactoring in mw_connect_maybe.

Based on patch by: Javier Roucher Iglesias <>

Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2012-06-25 11:56:24 -07:00

910 lines
27 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl
# Copyright (C) 2011
# Jérémie Nikaes <>
# Arnaud Lacurie <>
# Claire Fousse <>
# David Amouyal <>
# Matthieu Moy <>
# License: GPL v2 or later
# Gateway between Git and MediaWiki.
# Known limitations:
# - Only wiki pages are managed, no support for [[File:...]]
# attachments.
# - Poor performance in the best case: it takes forever to check
# whether we're up-to-date (on fetch or push) or to fetch a few
# revisions from a large wiki, because we use exclusively a
# page-based synchronization. We could switch to a wiki-wide
# synchronization when the synchronization involves few revisions
# but the wiki is large.
# - Git renames could be turned into MediaWiki renames (see TODO
# below)
# - login/password support requires the user to write the password
# cleartext in a file (see TODO below).
# - No way to import "one page, and all pages included in it"
# - Multiple remote MediaWikis have not been very well tested.
use strict;
use MediaWiki::API;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use encoding 'utf8';
# use encoding 'utf8' doesn't change STDERROR
# but we're going to output UTF-8 filenames to STDERR
binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
use URI::Escape;
use IPC::Open2;
use warnings;
# Mediawiki filenames can contain forward slashes. This variable decides by which pattern they should be replaced
use constant SLASH_REPLACEMENT => "%2F";
# It's not always possible to delete pages (may require some
# priviledges). Deleted pages are replaced with this content.
use constant DELETED_CONTENT => "[[Category:Deleted]]\n";
# It's not possible to create empty pages. New empty files in Git are
# sent with this content instead.
use constant EMPTY_CONTENT => "<!-- empty page -->\n";
# used to reflect file creation or deletion in diff.
use constant NULL_SHA1 => "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
my $remotename = $ARGV[0];
my $url = $ARGV[1];
# Accept both space-separated and multiple keys in config file.
# Spaces should be written as _ anyway because we'll use chomp.
my @tracked_pages = split(/[ \n]/, run_git("config --get-all remote.". $remotename .".pages"));
# Just like @tracked_pages, but for MediaWiki categories.
my @tracked_categories = split(/[ \n]/, run_git("config --get-all remote.". $remotename .".categories"));
my $wiki_login = run_git("config --get remote.". $remotename .".mwLogin");
# TODO: ideally, this should be able to read from keyboard, but we're
# inside a remote helper, so our stdin is connect to git, not to a
# terminal.
my $wiki_passwd = run_git("config --get remote.". $remotename .".mwPassword");
my $wiki_domain = run_git("config --get remote.". $remotename .".mwDomain");
# Import only last revisions (both for clone and fetch)
my $shallow_import = run_git("config --get --bool remote.". $remotename .".shallow");
$shallow_import = ($shallow_import eq "true");
# Dumb push: don't update notes and mediawiki ref to reflect the last push.
# Configurable with mediawiki.dumbPush, or per-remote with
# remote.<remotename>.dumbPush.
# This means the user will have to re-import the just-pushed
# revisions. On the other hand, this means that the Git revisions
# corresponding to MediaWiki revisions are all imported from the wiki,
# regardless of whether they were initially created in Git or from the
# web interface, hence all users will get the same history (i.e. if
# the push from Git to MediaWiki loses some information, everybody
# will get the history with information lost). If the import is
# deterministic, this means everybody gets the same sha1 for each
# MediaWiki revision.
my $dumb_push = run_git("config --get --bool remote.$remotename.dumbPush");
unless ($dumb_push) {
$dumb_push = run_git("config --get --bool mediawiki.dumbPush");
$dumb_push = ($dumb_push eq "true");
my $wiki_name = $url;
$wiki_name =~ s/[^\/]*:\/\///;
# If URL is like, we clearly don't
# want the password in $wiki_name. While we're there, also remove user
# and '@' sign, to avoid author like
$wiki_name =~ s/^.*@//;
# Commands parser
my $entry;
my @cmd;
while (<STDIN>) {
@cmd = split(/ /);
if (defined($cmd[0])) {
# Line not blank
if ($cmd[0] eq "capabilities") {
die("Too many arguments for capabilities") unless (!defined($cmd[1]));
} elsif ($cmd[0] eq "list") {
die("Too many arguments for list") unless (!defined($cmd[2]));
} elsif ($cmd[0] eq "import") {
die("Invalid arguments for import") unless ($cmd[1] ne "" && !defined($cmd[2]));
} elsif ($cmd[0] eq "option") {
die("Too many arguments for option") unless ($cmd[1] ne "" && $cmd[2] ne "" && !defined($cmd[3]));
} elsif ($cmd[0] eq "push") {
} else {
print STDERR "Unknown command. Aborting...\n";
} else {
# blank line: we should terminate
BEGIN { $| = 1 } # flush STDOUT, to make sure the previous
# command is fully processed.
########################## Functions ##############################
## credential API management (generic functions)
sub credential_from_url {
my $url = shift;
my $parsed = URI->new($url);
my %credential;
if ($parsed->scheme) {
$credential{protocol} = $parsed->scheme;
if ($parsed->host) {
$credential{host} = $parsed->host;
if ($parsed->path) {
$credential{path} = $parsed->path;
if ($parsed->userinfo) {
if ($parsed->userinfo =~ /([^:]*):(.*)/) {
$credential{username} = $1;
$credential{password} = $2;
} else {
$credential{username} = $parsed->userinfo;
return %credential;
sub credential_read {
my %credential;
my $reader = shift;
my $op = shift;
while (<$reader>) {
my ($key, $value) = /([^=]*)=(.*)/;
if (not defined $key) {
die "ERROR receiving response from git credential $op:\n$_\n";
$credential{$key} = $value;
return %credential;
sub credential_write {
my $credential = shift;
my $writer = shift;
while (my ($key, $value) = each(%$credential) ) {
if ($value) {
print $writer "$key=$value\n";
sub credential_run {
my $op = shift;
my $credential = shift;
my $pid = open2(my $reader, my $writer, "git credential $op");
credential_write($credential, $writer);
print $writer "\n";
if ($op eq "fill") {
%$credential = credential_read($reader, $op);
} else {
if (<$reader>) {
die "ERROR while running git credential $op:\n$_";
waitpid($pid, 0);
my $child_exit_status = $? >> 8;
if ($child_exit_status != 0) {
die "'git credential $op' failed with code $child_exit_status.";
# MediaWiki API instance, created lazily.
my $mediawiki;
sub mw_connect_maybe {
if ($mediawiki) {
$mediawiki = MediaWiki::API->new;
$mediawiki->{config}->{api_url} = "$url/api.php";
if ($wiki_login) {
my %credential = credential_from_url($url);
$credential{username} = $wiki_login;
$credential{password} = $wiki_passwd;
credential_run("fill", \%credential);
my $request = {lgname => $credential{username},
lgpassword => $credential{password},
lgdomain => $wiki_domain};
if ($mediawiki->login($request)) {
credential_run("approve", \%credential);
print STDERR "Logged in mediawiki user \"$credential{username}\".\n";
} else {
print STDERR "Failed to log in mediawiki user \"$credential{username}\" on $url\n";
print STDERR " (error " .
$mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' .
$mediawiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n";
credential_run("reject", \%credential);
exit 1;
sub get_mw_first_pages {
my $some_pages = shift;
my @some_pages = @{$some_pages};
my $pages = shift;
# pattern 'page1|page2|...' required by the API
my $titles = join('|', @some_pages);
my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->api({
action => 'query',
titles => $titles,
if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
print STDERR "fatal: could not query the list of wiki pages.\n";
print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
exit 1;
while (my ($id, $page) = each(%{$mw_pages->{query}->{pages}})) {
if ($id < 0) {
print STDERR "Warning: page $page->{title} not found on wiki\n";
} else {
$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
sub get_mw_pages {
my %pages; # hash on page titles to avoid duplicates
my $user_defined;
if (@tracked_pages) {
$user_defined = 1;
# The user provided a list of pages titles, but we
# still need to query the API to get the page IDs.
my @some_pages = @tracked_pages;
while (@some_pages) {
my $last = 50;
if ($#some_pages < $last) {
$last = $#some_pages;
my @slice = @some_pages[0..$last];
get_mw_first_pages(\@slice, \%pages);
@some_pages = @some_pages[51..$#some_pages];
if (@tracked_categories) {
$user_defined = 1;
foreach my $category (@tracked_categories) {
if (index($category, ':') < 0) {
# Mediawiki requires the Category
# prefix, but let's not force the user
# to specify it.
$category = "Category:" . $category;
my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list( {
action => 'query',
list => 'categorymembers',
cmtitle => $category,
cmlimit => 'max' } )
|| die $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details};
foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
$pages{$page->{title}} = $page;
if (!$user_defined) {
# No user-provided list, get the list of pages from
# the API.
my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list({
action => 'query',
list => 'allpages',
aplimit => 500,
if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
print STDERR "fatal: could not get the list of wiki pages.\n";
print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
exit 1;
foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
$pages{$page->{title}} = $page;
return values(%pages);
sub run_git {
open(my $git, "-|:encoding(UTF-8)", "git " . $_[0]);
my $res = do { local $/; <$git> };
return $res;
sub get_last_local_revision {
# Get note regarding last mediawiki revision
my $note = run_git("notes --ref=$remotename/mediawiki show refs/mediawiki/$remotename/master 2>/dev/null");
my @note_info = split(/ /, $note);
my $lastrevision_number;
if (!(defined($note_info[0]) && $note_info[0] eq "mediawiki_revision:")) {
print STDERR "No previous mediawiki revision found";
$lastrevision_number = 0;
} else {
# Notes are formatted : mediawiki_revision: #number
$lastrevision_number = $note_info[1];
print STDERR "Last local mediawiki revision found is $lastrevision_number";
return $lastrevision_number;
# Remember the timestamp corresponding to a revision id.
my %basetimestamps;
sub get_last_remote_revision {
my @pages = get_mw_pages();
my $max_rev_num = 0;
foreach my $page (@pages) {
my $id = $page->{pageid};
my $query = {
action => 'query',
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'ids|timestamp',
pageids => $id,
my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
my $lastrev = pop(@{$result->{query}->{pages}->{$id}->{revisions}});
$basetimestamps{$lastrev->{revid}} = $lastrev->{timestamp};
$max_rev_num = ($lastrev->{revid} > $max_rev_num ? $lastrev->{revid} : $max_rev_num);
print STDERR "Last remote revision found is $max_rev_num.\n";
return $max_rev_num;
# Clean content before sending it to MediaWiki
sub mediawiki_clean {
my $string = shift;
my $page_created = shift;
# Mediawiki does not allow blank space at the end of a page and ends with a single \n.
# This function right trims a string and adds a \n at the end to follow this rule
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($string eq "" && $page_created) {
# Creating empty pages is forbidden.
$string = EMPTY_CONTENT;
return $string."\n";
# Filter applied on MediaWiki data before adding them to Git
sub mediawiki_smudge {
my $string = shift;
if ($string eq EMPTY_CONTENT) {
$string = "";
# This \n is important. This is due to mediawiki's way to handle end of files.
return $string."\n";
sub mediawiki_clean_filename {
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ s/@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}/\//g;
# [, ], |, {, and } are forbidden by MediaWiki, even URL-encoded.
# Do a variant of URL-encoding, i.e. looks like URL-encoding,
# but with _ added to prevent MediaWiki from thinking this is
# an actual special character.
$filename =~ s/[\[\]\{\}\|]/sprintf("_%%_%x", ord($&))/ge;
# If we use the uri escape before
# we should unescape here, before anything
return $filename;
sub mediawiki_smudge_filename {
my $filename = shift;
$filename =~ s/\//@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}/g;
$filename =~ s/ /_/g;
# Decode forbidden characters encoded in mediawiki_clean_filename
$filename =~ s/_%_([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/sprintf("%c", hex($1))/ge;
return $filename;
sub literal_data {
my ($content) = @_;
print STDOUT "data ", bytes::length($content), "\n", $content;
sub mw_capabilities {
# Revisions are imported to the private namespace
# refs/mediawiki/$remotename/ by the helper and fetched into
# refs/remotes/$remotename later by fetch.
print STDOUT "refspec refs/heads/*:refs/mediawiki/$remotename/*\n";
print STDOUT "import\n";
print STDOUT "list\n";
print STDOUT "push\n";
print STDOUT "\n";
sub mw_list {
# MediaWiki do not have branches, we consider one branch arbitrarily
# called master, and HEAD pointing to it.
print STDOUT "? refs/heads/master\n";
print STDOUT "\@refs/heads/master HEAD\n";
print STDOUT "\n";
sub mw_option {
print STDERR "remote-helper command 'option $_[0]' not yet implemented\n";
print STDOUT "unsupported\n";
sub fetch_mw_revisions_for_page {
my $page = shift;
my $id = shift;
my $fetch_from = shift;
my @page_revs = ();
my $query = {
action => 'query',
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'ids',
rvdir => 'newer',
rvstartid => $fetch_from,
rvlimit => 500,
pageids => $id,
my $revnum = 0;
# Get 500 revisions at a time due to the mediawiki api limit
while (1) {
my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
# Parse each of those 500 revisions
foreach my $revision (@{$result->{query}->{pages}->{$id}->{revisions}}) {
my $page_rev_ids;
$page_rev_ids->{pageid} = $page->{pageid};
$page_rev_ids->{revid} = $revision->{revid};
push(@page_revs, $page_rev_ids);
last unless $result->{'query-continue'};
$query->{rvstartid} = $result->{'query-continue'}->{revisions}->{rvstartid};
if ($shallow_import && @page_revs) {
print STDERR " Found 1 revision (shallow import).\n";
@page_revs = sort {$b->{revid} <=> $a->{revid}} (@page_revs);
return $page_revs[0];
print STDERR " Found ", $revnum, " revision(s).\n";
return @page_revs;
sub fetch_mw_revisions {
my $pages = shift; my @pages = @{$pages};
my $fetch_from = shift;
my @revisions = ();
my $n = 1;
foreach my $page (@pages) {
my $id = $page->{pageid};
print STDERR "page $n/", scalar(@pages), ": ". $page->{title} ."\n";
my @page_revs = fetch_mw_revisions_for_page($page, $id, $fetch_from);
@revisions = (@page_revs, @revisions);
return ($n, @revisions);
sub import_file_revision {
my $commit = shift;
my %commit = %{$commit};
my $full_import = shift;
my $n = shift;
my $title = $commit{title};
my $comment = $commit{comment};
my $content = $commit{content};
my $author = $commit{author};
my $date = $commit{date};
print STDOUT "commit refs/mediawiki/$remotename/master\n";
print STDOUT "mark :$n\n";
print STDOUT "committer $author <$author\@$wiki_name> ", $date->epoch, " +0000\n";
# If it's not a clone, we need to know where to start from
if (!$full_import && $n == 1) {
print STDOUT "from refs/mediawiki/$remotename/master^0\n";
if ($content ne DELETED_CONTENT) {
print STDOUT "M 644 inline $\n";
print STDOUT "\n\n";
} else {
print STDOUT "D $\n";
# mediawiki revision number in the git note
if ($full_import && $n == 1) {
print STDOUT "reset refs/notes/$remotename/mediawiki\n";
print STDOUT "commit refs/notes/$remotename/mediawiki\n";
print STDOUT "committer $author <$author\@$wiki_name> ", $date->epoch, " +0000\n";
literal_data("Note added by git-mediawiki during import");
if (!$full_import && $n == 1) {
print STDOUT "from refs/notes/$remotename/mediawiki^0\n";
print STDOUT "N inline :$n\n";
literal_data("mediawiki_revision: " . $commit{mw_revision});
print STDOUT "\n\n";
# parse a sequence of
# <cmd> <arg1>
# <cmd> <arg2>
# \n
# (like batch sequence of import and sequence of push statements)
sub get_more_refs {
my $cmd = shift;
my @refs;
while (1) {
my $line = <STDIN>;
if ($line =~ m/^$cmd (.*)$/) {
push(@refs, $1);
} elsif ($line eq "\n") {
return @refs;
} else {
die("Invalid command in a '$cmd' batch: ". $_);
sub mw_import {
# multiple import commands can follow each other.
my @refs = (shift, get_more_refs("import"));
foreach my $ref (@refs) {
print STDOUT "done\n";
sub mw_import_ref {
my $ref = shift;
# The remote helper will call "import HEAD" and
# "import refs/heads/master".
# Since HEAD is a symbolic ref to master (by convention,
# followed by the output of the command "list" that we gave),
# we don't need to do anything in this case.
if ($ref eq "HEAD") {
my @pages = get_mw_pages();
print STDERR "Searching revisions...\n";
my $last_local = get_last_local_revision();
my $fetch_from = $last_local + 1;
if ($fetch_from == 1) {
print STDERR ", fetching from beginning.\n";
} else {
print STDERR ", fetching from here.\n";
my ($n, @revisions) = fetch_mw_revisions(\@pages, $fetch_from);
# Creation of the fast-import stream
print STDERR "Fetching & writing export data...\n";
$n = 0;
my $last_timestamp = 0; # Placeholer in case $rev->timestamp is undefined
foreach my $pagerevid (sort {$a->{revid} <=> $b->{revid}} @revisions) {
# fetch the content of the pages
my $query = {
action => 'query',
prop => 'revisions',
rvprop => 'content|timestamp|comment|user|ids',
revids => $pagerevid->{revid},
my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
my $rev = pop(@{$result->{query}->{pages}->{$pagerevid->{pageid}}->{revisions}});
my %commit;
$commit{author} = $rev->{user} || 'Anonymous';
$commit{comment} = $rev->{comment} || '*Empty MediaWiki Message*';
$commit{title} = mediawiki_smudge_filename(
$commit{mw_revision} = $pagerevid->{revid};
$commit{content} = mediawiki_smudge($rev->{'*'});
if (!defined($rev->{timestamp})) {
} else {
$last_timestamp = $rev->{timestamp};
$commit{date} = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($last_timestamp);
print STDERR "$n/", scalar(@revisions), ": Revision #$pagerevid->{revid} of $commit{title}\n";
import_file_revision(\%commit, ($fetch_from == 1), $n);
if ($fetch_from == 1 && $n == 0) {
print STDERR "You appear to have cloned an empty MediaWiki.\n";
# Something has to be done remote-helper side. If nothing is done, an error is
# thrown saying that HEAD is refering to unknown object 0000000000000000000
# and the clone fails.
sub error_non_fast_forward {
my $advice = run_git("config --bool advice.pushNonFastForward");
if ($advice ne "false") {
# Native git-push would show this after the summary.
# We can't ask it to display it cleanly, so print it
# ourselves before.
print STDERR "To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected\n";
print STDERR "Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the\n";
print STDERR "'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details.\n";
print STDOUT "error $_[0] \"non-fast-forward\"\n";
return 0;
sub mw_push_file {
my $diff_info = shift;
# $diff_info contains a string in this format:
# 100644 100644 <sha1_of_blob_before_commit> <sha1_of_blob_now> <status>
my @diff_info_split = split(/[ \t]/, $diff_info);
# Filename, including .mw extension
my $complete_file_name = shift;
# Commit message
my $summary = shift;
# MediaWiki revision number. Keep the previous one by default,
# in case there's no edit to perform.
my $newrevid = shift;
my $new_sha1 = $diff_info_split[3];
my $old_sha1 = $diff_info_split[2];
my $page_created = ($old_sha1 eq NULL_SHA1);
my $page_deleted = ($new_sha1 eq NULL_SHA1);
$complete_file_name = mediawiki_clean_filename($complete_file_name);
if (substr($complete_file_name,-3) eq ".mw") {
my $title = substr($complete_file_name,0,-3);
my $file_content;
if ($page_deleted) {
# Deleting a page usually requires
# special priviledges. A common
# convention is to replace the page
# with this content instead:
$file_content = DELETED_CONTENT;
} else {
$file_content = run_git("cat-file blob $new_sha1");
my $result = $mediawiki->edit( {
action => 'edit',
summary => $summary,
title => $title,
basetimestamp => $basetimestamps{$newrevid},
text => mediawiki_clean($file_content, $page_created),
}, {
skip_encoding => 1 # Helps with names with accentuated characters
if (!$result) {
if ($mediawiki->{error}->{code} == 3) {
# edit conflicts, considered as non-fast-forward
print STDERR 'Warning: Error ' .
$mediawiki->{error}->{code} .
' from mediwiki: ' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details} .
return ($newrevid, "non-fast-forward");
} else {
# Other errors. Shouldn't happen => just die()
die 'Fatal: Error ' .
$mediawiki->{error}->{code} .
' from mediwiki: ' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details};
$newrevid = $result->{edit}->{newrevid};
print STDERR "Pushed file: $new_sha1 - $title\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$complete_file_name not a mediawiki file (Not pushable on this version of git-remote-mediawiki).\n"
return ($newrevid, "ok");
sub mw_push {
# multiple push statements can follow each other
my @refsspecs = (shift, get_more_refs("push"));
my $pushed;
for my $refspec (@refsspecs) {
my ($force, $local, $remote) = $refspec =~ /^(\+)?([^:]*):([^:]*)$/
or die("Invalid refspec for push. Expected <src>:<dst> or +<src>:<dst>");
if ($force) {
print STDERR "Warning: forced push not allowed on a MediaWiki.\n";
if ($local eq "") {
print STDERR "Cannot delete remote branch on a MediaWiki\n";
print STDOUT "error $remote cannot delete\n";
if ($remote ne "refs/heads/master") {
print STDERR "Only push to the branch 'master' is supported on a MediaWiki\n";
print STDOUT "error $remote only master allowed\n";
if (mw_push_revision($local, $remote)) {
$pushed = 1;
# Notify Git that the push is done
print STDOUT "\n";
if ($pushed && $dumb_push) {
print STDERR "Just pushed some revisions to MediaWiki.\n";
print STDERR "The pushed revisions now have to be re-imported, and your current branch\n";
print STDERR "needs to be updated with these re-imported commits. You can do this with\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR " git pull --rebase\n";
print STDERR "\n";
sub mw_push_revision {
my $local = shift;
my $remote = shift; # actually, this has to be "refs/heads/master" at this point.
my $last_local_revid = get_last_local_revision();
print STDERR ".\n"; # Finish sentence started by get_last_local_revision()
my $last_remote_revid = get_last_remote_revision();
my $mw_revision = $last_remote_revid;
# Get sha1 of commit pointed by local HEAD
my $HEAD_sha1 = run_git("rev-parse $local 2>/dev/null"); chomp($HEAD_sha1);
# Get sha1 of commit pointed by remotes/$remotename/master
my $remoteorigin_sha1 = run_git("rev-parse refs/remotes/$remotename/master 2>/dev/null");
if ($last_local_revid > 0 &&
$last_local_revid < $last_remote_revid) {
return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
if ($HEAD_sha1 eq $remoteorigin_sha1) {
# nothing to push
return 0;
# Get every commit in between HEAD and refs/remotes/origin/master,
# including HEAD and refs/remotes/origin/master
my @commit_pairs = ();
if ($last_local_revid > 0) {
my $parsed_sha1 = $remoteorigin_sha1;
# Find a path from last MediaWiki commit to pushed commit
while ($parsed_sha1 ne $HEAD_sha1) {
my @commit_info = grep(/^$parsed_sha1/, split(/\n/, run_git("rev-list --children $local")));
if (!@commit_info) {
return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
my @commit_info_split = split(/ |\n/, $commit_info[0]);
# $commit_info_split[1] is the sha1 of the commit to export
# $commit_info_split[0] is the sha1 of its direct child
push(@commit_pairs, \@commit_info_split);
$parsed_sha1 = $commit_info_split[1];
} else {
# No remote mediawiki revision. Export the whole
# history (linearized with --first-parent)
print STDERR "Warning: no common ancestor, pushing complete history\n";
my $history = run_git("rev-list --first-parent --children $local");
my @history = split('\n', $history);
@history = @history[1..$#history];
foreach my $line (reverse @history) {
my @commit_info_split = split(/ |\n/, $line);
push(@commit_pairs, \@commit_info_split);
foreach my $commit_info_split (@commit_pairs) {
my $sha1_child = @{$commit_info_split}[0];
my $sha1_commit = @{$commit_info_split}[1];
my $diff_infos = run_git("diff-tree -r --raw -z $sha1_child $sha1_commit");
# TODO: we could detect rename, and encode them with a #redirect on the wiki.
# TODO: for now, it's just a delete+add
my @diff_info_list = split(/\0/, $diff_infos);
# Keep the first line of the commit message as mediawiki comment for the revision
my $commit_msg = (split(/\n/, run_git("show --pretty=format:\"%s\" $sha1_commit")))[0];
# Push every blob
while (@diff_info_list) {
my $status;
# git diff-tree -z gives an output like
# <metadata>\0<filename1>\0
# <metadata>\0<filename2>\0
# and we've split on \0.
my $info = shift(@diff_info_list);
my $file = shift(@diff_info_list);
($mw_revision, $status) = mw_push_file($info, $file, $commit_msg, $mw_revision);
if ($status eq "non-fast-forward") {
# we may already have sent part of the
# commit to MediaWiki, but it's too
# late to cancel it. Stop the push in
# the middle, but still give an
# accurate error message.
return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
if ($status ne "ok") {
die("Unknown error from mw_push_file()");
unless ($dumb_push) {
run_git("notes --ref=$remotename/mediawiki add -m \"mediawiki_revision: $mw_revision\" $sha1_commit");
run_git("update-ref -m \"Git-MediaWiki push\" refs/mediawiki/$remotename/master $sha1_commit $sha1_child");
print STDOUT "ok $remote\n";
return 1;