#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2002,2005 Greg Kroah-Hartman # Copyright 2005 Ryan Anderson # # GPL v2 (See COPYING) # # Ported to support git "mbox" format files by Ryan Anderson # # Sends a collection of emails to the given email addresses, disturbingly fast. # # Supports two formats: # 1. mbox format files (ignoring most headers and MIME formatting - this is designed for sending patches) # 2. The original format support by Greg's script: # first line of the message is who to CC, # and second line is the subject of the message. # use 5.008; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw/strftime/; use Term::ReadLine; use Getopt::Long; use Text::ParseWords; use Term::ANSIColor; use File::Temp qw/ tempdir tempfile /; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile); use Git::LoadCPAN::Error qw(:try); use Cwd qw(abs_path cwd); use Git; use Git::I18N; use Net::Domain (); use Net::SMTP (); use Git::LoadCPAN::Mail::Address; Getopt::Long::Configure qw/ pass_through /; package FakeTerm; sub new { my ($class, $reason) = @_; return bless \$reason, shift; } sub readline { my $self = shift; die "Cannot use readline on FakeTerm: $$self"; } package main; sub usage { print < git send-email --dump-aliases Composing: --from * Email From: --[no-]to * Email To: --[no-]cc * Email Cc: --[no-]bcc * Email Bcc: --subject * Email "Subject:" --reply-to * Email "Reply-To:" --in-reply-to * Email "In-Reply-To:" --[no-]xmailer * Add "X-Mailer:" header (default). --[no-]annotate * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor. --compose * Open an editor for introduction. --compose-encoding * Encoding to assume for introduction. --8bit-encoding * Encoding to assume 8bit mails if undeclared --transfer-encoding * Transfer encoding to use (quoted-printable, 8bit, base64) Sending: --envelope-sender * Email envelope sender. --smtp-server * Outgoing SMTP server to use. The port is optional. Default 'localhost'. --smtp-server-option * Outgoing SMTP server option to use. --smtp-server-port * Outgoing SMTP server port. --smtp-user * Username for SMTP-AUTH. --smtp-pass * Password for SMTP-AUTH; not necessary. --smtp-encryption * tls or ssl; anything else disables. --smtp-ssl * Deprecated. Use '--smtp-encryption ssl'. --smtp-ssl-cert-path * Path to ca-certificates (either directory or file). Pass an empty string to disable certificate verification. --smtp-domain * The domain name sent to HELO/EHLO handshake --smtp-auth * Space-separated list of allowed AUTH mechanisms, or "none" to disable authentication. This setting forces to use one of the listed mechanisms. --no-smtp-auth Disable SMTP authentication. Shorthand for `--smtp-auth=none` --smtp-debug <0|1> * Disable, enable Net::SMTP debug. --batch-size * send max message per connection. --relogin-delay * delay seconds between two successive login. This option can only be used with --batch-size Automating: --identity * Use the sendemail. options. --to-cmd * Email To: via ` \$patch_path` --cc-cmd * Email Cc: via ` \$patch_path` --suppress-cc * author, self, sob, cc, cccmd, body, bodycc, misc-by, all. --[no-]cc-cover * Email Cc: addresses in the cover letter. --[no-]to-cover * Email To: addresses in the cover letter. --[no-]signed-off-by-cc * Send to Signed-off-by: addresses. Default on. --[no-]suppress-from * Send to self. Default off. --[no-]chain-reply-to * Chain In-Reply-To: fields. Default off. --[no-]thread * Use In-Reply-To: field. Default on. Administering: --confirm * Confirm recipients before sending; auto, cc, compose, always, or never. --quiet * Output one line of info per email. --dry-run * Don't actually send the emails. --[no-]validate * Perform patch sanity checks. Default on. --[no-]format-patch * understand any non optional arguments as `git format-patch` ones. --force * Send even if safety checks would prevent it. Information: --dump-aliases * Dump configured aliases and exit. EOT exit(1); } sub completion_helper { print Git::command('format-patch', '--git-completion-helper'); exit(0); } # most mail servers generate the Date: header, but not all... sub format_2822_time { my ($time) = @_; my @localtm = localtime($time); my @gmttm = gmtime($time); my $localmin = $localtm[1] + $localtm[2] * 60; my $gmtmin = $gmttm[1] + $gmttm[2] * 60; if ($localtm[0] != $gmttm[0]) { die __("local zone differs from GMT by a non-minute interval\n"); } if ((($gmttm[6] + 1) % 7) == $localtm[6]) { $localmin += 1440; } elsif ((($gmttm[6] - 1) % 7) == $localtm[6]) { $localmin -= 1440; } elsif ($gmttm[6] != $localtm[6]) { die __("local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"); } my $offset = $localmin - $gmtmin; my $offhour = $offset / 60; my $offmin = abs($offset % 60); if (abs($offhour) >= 24) { die __("local time offset greater than or equal to 24 hours\n"); } return sprintf("%s, %2d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %s%02d%02d", qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)[$localtm[6]], $localtm[3], qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)[$localtm[4]], $localtm[5]+1900, $localtm[2], $localtm[1], $localtm[0], ($offset >= 0) ? '+' : '-', abs($offhour), $offmin, ); } my $have_email_valid = eval { require Email::Valid; 1 }; my $smtp; my $auth; my $num_sent = 0; # Regexes for RFC 2047 productions. my $re_token = qr/[^][()<>@,;:\\"\/?.= \000-\037\177-\377]+/; my $re_encoded_text = qr/[^? \000-\037\177-\377]+/; my $re_encoded_word = qr/=\?($re_token)\?($re_token)\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/; # Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting: my (@to,@cc,@xh,$envelope_sender, $initial_in_reply_to,$reply_to,$initial_subject,@files, $author,$sender,$smtp_authpass,$annotate,$compose,$time); # Things we either get from config, *or* are overridden on the # command-line. my ($no_cc, $no_to, $no_bcc, $no_identity); my (@config_to, @getopt_to); my (@config_cc, @getopt_cc); my (@config_bcc, @getopt_bcc); # Example reply to: #$initial_in_reply_to = ''; #<20050203173208.GA23964@foobar.com>'; my $repo = eval { Git->repository() }; my @repo = $repo ? ($repo) : (); my $term = eval { $ENV{"GIT_SEND_EMAIL_NOTTY"} ? new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email', \*STDIN, \*STDOUT : new Term::ReadLine 'git-send-email'; }; if ($@) { $term = new FakeTerm "$@: going non-interactive"; } # Behavior modification variables my ($quiet, $dry_run) = (0, 0); my $format_patch; my $compose_filename; my $force = 0; my $dump_aliases = 0; # Handle interactive edition of files. my $multiedit; my $editor; sub do_edit { if (!defined($editor)) { $editor = Git::command_oneline('var', 'GIT_EDITOR'); } if (defined($multiedit) && !$multiedit) { map { system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, $_); if (($? & 127) || ($? >> 8)) { die(__("the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything")); } } @_; } else { system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, @_); if (($? & 127) || ($? >> 8)) { die(__("the editor exited uncleanly, aborting everything")); } } } # Variables with corresponding config settings my ($suppress_from, $signed_off_by_cc); my ($cover_cc, $cover_to); my ($to_cmd, $cc_cmd); my ($smtp_server, $smtp_server_port, @smtp_server_options); my ($smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption, $smtp_ssl_cert_path); my ($batch_size, $relogin_delay); my ($identity, $aliasfiletype, @alias_files, $smtp_domain, $smtp_auth); my ($confirm); my (@suppress_cc); my ($auto_8bit_encoding); my ($compose_encoding); # Variables with corresponding config settings & hardcoded defaults my ($debug_net_smtp) = 0; # Net::SMTP, see send_message() my $thread = 1; my $chain_reply_to = 0; my $use_xmailer = 1; my $validate = 1; my $target_xfer_encoding = 'auto'; my $forbid_sendmail_variables = 1; my %config_bool_settings = ( "thread" => \$thread, "chainreplyto" => \$chain_reply_to, "suppressfrom" => \$suppress_from, "signedoffbycc" => \$signed_off_by_cc, "cccover" => \$cover_cc, "tocover" => \$cover_to, "signedoffcc" => \$signed_off_by_cc, "validate" => \$validate, "multiedit" => \$multiedit, "annotate" => \$annotate, "xmailer" => \$use_xmailer, "forbidsendmailvariables" => \$forbid_sendmail_variables, ); my %config_settings = ( "smtpserver" => \$smtp_server, "smtpserverport" => \$smtp_server_port, "smtpserveroption" => \@smtp_server_options, "smtpuser" => \$smtp_authuser, "smtppass" => \$smtp_authpass, "smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain, "smtpauth" => \$smtp_auth, "smtpbatchsize" => \$batch_size, "smtprelogindelay" => \$relogin_delay, "to" => \@config_to, "tocmd" => \$to_cmd, "cc" => \@config_cc, "cccmd" => \$cc_cmd, "aliasfiletype" => \$aliasfiletype, "bcc" => \@config_bcc, "suppresscc" => \@suppress_cc, "envelopesender" => \$envelope_sender, "confirm" => \$confirm, "from" => \$sender, "assume8bitencoding" => \$auto_8bit_encoding, "composeencoding" => \$compose_encoding, "transferencoding" => \$target_xfer_encoding, ); my %config_path_settings = ( "aliasesfile" => \@alias_files, "smtpsslcertpath" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path, ); # Handle Uncouth Termination sub signal_handler { # Make text normal print color("reset"), "\n"; # SMTP password masked system "stty echo"; # tmp files from --compose if (defined $compose_filename) { if (-e $compose_filename) { printf __("'%s' contains an intermediate version ". "of the email you were composing.\n"), $compose_filename; } if (-e ($compose_filename . ".final")) { printf __("'%s.final' contains the composed email.\n"), $compose_filename; } } exit; }; $SIG{TERM} = \&signal_handler; $SIG{INT} = \&signal_handler; # Read our sendemail.* config sub read_config { my ($configured, $prefix) = @_; foreach my $setting (keys %config_bool_settings) { my $target = $config_bool_settings{$setting}; my $v = Git::config_bool(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); next unless defined $v; next if $configured->{$setting}++; $$target = $v; } foreach my $setting (keys %config_path_settings) { my $target = $config_path_settings{$setting}; if (ref($target) eq "ARRAY") { my @values = Git::config_path(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); next unless @values; next if $configured->{$setting}++; @$target = @values; } else { my $v = Git::config_path(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); next unless defined $v; next if $configured->{$setting}++; $$target = $v; } } foreach my $setting (keys %config_settings) { my $target = $config_settings{$setting}; if (ref($target) eq "ARRAY") { my @values = Git::config(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); next unless @values; next if $configured->{$setting}++; @$target = @values; } else { my $v = Git::config(@repo, "$prefix.$setting"); next unless defined $v; next if $configured->{$setting}++; $$target = $v; } } if (!defined $smtp_encryption) { my $setting = "$prefix.smtpencryption"; my $enc = Git::config(@repo, $setting); return unless defined $enc; return if $configured->{$setting}++; if (defined $enc) { $smtp_encryption = $enc; } elsif (Git::config_bool(@repo, "$prefix.smtpssl")) { $smtp_encryption = 'ssl'; } } } # sendemail.identity yields to --identity. We must parse this # special-case first before the rest of the config is read. $identity = Git::config(@repo, "sendemail.identity"); my $rc = GetOptions( "identity=s" => \$identity, "no-identity" => \$no_identity, ); usage() unless $rc; undef $identity if $no_identity; # Now we know enough to read the config { my %configured; read_config(\%configured, "sendemail.$identity") if defined $identity; read_config(\%configured, "sendemail"); } # Begin by accumulating all the variables (defined above), that we will end up # needing, first, from the command line: my $help; my $git_completion_helper; $rc = GetOptions("h" => \$help, "dump-aliases" => \$dump_aliases); usage() unless $rc; die __("--dump-aliases incompatible with other options\n") if !$help and $dump_aliases and @ARGV; $rc = GetOptions( "sender|from=s" => \$sender, "in-reply-to=s" => \$initial_in_reply_to, "reply-to=s" => \$reply_to, "subject=s" => \$initial_subject, "to=s" => \@getopt_to, "to-cmd=s" => \$to_cmd, "no-to" => \$no_to, "cc=s" => \@getopt_cc, "no-cc" => \$no_cc, "bcc=s" => \@getopt_bcc, "no-bcc" => \$no_bcc, "chain-reply-to!" => \$chain_reply_to, "no-chain-reply-to" => sub {$chain_reply_to = 0}, "smtp-server=s" => \$smtp_server, "smtp-server-option=s" => \@smtp_server_options, "smtp-server-port=s" => \$smtp_server_port, "smtp-user=s" => \$smtp_authuser, "smtp-pass:s" => \$smtp_authpass, "smtp-ssl" => sub { $smtp_encryption = 'ssl' }, "smtp-encryption=s" => \$smtp_encryption, "smtp-ssl-cert-path=s" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path, "smtp-debug:i" => \$debug_net_smtp, "smtp-domain:s" => \$smtp_domain, "smtp-auth=s" => \$smtp_auth, "no-smtp-auth" => sub {$smtp_auth = 'none'}, "annotate!" => \$annotate, "no-annotate" => sub {$annotate = 0}, "compose" => \$compose, "quiet" => \$quiet, "cc-cmd=s" => \$cc_cmd, "suppress-from!" => \$suppress_from, "no-suppress-from" => sub {$suppress_from = 0}, "suppress-cc=s" => \@suppress_cc, "signed-off-cc|signed-off-by-cc!" => \$signed_off_by_cc, "no-signed-off-cc|no-signed-off-by-cc" => sub {$signed_off_by_cc = 0}, "cc-cover|cc-cover!" => \$cover_cc, "no-cc-cover" => sub {$cover_cc = 0}, "to-cover|to-cover!" => \$cover_to, "no-to-cover" => sub {$cover_to = 0}, "confirm=s" => \$confirm, "dry-run" => \$dry_run, "envelope-sender=s" => \$envelope_sender, "thread!" => \$thread, "no-thread" => sub {$thread = 0}, "validate!" => \$validate, "no-validate" => sub {$validate = 0}, "transfer-encoding=s" => \$target_xfer_encoding, "format-patch!" => \$format_patch, "no-format-patch" => sub {$format_patch = 0}, "8bit-encoding=s" => \$auto_8bit_encoding, "compose-encoding=s" => \$compose_encoding, "force" => \$force, "xmailer!" => \$use_xmailer, "no-xmailer" => sub {$use_xmailer = 0}, "batch-size=i" => \$batch_size, "relogin-delay=i" => \$relogin_delay, "git-completion-helper" => \$git_completion_helper, ); # Munge any "either config or getopt, not both" variables my @initial_to = @getopt_to ? @getopt_to : ($no_to ? () : @config_to); my @initial_cc = @getopt_cc ? @getopt_cc : ($no_cc ? () : @config_cc); my @initial_bcc = @getopt_bcc ? @getopt_bcc : ($no_bcc ? () : @config_bcc); usage() if $help; completion_helper() if $git_completion_helper; unless ($rc) { usage(); } if ($forbid_sendmail_variables && (scalar Git::config_regexp("^sendmail[.]")) != 0) { die __("fatal: found configuration options for 'sendmail'\n" . "git-send-email is configured with the sendemail.* options - note the 'e'.\n" . "Set sendemail.forbidSendmailVariables to false to disable this check.\n"); } die __("Cannot run git format-patch from outside a repository\n") if $format_patch and not $repo; die __("`batch-size` and `relogin` must be specified together " . "(via command-line or configuration option)\n") if defined $relogin_delay and not defined $batch_size; # 'default' encryption is none -- this only prevents a warning $smtp_encryption = '' unless (defined $smtp_encryption); # Set CC suppressions my(%suppress_cc); if (@suppress_cc) { foreach my $entry (@suppress_cc) { # Please update $__git_send_email_suppresscc_options # in git-completion.bash when you add new options. die sprintf(__("Unknown --suppress-cc field: '%s'\n"), $entry) unless $entry =~ /^(?:all|cccmd|cc|author|self|sob|body|bodycc|misc-by)$/; $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; } } if ($suppress_cc{'all'}) { foreach my $entry (qw (cccmd cc author self sob body bodycc misc-by)) { $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; } delete $suppress_cc{'all'}; } # If explicit old-style ones are specified, they trump --suppress-cc. $suppress_cc{'self'} = $suppress_from if defined $suppress_from; $suppress_cc{'sob'} = !$signed_off_by_cc if defined $signed_off_by_cc; if ($suppress_cc{'body'}) { foreach my $entry (qw (sob bodycc misc-by)) { $suppress_cc{$entry} = 1; } delete $suppress_cc{'body'}; } # Set confirm's default value my $confirm_unconfigured = !defined $confirm; if ($confirm_unconfigured) { $confirm = scalar %suppress_cc ? 'compose' : 'auto'; }; # Please update $__git_send_email_confirm_options in # git-completion.bash when you add new options. die sprintf(__("Unknown --confirm setting: '%s'\n"), $confirm) unless $confirm =~ /^(?:auto|cc|compose|always|never)/; # Debugging, print out the suppressions. if (0) { print "suppressions:\n"; foreach my $entry (keys %suppress_cc) { printf " %-5s -> $suppress_cc{$entry}\n", $entry; } } my ($repoauthor, $repocommitter); ($repoauthor) = Git::ident_person(@repo, 'author'); ($repocommitter) = Git::ident_person(@repo, 'committer'); sub parse_address_line { return map { $_->format } Mail::Address->parse($_[0]); } sub split_addrs { return quotewords('\s*,\s*', 1, @_); } my %aliases; sub parse_sendmail_alias { local $_ = shift; if (/"/) { printf STDERR __("warning: sendmail alias with quotes is not supported: %s\n"), $_; } elsif (/:include:/) { printf STDERR __("warning: `:include:` not supported: %s\n"), $_; } elsif (/[\/|]/) { printf STDERR __("warning: `/file` or `|pipe` redirection not supported: %s\n"), $_; } elsif (/^(\S+?)\s*:\s*(.+)$/) { my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2); $aliases{$alias} = [ split_addrs($addr) ]; } else { printf STDERR __("warning: sendmail line is not recognized: %s\n"), $_; } } sub parse_sendmail_aliases { my $fh = shift; my $s = ''; while (<$fh>) { chomp; next if /^\s*$/ || /^\s*#/; $s .= $_, next if $s =~ s/\\$// || s/^\s+//; parse_sendmail_alias($s) if $s; $s = $_; } $s =~ s/\\$//; # silently tolerate stray '\' on last line parse_sendmail_alias($s) if $s; } my %parse_alias = ( # multiline formats can be supported in the future mutt => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { if (/^\s*alias\s+(?:-group\s+\S+\s+)*(\S+)\s+(.*)$/) { my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2); $addr =~ s/#.*$//; # mutt allows # comments # commas delimit multiple addresses my @addr = split_addrs($addr); # quotes may be escaped in the file, # unescape them so we do not double-escape them later. s/\\"/"/g foreach @addr; $aliases{$alias} = \@addr }}}, mailrc => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { if (/^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) { # spaces delimit multiple addresses $aliases{$1} = [ quotewords('\s+', 0, $2) ]; }}}, pine => sub { my $fh = shift; my $f='\t[^\t]*'; for (my $x = ''; defined($x); $x = $_) { chomp $x; $x .= $1 while(defined($_ = <$fh>) && /^ +(.*)$/); $x =~ /^(\S+)$f\t\(?([^\t]+?)\)?(:?$f){0,2}$/ or next; $aliases{$1} = [ split_addrs($2) ]; }}, elm => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { if (/^(\S+)\s+=\s+[^=]+=\s(\S+)/) { my ($alias, $addr) = ($1, $2); $aliases{$alias} = [ split_addrs($addr) ]; } } }, sendmail => \&parse_sendmail_aliases, gnus => sub { my $fh = shift; while (<$fh>) { if (/\(define-mail-alias\s+"(\S+?)"\s+"(\S+?)"\)/) { $aliases{$1} = [ $2 ]; }}} # Please update _git_config() in git-completion.bash when you # add new MUAs. ); if (@alias_files and $aliasfiletype and defined $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}) { foreach my $file (@alias_files) { open my $fh, '<', $file or die "opening $file: $!\n"; $parse_alias{$aliasfiletype}->($fh); close $fh; } } if ($dump_aliases) { print "$_\n" for (sort keys %aliases); exit(0); } # is_format_patch_arg($f) returns 0 if $f names a patch, or 1 if # $f is a revision list specification to be passed to format-patch. sub is_format_patch_arg { return unless $repo; my $f = shift; try { $repo->command('rev-parse', '--verify', '--quiet', $f); if (defined($format_patch)) { return $format_patch; } die sprintf(__ <command('format-patch', '-o', tempdir(CLEANUP => 1), @rev_list_opts); } @files = handle_backup_files(@files); if ($validate) { foreach my $f (@files) { unless (-p $f) { my $error = validate_patch($f, $target_xfer_encoding); $error and die sprintf(__("fatal: %s: %s\nwarning: no patches were sent\n"), $f, $error); } } } if (@files) { unless ($quiet) { print $_,"\n" for (@files); } } else { print STDERR __("\nNo patch files specified!\n\n"); usage(); } sub get_patch_subject { my $fn = shift; open (my $fh, '<', $fn); while (my $line = <$fh>) { next unless ($line =~ /^Subject: (.*)$/); close $fh; return "GIT: $1\n"; } close $fh; die sprintf(__("No subject line in %s?"), $fn); } if ($compose) { # Note that this does not need to be secure, but we will make a small # effort to have it be unique $compose_filename = ($repo ? tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX", DIR => $repo->repo_path()) : tempfile(".gitsendemail.msg.XXXXXX", DIR => "."))[1]; open my $c, ">", $compose_filename or die sprintf(__("Failed to open for writing %s: %s"), $compose_filename, $!); my $tpl_sender = $sender || $repoauthor || $repocommitter || ''; my $tpl_subject = $initial_subject || ''; my $tpl_in_reply_to = $initial_in_reply_to || ''; my $tpl_reply_to = $reply_to || ''; print $c <) { next if $line =~ m/^GIT:/; parse_header_line($line, \%parsed_email); if ($line =~ /^$/) { $parsed_email{'body'} = filter_body($c); } } close $c; open my $c2, ">", $compose_filename . ".final" or die sprintf(__("Failed to open %s.final: %s"), $compose_filename, $!); if ($parsed_email{'From'}) { $sender = delete($parsed_email{'From'}); } if ($parsed_email{'In-Reply-To'}) { $initial_in_reply_to = delete($parsed_email{'In-Reply-To'}); } if ($parsed_email{'Reply-To'}) { $reply_to = delete($parsed_email{'Reply-To'}); } if ($parsed_email{'Subject'}) { $initial_subject = delete($parsed_email{'Subject'}); print $c2 "Subject: " . quote_subject($initial_subject, $compose_encoding) . "\n"; } if ($parsed_email{'MIME-Version'}) { print $c2 "MIME-Version: $parsed_email{'MIME-Version'}\n", "Content-Type: $parsed_email{'Content-Type'};\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $parsed_email{'Content-Transfer-Encoding'}\n"; delete($parsed_email{'MIME-Version'}); delete($parsed_email{'Content-Type'}); delete($parsed_email{'Content-Transfer-Encoding'}); } elsif (file_has_nonascii($compose_filename)) { my $content_type = (delete($parsed_email{'Content-Type'}) or "text/plain; charset=$compose_encoding"); print $c2 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n", "Content-Type: $content_type\n", "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"; } # Preserve unknown headers foreach my $key (keys %parsed_email) { next if $key eq 'body'; print $c2 "$key: $parsed_email{$key}"; } if ($parsed_email{'body'}) { print $c2 "\n$parsed_email{'body'}\n"; delete($parsed_email{'body'}); } else { print __("Summary email is empty, skipping it\n"); $compose = -1; } close $c2; } elsif ($annotate) { do_edit(@files); } sub ask { my ($prompt, %arg) = @_; my $valid_re = $arg{valid_re}; my $default = $arg{default}; my $confirm_only = $arg{confirm_only}; my $resp; my $i = 0; return defined $default ? $default : undef unless defined $term->IN and defined fileno($term->IN) and defined $term->OUT and defined fileno($term->OUT); while ($i++ < 10) { $resp = $term->readline($prompt); if (!defined $resp) { # EOF print "\n"; return defined $default ? $default : undef; } if ($resp eq '' and defined $default) { return $default; } if (!defined $valid_re or $resp =~ /$valid_re/) { return $resp; } if ($confirm_only) { my $yesno = $term->readline( # TRANSLATORS: please keep [y/N] as is. sprintf(__("Are you sure you want to use <%s> [y/N]? "), $resp)); if (defined $yesno && $yesno =~ /y/i) { return $resp; } } } return; } sub parse_header_line { my $lines = shift; my $parsed_line = shift; my $addr_pat = join "|", qw(To Cc Bcc); foreach (split(/\n/, $lines)) { if (/^($addr_pat):\s*(.+)$/i) { $parsed_line->{$1} = [ parse_address_line($2) ]; } elsif (/^([^:]*):\s*(.+)\s*$/i) { $parsed_line->{$1} = $2; } } } sub filter_body { my $c = shift; my $body = ""; while (my $body_line = <$c>) { if ($body_line !~ m/^GIT:/) { $body .= $body_line; } } return $body; } my %broken_encoding; sub file_declares_8bit_cte { my $fn = shift; open (my $fh, '<', $fn); while (my $line = <$fh>) { last if ($line =~ /^$/); return 1 if ($line =~ /^Content-Transfer-Encoding: .*8bit.*$/); } close $fh; return 0; } foreach my $f (@files) { next unless (body_or_subject_has_nonascii($f) && !file_declares_8bit_cte($f)); $broken_encoding{$f} = 1; } if (!defined $auto_8bit_encoding && scalar %broken_encoding) { print __("The following files are 8bit, but do not declare " . "a Content-Transfer-Encoding.\n"); foreach my $f (sort keys %broken_encoding) { print " $f\n"; } $auto_8bit_encoding = ask(__("Which 8bit encoding should I declare [UTF-8]? "), valid_re => qr/.{4}/, confirm_only => 1, default => "UTF-8"); } if (!$force) { for my $f (@files) { if (get_patch_subject($f) =~ /\Q*** SUBJECT HERE ***\E/) { die sprintf(__("Refusing to send because the patch\n\t%s\n" . "has the template subject '*** SUBJECT HERE ***'. " . "Pass --force if you really want to send.\n"), $f); } } } if (defined $sender) { $sender =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ($sender) = expand_aliases($sender); } else { $sender = $repoauthor || $repocommitter || ''; } # $sender could be an already sanitized address # (e.g. sendemail.from could be manually sanitized by user). # But it's a no-op to run sanitize_address on an already sanitized address. $sender = sanitize_address($sender); my $to_whom = __("To whom should the emails be sent (if anyone)?"); my $prompting = 0; if (!@initial_to && !defined $to_cmd) { my $to = ask("$to_whom ", default => "", valid_re => qr/\@.*\./, confirm_only => 1); push @initial_to, parse_address_line($to) if defined $to; # sanitized/validated later $prompting++; } sub expand_aliases { return map { expand_one_alias($_) } @_; } my %EXPANDED_ALIASES; sub expand_one_alias { my $alias = shift; if ($EXPANDED_ALIASES{$alias}) { die sprintf(__("fatal: alias '%s' expands to itself\n"), $alias); } local $EXPANDED_ALIASES{$alias} = 1; return $aliases{$alias} ? expand_aliases(@{$aliases{$alias}}) : $alias; } @initial_to = process_address_list(@initial_to); @initial_cc = process_address_list(@initial_cc); @initial_bcc = process_address_list(@initial_bcc); if ($thread && !defined $initial_in_reply_to && $prompting) { $initial_in_reply_to = ask( __("Message-ID to be used as In-Reply-To for the first email (if any)? "), default => "", valid_re => qr/\@.*\./, confirm_only => 1); } if (defined $initial_in_reply_to) { $initial_in_reply_to =~ s/^\s*?\s*$//; $initial_in_reply_to = "<$initial_in_reply_to>" if $initial_in_reply_to ne ''; } if (defined $reply_to) { $reply_to =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; ($reply_to) = expand_aliases($reply_to); $reply_to = sanitize_address($reply_to); } if (!defined $smtp_server) { my @sendmail_paths = qw( /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/lib/sendmail ); push @sendmail_paths, map {"$_/sendmail"} split /:/, $ENV{PATH}; foreach (@sendmail_paths) { if (-x $_) { $smtp_server = $_; last; } } $smtp_server ||= 'localhost'; # could be, too... *shrug* } if ($compose && $compose > 0) { @files = ($compose_filename . ".final", @files); } # Variables we set as part of the loop over files our ($message_id, %mail, $subject, $in_reply_to, $references, $message, $needs_confirm, $message_num, $ask_default); sub extract_valid_address { my $address = shift; my $local_part_regexp = qr/[^<>"\s@]+/; my $domain_regexp = qr/[^.<>"\s@]+(?:\.[^.<>"\s@]+)+/; # check for a local address: return $address if ($address =~ /^($local_part_regexp)$/); $address =~ s/^\s*<(.*)>\s*$/$1/; if ($have_email_valid) { return scalar Email::Valid->address($address); } # less robust/correct than the monster regexp in Email::Valid, # but still does a 99% job, and one less dependency return $1 if $address =~ /($local_part_regexp\@$domain_regexp)/; return; } sub extract_valid_address_or_die { my $address = shift; $address = extract_valid_address($address); die sprintf(__("error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"), $address) if !$address; return $address; } sub validate_address { my $address = shift; while (!extract_valid_address($address)) { printf STDERR __("error: unable to extract a valid address from: %s\n"), $address; # TRANSLATORS: Make sure to include [q] [d] [e] in your # translation. The program will only accept English input # at this point. $_ = ask(__("What to do with this address? ([q]uit|[d]rop|[e]dit): "), valid_re => qr/^(?:quit|q|drop|d|edit|e)/i, default => 'q'); if (/^d/i) { return undef; } elsif (/^q/i) { cleanup_compose_files(); exit(0); } $address = ask("$to_whom ", default => "", valid_re => qr/\@.*\./, confirm_only => 1); } return $address; } sub validate_address_list { return (grep { defined $_ } map { validate_address($_) } @_); } # Usually don't need to change anything below here. # we make a "fake" message id by taking the current number # of seconds since the beginning of Unix time and tacking on # a random number to the end, in case we are called quicker than # 1 second since the last time we were called. # We'll setup a template for the message id, using the "from" address: my ($message_id_stamp, $message_id_serial); sub make_message_id { my $uniq; if (!defined $message_id_stamp) { $message_id_stamp = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S.$$", gmtime(time)); $message_id_serial = 0; } $message_id_serial++; $uniq = "$message_id_stamp-$message_id_serial"; my $du_part; for ($sender, $repocommitter, $repoauthor) { $du_part = extract_valid_address(sanitize_address($_)); last if (defined $du_part and $du_part ne ''); } if (not defined $du_part or $du_part eq '') { require Sys::Hostname; $du_part = 'user@' . Sys::Hostname::hostname(); } my $message_id_template = "<%s-%s>"; $message_id = sprintf($message_id_template, $uniq, $du_part); #print "new message id = $message_id\n"; # Was useful for debugging } $time = time - scalar $#files; sub unquote_rfc2047 { local ($_) = @_; my $charset; my $sep = qr/[ \t]+/; s{$re_encoded_word(?:$sep$re_encoded_word)*}{ my @words = split $sep, $&; foreach (@words) { m/$re_encoded_word/; $charset = $1; my $encoding = $2; my $text = $3; if ($encoding eq 'q' || $encoding eq 'Q') { $_ = $text; s/_/ /g; s/=([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi; } else { # other encodings not supported yet } } join '', @words; }eg; return wantarray ? ($_, $charset) : $_; } sub quote_rfc2047 { local $_ = shift; my $encoding = shift || 'UTF-8'; s/([^-a-zA-Z0-9!*+\/])/sprintf("=%02X", ord($1))/eg; s/(.*)/=\?$encoding\?q\?$1\?=/; return $_; } sub is_rfc2047_quoted { my $s = shift; length($s) <= 75 && $s =~ m/^(?:"[[:ascii:]]*"|$re_encoded_word)$/o; } sub subject_needs_rfc2047_quoting { my $s = shift; return ($s =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/) || ($s =~ /=\?/); } sub quote_subject { local $subject = shift; my $encoding = shift || 'UTF-8'; if (subject_needs_rfc2047_quoting($subject)) { return quote_rfc2047($subject, $encoding); } return $subject; } # use the simplest quoting being able to handle the recipient sub sanitize_address { my ($recipient) = @_; # remove garbage after email address $recipient =~ s/(.*>).*$/$1/; my ($recipient_name, $recipient_addr) = ($recipient =~ /^(.*?)\s*(<.*)/); if (not $recipient_name) { return $recipient; } # if recipient_name is already quoted, do nothing if (is_rfc2047_quoted($recipient_name)) { return $recipient; } # remove non-escaped quotes $recipient_name =~ s/(^|[^\\])"/$1/g; # rfc2047 is needed if a non-ascii char is included if ($recipient_name =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/) { $recipient_name = quote_rfc2047($recipient_name); } # double quotes are needed if specials or CTLs are included elsif ($recipient_name =~ /[][()<>@,;:\\".\000-\037\177]/) { $recipient_name =~ s/([\\\r])/\\$1/g; $recipient_name = qq["$recipient_name"]; } return "$recipient_name $recipient_addr"; } sub strip_garbage_one_address { my ($addr) = @_; chomp $addr; if ($addr =~ /^(("[^"]*"|[^"<]*)? *<[^>]*>).*/) { # "Foo Bar" [possibly garbage here] # Foo Bar [possibly garbage here] return $1; } if ($addr =~ /^(<[^>]*>).*/) { # [possibly garbage here] # if garbage contains other addresses, they are ignored. return $1; } if ($addr =~ /^([^"#,\s]*)/) { # address without quoting: remove anything after the address return $1; } return $addr; } sub sanitize_address_list { return (map { sanitize_address($_) } @_); } sub process_address_list { my @addr_list = map { parse_address_line($_) } @_; @addr_list = expand_aliases(@addr_list); @addr_list = sanitize_address_list(@addr_list); @addr_list = validate_address_list(@addr_list); return @addr_list; } # Returns the local Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) if available. # # Tightly configured MTAa require that a caller sends a real DNS # domain name that corresponds the IP address in the HELO/EHLO # handshake. This is used to verify the connection and prevent # spammers from trying to hide their identity. If the DNS and IP don't # match, the receiving MTA may deny the connection. # # Here is a deny example of Net::SMTP with the default "localhost.localdomain" # # Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x267ec28)>>> EHLO localhost.localdomain # Net::SMTP=GLOB(0x267ec28)<<< 550 EHLO argument does not match calling host # # This maildomain*() code is based on ideas in Perl library Test::Reporter # /usr/share/perl5/Test/Reporter/Mail/Util.pm ==> sub _maildomain () sub valid_fqdn { my $domain = shift; return defined $domain && !($^O eq 'darwin' && $domain =~ /\.local$/) && $domain =~ /\./; } sub maildomain_net { my $maildomain; my $domain = Net::Domain::domainname(); $maildomain = $domain if valid_fqdn($domain); return $maildomain; } sub maildomain_mta { my $maildomain; for my $host (qw(mailhost localhost)) { my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($host); if (defined $smtp) { my $domain = $smtp->domain; $smtp->quit; $maildomain = $domain if valid_fqdn($domain); last if $maildomain; } } return $maildomain; } sub maildomain { return maildomain_net() || maildomain_mta() || 'localhost.localdomain'; } sub smtp_host_string { if (defined $smtp_server_port) { return "$smtp_server:$smtp_server_port"; } else { return $smtp_server; } } # Returns 1 if authentication succeeded or was not necessary # (smtp_user was not specified), and 0 otherwise. sub smtp_auth_maybe { if (!defined $smtp_authuser || $auth || (defined $smtp_auth && $smtp_auth eq "none")) { return 1; } # Workaround AUTH PLAIN/LOGIN interaction defect # with Authen::SASL::Cyrus eval { require Authen::SASL; Authen::SASL->import(qw(Perl)); }; # Check mechanism naming as defined in: # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4422#page-8 if ($smtp_auth && $smtp_auth !~ /^(\b[A-Z0-9-_]{1,20}\s*)*$/) { die "invalid smtp auth: '${smtp_auth}'"; } # TODO: Authentication may fail not because credentials were # invalid but due to other reasons, in which we should not # reject credentials. $auth = Git::credential({ 'protocol' => 'smtp', 'host' => smtp_host_string(), 'username' => $smtp_authuser, # if there's no password, "git credential fill" will # give us one, otherwise it'll just pass this one. 'password' => $smtp_authpass }, sub { my $cred = shift; if ($smtp_auth) { my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new( mechanism => $smtp_auth, callback => { user => $cred->{'username'}, pass => $cred->{'password'}, authname => $cred->{'username'}, } ); return !!$smtp->auth($sasl); } return !!$smtp->auth($cred->{'username'}, $cred->{'password'}); }); return $auth; } sub ssl_verify_params { eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; IO::Socket::SSL->import(qw/SSL_VERIFY_PEER SSL_VERIFY_NONE/); }; if ($@) { print STDERR "Not using SSL_VERIFY_PEER due to out-of-date IO::Socket::SSL.\n"; return; } if (!defined $smtp_ssl_cert_path) { # use the OpenSSL defaults return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER()); } if ($smtp_ssl_cert_path eq "") { return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE()); } elsif (-d $smtp_ssl_cert_path) { return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(), SSL_ca_path => $smtp_ssl_cert_path); } elsif (-f $smtp_ssl_cert_path) { return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(), SSL_ca_file => $smtp_ssl_cert_path); } else { die sprintf(__("CA path \"%s\" does not exist"), $smtp_ssl_cert_path); } } sub file_name_is_absolute { my ($path) = @_; # msys does not grok DOS drive-prefixes if ($^O eq 'msys') { return ($path =~ m#^/# || $path =~ m#^[a-zA-Z]\:#) } require File::Spec::Functions; return File::Spec::Functions::file_name_is_absolute($path); } # Prepares the email, then asks the user what to do. # # If the user chooses to send the email, it's sent and 1 is returned. # If the user chooses not to send the email, 0 is returned. # If the user decides they want to make further edits, -1 is returned and the # caller is expected to call send_message again after the edits are performed. # # If an error occurs sending the email, this just dies. sub send_message { my @recipients = unique_email_list(@to); @cc = (grep { my $cc = extract_valid_address_or_die($_); not grep { $cc eq $_ || $_ =~ /<\Q${cc}\E>$/ } @recipients } @cc); my $to = join (",\n\t", @recipients); @recipients = unique_email_list(@recipients,@cc,@initial_bcc); @recipients = (map { extract_valid_address_or_die($_) } @recipients); my $date = format_2822_time($time++); my $gitversion = '@@GIT_VERSION@@'; if ($gitversion =~ m/..GIT_VERSION../) { $gitversion = Git::version(); } my $cc = join(",\n\t", unique_email_list(@cc)); my $ccline = ""; if ($cc ne '') { $ccline = "\nCc: $cc"; } make_message_id() unless defined($message_id); my $header = "From: $sender To: $to${ccline} Subject: $subject Date: $date Message-Id: $message_id "; if ($use_xmailer) { $header .= "X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion\n"; } if ($in_reply_to) { $header .= "In-Reply-To: $in_reply_to\n"; $header .= "References: $references\n"; } if ($reply_to) { $header .= "Reply-To: $reply_to\n"; } if (@xh) { $header .= join("\n", @xh) . "\n"; } my @sendmail_parameters = ('-i', @recipients); my $raw_from = $sender; if (defined $envelope_sender && $envelope_sender ne "auto") { $raw_from = $envelope_sender; } $raw_from = extract_valid_address($raw_from); unshift (@sendmail_parameters, '-f', $raw_from) if(defined $envelope_sender); if ($needs_confirm && !$dry_run) { print "\n$header\n"; if ($needs_confirm eq "inform") { $confirm_unconfigured = 0; # squelch this message for the rest of this run $ask_default = "y"; # assume yes on EOF since user hasn't explicitly asked for confirmation print __ < qr/^(?:yes|y|no|n|edit|e|quit|q|all|a)/i, default => $ask_default); die __("Send this email reply required") unless defined $_; if (/^n/i) { return 0; } elsif (/^e/i) { return -1; } elsif (/^q/i) { cleanup_compose_files(); exit(0); } elsif (/^a/i) { $confirm = 'never'; } } unshift (@sendmail_parameters, @smtp_server_options); if ($dry_run) { # We don't want to send the email. } elsif (file_name_is_absolute($smtp_server)) { my $pid = open my $sm, '|-'; defined $pid or die $!; if (!$pid) { exec($smtp_server, @sendmail_parameters) or die $!; } print $sm "$header\n$message"; close $sm or die $!; } else { if (!defined $smtp_server) { die __("The required SMTP server is not properly defined.") } require Net::SMTP; my $use_net_smtp_ssl = version->parse($Net::SMTP::VERSION) < version->parse("2.34"); $smtp_domain ||= maildomain(); if ($smtp_encryption eq 'ssl') { $smtp_server_port ||= 465; # ssmtp require IO::Socket::SSL; # Suppress "variable accessed once" warning. { no warnings 'once'; $IO::Socket::SSL::DEBUG = 1; } # Net::SMTP::SSL->new() does not forward any SSL options IO::Socket::SSL::set_client_defaults( ssl_verify_params()); if ($use_net_smtp_ssl) { require Net::SMTP::SSL; $smtp ||= Net::SMTP::SSL->new($smtp_server, Hello => $smtp_domain, Port => $smtp_server_port, Debug => $debug_net_smtp); } else { $smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server, Hello => $smtp_domain, Port => $smtp_server_port, Debug => $debug_net_smtp, SSL => 1); } } elsif (!$smtp) { $smtp_server_port ||= 25; $smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server, Hello => $smtp_domain, Debug => $debug_net_smtp, Port => $smtp_server_port); if ($smtp_encryption eq 'tls' && $smtp) { if ($use_net_smtp_ssl) { $smtp->command('STARTTLS'); $smtp->response(); if ($smtp->code != 220) { die sprintf(__("Server does not support STARTTLS! %s"), $smtp->message); } require Net::SMTP::SSL; $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->start_SSL($smtp, ssl_verify_params()) or die sprintf(__("STARTTLS failed! %s"), IO::Socket::SSL::errstr()); } else { $smtp->starttls(ssl_verify_params()) or die sprintf(__("STARTTLS failed! %s"), IO::Socket::SSL::errstr()); } # Send EHLO again to receive fresh # supported commands $smtp->hello($smtp_domain); } } if (!$smtp) { die __("Unable to initialize SMTP properly. Check config and use --smtp-debug."), " VALUES: server=$smtp_server ", "encryption=$smtp_encryption ", "hello=$smtp_domain", defined $smtp_server_port ? " port=$smtp_server_port" : ""; } smtp_auth_maybe or die $smtp->message; $smtp->mail( $raw_from ) or die $smtp->message; $smtp->to( @recipients ) or die $smtp->message; $smtp->data or die $smtp->message; $smtp->datasend("$header\n") or die $smtp->message; my @lines = split /^/, $message; foreach my $line (@lines) { $smtp->datasend("$line") or die $smtp->message; } $smtp->dataend() or die $smtp->message; $smtp->code =~ /250|200/ or die sprintf(__("Failed to send %s\n"), $subject).$smtp->message; } if ($quiet) { printf($dry_run ? __("Dry-Sent %s\n") : __("Sent %s\n"), $subject); } else { print($dry_run ? __("Dry-OK. Log says:\n") : __("OK. Log says:\n")); if (!file_name_is_absolute($smtp_server)) { print "Server: $smtp_server\n"; print "MAIL FROM:<$raw_from>\n"; foreach my $entry (@recipients) { print "RCPT TO:<$entry>\n"; } } else { print "Sendmail: $smtp_server ".join(' ',@sendmail_parameters)."\n"; } print $header, "\n"; if ($smtp) { print __("Result: "), $smtp->code, ' ', ($smtp->message =~ /\n([^\n]+\n)$/s), "\n"; } else { print __("Result: OK\n"); } } return 1; } $in_reply_to = $initial_in_reply_to; $references = $initial_in_reply_to || ''; $message_num = 0; # Prepares the email, prompts the user, sends it out # Returns 0 if an edit was done and the function should be called again, or 1 # otherwise. sub process_file { my ($t) = @_; open my $fh, "<", $t or die sprintf(__("can't open file %s"), $t); my $author = undef; my $sauthor = undef; my $author_encoding; my $has_content_type; my $body_encoding; my $xfer_encoding; my $has_mime_version; @to = (); @cc = (); @xh = (); my $input_format = undef; my @header = (); $subject = $initial_subject; $message = ""; $message_num++; # First unfold multiline header fields while(<$fh>) { last if /^\s*$/; if (/^\s+\S/ and @header) { chomp($header[$#header]); s/^\s+/ /; $header[$#header] .= $_; } else { push(@header, $_); } } # Now parse the header foreach(@header) { if (/^From /) { $input_format = 'mbox'; next; } chomp; if (!defined $input_format && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s/) { $input_format = 'mbox'; } if (defined $input_format && $input_format eq 'mbox') { if (/^Subject:\s+(.*)$/i) { $subject = $1; } elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) { ($author, $author_encoding) = unquote_rfc2047($1); $sauthor = sanitize_address($author); next if $suppress_cc{'author'}; next if $suppress_cc{'self'} and $sauthor eq $sender; printf(__("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"), $1, $_) unless $quiet; push @cc, $1; } elsif (/^To:\s+(.*)$/i) { foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) { printf(__("(mbox) Adding to: %s from line '%s'\n"), $addr, $_) unless $quiet; push @to, $addr; } } elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/i) { foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) { my $qaddr = unquote_rfc2047($addr); my $saddr = sanitize_address($qaddr); if ($saddr eq $sender) { next if ($suppress_cc{'self'}); } else { next if ($suppress_cc{'cc'}); } printf(__("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"), $addr, $_) unless $quiet; push @cc, $addr; } } elsif (/^Content-type:/i) { $has_content_type = 1; if (/charset="?([^ "]+)/) { $body_encoding = $1; } push @xh, $_; } elsif (/^MIME-Version/i) { $has_mime_version = 1; push @xh, $_; } elsif (/^Message-Id: (.*)/i) { $message_id = $1; } elsif (/^Content-Transfer-Encoding: (.*)/i) { $xfer_encoding = $1 if not defined $xfer_encoding; } elsif (/^In-Reply-To: (.*)/i) { if (!$initial_in_reply_to || $thread) { $in_reply_to = $1; } } elsif (/^References: (.*)/i) { if (!$initial_in_reply_to || $thread) { $references = $1; } } elsif (!/^Date:\s/i && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) { push @xh, $_; } } else { # In the traditional # "send lots of email" format, # line 1 = cc # line 2 = subject # So let's support that, too. $input_format = 'lots'; if (@cc == 0 && !$suppress_cc{'cc'}) { printf(__("(non-mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"), $_, $_) unless $quiet; push @cc, $_; } elsif (!defined $subject) { $subject = $_; } } } # Now parse the message body while(<$fh>) { $message .= $_; if (/^([a-z][a-z-]*-by|Cc): (.*)/i) { chomp; my ($what, $c) = ($1, $2); # strip garbage for the address we'll use: $c = strip_garbage_one_address($c); # sanitize a bit more to decide whether to suppress the address: my $sc = sanitize_address($c); if ($sc eq $sender) { next if ($suppress_cc{'self'}); } else { if ($what =~ /^Signed-off-by$/i) { next if $suppress_cc{'sob'}; } elsif ($what =~ /-by$/i) { next if $suppress_cc{'misc-by'}; } elsif ($what =~ /Cc/i) { next if $suppress_cc{'bodycc'}; } } if ($c !~ /.+@.+|<.+>/) { printf("(body) Ignoring %s from line '%s'\n", $what, $_) unless $quiet; next; } push @cc, $c; printf(__("(body) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n"), $c, $_) unless $quiet; } } close $fh; push @to, recipients_cmd("to-cmd", "to", $to_cmd, $t) if defined $to_cmd; push @cc, recipients_cmd("cc-cmd", "cc", $cc_cmd, $t) if defined $cc_cmd && !$suppress_cc{'cccmd'}; if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !$has_content_type) { $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding; $has_content_type = 1; push @xh, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$auto_8bit_encoding"; $body_encoding = $auto_8bit_encoding; } if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !is_rfc2047_quoted($subject)) { $subject = quote_subject($subject, $auto_8bit_encoding); } if (defined $sauthor and $sauthor ne $sender) { $message = "From: $author\n\n$message"; if (defined $author_encoding) { if ($has_content_type) { if ($body_encoding eq $author_encoding) { # ok, we already have the right encoding } else { # uh oh, we should re-encode } } else { $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding; $has_content_type = 1; push @xh, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$author_encoding"; } } } $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding; ($message, $xfer_encoding) = apply_transfer_encoding( $message, $xfer_encoding, $target_xfer_encoding); push @xh, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $xfer_encoding"; unshift @xh, 'MIME-Version: 1.0' unless $has_mime_version; $needs_confirm = ( $confirm eq "always" or ($confirm =~ /^(?:auto|cc)$/ && @cc) or ($confirm =~ /^(?:auto|compose)$/ && $compose && $message_num == 1)); $needs_confirm = "inform" if ($needs_confirm && $confirm_unconfigured && @cc); @to = process_address_list(@to); @cc = process_address_list(@cc); @to = (@initial_to, @to); @cc = (@initial_cc, @cc); if ($message_num == 1) { if (defined $cover_cc and $cover_cc) { @initial_cc = @cc; } if (defined $cover_to and $cover_to) { @initial_to = @to; } } my $message_was_sent = send_message(); if ($message_was_sent == -1) { do_edit($t); return 0; } # set up for the next message if ($thread) { if ($message_was_sent && ($chain_reply_to || !defined $in_reply_to || length($in_reply_to) == 0 || $message_num == 1)) { $in_reply_to = $message_id; if (length $references > 0) { $references .= "\n $message_id"; } else { $references = "$message_id"; } } } elsif (!defined $initial_in_reply_to) { # --thread and --in-reply-to manage the "In-Reply-To" header and by # extension the "References" header. If these commands are not used, reset # the header values to their defaults. $in_reply_to = undef; $references = ''; } $message_id = undef; $num_sent++; if (defined $batch_size && $num_sent == $batch_size) { $num_sent = 0; $smtp->quit if defined $smtp; undef $smtp; undef $auth; sleep($relogin_delay) if defined $relogin_delay; } return 1; } foreach my $t (@files) { while (!process_file($t)) { # user edited the file } } # Execute a command (e.g. $to_cmd) to get a list of email addresses # and return a results array sub recipients_cmd { my ($prefix, $what, $cmd, $file) = @_; my @addresses = (); open my $fh, "-|", "$cmd \Q$file\E" or die sprintf(__("(%s) Could not execute '%s'"), $prefix, $cmd); while (my $address = <$fh>) { $address =~ s/^\s*//g; $address =~ s/\s*$//g; $address = sanitize_address($address); next if ($address eq $sender and $suppress_cc{'self'}); push @addresses, $address; printf(__("(%s) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n"), $prefix, $what, $address, $cmd) unless $quiet; } close $fh or die sprintf(__("(%s) failed to close pipe to '%s'"), $prefix, $cmd); return @addresses; } cleanup_compose_files(); sub cleanup_compose_files { unlink($compose_filename, $compose_filename . ".final") if $compose; } $smtp->quit if $smtp; sub apply_transfer_encoding { my $message = shift; my $from = shift; my $to = shift; return ($message, $to) if ($from eq $to and $from ne '7bit'); require MIME::QuotedPrint; require MIME::Base64; $message = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($message) if ($from eq 'quoted-printable'); $message = MIME::Base64::decode($message) if ($from eq 'base64'); $to = ($message =~ /(?:.{999,}|\r)/) ? 'quoted-printable' : '8bit' if $to eq 'auto'; die __("cannot send message as 7bit") if ($to eq '7bit' and $message =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/); return ($message, $to) if ($to eq '7bit' or $to eq '8bit'); return (MIME::QuotedPrint::encode($message, "\n", 0), $to) if ($to eq 'quoted-printable'); return (MIME::Base64::encode($message, "\n"), $to) if ($to eq 'base64'); die __("invalid transfer encoding"); } sub unique_email_list { my %seen; my @emails; foreach my $entry (@_) { my $clean = extract_valid_address_or_die($entry); $seen{$clean} ||= 0; next if $seen{$clean}++; push @emails, $entry; } return @emails; } sub validate_patch { my ($fn, $xfer_encoding) = @_; if ($repo) { my $validate_hook = catfile(catdir($repo->repo_path(), 'hooks'), 'sendemail-validate'); my $hook_error; if (-x $validate_hook) { my $target = abs_path($fn); # The hook needs a correct cwd and GIT_DIR. my $cwd_save = cwd(); chdir($repo->wc_path() or $repo->repo_path()) or die("chdir: $!"); local $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $repo->repo_path(); $hook_error = "rejected by sendemail-validate hook" if system($validate_hook, $target); chdir($cwd_save) or die("chdir: $!"); } return $hook_error if $hook_error; } # Any long lines will be automatically fixed if we use a suitable transfer # encoding. unless ($xfer_encoding =~ /^(?:auto|quoted-printable|base64)$/) { open(my $fh, '<', $fn) or die sprintf(__("unable to open %s: %s\n"), $fn, $!); while (my $line = <$fh>) { if (length($line) > 998) { return sprintf(__("%s: patch contains a line longer than 998 characters"), $.); } } } return; } sub handle_backup { my ($last, $lastlen, $file, $known_suffix) = @_; my ($suffix, $skip); $skip = 0; if (defined $last && ($lastlen < length($file)) && (substr($file, 0, $lastlen) eq $last) && ($suffix = substr($file, $lastlen)) !~ /^[a-z0-9]/i) { if (defined $known_suffix && $suffix eq $known_suffix) { printf(__("Skipping %s with backup suffix '%s'.\n"), $file, $known_suffix); $skip = 1; } else { # TRANSLATORS: please keep "[y|N]" as is. my $answer = ask(sprintf(__("Do you really want to send %s? [y|N]: "), $file), valid_re => qr/^(?:y|n)/i, default => 'n'); $skip = ($answer ne 'y'); if ($skip) { $known_suffix = $suffix; } } } return ($skip, $known_suffix); } sub handle_backup_files { my @file = @_; my ($last, $lastlen, $known_suffix, $skip, @result); for my $file (@file) { ($skip, $known_suffix) = handle_backup($last, $lastlen, $file, $known_suffix); push @result, $file unless $skip; $last = $file; $lastlen = length($file); } return @result; } sub file_has_nonascii { my $fn = shift; open(my $fh, '<', $fn) or die sprintf(__("unable to open %s: %s\n"), $fn, $!); while (my $line = <$fh>) { return 1 if $line =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/; } return 0; } sub body_or_subject_has_nonascii { my $fn = shift; open(my $fh, '<', $fn) or die sprintf(__("unable to open %s: %s\n"), $fn, $!); while (my $line = <$fh>) { last if $line =~ /^$/; return 1 if $line =~ /^Subject.*[^[:ascii:]]/; } while (my $line = <$fh>) { return 1 if $line =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/; } return 0; }