git-gui: Improve the merge check interface for branch deletion.

Just like how we split out the local and remote branches into two
different pick lists for branch creation, we should do the same
thing for branch deletion.  This means that  there are really 3
modes of operation here:

  * delete only if merged into designated local branch;
  * delete only if merged into designated tracking (remote) branch;
  * delete no matter what

So we now use radio buttons to select between these operations.

We still default to checking for merge into the current branch,
as that is probably the most commonly used behavior. It also is
what core Git's command line tools do.

Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <>
This commit is contained in:
Shawn O. Pearce 2007-01-21 14:14:54 -05:00
parent 66cc17d1d3
commit 15e1374927

View file

@ -1867,16 +1867,34 @@ proc do_create_branch {} {
proc do_delete_branch_action {w} {
global all_heads
global delete_branch_checkhead delete_branch_head
global delete_branch_checktype delete_branch_head delete_branch_trackinghead
set check_rev {}
switch -- $delete_branch_checktype {
head {set check_rev $delete_branch_head}
tracking {set check_rev $delete_branch_trackinghead}
always {set check_rev {:none}}
if {$check_rev eq {:none}} {
set check_cmt {}
} elseif {[catch {set check_cmt [exec git rev-parse --verify "${check_rev}^0"]}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Invalid check revision: $check_rev"
set to_delete [list]
set not_merged [list]
foreach i [$w.list.l curselection] {
set b [$w.list.l get $i]
if {[catch {set o [exec git rev-parse --verify $b]}]} continue
if {$delete_branch_checkhead} {
if {$b eq $delete_branch_head} continue
if {[catch {set m [exec git merge-base $o $delete_branch_head]}]} continue
if {$check_cmt ne {}} {
if {$b eq $check_rev} continue
if {[catch {set m [exec git merge-base $o $check_cmt]}]} continue
if {$o ne $m} {
lappend not_merged $b
@ -1885,7 +1903,7 @@ proc do_delete_branch_action {w} {
lappend to_delete [list $b $o]
if {$not_merged ne {}} {
set msg "The following branches are not completely merged into $delete_branch_head:
set msg "The following branches are not completely merged into $check_rev:
- [join $not_merged "\n - "]"
tk_messageBox \
@ -1896,7 +1914,7 @@ proc do_delete_branch_action {w} {
-message $msg
if {$to_delete eq {}} return
if {!$delete_branch_checkhead} {
if {$delete_branch_checktype eq {always}} {
set msg {Recovering deleted branches is difficult.
Delete the selected branches?}
@ -1940,10 +1958,11 @@ Delete the selected branches?}
proc do_delete_branch {} {
global all_heads tracking_branches current_branch
global delete_branch_checkhead delete_branch_head
global delete_branch_checktype delete_branch_head delete_branch_trackinghead
set delete_branch_checkhead 1
set delete_branch_checktype head
set delete_branch_head $current_branch
set delete_branch_trackinghead {}
set w .branch_editor
toplevel $w
@ -1985,21 +2004,37 @@ proc do_delete_branch {} {
regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $b {} b
lappend all_trackings $b
set all_trackings [lsort -unique $all_trackings]
if {$all_trackings ne {} && $delete_branch_trackinghead eq {}} {
set delete_branch_trackinghead [lindex $all_trackings 0]
labelframe $w.validate \
-text {Only Delete If} \
-text {Delete Only If} \
-font font_ui
frame $w.validate.head
checkbutton $w.validate.head.r \
-text {Already Merged Into:} \
-variable delete_branch_checkhead \
radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
-text {Merged Into Local Branch:} \
-value head \
-variable delete_branch_checktype \
-font font_ui
eval tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head.m delete_branch_head \
$all_heads \
[lsort -unique $all_trackings]
pack $w.validate.head.r -side left
pack $w.validate.head.m -side left
pack $w.validate.head -padx 5 -fill x -expand 1
eval tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head_m delete_branch_head $all_heads
grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
radiobutton $w.validate.tracking_r \
-text {Merged Into Tracking Branch:} \
-value tracking \
-variable delete_branch_checktype \
-font font_ui
eval tk_optionMenu $w.validate.tracking_m \
delete_branch_trackinghead \
grid $w.validate.tracking_r $w.validate.tracking_m -sticky w
radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
-text {Always (Do not perform merge checks)} \
-value always \
-variable delete_branch_checktype \
-font font_ui
grid $w.validate.always_r -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid columnconfigure $w.validate 1 -weight 1
pack $w.validate -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"