2019-04-23 15:20:26 -04:00

89 lines
3.3 KiB

apply from: "$rootProject.projectDir/gradle/support/ip.gradle"
rootProject.assembleDistribution.dependsOn ip
// all application tests depend on all the sleigh processors to be built
tasks.withType(Test).all {
it.dependsOn ":allSleighCompile"
rootProject.OS_NAMES.each { platform ->
rootProject.tasks.findAll { == "assembleDistribution_$platform"}.each { t ->
def p = this.project
// the getZipPath calls here are not in closures because we are already in a taskGraph.whenReady closure
t.from (p.projectDir.toString() + "/build/os/$platform") {
exclude '*.lib'
exclude '*.exp'
into getZipPath(p) + "/os/$platform"
t.from (p.projectDir.toString() + "/os/$platform") {
into getZipPath(p) + "/os/$platform"
// For Win64 build, we have to also include any Win32 binaries in the final zip.
rootProject.assembleDistribution_win64 {
from (this.project.projectDir.toString() + "/build/os/win32") {
into getZipPath(this.project) + "/os/win32"
plugins.withType(JavaPlugin) {
task zipSourceSubproject (type: Zip) { t ->
// Define some metadata about the zip (name, location, version, etc....) 'private'
t.description "Creates the source zips for java modules"
t.archiveName + ""
t.destinationDir file(projectDir.path + "/build/tmp/src")
// Without this we get duplicate files but it's unclear why. It doesn't seem that this
// task is being executed multiple times, and contains the
// correct elements. Whatever the cause, this fixes the problem.
duplicatesStrategy 'exclude'
* Takes the given file and returns a string representing the file path with everything
* up-to and including 'src/global' removed, as well as the filename.
* eg: If the file path is '/Ghidra/Configurations/Common/src/global/docs/hello.html',
* the returned string will be at /docs
* Note: We have to use 'File.separator' instead of a slash ('/') because of how
* windows/unix handle slashes ('/' vs. '\'). We only need to do this in cases where we're
* using java string manipulation libraries (eg String.replace); Gradle already
* understands how to use the proper slash.
String getGlobalFilePathSubDirName(File file) {
// First strip off everything before 'src/global/ in the file path.
def slashIndex = file.path.indexOf('src' + File.separator + 'global')
String filePath = file.path.substring(slashIndex);
// Now remove 'src/global/' from the string.
filePath = filePath.replace('src' + File.separator + 'global' + File.separator, "");
// Now we need to strip off the filename itself, which we do by finding the last
// instance of a slash ('/') in the string.
// Note that it's possible there is no slash (all we have is a filename), meaning
// this file will be placed at the root level.
slashIndex = filePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
if (slashIndex != -1) {
filePath = filePath.substring(0, slashIndex+1) // +1 for the slash
else {
filePath = ""
return filePath
ext.getGlobalFilePathSubDirName = this.&getGlobalFilePathSubDirName