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<title>Headless Analyzer</title>
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<header>Headless Analyzer</header>
<li>Ghidra's Headless Analyzer allows users to run Ghidra from the command line without invoking the user interface.</li>
<li>Can be run on one file or a directory of files (including subdirectories).</li>
<li>Can either import programs to a project or process programs in an existing project.</li>
<li>Any Ghidra script including those that invoke the GUI can be run in headless mode.</li>
<header><span style="font-size:43px">How to Run the Headless Analyzer</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<span style="font-size:18px; color:#FFD700">
analyzeHeadless [&lt;project_location&gt; &lt;project_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]] |
[[-import [&lt;directory&gt;|&lt;file&gt;]+] | [-process [&lt;project_file&gt;]]]
[-preScript &lt;ScriptName&gt; [&lt;arg&gt;]*]
[-postScript &lt;ScriptName&gt; [&lt;arg&gt;]*]
[-scriptPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;]
[-propertiesPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;]
[-log &lt;path to log file&gt;] [-scriptlog &lt;path to script log file&gt;]
[-overwrite] [-recursive] [-readOnly] [-deleteProject]
[-processor &lt;languageID&gt;] [-cspec &lt;compilerSpecID&gt;]
[-analysisTimeoutPerFile &lt;timeout in seconds&gt;]
[-keystore &lt;KeystorePath&gt;] [-connect [&lt;userID&gt;]]
[-p] [-commit [&quot;&lt;comment&gt;&quot;]] [-okToDelete]
[-max-cpu &lt;max cpu cores to use&gt;] [-loader &lt;desired loader name&gt;]
<li>NOTE: The analyzeHeadlessREADME.html has many more details and examples.</li>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">&lt;project_location&gt;</span></header>
<li>The directory that either contains a current Ghidra project or will contain a newly-created project.</li>
<span style="color:#FFD700">NOTE: This directory must already exist; it will not be created for you.</span>
<header><span style="font-size:45px; color:#FFD700">&lt;project_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</span></header>
<li>The name of either an existing project or new project you wish to create in the <span style="color:#FFD700">&lt;project_location&gt;</span> directory.</li>
<li>If the optional folder path is included, import(s) will be rooted under this project folder.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>In the normal case, if you don&apos;t have an existing project of the name &quot;project_name&quot;, then one will be created by the Headless Analyzer.</p>
<p>In the server case, a project must already exist.</p>
<header><span style="font-size:35px; color:#FFD700">ghidra://&lt;server&gt;[:&lt;port&gt;]/<br>&lt;repository_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Used to specify a Ghidra Server repository URL and folder path instead of a local project_location and project_name.</li>
<li>If the optional folder path is used, imports will be rooted under this directory (subfolders will be created if they don't already exist).</li>
<li>The named repository must already exist on the Ghidra Server. </li>
<div role="note">
<p>In the normal case, if you don&apos;t have an existing project of the name &quot;project_name&quot;, then one will be created by the Headless Analyzer.</p>
<p>In the server case, a project must already exist.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-import [&lt;directory&gt;|&lt;file&gt;]+</span></header>
<li>Specifies one or more executables (or directories of executables) to import.</li>
<li>May use wildcard characters to specify a directory or file (valid characters and behavior subject to the host OS interpretation of wildcards).</li>
<li>This option may be repeated to specify additional imports.</li>
<li>NOTE: -import and -process can not both be present in the parameters list.
<div role="note">
<li>If importing a directory:</li>
<li>Creates directory folder in project if it doesn&apos;t already exist.</li>
<li>When using -recursive, imports files in subdirectories as well; directory structure will be recreated in the Ghidra project.</li>
<li>Wildcard characters can be used to specify multiple files (i.e., &quot;-import /home/files/n*&quot;). Valid wildcard characters are determined by the host OS. For example:</li>
<li>Allows * and ?</li>
<li>Allows ranges of characters: [a-z] or [!a-z]</li>
<li>Wildcards can expand to either directories or files</li>
<li>Allows * and ?</li>
<li>Wildcards can only expand to files</li>
<li>Can specify multiple imports two ways:</li>
<li>Space-separated paths:</li>
<li>-import [directory or file] [directory or file] [directory or file]</li>
<li>Repeating the &quot;-import&quot; parameter</li>
<li>-import [directory or file] import [directory or file]</li>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-process [&lt;project_file&gt;]</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Runs scripts and/or analysis on existing project file(s).</li>
<li>When <span style="color:#FFD700">[project_file]</span> is included, it specifies existing project executable(s).</li>
<li>When <span style="color:#FFD700">[project_file]</span> is omitted, runs on all the files in the project <span style="color:#FFD700">&lt;folder_path&gt;</span>.</li>
<li>May use &apos;*&apos; and &apos;?&apos; wildcards (wildcard string must be surrounded by single quotes)</li>
<li>Unlike -import, -process may only be used once.</li>
<div role="note">
<li>[project_file] specifies a file only (can not contain a path to a file). Use &lt;folder_path&gt; in the &quot;&lt;project_name&gt;[/&lt;folder_path&gt;]&quot; specification to identify the path to the file.</li>
<li>Wildcard characters are limited to &quot;?&quot; and &quot;*&quot;, and strings should be surrounded by single quotes (to prevent host OS from prematurely expanding the wildcard before it is passed to the Headless Analyzer).</li>
<li>Can use -recursive to run scripts/analysis over subfolders of a directory.</li>
<li>Using -recursive with wildcard string searches subfolders for files that match the wildcard string.</li>
<li>Find all .exe files starting with &apos;a&apos; in the root directory</li>
analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -process &apos;a*.exe&apos;
<li>Find all .exe files starting with &apos;a&apos; in the root directory and child dirs</li>
analyzeHeadless /home/usr/ghidra/projects TestProj -process &apos;a*.exe&apos; -recursive
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-preScript &lt;ScriptName.ext&gt; [&lt;arg&gt;]* </span></header>
<li>Identifies the name of a script (including file extension, such as <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:35px"></span>) that will execute before analysis. No path is necessary (script locations are specified using -scriptPath).</li>
<li>Parameters to the script may be passed to the script.</li>
<li>This option must be repeated to specify additional pre-scripts.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Headless Analyzer will look for script in default script directories and those specified by -scriptPath</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-postScript &lt;ScriptName&gt; [&lt;arg&gt;]* </span></header>
<li>Identifies the name of a script (including file extension, such as <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:35px"></span>) that will execute after analysis. No path is necessary (script locations are specified using -scriptPath).</li>
<li>Parameters to the script may be passed to the script.</li>
<li>This option must be repeated to specify additional post-scripts.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Headless Analyzer will look for script in default script directories and those specified by -scriptPath</p>
<header><span style="font-size:40px; color:#FFD700">-scriptPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;</span></header>
<ul class="small">
<li>Specifies script search path(s).</li>
<li>A path may start with <span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:30px">$GHIDRA_SCRIPT</span> (the Ghidra installation directory) or <span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:30px">$USER_HOME</span> (the user&apos;s home directory).</li>
<li>On Unix systems, these home variables must be escaped with a &apos;\&apos; character.</li>
<div style="word-wrap:break-word"><span style="color:#FFD700;font-size:28px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-scriptPath &quot;$GHIDRA_HOME/Ghidra/Features/Base/ghidra_scripts;/myscripts&quot;</span></div>
<div style="word-wrap:break-word"><span style="color:#FFD700;font-size:28px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-scriptPath &quot;\$GHIDRA_HOME/Ghidra/Features/Base/ghidra_scripts;/myscripts&quot;</span></div>
<div role="note">
<p>Specifies script paths for all these types of scripts: Pre, post, primary, and secondary</p>
<header><span style="font-size:35px;color:#FFD700">-propertiesPath &quot;&lt;path1&gt;[;&lt;path2&gt;...]&quot;</span></header>
<li>Specifies <span style="color:#FFD700">*.properties</span> file search path(s).</li>
<li><span style="color:#FFD700">.properties</span> files are used to pass parameters to scripts </li>
<li>A path may start with <span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:32px">$GHIDRA_SCRIPT</span> (the Ghidra installation directory) or <span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:32px">$USER_HOME</span> (the user&apos;s home directory).</li>
<li style="color:#FFD700">NOTE: .properties files are a legacy way to pass parameters to scripts. It is now preferred to pass arguments as mentioned on previous slides. </li>
<div role="note">
<p>More detail in later slide and analyzeHeadlessREADME.html file.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-log &lt;path to log file&gt;</span></header>
<li>Sets the location of the file that stores logging output from importing, processing, and analysis.</li>
<li>If not used, logging output is written to the &quot;application.log&quot; file in the user directory.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Captures general-purpose logging for Ghidra. Script outputs can be redirected using the &quot;-scriptlog&quot; parameter.</p>
<header><span style="font-size:40px; color:#FFD700">-scriptlog &lt;path to script log file&gt;</span></header>
<li>Sets the location of the file that stores logging output from pre- and post-scripts.</li>
<li>If not used, script logging output is written to the &quot;script.log&quot; file in the user directory.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Captures script logging for Ghidra.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-overwrite</span></header>
<li>Overwrites existing project files that conflict with an import file.</li>
<li>If not used, conflicting import files are skipped.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Allows an existing project file to be overwritten if it shares the same name as the imported binary.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-recursive</span></header>
<li>Enables recursive descent into directories and project sub-folders when a directory has been specified in -import or -process mode.</li>
<li>If not used, only the immediate files contained within the specified directory are imported or processed.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Affects -import or -process modes used for determining whether to process files in current directory or files in current directory + all its subfolders.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-readOnly</span></header>
<li>In -import mode, imported files are <u>not</u> saved to the project after scripts and/or analysis.</li>
<li>In -process mode, any changes made to files by scripts or analysis are discarded.</li>
<li>The -overwrite option will be ignored if this option is specified during import operations. </li>
<div role="note">
<p>For now, -readOnly must be used with -process when operating on a shared project.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-deleteProject</span></header>
<li>Deletes the Ghidra project after scripts and/or analysis have completed.</li>
<span style="color:#FFD700">NOTE: This only applies if the project has been created in the current session with -import; existing projects are never deleted!</span>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-noanalysis</span></header>
<li>Turns off analysis for executables.</li>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-processor &lt;languageID&gt;</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Sets the processor information to be used in -import mode (and any subsequent analysis).</li>
<li>If not used, Ghidra uses header info (if available) to determine the processor.</li>
<li><i>languageID</i> can be found in the<br><div style="word-wrap:break-word"><span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:22px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..ghidra_&lt;version&gt;\Ghidra\Processors\<i>proc_name</i>\data\languages\<i>proc_name</i>.ldefs</span> file</div></li>
<li>Example (path for x86 processor):<br><div style="word-wrap:break-word"><span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:22px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..ghidra_&lt;version&gt;\Ghidra\Processors\x86\data\languages\x86.ldefs</span></div></li>
<div role="note">
<p>If Ghidra recognizes processor it uses the recognized one, if no processor recognized it uses the one specified by -processor option.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-processor &lt;languageID&gt;</span></header>
<img src="Images/Headless/languageExample.png" style="vertical-align:middle"></img>
<div role="note">
<p>Or, in Help -> About &lt;name of program&gt;</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-cspec &lt;compilerSpecID&gt;</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Sets the compiler specification to be used in -import mode (and any subsequent analysis).</li>
<li>&apos;compilerSpecID&apos; can be found in the <div style="word-wrap:break-word"><span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:28px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;..ghidra_&lt;version&gt;\Ghidra\Processors\<i>proc_name</i>\data\languages\<i>proc_name</i>.ldefs</span> file</div></li>
<div role="note">
<p>If Ghidra recognizes processor it uses the preferred or default cspec for the recognized processor spec, if no processor recognized it uses the one specified by combination processor and spec options</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-cspec &lt;compilerSpecID&gt;</span></header>
<img src="Images/Headless/compilerExample.png" style="vertical-align:middle"></img>
<header><span style="font-size:40px;color:#FFD700">-analysisTimeoutPerFile<br>&lt;timeout in seconds&gt;</span></header>
<li>Sets a timeout value, in seconds, for analysis</li>
<li>If analysis on a file exceeds the specified time, analysis is interrupted and processing continues as scheduled</li>
<li>Can use postScripts to detect if analysis has timed out (see <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:35px">analysisHeadlessREADME.html</span>)</li>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-keystore &lt;KeystorePath&gt;</span></header>
<li>When using a Ghidra Server with PKI or SSH authentication, allows specification of a suitable private keystore file. The file should rely on file system protection only to avoid prompting for a password.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Better if you do it in the tool first to get it set up.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-connect [&lt;userID&gt;]</span></header>
<li>Allows the process owner&apos;s default userID to be overridden with the given &lt;userID&gt; when connecting to a Ghidra Server (provided the server has been configured to allow this).</li>
<div role="note">
<p>You can configure the Ghidra server to specify a different user ID. Ex: people who log in locally as root wanted way to specify different users on Ghidra server</p>
<p>If you use the URL project path this option is implied you dont need to use this option unless you want to change the user name</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-p</span></header>
<li>When connecting to a server, allows interactive prompting for a password via the console.</li>
<span style="color:#FFD700">NOTE: In rare cases, password text will be echoed to the console (warning will show at password prompt).</span>
<div role="note">
<p>Used when connecting to a server that needs a password.</p>
<p>This method of authentication is normally discouraged but if not used, the server connection will likely fail authentication if a password is required.</p>
<p>In some cases, password text will be echoed back (NOT masked) when the user is typing (there will be a warning). Password masking seems to work when using the Ghidra jarFile, but not when using analyzeHeadless.bat/sh or eclipse launcher.</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-commit [&quot;&lt;comment&gt;&quot;]</span></header>
<li>Commits all imported/processed files in a shared project to the project&apos;s underlying repository.</li>
<li>The <span style="color:#FFD700">&lt;comment&gt;</span> is optional and is saved with all commits in the headless session.
<li>Commits do not apply when the -readOnly parameter has been enabled.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>If you use the URL project path, this option is implied you dont need to use this option unless you want to commit a comment when you commit.</p>
<p>Commits are currently not allowed for -process mode on shared projects (which must run in -readOnly mode).</p>
<header><span style="color:#FFD700">-okToDelete</span></header>
<li>When running in headless mode, some scripts exist that mark programs for deletion. This deletes all versions of a program in shared project mode and cannot be undone</li>
<li>Therefore, so that programs are not accidentally deleted, this option is required to be set if user wants program deleted in headless mode.</li>
<header><span style="font-size:40px;color:#FFD700">-max-cpu &lt;max cpu cores to use&gt;</span></header>
<li>Sets the maximum number of CPU cores to use during headless processing</li>
<header><span style="font-size:40px;color:#FFD700">-loader &lt;desired loader name&gt;</span></header>
<li>Forces the file to be imported using a specific loader. </li>
<li>Loaders can take additional arguments that they apply during the import process for things like block name, base address, file offset, length, etc... . See analyzeHeadlessREADME.html for full list.</li>
<header>General Notes</header>
<li>Make sure the specified project is not already open in the Ghidra GUI.</li>
<li>When importing in bulk (i.e., specifying a directory or wildcard string), files starting with &apos;.&apos; are ignored.</li>
<li>Import can be forced by naming the file during import:</li>
<span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:30px">-import /Users/user/.hidden.exe</span>
<header>Shared Project Notes</header>
<li>Avoid using the script API method &apos;setServerCredentials&apos;.
<li>Specify -connect with userID to override default userID (subject to server settings).</li>
<li>If server/keystore requires password, -connect will force prompting via stdin.</li>
<li>It is not possible to create a shared project via command line. See the GhidraProject class for a simple API that allows shared project creation using a script.</li>
<div role="note">
<li>Why should setServerCredentials be avoided:</li>
<li>Because the headless analyzer already does it for you; when you use setServerCredentials, the two actions conflict with each other</li>
<li>Note: be careful with password it will show up in the clear (except when using ghidra.jar).</li>
<header>Exercise 1</header>
<ul class="small">
<li>Create a directory in your home directory called <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;MyPrograms&quot;</span></li>
<li>Copy some of the class exercise programs to the <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;MyPrograms&quot;</span> directory
<li>Run Ghidra in headless so that it:</li>
<li>Analyzes the programs in the <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;MyPrograms&quot;</span> directory</li>
<li>Creates a project called <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;&lt;<i>your_name</i>&gt;_HeadlessProj&quot;</span> in your home directory that is saved after the script finishes.</li>
<li>Writes script output to a log called <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;myLog&quot;</span> in your home directory.
<li>Calls the <span style="color:#FFD700"></span> script on each program after analysis is finished.</li>
<li>After the script finishes, verify that it created a project and log in the correct directory. Open the log and verify that the log contains lines that start with <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;REPORT DISASSEMBLY...&quot;</span> for each program in your <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;MyPrograms&quot;</span> directory. Open the project to verify that it contains analyzed programs from your <span style="color:#FFD700">&quot;MyPrograms&quot;</span> directory.
<header><span style="font-size:46px">Headless Scripting Capabilities</span></header>
<li>Can do just about anything you can do in normal scripts including GUI-dependent actions</li>
<li>Can make scripts behave correctly in both GUI and headless environment</li>
<li>Any number Ghidra scripts can be run before and/or after analysis.</li>
<li>For multiple pre/post-scripts, scripts are executed in the order specified on the command line.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>When running scripts without -import or -process, only the specified pre/post-scripts will be executed. In this case, all scripts must execute in a program-independent manner, or errors will occur. Use -process for scripts that are program-dependent.</p>
<header><span style="font-size:46px">Headless Scripting Capabilities</span></header>
<li>Selections made in scripts will carry through to following scripts unless changed/cleared.</li>
<li>When running in -import mode, any pre- or post-script may invoke the <span style="font-family:'Courier New'; font-size:35px">setTemporary()</span> method on currentProgram to prevent that import from being saved.</li>
<li>Advanced control for deleting programs or canceling future scripts is discussed in the &quot;Control Follow-On Program Processing&quot; section.</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Why setTemporary() is useful: if you are using scripts to determine which binaries are interesting, you can save the interesting ones in your project and ditch the others.</p>
<header><span style="font-size:46px">Headless Scripting Capabilities</span></header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Some useful features...</li>
<li>Run other scripts from a script</li>
<li>Get current and default analysis options</li>
<li>Set analysis options</li>
<li>Also reset to default</li>
<li>Create and use selections</li>
<li>Detect auto-analysis timeout</li>
<li>Pass parameter values to a script</li>
<li>Control follow-on processing of a program after the current script (whether to abort future processing and/or delete program from project).</li>
<div role="note">
<p>New in 6.0: build-in methods for getting/setting analysis options.</p>
<header><span style="font-size:35px">Making a Script behave in<br>GUI and Headless environments</span></header>
<span style="color:#FFD700;font-size:30px">
if ( isRunningHeadless() ) { }
to check whether running headless mode
<header>Calling a Script from a Script</header>
<span style="color:#FFD700;font-size:30px">
<li>(See analyzeHeadlessREADME.html for different runScript options)</li>
<header>Get Analyzer Information</header>
<span style="font-size:20px">
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">
// Print analyzer names, their current values,
// and whether set to default value
<span style="color:#FFD700">
Map&lt;String, String&gt; analyzers =
for (String analyzer : analyzers.keySet()) {
String analyzerValue = analyzers.get(analyzer);
boolean isDefault =
isAnalysisOptionDefaultValue(currentProgram, analyzer,
println(analyzer + " : " + analyzerValue +
(isDefault ? &quot; (default)&quot; : &quot;&quot;));
<div role="note">
<li>There are also built-in functions to:</li>
<li>get option choices (for those analyzers that can only be set to certain values)</li>
<li>get descriptions for options (as provided by the analyzer)</li>
<li>reset some/all analysis options to default</li>
<li>get default values for analysis options</li>
<header>Set Analysis Options</header>
<ul class="small">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Example (change one option):
<span style="font-size:22px">
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">
// Turn off Stack Analyzer</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">
setAnalysisOption(currentProgram, &quot;Stack&quot;, &quot;false&quot;);
Example (change multiple options):
<span style="font-size:22px">
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">
// Turn off Stack Analyzer,
// Turn on Decompiler Param ID</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">
Map&lt;String,String&gt; optionsToSet =
new HashMap&lt;String, String&gt;();
optionsToSet.put(&quot;Stack&quot;, &quot;false&quot;);
optionsToSet.put(&quot;Decompiler Parameter ID&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
setAnalysisOptions(currentProgram, optionsToSet);
<div role="note">
<p>Note that option names and values must be strings (code will attempt to convert the value to the correct type).</p>
<header>Reset Analysis Options</header>
<ul class="small">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Example (reset all analysis options to default):
<span style="font-size:25px">
<span style="color:#FFD700">
Example (reset some analysis options to default):
<span style="font-size:25px">
<span style="color:#FFD700">
List&lt;String&gt; opts = Arrays.asList(new String[] {
&quot;Stack&quot;, &quot;Decompiler Parameter ID&quot;});
resetAnalysisOption(currentProgram, opts);
<header>Create a Selection</header>
<ul class="small">
<span style="font-size:25px">
<span style="color:#FFD700">
MemoryBlock block =
AddressSet set = createAddressSet();
This selection will stay set and can be used by subsequently-called scripts until it is changed or cleared.
<header><span style="font-size:35px">Control Follow-On Program<br>Processing from Scripts</span></header>
<span style="font-size:30px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Options (behavior after current script completes):</span>
<span style="font-size:22px">
<span style="color:#FFD700">CONTINUE</span>
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">// (default) Continue scheduled analysis/scripts,
// save program</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">CONTINUE_THEN_DELETE</span>
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">// Continue scheduled analysis/scripts, do not
// import/save program</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">ABORT</span>
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">// Abort scheduled analysis/scripts,
// save program</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">ABORT_AND_DELETE</span>
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">// Abort scheduled analysis/scripts,
// do not import/save program</span>
<header><span style="font-size:35px">Control Follow-On Program<br>Processing from Scripts</span></header>
<span style="font-size:30px">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Example:</span>
<span style="font-size:25px">
<span style="color:#CD5C5C">
// Abort processing for the current file
// because its version number is older than 8.1</span>
<span style="color:#FFD700">
GhidraState currState = getState();
if ( !getGhidraVersion().startsWith(&quot;8.1&quot;) ) {
<div role="note">
<p>More specifics on usage in analyzeHeadlessREADME.html</p>
<header>How to write a Headless Script</header>
<ul class="medium">
<li>Exactly the same as writing any Ghidra script!</li>
<li>Best way: Use Eclipse Framework + GhidraDev plugin</span></li>
<li>GhidraDev plugin provides Headless Ghidra run configuration (requires customization of program arguments)</span></li>
<li>See <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:30px">ghidra_&lt;version&gt;/Extensions/Eclipse/GhidraDev/GhidraDev_README.html</span> for more info.</li>
<div role="note">
<nl>There are two ways to install the GhidraDev plugin into your Eclipse:
<li>Link Ghidra with an Eclipse in Front-End tool options and edit a script from the Ghidra script manager. Ghidra will offer to install GhidraDev for you if not present.</li>
<li>Install directly into Eclipse using the file found at <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:30px">ghidra_&lt;version&gt;/Extensions/Eclipse/GhidraDev/</span></li>
See the GhidraDev_README.html for pros and cons of each.
<header>(Optional) Exercise 2</header>
<li>Repeat the same exercise as in Exercise 1 but instead of using the -import to run against a non-shared project, run it against all programs in a shared project. </li>
<header>More Headless Information</header>
<li><span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:30px">analyzeHeadlessREADME.html</span> in the <span style="font-family:'Courier New';font-size:30px">ghidra_&ltversion&gt/support/</span> folder contains many more details, lots of examples, and is usually more up to date than these slides!</li>
<header>Insert Title of Slide Here</header>
<ul class="small" comment="NOTE: remove the class attribute for regular size, adjust the name if you want big, small, or tiny">
<li>Bullet text here</li>
<li>Nested bullet here</li>
<div role="note">
<p>Insert notes here</p>
<p>And here, too</p>
<!-- Your Style -->
<!-- Define the style of your presentation -->
<!-- Maybe a font from ? -->
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font-size: 20px;
.tiny ol {
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font-size: 20px;
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margin: 0px 0px;
font-size: 20px;
.tiny li:before {
font-size: 70px;
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/* Standard list size */
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li {
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ul > li:before {
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color: red;
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p {
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blockquote {
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on top of the image/video */
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header {
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top: 0px;
width: 100%;
padding: 0px;
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background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat;
background-position: left top, right top;
background-size: contain, contain;
border-bottom: 1px solid red;
font-size: 50px;
/* Transition effect */
/* Feel free to change the transition effect for original
animations. See here:
How to use CSS3 Transitions: */
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-moz-transition: left 400ms linear 0s;
-webkit-transition: left 400ms linear 0s;
-ms-transition: left 400ms linear 0s;
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/* Before */
section { left: -150%; }
/* Now */
section[aria-selected] { left: 0; }
/* After */
section[aria-selected] ~ section { left: +150%; }
/* Incremental elements */
/* By default, visible */
.incremental > * { opacity: 1; }
/* The current item */
.incremental > *[aria-selected] { opacity: 1; }
/* The items to-be-selected */
.incremental > *[aria-selected] ~ * { opacity: 0; }
/* The progressbar, at the bottom of the slides, show the global
progress of the presentation. */
#progress-bar {
height: 2px;
background: #AAA;
<!-- {{{{ dzslides core
# __ __ __ . __ ___ __
# | \ / /__` | | | \ |__ /__`
# |__/ /_ .__/ |___ | |__/ |___ .__/ core :€
# The following block of code is not supposed to be edited.
# But if you want to change the behavior of these slides,
# feel free to hack it!
<div id="progress-bar"></div>
<!-- Default Style -->
* { margin: 0; padding: 0; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }
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.view head, .view head > title { display: block }
section {
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.view section {
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section[aria-selected] { pointer-events: auto; }
html { overflow: hidden; }
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.incremental[active] {visibility: visible; }
bottom: 0;
position: absolute;
-moz-transition: width 400ms linear 0s;
-webkit-transition: width 400ms linear 0s;
-ms-transition: width 400ms linear 0s;
transition: width 400ms linear 0s;
.view #progress-bar {
display: none;
var Dz = {
remoteWindows: [],
idx: -1,
step: 0,
html: null,
slides: null,
progressBar : null,
params: {
autoplay: "1"
Dz.init = function() {
document.body.className = "loaded";
this.slides =$$("body > section"));
this.progressBar = $("#progress-bar");
this.html = document.body.parentNode;
Dz.setupParams = function() {
var p ='&');
p.forEach(function(e, i, a) {
var keyVal = e.split('=');
Dz.params[keyVal[0]] = decodeURIComponent(keyVal[1]);
// Specific params handling
if (!+this.params.autoplay)
$$.forEach($$("video"), function(v){ v.controls = true });
Dz.onkeydown = function(aEvent) {
// Don't intercept keyboard shortcuts
if (aEvent.altKey
|| aEvent.ctrlKey
|| aEvent.metaKey
|| aEvent.shiftKey) {
if ( aEvent.keyCode == 37 // left arrow
|| aEvent.keyCode == 38 // up arrow
|| aEvent.keyCode == 33 // page up
) {
if ( aEvent.keyCode == 39 // right arrow
|| aEvent.keyCode == 40 // down arrow
|| aEvent.keyCode == 34 // page down
) {
if (aEvent.keyCode == 35) { // end
if (aEvent.keyCode == 36) { // home
if (aEvent.keyCode == 32) { // space
if (aEvent.keyCode == 70) { // f
if (aEvent.keyCode == 79) { // o
/* Touch Events */
Dz.setupTouchEvents = function() {
var orgX, newX;
var tracking = false;
var db = document.body;
db.addEventListener("touchstart", start.bind(this), false);
db.addEventListener("touchmove", move.bind(this), false);
function start(aEvent) {
tracking = true;
orgX = aEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
function move(aEvent) {
if (!tracking) return;
newX = aEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
if (orgX - newX > 100) {
tracking = false;
} else {
if (orgX - newX < -100) {
tracking = false;
Dz.setupView = function() {
document.body.addEventListener("click", function ( e ) {
if (!Dz.html.classList.contains("view")) return;
if (! || != "SECTION") return;
Dz.setCursor(Dz.slides.indexOf( + 1);
}, false);
/* Adapt the size of the slides to the window */
Dz.onresize = function() {
var db = document.body;
var sx = db.clientWidth / window.innerWidth;
var sy = db.clientHeight / window.innerHeight;
var transform = "scale(" + (1/Math.max(sx, sy)) + ")"; = transform; = transform; = transform; = transform; = transform;
Dz.getNotes = function(aIdx) {
var s = $("section:nth-of-type(" + aIdx + ")");
var d = s.$("[role='note']");
return d ? d.innerHTML : "";
Dz.onmessage = function(aEvent) {
var argv =" "), argc = argv.length;
argv.forEach(function(e, i, a) { a[i] = decodeURIComponent(e) });
var win = aEvent.source;
if (argv[0] === "REGISTER" && argc === 1) {
this.postMsg(win, "REGISTERED", document.title, this.slides.length);
this.postMsg(win, "CURSOR", this.idx + "." + this.step);
if (argv[0] === "BACK" && argc === 1)
if (argv[0] === "FORWARD" && argc === 1)
if (argv[0] === "START" && argc === 1)
if (argv[0] === "END" && argc === 1)
if (argv[0] === "TOGGLE_CONTENT" && argc === 1)
if (argv[0] === "SET_CURSOR" && argc === 2)
window.location.hash = "#" + argv[1];
if (argv[0] === "GET_CURSOR" && argc === 1)
this.postMsg(win, "CURSOR", this.idx + "." + this.step);
if (argv[0] === "GET_NOTES" && argc === 1)
this.postMsg(win, "NOTES", this.getNotes(this.idx));
Dz.toggleContent = function() {
// If a Video is present in this new slide, play it.
// If a Video is present in the previous slide, stop it.
var s = $("section[aria-selected]");
if (s) {
var video = s.$("video");
if (video) {
if (video.ended || video.paused) {;
} else {
Dz.setCursor = function(aIdx, aStep) {
// If the user change the slide number in the URL bar, jump
// to this slide.
aStep = (aStep != 0 && typeof aStep !== "undefined") ? "." + aStep : ".0";
window.location.hash = "#" + aIdx + aStep;
Dz.onhashchange = function() {
var cursor = window.location.hash.split("#"),
newidx = 1,
newstep = 0;
if (cursor.length == 2) {
newidx = ~~cursor[1].split(".")[0];
newstep = ~~cursor[1].split(".")[1];
if (newstep > Dz.slides[newidx - 1].$$('.incremental > *').length) {
newstep = 0;
this.setProgress(newidx, newstep);
if (newidx != this.idx) {
if (newstep != this.step) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.remoteWindows.length; i++) {
this.postMsg(this.remoteWindows[i], "CURSOR", this.idx + "." + this.step);
Dz.back = function() {
if (this.idx == 1 && this.step == 0) {
if (this.step == 0) {
this.setCursor(this.idx - 1,
this.slides[this.idx - 2].$$('.incremental > *').length);
} else {
this.setCursor(this.idx, this.step - 1);
Dz.forward = function() {
if (this.idx >= this.slides.length &&
this.step >= this.slides[this.idx - 1].$$('.incremental > *').length) {
if (this.step >= this.slides[this.idx - 1].$$('.incremental > *').length) {
this.setCursor(this.idx + 1, 0);
} else {
this.setCursor(this.idx, this.step + 1);
Dz.goStart = function() {
this.setCursor(1, 0);
Dz.goEnd = function() {
var lastIdx = this.slides.length;
var lastStep = this.slides[lastIdx - 1].$$('.incremental > *').length;
this.setCursor(lastIdx, lastStep);
Dz.toggleView = function() {
if (this.html.classList.contains("view")) {
Dz.setSlide = function(aIdx) {
this.idx = aIdx;
var old = $("section[aria-selected]");
var next = $("section:nth-of-type("+ this.idx +")");
if (old) {
var video = old.$("video");
if (video) {
if (next) {
next.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
if (this.html.classList.contains("view")) {
var video = next.$("video");
if (video && !!+this.params.autoplay) {;
} else {
// That should not happen
this.idx = -1;
// console.warn("Slide doesn't exist.");
Dz.setIncremental = function(aStep) {
this.step = aStep;
var old = this.slides[this.idx - 1].$('.incremental > *[aria-selected]');
if (old) {
var incrementals = $$('.incremental');
if (this.step <= 0) {
$$.forEach(incrementals, function(aNode) {
var next = this.slides[this.idx - 1].$$('.incremental > *')[this.step - 1];
if (next) {
next.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
next.parentNode.setAttribute('active', true);
var found = false;
$$.forEach(incrementals, function(aNode) {
if (aNode != next.parentNode)
if (found)
aNode.setAttribute('active', true);
found = true;
} else {
setCursor(this.idx, 0);
return next;
Dz.goFullscreen = function() {
var html = $('html'),
requestFullscreen = html.requestFullscreen || html.requestFullScreen || html.mozRequestFullScreen || html.webkitRequestFullScreen;
if (requestFullscreen) {
Dz.setProgress = function(aIdx, aStep) {
var slide = $("section:nth-of-type("+ aIdx +")");
if (!slide)
var steps = slide.$$('.incremental > *').length + 1,
slideSize = 100 / (this.slides.length - 1),
stepSize = slideSize / steps; = ((aIdx - 1) * slideSize + aStep * stepSize) + '%';
Dz.postMsg = function(aWin, aMsg) { // [arg0, [arg1...]]
aMsg = [aMsg];
for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++)
aWin.postMessage(aMsg.join(" "), "*");
function init() {
window.onkeydown = Dz.onkeydown.bind(Dz);
window.onresize = Dz.onresize.bind(Dz);
window.onhashchange = Dz.onhashchange.bind(Dz);
window.onmessage = Dz.onmessage.bind(Dz);
window.onload = init;
<script> // Helpers
if (!Function.prototype.bind) {
Function.prototype.bind = function (oThis) {
// closest thing possible to the ECMAScript 5 internal IsCallable
// function
if (typeof this !== "function")
throw new TypeError(
"Function.prototype.bind - what is trying to be fBound is not callable"
var aArgs =, 1),
fToBind = this,
fNOP = function () {},
fBound = function () {
return fToBind.apply( this instanceof fNOP ? this : oThis || window,
fNOP.prototype = this.prototype;
fBound.prototype = new fNOP();
return fBound;
var $ = (HTMLElement.prototype.$ = function(aQuery) {
return this.querySelector(aQuery);
var $$ = (HTMLElement.prototype.$$ = function(aQuery) {
return this.querySelectorAll(aQuery);
$$.forEach = function(nodeList, fun) {, fun);
<!-- vim: set fdm=marker: }}} -->