Add the spectest script

This commit is contained in:
Robert Xiao 2023-08-09 18:39:02 -07:00
parent 449da2d0ea
commit e8a3145455

View file

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
## ###
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# A script to test the WebAssembly emulator against a .wast test suite.
# As input, provide the .json file generated by wast2json.
# It is recommended to run this script headless, as follows:
# analyzeHeadless <projDir> <projName> -preScript <test.json>
# @author nneonneo
# @category Analysis.Wasm
# @keybinding
# @menupath
# @toolbar
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import json
import struct
from import File
from java.math import BigInteger
from import EmulatorHelper
from ghidra.program.emulation import WasmEmulationHelper
from ghidra.program.flatapi import FlatProgramAPI
from ghidra.program.model.listing import Program
from wasm import WasmLoader
from wasm.analysis import WasmAnalysis
## Ensure output is not buffered
class Unbuffered(object):
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
def write(self, data):
def writelines(self, datas):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(, attr)
sys.stdout = Unbuffered(sys.stdout)
sys.stderr = Unbuffered(sys.stderr)
eprint = lambda *args, **kwargs: print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
Command schema (
"module" {..., "name": <string>, "filename": <string>}
"action" {..., "action": <action>}
"assert_return" {..., "action": <action>, "expected": <expected>}
"assert_exhaustion" {..., "action": <action>, "text": <string>}
"assert_trap" {..., "action": <action>, "text": <string>}
"assert_invalid" {..., "filename": <string>, "text": <string>, "module_type": <module_type>}
"assert_malformed" {..., "filename": <string>, "text": <string>, "module_type": <module_type>}
"assert_uninstantiable" {..., "filename": <string>, "text": <string>, "module_type": <module_type>}
"assert_unlinkable" {..., "filename": <string>, "text": <string>, "module_type": <module_type>}
"register" {..., "name": <string>, "as": <string>}
null_val = 0x00000000
# return address for the top-level function call
ret_addr = 0x80000000
class EmulationError(Exception):
def encode_arg(ei):
eit = ei["type"]
eiv = ei["value"]
if eit in ("i32", "f32"):
return struct.pack("<I", int(eiv))
elif eit in ("i64", "f64"):
return struct.pack("<Q", int(eiv))
elif eit in ("externref", "funcref", "exnref"):
if eiv == "null":
eiv = str(null_val)
return struct.pack("<I", int(eiv))
elif eit == "v128":
eilt = ei["lane_type"]
if eilt == "i8":
return struct.pack("<16B", *[int(c) for c in eiv])
elif eilt == "i16":
return struct.pack("<8H", *[int(c) for c in eiv])
elif eilt in ("i32", "f32"):
return struct.pack("<4I", *[int(c) for c in eiv])
elif eilt in ("i64", "f64"):
return struct.pack("<2Q", *[int(c) for c in eiv])
raise Exception("unknown lane type %s" % eilt)
raise Exception("unknown value type %s" % eit)
class EmulatedProgram(FlatProgramAPI):
def __init__(self, program):
super(EmulatedProgram, self).__init__(program)
self.emuHelper = EmulatorHelper(program)
self.wasmHelper = WasmEmulationHelper(self.emuHelper.language)
self.analysis = WasmAnalysis.getState(program)
ramSpace = self.currentProgram.addressFactory.defaultAddressSpace
self.retAddr = ramSpace.getAddress(ret_addr)
self.nullAddr = ramSpace.getAddress(null_val)
def run_function(self, function, args):
stackBase = self.emuHelper.language.getRegister("s0").address
memState = self.emuHelper.emulator.memState
if len(args) != len(function.signature.arguments):
raise Exception("wrong number of arguments: got %d, expected %d" % (len(args), len(function.signature.arguments)))
biArgs = [BigInteger(1, encode_arg(arg)[::-1]) for arg in args]
self.wasmHelper.simulateCall(self.emuHelper.emulator, ret_addr, function.entryPoint.offset, biArgs)
while 1:
if not
err = self.emuHelper.lastError
if err.startswith("Unimplemented CALLOTHER pcodeop (halt_trap)"):
raise EmulationError("unreachable")
elif err in ("Divide by 0", "Remainder by 0"):
raise EmulationError("integer divide by zero")
raise EmulationError("Emulation stopped: " + err)
if self.emuHelper.executionAddress == self.retAddr:
elif self.emuHelper.executionAddress == self.nullAddr:
# tried to execute a null pointer
raise EmulationError("uninitialized element")
# Ghidra itself doesn't support multiple return values, so we grab that information from the Wasm analysis instead
sig = self.analysis.getFunctionByAddress(function.entryPoint)
res = []
for i, rt in enumerate(sig.returns):
res.append(self.emuHelper.readMemory(stackBase.add(i * WasmLoader.REG_SIZE), rt.size))
return res
def import_program(dirname, filename):
prog = importFile(File(os.path.join(dirname, filename)))
if prog is None:
raise Exception("Failed to import file!")
tx = prog.startTransaction("analysis")
prog.endTransaction(tx, True)
prog_api = EmulatedProgram(prog)
return prog_api
def execute_action(progs, action):
modname = action.get("module", None)
prog = progs.get(modname, None)
if prog is None:
raise ValueError("module was not loaded")
atype = action["type"]
field = action["field"]
export_ns = prog.getNamespace(None, "export")
syms = prog.getSymbols(field, export_ns)
if not syms:
raise ValueError("exported name %s not found" % (field.encode("unicode_escape"),))
sym_addr = syms[0].address
if atype == "get":
dlen = prog.getDataAt(sym_addr).length
return [prog.emuHelper.readMemory(sym_addr, dlen)]
elif atype == "invoke":
func = prog.getFunctionAt(sym_addr)
if func is None:
raise ValueError("exported symbol %s is not a function" % (field.encode("unicode_escape"),))
return prog.run_function(func, action["args"])
raise ValueError("action type %s is not known" % (atype,))
def assert_equal(msg, res, exp):
if res != exp:
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected %s" % (msg, res, exp))
def format_f32(v):
return "0x%08x (%s)" % (v, struct.unpack("<f", struct.pack("<I", v))[0])
def format_f64(v):
return "0x%016x (%s)" % (v, struct.unpack("<d", struct.pack("<Q", v))[0])
def compare_f32(name, riv, eiv):
if eiv == "nan:canonical":
if (riv & 0x7fffffff) != 0x7fc00000:
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected canonical nan" % (name, format_f32(riv)))
elif eiv == "nan:arithmetic":
if (riv & 0x7fc00000) != 0x7fc00000:
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected arithmetic nan" % (name, format_f32(riv)))
if riv != int(eiv):
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected %s" % (name, format_f32(riv), format_f32(int(eiv))))
def compare_f64(name, riv, eiv):
if eiv == "nan:canonical":
if (riv & 0x7fffffffffffffff) != 0x7ff8000000000000:
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected canonical nan" % (name, format_f64(riv)))
elif eiv == "nan:arithmetic":
if (riv & 0x7ff8000000000000) != 0x7ff8000000000000:
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected arithmetic nan" % (name, format_f64(riv)))
if riv != int(eiv):
raise AssertionError("wrong %s: got %s, expected %s" % (name, format_f64(riv), format_f64(int(eiv))))
def compare_result_value(ei, ri):
eit = ei["type"]
eiv = ei["value"]
if eit == "i32":
assert_equal("i32 result length", len(ri), 4)
riv, = struct.unpack("<I", ri)
assert_equal("i32 result", riv, int(eiv))
elif eit == "i64":
assert_equal("i64 result length", len(ri), 8)
riv, = struct.unpack("<Q", ri)
assert_equal("i64 result", riv, int(eiv))
elif eit == "f32":
assert_equal("f32 result length", len(ri), 4)
riv, = struct.unpack("<I", ri)
compare_f32("f32 result", riv, eiv)
elif eit == "f64":
assert_equal("f64 result length", len(ri), 8)
riv, = struct.unpack("<Q", ri)
compare_f64("f64 result", riv, eiv)
elif eit in ("externref", "funcref", "exnref"):
assert_equal("ref result length", len(ri), 4)
if eiv == "null":
eiv = str(null_val)
riv, = struct.unpack("<I", ri)
assert_equal("ref result", riv, long(eiv))
elif eit == "v128":
assert_equal("v128 result length", len(ri), 16)
eilt = ei["lane_type"]
if eilt == "i8":
assert_equal("i8x16 result", struct.unpack("<16B", ri), tuple([int(c) for c in eiv]))
elif eilt == "i16":
assert_equal("i16x8 result", struct.unpack("<8H", ri), tuple([int(c) for c in eiv]))
elif eilt == "i32":
assert_equal("i32x4 result", struct.unpack("<4I", ri), tuple([int(c) for c in eiv]))
elif eilt == "i64":
assert_equal("i64x2 result", struct.unpack("<2Q", ri), tuple([int(c) for c in eiv]))
elif eilt == "f32":
riv = struct.unpack("<4I", ri)
for i in range(4):
compare_f32("f32x4 lane %d" % i, riv[i], eiv[i])
elif eilt == "f64":
riv = struct.unpack("<2Q", ri)
for i in range(2):
compare_f64("f64x2 lane %d" % i, riv[i], eiv[i])
raise Exception("unknown lane type %s" % eilt)
raise Exception("unknown value type %s" % eit)
def compare_result(result, expected):
assert_equal("number of values returned", len(result), len(expected))
for i in range(len(expected)):
ri = result[i]
ei = expected[i]
compare_result_value(ei, ri)
def format_action(action):
return "%s %s" % (action["type"], action["field"].encode("unicode_escape"))
def format_exception():
etype, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
excs = unicode(exc)
if excs:
return "%s: %s" % (etype.__name__, excs)
return etype.__name__
def main():
file = askFile("wast .json file", "Open")
json_fn = file.absolutePath
testdata = json.load(open(json_fn))
testdir = os.path.dirname(json_fn)
# progs[None] is the current program
progs = {None: None}
succeeded_cmds = 0
failed_cmds = 0
skipped_cmds = 0
wast_fn = testdata["source_filename"]
for command in testdata["commands"]:
prefix = "%s:%d:" % (wast_fn, command["line"])
ctype = command["type"]
if ctype == "module":
prog = import_program(testdir, command["filename"])
progs[None] = prog
if "name" in command:
progs[command["name"]] = prog
succeeded_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: failed to load module %s: %s" % (command["filename"], format_exception()))
progs[None] = None
failed_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "action":
execute_action(progs, command["action"])
succeeded_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: failed to execute action %s: %s" % (format_action(command["action"]), format_exception()))
failed_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_return":
result = execute_action(progs, command["action"])
compare_result(result, command["expected"])
succeeded_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: assert_return %s failed: %s" % (format_action(command["action"]), format_exception()))
failed_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_exhaustion":
eprint(prefix, "NOTE: skipping assert_exhaustion %s" % format_action(command["action"]))
skipped_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_trap":
execute_action(progs, command["action"])
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: assert_trap %s did not trap" % format_action(command["action"]))
failed_cmds += 1
except EmulationError as e:
if e.args[0] == command["text"]:
succeeded_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: assert_trap %s trapped with %r but expected %r" % (format_action(command["action"]), e.args[0], command["text"]))
failed_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: assert_trap %s failed: %s" % (format_action(command["action"]), format_exception()))
failed_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_invalid":
eprint(prefix, "NOTE: skipping assert_invalid %s" % (command["filename"],))
skipped_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_malformed":
eprint(prefix, "NOTE: skipping assert_malformed %s" % (command["filename"],))
skipped_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_uninstantiable":
eprint(prefix, "NOTE: skipping assert_uninstantiable %s" % (command["filename"],))
skipped_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "assert_unlinkable":
eprint(prefix, "NOTE: skipping assert_unlinkable %s" % (command["filename"],))
skipped_cmds += 1
elif ctype == "register":
# TODO: save program in the root folder to benefit from automatic linking
progs[command["as"]] = progs[command.get("name", None)]
succeeded_cmds += 1
eprint(prefix, "ERROR: unrecognized command %s" % (command["type"],))
failed_cmds += 1
if succeeded_cmds + failed_cmds + skipped_cmds != len(testdata["commands"]):
eprint("ERROR: invalid result totals!")
eprint("SUMMARY: %s: %d succeeded, %d failed, %d skipped (%d total)" % (os.path.basename(json_fn), succeeded_cmds, failed_cmds, skipped_cmds, len(testdata["commands"])))
if __name__ == "__main__":