Ian Hickson 449f4a6673
License update (#45373)
* Update project.pbxproj files to say Flutter rather than Chromium

Also, the templates now have an empty organization so that we don't cause people to give their apps a Flutter copyright.

* Update the copyright notice checker to require a standard notice on all files

* Update copyrights on Dart files. (This was a mechanical commit.)

* Fix weird license headers on Dart files that deviate from our conventions; relicense Shrine.

Some were already marked "The Flutter Authors", not clear why. Their
dates have been normalized. Some were missing the blank line after the
license. Some were randomly different in trivial ways for no apparent
reason (e.g. missing the trailing period).

* Clean up the copyrights in non-Dart files. (Manual edits.)

Also, make sure templates don't have copyrights.

2019-11-27 15:04:02 -08:00

746 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io' hide Platform;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:crypto/src/digest_sink.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart' show Platform, LocalPlatform;
import 'package:process/process.dart';
const String chromiumRepo = 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/external/github.com/flutter/flutter';
const String githubRepo = 'https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git';
const String mingitForWindowsUrl = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra/mingit/'
const String gsBase = 'gs://flutter_infra';
const String releaseFolder = '/releases';
const String gsReleaseFolder = '$gsBase$releaseFolder';
const String baseUrl = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/flutter_infra';
/// Exception class for when a process fails to run, so we can catch
/// it and provide something more readable than a stack trace.
class PreparePackageException implements Exception {
PreparePackageException(this.message, [this.result]);
final String message;
final ProcessResult result;
int get exitCode => result?.exitCode ?? -1;
String toString() {
String output = runtimeType.toString();
if (message != null) {
output += ': $message';
final String stderr = result?.stderr ?? '';
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
output += ':\n$stderr';
return output;
enum Branch { dev, beta, stable }
String getBranchName(Branch branch) {
switch (branch) {
case Branch.beta:
return 'beta';
case Branch.dev:
return 'dev';
case Branch.stable:
return 'stable';
return null;
Branch fromBranchName(String name) {
switch (name) {
case 'beta':
return Branch.beta;
case 'dev':
return Branch.dev;
case 'stable':
return Branch.stable;
throw ArgumentError('Invalid branch name.');
/// A helper class for classes that want to run a process, optionally have the
/// stderr and stdout reported as the process runs, and capture the stdout
/// properly without dropping any.
class ProcessRunner {
ProcessManager processManager,
this.subprocessOutput = true,
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : processManager = processManager ?? const LocalProcessManager() {
environment = Map<String, String>.from(platform.environment);
/// The platform to use for a starting environment.
final Platform platform;
/// Set [subprocessOutput] to show output as processes run. Stdout from the
/// process will be printed to stdout, and stderr printed to stderr.
final bool subprocessOutput;
/// Set the [processManager] in order to inject a test instance to perform
/// testing.
final ProcessManager processManager;
/// Sets the default directory used when `workingDirectory` is not specified
/// to [runProcess].
final Directory defaultWorkingDirectory;
/// The environment to run processes with.
Map<String, String> environment;
/// Run the command and arguments in `commandLine` as a sub-process from
/// `workingDirectory` if set, or the [defaultWorkingDirectory] if not. Uses
/// [Directory.current] if [defaultWorkingDirectory] is not set.
/// Set `failOk` if [runProcess] should not throw an exception when the
/// command completes with a a non-zero exit code.
Future<String> runProcess(
List<String> commandLine, {
Directory workingDirectory,
bool failOk = false,
}) async {
workingDirectory ??= defaultWorkingDirectory ?? Directory.current;
if (subprocessOutput) {
stderr.write('Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path}.\n');
final List<int> output = <int>[];
final Completer<void> stdoutComplete = Completer<void>();
final Completer<void> stderrComplete = Completer<void>();
Process process;
Future<int> allComplete() async {
await stderrComplete.future;
await stdoutComplete.future;
return process.exitCode;
try {
process = await processManager.start(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory.absolute.path,
environment: environment,
(List<int> event) {
if (subprocessOutput) {
onDone: () async => stdoutComplete.complete(),
if (subprocessOutput) {
(List<int> event) {
onDone: () async => stderrComplete.complete(),
} else {
} on ProcessException catch (e) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw PreparePackageException(message);
} on ArgumentError catch (e) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} '
'failed with:\n${e.toString()}';
throw PreparePackageException(message);
final int exitCode = await allComplete();
if (exitCode != 0 && !failOk) {
final String message = 'Running "${commandLine.join(' ')}" in ${workingDirectory.path} failed';
throw PreparePackageException(
ProcessResult(0, exitCode, null, 'returned $exitCode'),
return utf8.decoder.convert(output).trim();
typedef HttpReader = Future<Uint8List> Function(Uri url, {Map<String, String> headers});
/// Creates a pre-populated Flutter archive from a git repo.
class ArchiveCreator {
/// [tempDir] is the directory to use for creating the archive. The script
/// will place several GiB of data there, so it should have available space.
/// The processManager argument is used to inject a mock of [ProcessManager] for
/// testing purposes.
/// If subprocessOutput is true, then output from processes invoked during
/// archive creation is echoed to stderr and stdout.
this.branch, {
this.strict = true,
ProcessManager processManager,
bool subprocessOutput = true,
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
HttpReader httpReader,
}) : assert(revision.length == 40),
flutterRoot = Directory(path.join(tempDir.path, 'flutter')),
httpReader = httpReader ?? http.readBytes,
_processRunner = ProcessRunner(
processManager: processManager,
subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,
platform: platform,
) {
_flutter = path.join(
_processRunner.environment['PUB_CACHE'] = path.join(flutterRoot.absolute.path, '.pub-cache');
/// The platform to use for the environment and determining which
/// platform we're running on.
final Platform platform;
/// The branch to build the archive for. The branch must contain [revision].
final Branch branch;
/// The git revision hash to build the archive for. This revision has
/// to be available in the [branch], although it doesn't have to be
/// at HEAD, since we clone the branch and then reset to this revision
/// to create the archive.
final String revision;
/// The flutter root directory in the [tempDir].
final Directory flutterRoot;
/// The temporary directory used to build the archive in.
final Directory tempDir;
/// The directory to write the output file to.
final Directory outputDir;
/// True if the creator should be strict about checking requirements or not.
/// In strict mode, will insist that the [revision] be a tagged revision.
final bool strict;
final Uri _minGitUri = Uri.parse(mingitForWindowsUrl);
final ProcessRunner _processRunner;
/// Used to tell the [ArchiveCreator] which function to use for reading
/// bytes from a URL. Used in tests to inject a fake reader. Defaults to
/// [http.readBytes].
final HttpReader httpReader;
File _outputFile;
String _version;
String _flutter;
/// Get the name of the channel as a string.
String get branchName => getBranchName(branch);
/// Returns a default archive name when given a Git revision.
/// Used when an output filename is not given.
String get _archiveName {
final String os = platform.operatingSystem.toLowerCase();
// We don't use .tar.xz on Mac because although it can unpack them
// on the command line (with tar), the "Archive Utility" that runs
// when you double-click on them just does some crazy behavior (it
// converts it to a compressed cpio archive, and when you double
// click on that, it converts it back to .tar.xz, without ever
// unpacking it!) So, we use .zip for Mac, and the files are about
// 220MB larger than they need to be. :-(
final String suffix = platform.isLinux ? 'tar.xz' : 'zip';
return 'flutter_${os}_$_version-$branchName.$suffix';
/// Checks out the flutter repo and prepares it for other operations.
/// Returns the version for this release, as obtained from the git tags.
Future<String> initializeRepo() async {
await _checkoutFlutter();
_version = await _getVersion();
return _version;
/// Performs all of the steps needed to create an archive.
Future<File> createArchive() async {
assert(_version != null, 'Must run initializeRepo before createArchive');
_outputFile = File(path.join(outputDir.absolute.path, _archiveName));
await _installMinGitIfNeeded();
await _populateCaches();
await _archiveFiles(_outputFile);
return _outputFile;
/// Returns the version number of this release, according the to tags in the
/// repo.
/// This looks for the tag attached to [revision] and, if it doesn't find one,
/// git will give an error.
/// If [strict] is true, the exact [revision] must be tagged to return the
/// version. If [strict] is not true, will look backwards in time starting at
/// [revision] to find the most recent version tag.
Future<String> _getVersion() async {
if (strict) {
try {
return _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--exact-match', revision]);
} on PreparePackageException catch (exception) {
throw PreparePackageException(
'Git error when checking for a version tag attached to revision $revision.\n'
'Perhaps there is no tag at that revision?:\n'
} else {
return _runGit(<String>['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=0', revision]);
/// Clone the Flutter repo and make sure that the git environment is sane
/// for when the user will unpack it.
Future<void> _checkoutFlutter() async {
// We want the user to start out the in the specified branch instead of a
// detached head. To do that, we need to make sure the branch points at the
// desired revision.
await _runGit(<String>['clone', '-b', branchName, chromiumRepo], workingDirectory: tempDir);
await _runGit(<String>['reset', '--hard', revision]);
// Make the origin point to github instead of the chromium mirror.
await _runGit(<String>['remote', 'set-url', 'origin', githubRepo]);
/// Retrieve the MinGit executable from storage and unpack it.
Future<void> _installMinGitIfNeeded() async {
if (!platform.isWindows) {
final Uint8List data = await httpReader(_minGitUri);
final File gitFile = File(path.join(tempDir.absolute.path, 'mingit.zip'));
await gitFile.writeAsBytes(data, flush: true);
final Directory minGitPath = Directory(path.join(flutterRoot.absolute.path, 'bin', 'mingit'));
await minGitPath.create(recursive: true);
await _unzipArchive(gitFile, workingDirectory: minGitPath);
/// Prepare the archive repo so that it has all of the caches warmed up and
/// is configured for the user to begin working.
Future<void> _populateCaches() async {
await _runFlutter(<String>['doctor']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['update-packages']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['precache']);
await _runFlutter(<String>['ide-config']);
// Create each of the templates, since they will call 'pub get' on
// themselves when created, and this will warm the cache with their
// dependencies too.
for (String template in <String>['app', 'package', 'plugin']) {
final String createName = path.join(tempDir.path, 'create_$template');
await _runFlutter(
<String>['create', '--template=$template', createName],
// Run it outside the cloned Flutter repo to not nest git repos, since
// they'll be git repos themselves too.
workingDirectory: tempDir,
// Yes, we could just skip all .packages files when constructing
// the archive, but some are checked in, and we don't want to skip
// those.
await _runGit(<String>['clean', '-f', '-X', '**/.packages']);
/// Write the archive to the given output file.
Future<void> _archiveFiles(File outputFile) async {
if (outputFile.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.zip')) {
await _createZipArchive(outputFile, flutterRoot);
} else if (outputFile.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.tar.xz')) {
await _createTarArchive(outputFile, flutterRoot);
Future<String> _runFlutter(List<String> args, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>[_flutter, ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
Future<String> _runGit(List<String> args, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['git', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory ?? flutterRoot,
/// Unpacks the given zip file into the currentDirectory (if set), or the
/// same directory as the archive.
Future<String> _unzipArchive(File archive, {Directory workingDirectory}) {
workingDirectory ??= Directory(path.dirname(archive.absolute.path));
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
commandLine = <String>[
} else {
commandLine = <String>[
return _processRunner.runProcess(commandLine, workingDirectory: workingDirectory);
/// Create a zip archive from the directory source.
Future<String> _createZipArchive(File output, Directory source) async {
List<String> commandLine;
if (platform.isWindows) {
// Unhide the .git folder, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/attrib.
await _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['attrib', '-h', '.git'],
workingDirectory: Directory(source.absolute.path),
commandLine = <String>[
} else {
commandLine = <String>[
return _processRunner.runProcess(
workingDirectory: Directory(path.dirname(source.absolute.path)),
/// Create a tar archive from the directory source.
Future<String> _createTarArchive(File output, Directory source) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(<String>[
], workingDirectory: Directory(path.dirname(source.absolute.path)));
class ArchivePublisher {
this.outputFile, {
ProcessManager processManager,
bool subprocessOutput = true,
this.platform = const LocalPlatform(),
}) : assert(revision.length == 40),
platformName = platform.operatingSystem.toLowerCase(),
metadataGsPath = '$gsReleaseFolder/${getMetadataFilename(platform)}',
_processRunner = ProcessRunner(
processManager: processManager,
subprocessOutput: subprocessOutput,
final Platform platform;
final String platformName;
final String metadataGsPath;
final Branch branch;
final String revision;
final String version;
final Directory tempDir;
final File outputFile;
final ProcessRunner _processRunner;
String get branchName => getBranchName(branch);
String get destinationArchivePath => '$branchName/$platformName/${path.basename(outputFile.path)}';
static String getMetadataFilename(Platform platform) => 'releases_${platform.operatingSystem.toLowerCase()}.json';
Future<String> _getChecksum(File archiveFile) async {
final DigestSink digestSink = DigestSink();
final ByteConversionSink sink = sha256.startChunkedConversion(digestSink);
final Stream<List<int>> stream = archiveFile.openRead();
await stream.forEach((List<int> chunk) {
return digestSink.value.toString();
/// Publish the archive to Google Storage.
Future<void> publishArchive() async {
final String destGsPath = '$gsReleaseFolder/$destinationArchivePath';
await _cloudCopy(outputFile.absolute.path, destGsPath);
await _updateMetadata();
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> _addRelease(Map<String, dynamic> jsonData) async {
jsonData['base_url'] = '$baseUrl$releaseFolder';
if (!jsonData.containsKey('current_release')) {
jsonData['current_release'] = <String, String>{};
jsonData['current_release'][branchName] = revision;
if (!jsonData.containsKey('releases')) {
jsonData['releases'] = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
final Map<String, dynamic> newEntry = <String, dynamic>{};
newEntry['hash'] = revision;
newEntry['channel'] = branchName;
newEntry['version'] = version;
newEntry['release_date'] = DateTime.now().toUtc().toIso8601String();
newEntry['archive'] = destinationArchivePath;
newEntry['sha256'] = await _getChecksum(outputFile);
// Search for any entries with the same hash and channel and remove them.
final List<dynamic> releases = jsonData['releases'];
jsonData['releases'] = <Map<String, dynamic>>[
for (Map<String, dynamic> entry in releases)
if (entry['hash'] != newEntry['hash'] || entry['channel'] != newEntry['channel'])
]..sort((Map<String, dynamic> a, Map<String, dynamic> b) {
final DateTime aDate = DateTime.parse(a['release_date']);
final DateTime bDate = DateTime.parse(b['release_date']);
return bDate.compareTo(aDate);
return jsonData;
Future<void> _updateMetadata() async {
// We can't just cat the metadata from the server with 'gsutil cat', because
// Windows wants to echo the commands that execute in gsutil.bat to the
// stdout when we do that. So, we copy the file locally and then read it
// back in.
final File metadataFile = File(
path.join(tempDir.absolute.path, getMetadataFilename(platform)),
await _runGsUtil(<String>['cp', metadataGsPath, metadataFile.absolute.path]);
final String currentMetadata = metadataFile.readAsStringSync();
if (currentMetadata.isEmpty) {
throw PreparePackageException('Empty metadata received from server');
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData;
try {
jsonData = json.decode(currentMetadata);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw PreparePackageException('Unable to parse JSON metadata received from cloud: $e');
jsonData = await _addRelease(jsonData);
const JsonEncoder encoder = JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ');
await _cloudCopy(metadataFile.absolute.path, metadataGsPath);
Future<String> _runGsUtil(
List<String> args, {
Directory workingDirectory,
bool failOk = false,
}) async {
if (platform.isWindows) {
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['python', path.join(platform.environment['DEPOT_TOOLS'], 'gsutil.py'), '--', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
failOk: failOk,
return _processRunner.runProcess(
<String>['gsutil.py', '--', ...args],
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
failOk: failOk,
Future<String> _cloudCopy(String src, String dest) async {
// We often don't have permission to overwrite, but
// we have permission to remove, so that's what we do.
await _runGsUtil(<String>['rm', dest], failOk: true);
String mimeType;
if (dest.endsWith('.tar.xz')) {
mimeType = 'application/x-gtar';
if (dest.endsWith('.zip')) {
mimeType = 'application/zip';
if (dest.endsWith('.json')) {
mimeType = 'application/json';
return await _runGsUtil(<String>[
// Use our preferred MIME type for the files we care about
// and let gsutil figure it out for anything else.
if (mimeType != null) ...<String>['-h', 'Content-Type:$mimeType'],
/// Prepares a flutter git repo to be packaged up for distribution.
/// It mainly serves to populate the .pub-cache with any appropriate Dart
/// packages, and the flutter cache in bin/cache with the appropriate
/// dependencies and snapshots.
/// Archives contain the executables and customizations for the platform that
/// they are created on.
Future<void> main(List<String> rawArguments) async {
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'A location where temporary files may be written. Defaults to a '
'directory in the system temp folder. Will write a few GiB of data, '
'so it should have sufficient free space. If a temp_dir is not '
'specified, then the default temp_dir will be created, used, and '
'removed automatically.',
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'The Flutter git repo revision to build the '
'archive with. Must be the full 40-character hash. Required.');
defaultsTo: null,
allowed: Branch.values.map<String>((Branch branch) => getBranchName(branch)),
help: 'The Flutter branch to build the archive with. Required.',
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'The path to the directory where the output archive should be '
'written. If --output is not specified, the archive will be written to '
"the current directory. If the output directory doesn't exist, it, and "
'the path to it, will be created.',
defaultsTo: false,
help: 'If set, will publish the archive to Google Cloud Storage upon '
'successful creation of the archive. Will publish under this '
'directory: $baseUrl$releaseFolder',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print help for this command.',
final ArgResults parsedArguments = argParser.parse(rawArguments);
if (parsedArguments['help']) {
void errorExit(String message, {int exitCode = -1}) {
stderr.write('Error: $message\n\n');
final String revision = parsedArguments['revision'];
if (revision.isEmpty) {
errorExit('Invalid argument: --revision must be specified.');
if (revision.length != 40) {
errorExit('Invalid argument: --revision must be the entire hash, not just a prefix.');
if (parsedArguments['branch'].isEmpty) {
errorExit('Invalid argument: --branch must be specified.');
Directory tempDir;
bool removeTempDir = false;
if (parsedArguments['temp_dir'] == null || parsedArguments['temp_dir'].isEmpty) {
tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_package.');
removeTempDir = true;
} else {
tempDir = Directory(parsedArguments['temp_dir']);
if (!tempDir.existsSync()) {
errorExit("Temporary directory ${parsedArguments['temp_dir']} doesn't exist.");
Directory outputDir;
if (parsedArguments['output'] == null) {
outputDir = tempDir;
} else {
outputDir = Directory(parsedArguments['output']);
if (!outputDir.existsSync()) {
outputDir.createSync(recursive: true);
final Branch branch = fromBranchName(parsedArguments['branch']);
final ArchiveCreator creator = ArchiveCreator(tempDir, outputDir, revision, branch, strict: parsedArguments['publish']);
int exitCode = 0;
String message;
try {
final String version = await creator.initializeRepo();
final File outputFile = await creator.createArchive();
if (parsedArguments['publish']) {
final ArchivePublisher publisher = ArchivePublisher(
await publisher.publishArchive();
} on PreparePackageException catch (e) {
exitCode = e.exitCode;
message = e.message;
} catch (e) {
exitCode = -1;
message = e.toString();
} finally {
if (removeTempDir) {
tempDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
if (exitCode != 0) {
errorExit(message, exitCode: exitCode);