Michael Goderbauer f430a45a5b Roll engine to ceb6d05c2fb3bd5c31a25d4b08be9fd97b55a446 (#11933)
* Roll engien to 79332e5c42555875c7070c33810dab3f0012ace1

* Remove deprecated @proxy

* Roll engine to ceb6d05c2fb3bd5c31a25d4b08be9fd97b55a446
2017-09-05 21:12:46 -07:00

370 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/error.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/health.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/timeline.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc;
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_client/vm_service_client.dart';
/// Magical timeout value that's different from the default.
const Duration _kTestTimeout = const Duration(milliseconds: 1234);
const String _kSerializedTestTimeout = '1234';
void main() {
group('FlutterDriver.connect', () {
List<LogRecord> log;
StreamSubscription<LogRecord> logSub;
MockVMServiceClient mockClient;
MockVM mockVM;
MockIsolate mockIsolate;
MockPeer mockPeer;
void expectLogContains(String message) {
expect(log.map((LogRecord r) => '$r'), anyElement(contains(message)));
setUp(() {
log = <LogRecord>[];
logSub = flutterDriverLog.listen(log.add);
mockClient = new MockVMServiceClient();
mockVM = new MockVM();
mockIsolate = new MockIsolate();
mockPeer = new MockPeer();
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any))
.thenReturn(makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{'status': 'ok'}));
vmServiceConnectFunction = (String url) {
return new Future<VMServiceClientConnection>.value(
new VMServiceClientConnection(mockClient, mockPeer)
tearDown(() async {
await logSub.cancel();
test('connects to isolate paused at start', () async {
final List<String> connectionLog = <String>[];
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('streamListen', any)).thenAnswer((_) {
return null;
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseStartEvent());
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenAnswer((_) {
return new Future<Null>.value();
when(mockIsolate.onExtensionAdded).thenAnswer((_) {
return new Stream<String>.fromIterable(<String>['ext.flutter.driver']);
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is paused at start');
expect(connectionLog, <String>['streamListen', 'onExtensionAdded', 'resume']);
test('connects to isolate paused mid-flight', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent());
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenReturn(new Future<Null>.value());
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is paused mid-flight');
// This test simulates a situation when we believe that the isolate is
// currently paused, but something else (e.g. a debugger) resumes it before
// we do. There's no need to fail as we should be able to drive the app
// just fine.
test('connects despite losing the race to resume isolate', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent());
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenAnswer((_) {
// This needs to be wrapped in a closure to not be considered uncaught
// by package:test
return new Future<Null>.error(new rpc.RpcException(101, ''));
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Attempted to resume an already resumed isolate');
test('connects to unpaused isolate', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMResumeEvent());
final FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is not paused. Assuming application is ready.');
group('FlutterDriver', () {
MockVMServiceClient mockClient;
MockPeer mockPeer;
MockIsolate mockIsolate;
FlutterDriver driver;
setUp(() {
mockClient = new MockVMServiceClient();
mockPeer = new MockPeer();
mockIsolate = new MockIsolate();
driver = new FlutterDriver.connectedTo(mockClient, mockPeer, mockIsolate);
test('checks the health of the driver extension', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenReturn(
makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{'status': 'ok'}));
final Health result = await driver.checkHealth();
expect(result.status, HealthStatus.ok);
test('closes connection', () async {
when(mockClient.close()).thenReturn(new Future<Null>.value());
await driver.close();
group('ByValueKey', () {
test('restricts value types', () async {
expect(() => find.byValueKey(null),
throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('finds by ValueKey', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, String>{
'command': 'tap',
'timeout': _kSerializedTestTimeout,
'finderType': 'ByValueKey',
'keyValueString': 'foo',
'keyValueType': 'String'
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('foo'), timeout: _kTestTimeout);
group('tap', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.tap(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the tap command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'tap',
'timeout': _kSerializedTestTimeout,
'finderType': 'ByText',
'text': 'foo',
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.tap(find.text('foo'), timeout: _kTestTimeout);
group('getText', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.getText(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the getText command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'get_text',
'timeout': _kSerializedTestTimeout,
'finderType': 'ByValueKey',
'keyValueString': '123',
'keyValueType': 'int'
return makeMockResponse(<String, String>{
'text': 'hello'
final String result = await driver.getText(find.byValueKey(123), timeout: _kTestTimeout);
expect(result, 'hello');
group('waitFor', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.waitFor(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the waitFor command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'waitFor',
'finderType': 'ByTooltipMessage',
'text': 'foo',
'timeout': _kSerializedTestTimeout,
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'), timeout: _kTestTimeout);
group('waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks', () {
test('sends the waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks',
'timeout': _kSerializedTestTimeout,
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: _kTestTimeout);
group('traceAction', () {
test('traces action', () async {
bool actionCalled = false;
bool startTracingCalled = false;
bool stopTracingCalled = false;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[all]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
startTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
stopTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_getVMTimeline')).thenAnswer((_) async {
return <String, dynamic> {
'traceEvents': <dynamic>[
<String, String>{
'name': 'test event'
final Timeline timeline = await driver.traceAction(() {
actionCalled = true;
expect(actionCalled, isTrue);
expect(startTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(stopTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(timeline.events.single.name, 'test event');
group('traceAction with timeline streams', () {
test('specify non-default timeline streams', () async {
bool actionCalled = false;
bool startTracingCalled = false;
bool stopTracingCalled = false;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[Dart, GC, Compiler]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
startTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
stopTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_getVMTimeline')).thenAnswer((_) async {
return <String, dynamic> {
'traceEvents': <dynamic>[
<String, String>{
'name': 'test event'
final Timeline timeline = await driver.traceAction(() {
actionCalled = true;
streams: const <TimelineStream>[
expect(actionCalled, isTrue);
expect(startTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(stopTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(timeline.events.single.name, 'test event');
group('sendCommand error conditions', () {
test('local timeout', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
// completer never competed to trigger timeout
return new Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>().future;
try {
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'), timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
fail('expected an exception');
} catch(error) {
expect(error is DriverError, isTrue);
expect(error.message, 'Failed to fulfill WaitFor: Flutter application not responding');
test('remote error', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{
'message': 'This is a failure'
}, isError: true);
try {
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'));
fail('expected an exception');
} catch(error) {
expect(error is DriverError, isTrue);
expect(error.message, 'Error in Flutter application: {message: This is a failure}');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> makeMockResponse(
Map<String, dynamic> response, {bool isError: false}) {
return new Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{
'isError': isError,
'response': response
class MockVMServiceClient extends Mock implements VMServiceClient { }
class MockVM extends Mock implements VM { }
class MockIsolate extends Mock implements VMRunnableIsolate { }
class MockVMPauseStartEvent extends Mock implements VMPauseStartEvent { }
class MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent extends Mock implements VMPauseBreakpointEvent { }
class MockVMResumeEvent extends Mock implements VMResumeEvent { }
class MockPeer extends Mock implements rpc.Peer { }