
1117 lines
41 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// See ../snippets/README.md for documentation.
// To run this, from the root of the Flutter repository:
// bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart dev/bots/analyze_sample_code.dart
// @dart= 2.12
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:watcher/watcher.dart';
final String _flutterRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script))));
final String _defaultFlutterPackage = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter', 'lib');
final String _defaultDartUiLocation = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'bin', 'cache', 'pkg', 'sky_engine', 'lib', 'ui');
final String _flutter = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'bin', Platform.isWindows ? 'flutter.bat' : 'flutter');
void main(List<String> arguments) {
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'A location where temporary files may be written. Defaults to a '
'directory in the system temp folder. If specified, will not be '
'automatically removed at the end of execution.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print verbose output for the analysis process.',
defaultsTo: _defaultDartUiLocation,
help: 'A location where the dart:ui dart files are to be found. Defaults to '
'the sky_engine directory installed in this flutter repo. This '
'is typically the engine/src/flutter/lib/ui directory in an engine dev setup. '
'Implies --include-dart-ui.',
defaultsTo: true,
negatable: true,
help: 'Includes the dart:ui code supplied by the engine in the analysis.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print help for this command.',
abbr: 'i',
help: 'Analyzes the sample code in the specified file interactively.',
final ArgResults parsedArguments = argParser.parse(arguments);
if (parsedArguments['help'] as bool) {
print('See dev/snippets/README.md for documentation.');
Directory flutterPackage;
if (parsedArguments.rest.length == 1) {
// Used for testing.
flutterPackage = Directory(parsedArguments.rest.single);
} else {
flutterPackage = Directory(_defaultFlutterPackage);
final bool includeDartUi = parsedArguments.wasParsed('dart-ui-location') || parsedArguments['include-dart-ui'] as bool;
late Directory dartUiLocation;
if (((parsedArguments['dart-ui-location'] ?? '') as String).isNotEmpty) {
dartUiLocation = Directory(
path.absolute(parsedArguments['dart-ui-location'] as String));
} else {
dartUiLocation = Directory(_defaultDartUiLocation);
if (!dartUiLocation.existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln('Unable to find dart:ui directory ${dartUiLocation.path}');
Directory? tempDirectory;
if (parsedArguments.wasParsed('temp')) {
final String tempArg = parsedArguments['temp'] as String;
tempDirectory = Directory(path.join(Directory.systemTemp.absolute.path, path.basename(tempArg)));
if (path.basename(tempArg) != tempArg) {
stderr.writeln('Supplied temporary directory name should be a name, not a path. Using ${tempDirectory.absolute.path} instead.');
print('Leaving temporary output in ${tempDirectory.absolute.path}.');
// Make sure that any directory left around from a previous run is cleared
// out.
if (tempDirectory.existsSync()) {
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
if (parsedArguments['interactive'] != null) {
tempDir: tempDirectory,
flutterPackage: flutterPackage,
filePath: parsedArguments['interactive'] as String,
dartUiLocation: includeDartUi ? dartUiLocation : null,
} else {
try {
exitCode = SampleChecker(
tempDirectory: tempDirectory,
verbose: parsedArguments['verbose'] as bool,
dartUiLocation: includeDartUi ? dartUiLocation : null,
} on SampleCheckerException catch (e) {
class SampleCheckerException implements Exception {
SampleCheckerException(this.message, {this.file, this.line});
final String message;
final String? file;
final int? line;
String toString() {
if (file != null || line != null) {
final String fileStr = file == null ? '' : '$file:';
final String lineStr = line == null ? '' : '$line:';
return '$fileStr$lineStr Error: $message';
} else {
return 'Error: $message';
/// Checks samples and code snippets for analysis errors.
/// Extracts dartdoc content from flutter package source code, identifies code
/// sections, and writes them to a temporary directory, where 'flutter analyze'
/// is used to analyze the sources for problems. If problems are found, the
/// error output from the analyzer is parsed for details, and the problem
/// locations are translated back to the source location.
/// For samples, the samples are generated using the snippets tool, and they
/// are analyzed with the snippets. If errors are found in samples, then the
/// line number of the start of the sample is given instead of the actual error
/// line, since samples get reformatted when written, and the line numbers
/// don't necessarily match. It does, however, print the source of the
/// problematic line.
class SampleChecker {
/// Creates a [SampleChecker].
/// The positional argument is the path to the the package directory for the
/// flutter package within the Flutter root dir.
/// The optional `tempDirectory` argument supplies the location for the
/// temporary files to be written and analyzed. If not supplied, it defaults
/// to a system generated temp directory.
/// The optional `verbose` argument indicates whether or not status output
/// should be emitted while doing the check.
/// The optional `dartUiLocation` argument indicates the location of the
/// `dart:ui` code to be analyzed along with the framework code. If not
/// supplied, the default location of the `dart:ui` code in the Flutter
/// repository is used (i.e. "<flutter repo>/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/lib/ui").
this._flutterPackage, {
Directory? tempDirectory,
this.verbose = false,
Directory? dartUiLocation,
}) : _tempDirectory = tempDirectory ?? Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_analyze_sample_code.'),
_keepTmp = tempDirectory != null,
_dartUiLocation = dartUiLocation;
/// The prefix of each comment line
static const String _dartDocPrefix = '///';
/// The prefix of each comment line with a space appended.
static const String _dartDocPrefixWithSpace = '$_dartDocPrefix ';
/// A RegExp that matches the beginning of a dartdoc snippet or sample.
static final RegExp _dartDocSampleBeginRegex = RegExp(r'{@tool (sample|snippet|dartpad)(?:| ([^}]*))}');
/// A RegExp that matches the end of a dartdoc snippet or sample.
static final RegExp _dartDocSampleEndRegex = RegExp(r'{@end-tool}');
/// A RegExp that matches the start of a code block within dartdoc.
static final RegExp _codeBlockStartRegex = RegExp(r'///\s+```dart.*$');
/// A RegExp that matches the end of a code block within dartdoc.
static final RegExp _codeBlockEndRegex = RegExp(r'///\s+```\s*$');
/// A RegExp that matches a Dart constructor.
static final RegExp _constructorRegExp = RegExp(r'(const\s+)?_*[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9<>._]*\(');
/// A RegExp that matches a dart version specification in an example preamble.
static final RegExp _dartVersionRegExp = RegExp(r'\/\/ \/\/ @dart = ([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)');
/// Whether or not to print verbose output.
final bool verbose;
/// Whether or not to keep the temp directory around after running.
/// Defaults to false.
final bool _keepTmp;
/// The temporary directory where all output is written. This will be deleted
/// automatically if there are no errors.
final Directory _tempDirectory;
/// The package directory for the flutter package within the flutter root dir.
final Directory _flutterPackage;
/// The directory for the dart:ui code to be analyzed with the flutter code.
/// If this is null, then no dart:ui code is included in the analysis. It
/// defaults to the location inside of the flutter bin/cache directory that
/// contains the dart:ui code supplied by the engine.
final Directory? _dartUiLocation;
/// A serial number so that we can create unique expression names when we
/// generate them.
int _expressionId = 0;
/// The exit code from the analysis process.
int _exitCode = 0;
// Once the snippets tool has been precompiled by Dart, this contains the AOT
// snapshot.
String? _snippetsSnapshotPath;
/// Finds the location of the snippets script.
String get _snippetsExecutable {
final String platformScriptPath = path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script));
return path.canonicalize(path.join(platformScriptPath, '..', 'snippets', 'lib', 'main.dart'));
/// Finds the location of the Dart executable.
String get _dartExecutable {
final File dartExecutable = File(Platform.resolvedExecutable);
return dartExecutable.absolute.path;
static List<File> _listDartFiles(Directory directory, {bool recursive = false}) {
return directory.listSync(recursive: recursive, followLinks: false).whereType<File>().where((File file) => path.extension(file.path) == '.dart').toList();
/// Computes the headers needed for each sample file.
List<Line> get headers {
return _headers ??= <String>[
'// generated code',
'// ignore_for_file: directives_ordering',
'// ignore_for_file: unused_import',
'// ignore_for_file: unused_element',
'// ignore_for_file: unused_local_variable',
"import 'dart:async';",
"import 'dart:convert';",
"import 'dart:math' as math;",
"import 'dart:typed_data';",
"import 'dart:ui' as ui;",
"import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';",
for (final File file in _listDartFiles(Directory(_defaultFlutterPackage))) ...<String>[
'// ${file.path}',
"import 'package:flutter/${path.basename(file.path)}';",
].map<Line>((String code) => Line(code)).toList();
List<Line>? _headers;
/// Checks all the samples in the Dart files in [_flutterPackage] for errors.
int checkSamples() {
_exitCode = 0;
Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> errors = <String, List<AnalysisError>>{};
try {
final Map<String, Section> sections = <String, Section>{};
final Map<String, Sample> snippets = <String, Sample>{};
if (_dartUiLocation != null && !_dartUiLocation!.existsSync()) {
stderr.writeln('Unable to analyze engine dart samples at ${_dartUiLocation!.path}.');
final List<File> filesToAnalyze = <File>[
..._listDartFiles(_flutterPackage, recursive: true),
if (_dartUiLocation != null && _dartUiLocation!.existsSync()) ... _listDartFiles(_dartUiLocation!, recursive: true),
_extractSamples(filesToAnalyze, sectionMap: sections, sampleMap: snippets);
errors = _analyze(_tempDirectory, sections, snippets);
} finally {
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
for (final String filePath in errors.keys) {
stderr.writeln('\nFound ${errors.length} sample code errors.');
if (_keepTmp) {
print('Leaving temporary directory ${_tempDirectory.path} around for your perusal.');
} else {
try {
_tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to delete ${_tempDirectory.path}: $e');
// If we made a snapshot, remove it (so as not to clutter up the tree).
if (_snippetsSnapshotPath != null) {
final File snapshot = File(_snippetsSnapshotPath!);
if (snapshot.existsSync()) {
return _exitCode;
/// Creates a name for the snippets tool to use for the snippet ID from a
/// filename and starting line number.
String _createNameFromSource(String prefix, String filename, int start) {
String sampleId = path.split(filename).join('.');
sampleId = path.basenameWithoutExtension(sampleId);
sampleId = '$prefix.$sampleId.$start';
return sampleId;
// Precompiles the snippets tool if _snippetsSnapshotPath isn't set yet, and
// runs the precompiled version if it is set.
ProcessResult _runSnippetsScript(List<String> args) {
final String workingDirectory = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'dev', 'docs');
if (_snippetsSnapshotPath == null) {
_snippetsSnapshotPath = '$_snippetsExecutable.snapshot';
return Process.runSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
} else {
return Process.runSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
/// Writes out the given sample to an output file in the [_tempDirectory] and
/// returns the output file.
File _writeSample(Sample sample) {
// Generate the snippet.
final String sampleId = _createNameFromSource('sample', sample.start.filename, sample.start.line);
final String inputName = '$sampleId.input';
// Now we have a filename like 'lib.src.material.foo_widget.123.dart' for each snippet.
final File inputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, inputName))..createSync(recursive: true);
final File outputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, '$sampleId.dart'));
final List<String> args = <String>[
if (verbose)
print('Generating sample for ${sample.start.filename}:${sample.start.line}');
final ProcessResult process = _runSnippetsScript(args);
if (verbose)
if (process.exitCode != 0) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Unable to create sample for ${sample.start.filename}:${sample.start.line} '
'(using input from ${inputFile.path}):\n${process.stdout}\n${process.stderr}',
file: sample.start.filename,
line: sample.start.line,
return outputFile;
/// Extracts the samples from the Dart files in [files], writes them
/// to disk, and adds them to the appropriate [sectionMap] or [sampleMap].
void _extractSamples(
List<File> files, {
required Map<String, Section> sectionMap,
required Map<String, Sample> sampleMap,
bool silent = false,
}) {
final List<Section> sections = <Section>[];
final List<Sample> samples = <Sample>[];
int dartpadCount = 0;
int sampleCount = 0;
for (final File file in files) {
final String relativeFilePath = path.relative(file.path, from: _flutterRoot);
final List<String> sampleLines = file.readAsLinesSync();
final List<Section> preambleSections = <Section>[];
// Whether or not we're in the file-wide preamble section ("Examples can assume").
bool inPreamble = false;
// Whether or not we're in a code sample
bool inSampleSection = false;
// Whether or not we're in a snippet code sample (with template) specifically.
bool inSnippet = false;
// Whether or not we're in a '```dart' segment.
bool inDart = false;
String? dartVersionOverride;
int lineNumber = 0;
final List<String> block = <String>[];
List<String> snippetArgs = <String>[];
late Line startLine;
for (final String line in sampleLines) {
lineNumber += 1;
final String trimmedLine = line.trim();
if (inSnippet) {
if (!trimmedLine.startsWith(_dartDocPrefix)) {
throw SampleCheckerException('Snippet section unterminated.', file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
if (_dartDocSampleEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
start: startLine,
input: block,
args: snippetArgs,
serial: samples.length,
snippetArgs = <String>[];
inSnippet = false;
inSampleSection = false;
} else {
block.add(line.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'\s*/// ?'), ''));
} else if (inPreamble) {
if (line.isEmpty) {
inPreamble = false;
// If there's only a dartVersionOverride in the preamble, don't add
// it as a section. The dartVersionOverride was processed below.
if (dartVersionOverride == null || block.isNotEmpty) {
preambleSections.add(_processBlock(startLine, block));
} else if (!line.startsWith('// ')) {
throw SampleCheckerException('Unexpected content in sample code preamble.', file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
} else if (_dartVersionRegExp.hasMatch(line)) {
dartVersionOverride = line.substring(3);
} else {
} else if (inSampleSection) {
if (_dartDocSampleEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
if (inDart) {
throw SampleCheckerException("Dart section didn't terminate before end of sample", file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
inSampleSection = false;
if (inDart) {
if (_codeBlockEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
inDart = false;
final Section processed = _processBlock(startLine, block);
final Section combinedSection = preambleSections.isEmpty ? processed : Section.combine(preambleSections..add(processed));
sections.add(combinedSection.copyWith(dartVersionOverride: dartVersionOverride));
} else if (trimmedLine == _dartDocPrefix) {
} else {
final int index = line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace);
if (index < 0) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Dart section inexplicably did not contain "$_dartDocPrefixWithSpace" prefix.',
file: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber,
block.add(line.substring(index + 4));
} else if (_codeBlockStartRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
startLine = Line(
filename: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber + 1,
indent: line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace) + _dartDocPrefixWithSpace.length,
inDart = true;
if (!inSampleSection) {
final RegExpMatch? sampleMatch = _dartDocSampleBeginRegex.firstMatch(trimmedLine);
if (line == '// Examples can assume:') {
startLine = Line('', filename: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber + 1, indent: 3);
inPreamble = true;
} else if (sampleMatch != null) {
inSnippet = sampleMatch != null && (sampleMatch[1] == 'sample' || sampleMatch[1] == 'dartpad');
if (inSnippet) {
if (sampleMatch[1] == 'sample') {
if (sampleMatch[1] == 'dartpad') {
startLine = Line(
filename: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber + 1,
indent: line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace) + _dartDocPrefixWithSpace.length,
if (sampleMatch[2] != null) {
// There are arguments to the snippet tool to keep track of.
snippetArgs = _splitUpQuotedArgs(sampleMatch[2]!).toList();
} else {
snippetArgs = <String>[];
inSampleSection = !inSnippet;
} else if (RegExp(r'///\s*#+\s+[Ss]ample\s+[Cc]ode:?$').hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
"Found deprecated '## Sample code' section: use {@tool snippet}...{@end-tool} instead.",
file: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber,
if (!silent)
print('Found ${sections.length} snippet code blocks, $sampleCount sample code sections, and $dartpadCount dartpad sections.');
for (final Section section in sections) {
final String path = _writeSection(section).path;
if (sectionMap != null)
sectionMap[path] = section;
for (final Sample sample in samples) {
final File snippetFile = _writeSample(sample);
if (sampleMap != null) {
sample.contents = snippetFile.readAsLinesSync();
sampleMap[snippetFile.absolute.path] = sample;
/// Helper to process arguments given as a (possibly quoted) string.
/// First, this will split the given [argsAsString] into separate arguments,
/// taking any quoting (either ' or " are accepted) into account, including
/// handling backslash-escaped quotes.
/// Then, it will prepend "--" to any args that start with an identifier
/// followed by an equals sign, allowing the argument parser to treat any
/// "foo=bar" argument as "--foo=bar" (which is a dartdoc-ism).
Iterable<String> _splitUpQuotedArgs(String argsAsString) {
// Regexp to take care of splitting arguments, and handling the quotes
// around arguments, if any.
// Match group 1 is the "foo=" (or "--foo=") part of the option, if any.
// Match group 2 contains the quote character used (which is discarded).
// Match group 3 is a quoted arg, if any, without the quotes.
// Match group 4 is the unquoted arg, if any.
final RegExp argMatcher = RegExp(r'([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+=)?' // option name
r'(?:' // Start a new non-capture group for the two possibilities.
r'''(["'])((?:\\{2})*|(?:.*?[^\\](?:\\{2})*))\2|''' // with quotes.
r'([^ ]+))'); // without quotes.
final Iterable<Match> matches = argMatcher.allMatches(argsAsString);
// Remove quotes around args, and if convertToArgs is true, then for any
// args that look like assignments (start with valid option names followed
// by an equals sign), add a "--" in front so that they parse as options.
return matches.map<String>((Match match) {
String option = '';
if (match[1] != null && !match[1]!.startsWith('-')) {
option = '--';
if (match[2] != null) {
// This arg has quotes, so strip them.
return '$option${match[1] ?? ''}${match[3] ?? ''}${match[4] ?? ''}';
return '$option${match[0]}';
/// Creates the configuration files necessary for the analyzer to consider
/// the temporary directory a package, and sets which lint rules to enforce.
void _createConfigurationFiles(Directory directory) {
final File pubSpec = File(path.join(directory.path, 'pubspec.yaml'))..createSync(recursive: true);
name: analyze_sample_code
sdk: ">=2.12.0-0 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
// Import the analysis options from the Flutter root.
final File rootAnalysisOptions = File(path.join(_flutterRoot,'analysis_options.yaml'));
final File analysisOptions = File(path.join(directory.path, 'analysis_options.yaml'));
analysisOptions.writeAsStringSync('include: ${rootAnalysisOptions.absolute.path}');
/// Writes out a sample section to the disk and returns the file.
File _writeSection(Section section) {
final String sectionId = _createNameFromSource('snippet', section.start.filename, section.start.line);
final File outputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, '$sectionId.dart'))..createSync(recursive: true);
final List<Line> mainContents = <Line>[
if (section.dartVersionOverride != null) Line(section.dartVersionOverride!) else const Line(''),
const Line(''),
Line('// From: ${section.start.filename}:${section.start.line}'),
outputFile.writeAsStringSync(mainContents.map<String>((Line line) => line.code).join('\n'));
return outputFile;
/// Invokes the analyzer on the given [directory] and returns the stdout.
List<String> _runAnalyzer(Directory directory, {bool silent = true}) {
if (!silent)
print('Starting analysis of code samples.');
final ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
<String>['--no-wrap', 'analyze', '--no-preamble', '--no-congratulate', '.'],
workingDirectory: directory.absolute.path,
final List<String> stderr = result.stderr.toString().trim().split('\n');
final List<String> stdout = result.stdout.toString().trim().split('\n');
// Remove output from building the flutter tool.
stderr.removeWhere((String line) {
return line.startsWith('Building flutter tool...');
// Check out the stderr to see if the analyzer had it's own issues.
if (stderr.isNotEmpty && (stderr.first.contains(' issues found. (ran in ') || stderr.first.contains(' issue found. (ran in '))) {
// The "23 issues found" message goes onto stderr, which is concatenated first.
// If there's an "issues found" message, we put a blank line on stdout before it.
if (stderr.isNotEmpty && stderr.last.isEmpty) {
if (stderr.isNotEmpty && stderr.any((String line) => line.isNotEmpty)) {
throw 'Cannot analyze dartdocs; unexpected error output:\n$stderr';
if (stdout.isNotEmpty && stdout.first == 'Building flutter tool...') {
if (stdout.isNotEmpty && stdout.first.startsWith('Running "flutter pub get" in ')) {
_exitCode = result.exitCode;
return stdout;
/// Starts the analysis phase of checking the samples by invoking the analyzer
/// and parsing its output to create a map of filename to [AnalysisError]s.
Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> _analyze(
Directory directory,
Map<String, Section> sections,
Map<String, Sample> samples, {
bool silent = false,
}) {
final List<String> errors = _runAnalyzer(directory, silent: silent);
final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> analysisErrors = <String, List<AnalysisError>>{};
void addAnalysisError(File file, AnalysisError error) {
if (analysisErrors.containsKey(file.path)) {
} else {
analysisErrors[file.path] = <AnalysisError>[error];
final String kBullet = Platform.isWindows ? ' - ' : '';
// RegExp to match an error output line of the analyzer.
final RegExp errorPattern = RegExp(
'^ +(?<type>[a-z]+)'
caseSensitive: false,
bool unknownAnalyzerErrors = false;
final int headerLength = headers.length + 3;
for (final String error in errors) {
final RegExpMatch? match = errorPattern.firstMatch(error);
if (match == null) {
stderr.writeln('Analyzer output: $error');
unknownAnalyzerErrors = true;
final String type = match.namedGroup('type')!;
final String message = match.namedGroup('description')!;
final File file = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, match.namedGroup('file')));
final List<String> fileContents = file.readAsLinesSync();
final bool isSnippet = path.basename(file.path).startsWith('snippet.');
final bool isSample = path.basename(file.path).startsWith('sample.');
final String line = match.namedGroup('line')!;
final String column = match.namedGroup('column')!;
final String errorCode = match.namedGroup('code')!;
final int lineNumber = int.parse(line, radix: 10) - (isSnippet ? headerLength : 0);
final int columnNumber = int.parse(column, radix: 10);
// For when errors occur outside of the things we're trying to analyze.
if (!isSnippet && !isSample) {
filename: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Cannot analyze dartdocs; analysis errors exist: $error',
file: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
if (isSample) {
sample: samples[file.path],
} else {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > fileContents.length) {
Line('', filename: file.path, line: lineNumber),
throw SampleCheckerException('Failed to parse error message: $error', file: file.path, line: lineNumber);
final Section actualSection = sections[file.path]!;
if (actualSection == null) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
"Unknown section for ${file.path}. Maybe the temporary directory wasn't empty?",
file: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
final Line actualLine = actualSection.code[lineNumber - 1];
if (actualLine.filename == null) {
if (errorCode == 'missing_identifier' && lineNumber > 1) {
if (fileContents[lineNumber - 2].endsWith(',')) {
final Line actualLine = sections[file.path]!.code[lineNumber - 2];
actualLine.indent + fileContents[lineNumber - 2].length - 1,
'Unexpected comma at end of sample code.',
} else {
lineNumber - 1,
} else {
actualLine.indent + columnNumber,
if (_exitCode == 1 && analysisErrors.isEmpty && !unknownAnalyzerErrors) {
_exitCode = 0;
if (_exitCode == 0) {
if (!silent)
print('No analysis errors in samples!');
return analysisErrors;
/// Process one block of sample code (the part inside of "```" markers).
/// Splits any sections denoted by "// ..." into separate blocks to be
/// processed separately. Uses a primitive heuristic to make sample blocks
/// into valid Dart code.
Section _processBlock(Line line, List<String> block) {
if (block.isEmpty) {
throw SampleCheckerException('$line: Empty ```dart block in sample code.');
if (block.first.startsWith('new ') || block.first.startsWith(_constructorRegExp)) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'dynamic expression$_expressionId = ', block.toList(), ';');
} else if (block.first.startsWith('await ')) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'Future<void> expression$_expressionId() async { ', block.toList(), ' }');
} else if (block.first.startsWith('class ') || block.first.startsWith('enum ')) {
return Section.fromStrings(line, block.toList());
} else if ((block.first.startsWith('_') || block.first.startsWith('final ')) && block.first.contains(' = ')) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'void expression$_expressionId() { ', block.toList(), ' }');
} else {
final List<String> buffer = <String>[];
int subblocks = 0;
Line? subline;
final List<Section> subsections = <Section>[];
for (int index = 0; index < block.length; index += 1) {
// Each section of the dart code that is either split by a blank line, or with '// ...' is
// treated as a separate code block.
if (block[index] == '' || block[index] == '// ...') {
if (subline == null)
throw SampleCheckerException('${Line('', filename: line.filename, line: line.line + index, indent: line.indent)}: '
'Unexpected blank line or "// ..." line near start of subblock in sample code.');
subblocks += 1;
subsections.add(_processBlock(subline, buffer));
subline = null;
} else if (block[index].startsWith('// ')) {
if (buffer.length > 1) // don't include leading comments
buffer.add('/${block[index]}'); // so that it doesn't start with "// " and get caught in this again
} else {
subline ??= Line(
filename: line.filename,
line: line.line + index,
indent: line.indent,
if (subblocks > 0) {
if (subline != null) {
subsections.add(_processBlock(subline, buffer));
// Combine all of the subsections into one section, now that they've been processed.
return Section.combine(subsections);
} else {
return Section.fromStrings(line, block.toList());
/// A class to represent a line of input code.
class Line {
const Line(this.code, {this.filename = 'unknown', this.line = -1, this.indent = 0});
final String filename;
final int line;
final int indent;
final String code;
String toStringWithColumn(int column) {
if (column != null && indent != null) {
return '$filename:$line:${column + indent}: $code';
return toString();
String toString() => '$filename:$line: $code';
/// A class to represent a section of sample code, marked by "{@tool snippet}...{@end-tool}".
class Section {
const Section(this.code, {this.dartVersionOverride});
factory Section.combine(List<Section> sections) {
final List<Line> code = sections
.expand((Section section) => section.code)
return Section(code);
factory Section.fromStrings(Line firstLine, List<String> code) {
final List<Line> codeLines = <Line>[];
for (int i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) {
filename: firstLine.filename,
line: firstLine.line + i,
indent: firstLine.indent,
return Section(codeLines);
factory Section.surround(Line firstLine, String prefix, List<String> code, String postfix) {
assert(prefix != null);
assert(postfix != null);
final List<Line> codeLines = <Line>[];
for (int i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) {
filename: firstLine.filename,
line: firstLine.line + i,
indent: firstLine.indent,
return Section(<Line>[
Line get start => code.firstWhere((Line line) => line.filename != null);
final List<Line> code;
final String? dartVersionOverride;
Section copyWith({String? dartVersionOverride}) {
return Section(code, dartVersionOverride: dartVersionOverride ?? this.dartVersionOverride);
/// A class to represent a sample in the dartdoc comments, marked by
/// "{@tool sample ...}...{@end-tool}". Samples are processed separately from
/// regular snippets, because they must be injected into templates in order to be
/// analyzed.
class Sample {
required this.start,
required List<String> input,
required List<String> args,
required this.serial,
}) : input = input.toList(),
args = args.toList(),
contents = <String>[];
final Line start;
final int serial;
List<String> input;
List<String> args;
List<String> contents;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer('sample ${args.join(' ')}\n');
int count = start.line;
for (final String line in input) {
buf.writeln(' ${count.toString().padLeft(4, ' ')}: $line');
return buf.toString();
/// A class representing an analysis error along with the context of the error.
/// Changes how it converts to a string based on the source of the error.
class AnalysisError {
const AnalysisError(
this.source, {
final String type;
final int line;
final int column;
final String message;
final String errorCode;
final Line? source;
final Sample? sample;
String toString() {
if (source != null) {
return '${source!.toStringWithColumn(column)}\n>>> $type: $message ($errorCode)';
} else if (sample != null) {
return 'In sample starting at '
'${sample!.start.filename}:${sample!.start.line}:${sample!.contents[line - 1]}\n'
'>>> $type: $message ($errorCode)';
} else {
return '<source unknown>:$line:$column\n>>> $type: $message ($errorCode)';
Future<void> _runInteractive({
required Directory? tempDir,
required Directory flutterPackage,
required String filePath,
required Directory? dartUiLocation,
}) async {
filePath = path.isAbsolute(filePath) ? filePath : path.join(path.current, filePath);
final File file = File(filePath);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
throw 'Path ${file.absolute.path} does not exist ($filePath).';
if (!path.isWithin(_flutterRoot, file.absolute.path) &&
(dartUiLocation == null || !path.isWithin(dartUiLocation.path, file.absolute.path))) {
throw 'Path ${file.absolute.path} is not within the flutter root: '
'$_flutterRoot${dartUiLocation != null ? ' or the dart:ui location: $dartUiLocation' : ''}';
if (tempDir == null) {
tempDir = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_analyze_sample_code.');
ProcessSignal.sigint.watch().listen((_) {
print('Deleting temp files...');
tempDir!.deleteSync(recursive: true);
print('Using temp dir ${tempDir.path}');
print('Starting up in interactive mode on ${path.relative(filePath, from: _flutterRoot)} ...');
void analyze(SampleChecker checker, File file) {
final Map<String, Section> sections = <String, Section>{};
final Map<String, Sample> snippets = <String, Sample>{};
checker._extractSamples(<File>[file], silent: true, sectionMap: sections, sampleMap: snippets);
final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> errors = checker._analyze(checker._tempDirectory, sections, snippets, silent: true);
stderr.writeln('\u001B[2J\u001B[H'); // Clears the old results from the terminal.
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
for (final String filePath in errors.keys) {
stderr.writeln('\nFound ${errors.length} errors.');
} else {
stderr.writeln('\nNo issues found.');
final SampleChecker checker = SampleChecker(flutterPackage, tempDirectory: tempDir)
analyze(checker, file);
print('Type "q" to quit, or "r" to delete temp dir and manually reload.');
void rerun() {
try {
analyze(checker, file);
} on SampleCheckerException catch (e) {
print('Caught Exception (${e.runtimeType}), press "r" to retry:\n$e');
stdin.lineMode = false;
stdin.echoMode = false;
stdin.transform(utf8.decoder).listen((String input) {
switch (input) {
case 'q':
case 'r':
print('Deleting temp files...');
tempDir!.deleteSync(recursive: true);
Watcher(file.absolute.path).events.listen((_) => rerun());