Greg Spencer 8a2df39662
Create packages only for release builds, and publish when created. (#14476)
This changes the publishing of archives so that it happens on the chrome_infra bots when they build a packaged branch instead of as part of the dev_roll process.

It uses the tagged version in the branch, and leaves the git repo that it clones checked out on the branch and hash used to build the package.

It updates metadata located at gs://flutter_infra/releases/releases_.json (where is one of macos, linux, or windows) once published, since it would be complex to do the proper locking to keep them all in one shared .json file safely.

A separate [change to the chrome_infra bots](https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/tools/build/+/902823) was made to instruct them to build packaged for the dev, beta, and release branches (but not master anymore).
2018-02-06 15:32:19 -08:00

190 lines
6.3 KiB

// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
/// A mock that can be used to fake a process manager that runs commands
/// and returns results.
/// Call [setResults] to provide a list of results that will return from
/// each command line (with arguments).
/// Call [verifyCalls] to verify that each desired call occurred.
class FakeProcessManager extends Mock implements ProcessManager {
FakeProcessManager({this.stdinResults}) {
/// The callback that will be called each time stdin input is supplied to
/// a call.
final StringReceivedCallback stdinResults;
/// The list of results that will be sent back, organized by the command line
/// that will produce them. Each command line has a list of returned stdout
/// output that will be returned on each successive call.
Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> _fakeResults = <String, List<ProcessResult>>{};
Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> get fakeResults => _fakeResults;
set fakeResults(Map<String, List<ProcessResult>> value) {
_fakeResults = <String, List<ProcessResult>>{};
for (String key in value.keys) {
_fakeResults[key] = <ProcessResult>[]
..addAll(value[key] ?? <ProcessResult>[new ProcessResult(0, 0, '', '')]);
/// The list of invocations that occurred, in the order they occurred.
List<Invocation> invocations = <Invocation>[];
/// Verify that the given command lines were called, in the given order, and that the
/// parameters were in the same order.
void verifyCalls(List<String> calls) {
int index = 0;
for (String call in calls) {
expect(call.split(' '), orderedEquals(invocations[index].positionalArguments[0]));
expect(invocations.length, equals(calls.length));
ProcessResult _popResult(List<String> command) {
final String key = command.join(' ');
expect(fakeResults, isNotEmpty);
expect(fakeResults, contains(key));
expect(fakeResults[key], isNotEmpty);
return fakeResults[key].removeAt(0);
FakeProcess _popProcess(List<String> command) =>
new FakeProcess(_popResult(command), stdinResults: stdinResults);
Future<Process> _nextProcess(Invocation invocation) async {
return new Future<Process>.value(_popProcess(invocation.positionalArguments[0]));
ProcessResult _nextResultSync(Invocation invocation) {
return _popResult(invocation.positionalArguments[0]);
Future<ProcessResult> _nextResult(Invocation invocation) async {
return new Future<ProcessResult>.value(_popResult(invocation.positionalArguments[0]));
void _setupMock() {
// Note that not all possible types of invocations are covered here, just the ones
// expected to be called.
// TODO(gspencer): make this more general so that any call will be captured.
environment: typed(captureAny, named: 'environment'),
workingDirectory: typed(captureAny, named: 'workingDirectory'),
environment: typed(captureAny, named: 'environment'),
workingDirectory: typed(captureAny, named: 'workingDirectory'),
environment: typed(captureAny, named: 'environment'),
workingDirectory: typed(captureAny, named: 'workingDirectory')
when(killPid(typed(captureAny), typed(captureAny))).thenReturn(true);
when(canRun(captureAny, workingDirectory: typed(captureAny, named: 'workingDirectory')))
/// A fake process that can be used to interact with a process "started" by the FakeProcessManager.
class FakeProcess extends Mock implements Process {
FakeProcess(ProcessResult result, {void stdinResults(String input)})
: stdoutStream = new Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[result.stdout.codeUnits]),
stderrStream = new Stream<List<int>>.fromIterable(<List<int>>[result.stderr.codeUnits]),
desiredExitCode = result.exitCode,
stdinSink = new IOSink(new StringStreamConsumer(stdinResults)) {
final IOSink stdinSink;
final Stream<List<int>> stdoutStream;
final Stream<List<int>> stderrStream;
final int desiredExitCode;
void _setupMock() {
Future<int> get exitCode => new Future<int>.value(desiredExitCode);
int get pid => 0;
IOSink get stdin => stdinSink;
Stream<List<int>> get stderr => stderrStream;
Stream<List<int>> get stdout => stdoutStream;
/// Callback used to receive stdin input when it occurs.
typedef void StringReceivedCallback(String received);
/// A stream consumer class that consumes UTF8 strings as lists of ints.
class StringStreamConsumer implements StreamConsumer<List<int>> {
List<Stream<List<int>>> streams = <Stream<List<int>>>[];
List<StreamSubscription<List<int>>> subscriptions = <StreamSubscription<List<int>>>[];
List<Completer<dynamic>> completers = <Completer<dynamic>>[];
/// The callback called when this consumer receives input.
StringReceivedCallback sendString;
Future<dynamic> addStream(Stream<List<int>> value) {
completers.add(new Completer<dynamic>());
value.listen((List<int> data) {
subscriptions.last.onDone(() => completers.last.complete(null));
return new Future<dynamic>.value(null);
Future<dynamic> close() async {
for (Completer<dynamic> completer in completers) {
await completer.future;
return new Future<dynamic>.value(null);