Greg Spencer 262f12b4a9
Remove remaining "## Sample code" segments, and fix the snippet generator. (#27793)
This converts all remaining "## Sample code" segments into snippets, and fixes
the snippet generator to handle multiple snippets in the same dartdoc block

I also generated, compiled, and ran each of the existing application samples,
and fixed them up to be more useful and/or just run without errors.

This PR fixes these problems with examples:

1. Switching tabs in a snippet now works if there is more than one snippet in
   a single dartdoc block.
2. Generation of snippet code now works if there is more than one snippet.
3. Contrast of text and links in the code sample block has been improved to
   recommended levels.
4. Added five new snippet templates, including a "freeform" template to make
   it possible to show examples that need to change the app instantiation.
5. Fixed several examples to run properly, a couple by adding the "Scaffold"
   widget to the template, a couple by just fixing their code.
6. Fixed visual look of some of the samples when they run by placing many
   samples inside of a Scaffold.
7. In order to make it easier to run locally, changed the sample analyzer to
   remove the contents of the supplied temp directory before running, since
   having files that hang around is problematic (only a problem when running
   locally with the `--temp` argument).
8. Added a `SampleCheckerException` class, and handle sample checking
   exceptions more gracefully.
9. Deprecated the old "## Sample code" designation, and added enforcement for
   the deprecation.
10. Removed unnecessary `new` from templates (although they never appeared in
   the samples thanks to dartfmt, but still).

Fixes #26398
Fixes #27411
2019-02-15 07:48:49 -08:00

925 lines
35 KiB

// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This script analyzes all the sample code in API docs in the Flutter source.
// It uses the following conventions:
// Code is denoted by markdown ```dart / ``` markers.
// Only code in "## Sample code" or "### Sample code" sections is examined.
// Subheadings can also be specified, as in "## Sample code: foo".
// Additionally, code inside of dartdoc snippet and sample blocks
// ({@tool snippet ...}{@end-tool}, and {@tool sample ...}{@end-tool})
// is recognized as sample code. Snippets are processed as separate programs,
// and samples are processed in the same way as "## Sample code" blocks are.
// There are several kinds of sample code you can specify:
// * Constructor calls, typically showing what might exist in a build method.
// These start with "new" or "const", and will be inserted into an assignment
// expression assigning to a variable of type "dynamic" and followed by a
// semicolon, for the purposes of analysis.
// * Class definitions. These start with "class", and are analyzed verbatim.
// * Other code. It gets included verbatim, though any line that says "// ..."
// is considered to separate the block into multiple blocks to be processed
// individually.
// In addition, you can declare code that should be included in the analysis but
// not shown in the API docs by adding a comment "// Examples can assume:" to
// the file (usually at the top of the file, after the imports), following by
// one or more commented-out lines of code. That code is included verbatim in
// the analysis.
// All the sample code of every file is analyzed together. This means you can't
// have two pieces of sample code that define the same example class.
// Also, the above means that it's tricky to include verbatim imperative code
// (e.g. a call to a method), since it won't be valid to have such code at the
// top level. Instead, wrap it in a function or even a whole class, or make it a
// valid variable declaration.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
// To run this: bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart dev/bots/analyze-sample-code.dart
final String _flutterRoot = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script))));
final String _defaultFlutterPackage = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'packages', 'flutter', 'lib');
final String _flutter = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'bin', Platform.isWindows ? 'flutter.bat' : 'flutter');
void main(List<String> arguments) {
final ArgParser argParser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: null,
help: 'A location where temporary files may be written. Defaults to a '
'directory in the system temp folder. If specified, will not be '
'automatically removed at the end of execution.',
defaultsTo: false,
negatable: false,
help: 'Print help for this command.',
final ArgResults parsedArguments = argParser.parse(arguments);
if (parsedArguments['help']) {
Directory flutterPackage;
if (parsedArguments.rest.length == 1) {
// Used for testing.
flutterPackage = Directory(parsedArguments.rest.single);
} else {
flutterPackage = Directory(_defaultFlutterPackage);
Directory tempDirectory;
if (parsedArguments.wasParsed('temp')) {
tempDirectory = Directory(path.join(Directory.systemTemp.absolute.path, path.basename(parsedArguments['temp'])));
if (path.basename(parsedArguments['temp']) != parsedArguments['temp']) {
stderr.writeln('Supplied temporary directory name should be a name, not a path. Using ${tempDirectory.absolute.path} instead.');
print('Leaving temporary output in ${tempDirectory.absolute.path}.');
// Make sure that any directory left around from a previous run is cleared
// out.
if (tempDirectory.existsSync()) {
tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
try {
exitCode = SampleChecker(flutterPackage, tempDirectory: tempDirectory).checkSamples();
} on SampleCheckerException catch (e) {
class SampleCheckerException implements Exception {
SampleCheckerException(this.message, {this.file, this.line});
final String message;
final String file;
final int line;
String toString() {
if (file != null || line != null) {
final String fileStr = file == null ? '' : '$file:';
final String lineStr = line == null ? '' : '$line:';
return '$fileStr$lineStr Error: $message';
} else {
return 'Error: $message';
/// Checks samples and code snippets for analysis errors.
/// Extracts dartdoc content from flutter package source code, identifies code
/// sections, and writes them to a temporary directory, where 'flutter analyze'
/// is used to analyze the sources for problems. If problems are found, the
/// error output from the analyzer is parsed for details, and the problem
/// locations are translated back to the source location.
/// For snippets, the snippets are generated using the snippets tool, and they
/// are analyzed with the samples. If errors are found in snippets, then the
/// line number of the start of the snippet is given instead of the actual error
/// line, since snippets get reformatted when written, and the line numbers
/// don't necessarily match. It does, however, print the source of the
/// problematic line.
class SampleChecker {
SampleChecker(this._flutterPackage, {Directory tempDirectory})
: _tempDirectory = tempDirectory,
_keepTmp = tempDirectory != null {
_tempDirectory ??= Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('flutter_analyze_sample_code.');
/// The prefix of each comment line
static const String _dartDocPrefix = '///';
/// The prefix of each comment line with a space appended.
static const String _dartDocPrefixWithSpace = '$_dartDocPrefix ';
/// A RegExp that matches the beginning of a dartdoc snippet or sample.
static final RegExp _dartDocSampleBeginRegex = RegExp(r'{@tool (sample|snippet)(?:| ([^}]*))}');
/// A RegExp that matches the end of a dartdoc snippet or sample.
static final RegExp _dartDocSampleEndRegex = RegExp(r'{@end-tool}');
/// A RegExp that matches the start of a code block within dartdoc.
static final RegExp _codeBlockStartRegex = RegExp(r'///\s+```dart.*$');
/// A RegExp that matches the end of a code block within dartdoc.
static final RegExp _codeBlockEndRegex = RegExp(r'///\s+```\s*$');
/// A RegExp that matches a Dart constructor.
static final RegExp _constructorRegExp = RegExp(r'[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9<>.]*\(');
/// Whether or not to keep the temp directory around after running.
/// Defaults to false.
final bool _keepTmp;
/// The temporary directory where all output is written. This will be deleted
/// automatically if there are no errors.
Directory _tempDirectory;
/// The package directory for the flutter package within the flutter root dir.
final Directory _flutterPackage;
/// A serial number so that we can create unique expression names when we
/// generate them.
int _expressionId = 0;
/// The exit code from the analysis process.
int _exitCode = 0;
// Once the snippets tool has been precompiled by Dart, this contains the AOT
// snapshot.
String _snippetsSnapshotPath;
/// Finds the location of the snippets script.
String get _snippetsExecutable {
final String platformScriptPath = path.dirname(path.fromUri(Platform.script));
return path.canonicalize(path.join(platformScriptPath, '..', 'snippets', 'lib', 'main.dart'));
/// Finds the location of the Dart executable.
String get _dartExecutable {
final File dartExecutable = File(Platform.resolvedExecutable);
return dartExecutable.absolute.path;
static List<File> _listDartFiles(Directory directory, {bool recursive = false}) {
return directory.listSync(recursive: recursive, followLinks: false).whereType<File>().where((File file) => path.extension(file.path) == '.dart').toList();
/// Computes the headers needed for each sample file.
List<Line> get headers {
if (_headers == null) {
final List<String> buffer = <String>[];
buffer.add('// generated code');
buffer.add('import \'dart:async\';');
buffer.add('import \'dart:convert\';');
buffer.add('import \'dart:math\' as math;');
buffer.add('import \'dart:typed_data\';');
buffer.add('import \'dart:ui\' as ui;');
buffer.add('import \'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart\';');
for (File file in _listDartFiles(Directory(_defaultFlutterPackage))) {
buffer.add('// ${file.path}');
buffer.add('import \'package:flutter/${path.basename(file.path)}\';');
_headers = buffer.map<Line>((String code) => Line(code)).toList();
return _headers;
List<Line> _headers;
/// Checks all the samples in the Dart files in [_flutterPackage] for errors.
int checkSamples() {
_exitCode = 0;
Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> errors = <String, List<AnalysisError>>{};
try {
final Map<String, Section> sections = <String, Section>{};
final Map<String, Snippet> snippets = <String, Snippet>{};
_extractSamples(sections, snippets);
errors = _analyze(_tempDirectory, sections, snippets);
} finally {
if (errors.isNotEmpty) {
for (String filePath in errors.keys) {
stderr.writeln('\nFound ${errors.length} sample code errors.');
if (_keepTmp) {
print('Leaving temporary directory ${_tempDirectory.path} around for your perusal.');
} else {
try {
_tempDirectory.deleteSync(recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException catch (e) {
stderr.writeln('Failed to delete ${_tempDirectory.path}: $e');
// If we made a snapshot, remove it (so as not to clutter up the tree).
if (_snippetsSnapshotPath != null) {
final File snapshot = File(_snippetsSnapshotPath);
if (snapshot.existsSync()) {
return _exitCode;
/// Creates a name for the snippets tool to use for the snippet ID from a
/// filename and starting line number.
String _createNameFromSource(String prefix, String filename, int start) {
String snippetId = path.split(filename).join('.');
snippetId = path.basenameWithoutExtension(snippetId);
snippetId = '$prefix.$snippetId.$start';
return snippetId;
// Precompiles the snippets tool if _snippetsSnapshotPath isn't set yet, and
// runs the precompiled version if it is set.
ProcessResult _runSnippetsScript(List<String> args) {
final String workingDirectory = path.join(_flutterRoot, 'dev', 'docs');
if (_snippetsSnapshotPath == null) {
_snippetsSnapshotPath = '$_snippetsExecutable.snapshot';
return Process.runSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
} else {
return Process.runSync(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
/// Writes out the given [snippet] to an output file in the [_tempDirectory] and
/// returns the output file.
File _writeSnippet(Snippet snippet) {
// Generate the snippet.
final String snippetId = _createNameFromSource('snippet', snippet.start.filename, snippet.start.line);
final String inputName = '$snippetId.input';
// Now we have a filename like 'lib.src.material.foo_widget.123.dart' for each snippet.
final File inputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, inputName))..createSync(recursive: true);
final File outputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, '$snippetId.dart'));
final List<String> args = <String>[
print('Generating snippet for ${snippet.start?.filename}:${snippet.start?.line}');
final ProcessResult process = _runSnippetsScript(args);
if (process.exitCode != 0) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Unable to create snippet for ${snippet.start.filename}:${snippet.start.line} '
'(using input from ${inputFile.path}):\n${process.stdout}\n${process.stderr}',
file: snippet.start.filename,
line: snippet.start.line,
return outputFile;
/// Extracts the samples from the Dart files in [_flutterPackage], writes them
/// to disk, and adds them to the appropriate [sectionMap] or [snippetMap].
void _extractSamples(Map<String, Section> sectionMap, Map<String, Snippet> snippetMap) {
final List<Section> sections = <Section>[];
final List<Snippet> snippets = <Snippet>[];
for (File file in _listDartFiles(_flutterPackage, recursive: true)) {
final String relativeFilePath = path.relative(file.path, from: _flutterPackage.path);
final List<String> sampleLines = file.readAsLinesSync();
final List<Section> preambleSections = <Section>[];
// Whether or not we're in the file-wide preamble section ("Examples can assume").
bool inPreamble = false;
// Whether or not we're in a code sample
bool inSampleSection = false;
// Whether or not we're in a snippet code sample (with template) specifically.
bool inSnippet = false;
// Whether or not we're in a '```dart' segment.
bool inDart = false;
int lineNumber = 0;
final List<String> block = <String>[];
List<String> snippetArgs = <String>[];
Line startLine;
for (String line in sampleLines) {
lineNumber += 1;
final String trimmedLine = line.trim();
if (inSnippet) {
if (!trimmedLine.startsWith(_dartDocPrefix)) {
throw SampleCheckerException('Snippet section unterminated.', file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
if (_dartDocSampleEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
start: startLine,
input: block,
args: snippetArgs,
serial: snippets.length,
snippetArgs = <String>[];
inSnippet = false;
inSampleSection = false;
} else {
block.add(line.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'\s*/// ?'), ''));
} else if (inPreamble) {
if (line.isEmpty) {
inPreamble = false;
preambleSections.add(_processBlock(startLine, block));
} else if (!line.startsWith('// ')) {
throw SampleCheckerException('Unexpected content in sample code preamble.', file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
} else {
} else if (inSampleSection) {
if (_dartDocSampleEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
if (inDart) {
throw SampleCheckerException("Dart section didn't terminate before end of sample", file: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber);
inSampleSection = false;
if (inDart) {
if (_codeBlockEndRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
inDart = false;
final Section processed = _processBlock(startLine, block);
if (preambleSections.isEmpty) {
} else {
} else if (trimmedLine == _dartDocPrefix) {
} else {
final int index = line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace);
if (index < 0) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Dart section inexplicably did not contain "$_dartDocPrefixWithSpace" prefix.',
file: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber,
block.add(line.substring(index + 4));
} else if (_codeBlockStartRegex.hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
startLine = Line(
filename: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber + 1,
indent: line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace) + _dartDocPrefixWithSpace.length,
inDart = true;
if (!inSampleSection) {
final Match sampleMatch = _dartDocSampleBeginRegex.firstMatch(trimmedLine);
if (line == '// Examples can assume:') {
startLine = Line('', filename: relativeFilePath, line: lineNumber + 1, indent: 3);
inPreamble = true;
} else if (sampleMatch != null) {
inSnippet = sampleMatch != null ? sampleMatch[1] == 'snippet' : false;
if (inSnippet) {
startLine = Line(
filename: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber + 1,
indent: line.indexOf(_dartDocPrefixWithSpace) + _dartDocPrefixWithSpace.length,
if (sampleMatch[2] != null) {
// There are arguments to the snippet tool to keep track of.
snippetArgs = _splitUpQuotedArgs(sampleMatch[2]).toList();
} else {
snippetArgs = <String>[];
inSampleSection = !inSnippet;
} else if (RegExp(r'///\s*#+\s+[Ss]ample\s+[Cc]ode:?$').hasMatch(trimmedLine)) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
"Found deprecated '## Sample code' section: use {@tool sample}...{@end-tool} instead.",
file: relativeFilePath,
line: lineNumber,
print('Found ${sections.length} sample code sections.');
for (Section section in sections) {
sectionMap[_writeSection(section).path] = section;
for (Snippet snippet in snippets) {
final File snippetFile = _writeSnippet(snippet);
snippet.contents = snippetFile.readAsLinesSync();
snippetMap[snippetFile.absolute.path] = snippet;
/// Helper to process arguments given as a (possibly quoted) string.
/// First, this will split the given [argsAsString] into separate arguments,
/// taking any quoting (either ' or " are accepted) into account, including
/// handling backslash-escaped quotes.
/// Then, it will prepend "--" to any args that start with an identifier
/// followed by an equals sign, allowing the argument parser to treat any
/// "foo=bar" argument as "--foo=bar" (which is a dartdoc-ism).
Iterable<String> _splitUpQuotedArgs(String argsAsString) {
// Regexp to take care of splitting arguments, and handling the quotes
// around arguments, if any.
// Match group 1 is the "foo=" (or "--foo=") part of the option, if any.
// Match group 2 contains the quote character used (which is discarded).
// Match group 3 is a quoted arg, if any, without the quotes.
// Match group 4 is the unquoted arg, if any.
final RegExp argMatcher = RegExp(r'([a-zA-Z\-_0-9]+=)?' // option name
r'(?:' // Start a new non-capture group for the two possibilities.
r'''(["'])((?:\\{2})*|(?:.*?[^\\](?:\\{2})*))\2|''' // with quotes.
r'([^ ]+))'); // without quotes.
final Iterable<Match> matches = argMatcher.allMatches(argsAsString);
// Remove quotes around args, and if convertToArgs is true, then for any
// args that look like assignments (start with valid option names followed
// by an equals sign), add a "--" in front so that they parse as options.
return matches.map<String>((Match match) {
String option = '';
if (match[1] != null && !match[1].startsWith('-')) {
option = '--';
if (match[2] != null) {
// This arg has quotes, so strip them.
return '$option${match[1] ?? ''}${match[3] ?? ''}${match[4] ?? ''}';
return '$option${match[0]}';
/// Creates the configuration files necessary for the analyzer to consider
/// the temporary director a package, and sets which lint rules to enforce.
void _createConfigurationFiles(Directory directory) {
final File pubSpec = File(path.join(directory.path, 'pubspec.yaml'))..createSync(recursive: true);
final File analysisOptions = File(path.join(directory.path, 'analysis_options.yaml'))..createSync(recursive: true);
name: analyze_sample_code
sdk: flutter
sdk: flutter
- unnecessary_const
- unnecessary_new
/// Writes out a sample section to the disk and returns the file.
File _writeSection(Section section) {
final String sectionId = _createNameFromSource('sample', section.start.filename, section.start.line);
final File outputFile = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, '$sectionId.dart'))..createSync(recursive: true);
final List<Line> mainContents = headers.toList();
mainContents.add(const Line(''));
mainContents.add(Line('// From: ${section.start.filename}:${section.start.line}'));
outputFile.writeAsStringSync(mainContents.map<String>((Line line) => line.code).join('\n'));
return outputFile;
/// Invokes the analyzer on the given [directory] and returns the stdout.
List<String> _runAnalyzer(Directory directory) {
print('Starting analysis of samples.');
final ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
<String>['--no-wrap', 'analyze', '--no-preamble', '--no-congratulate', '.'],
workingDirectory: directory.absolute.path,
final List<String> stderr = result.stderr.toString().trim().split('\n');
final List<String> stdout = result.stdout.toString().trim().split('\n');
// Check out the stderr to see if the analyzer had it's own issues.
if (stderr.isNotEmpty && (stderr.first.contains(' issues found. (ran in ') || stderr.first.contains(' issue found. (ran in '))) {
// The "23 issues found" message goes onto stderr, which is concatenated first.
// If there's an "issues found" message, we put a blank line on stdout before it.
if (stderr.isNotEmpty && stderr.last.isEmpty) {
if (stderr.isNotEmpty) {
throw 'Cannot analyze dartdocs; unexpected error output:\n$stderr';
if (stdout.isNotEmpty && stdout.first == 'Building flutter tool...') {
if (stdout.isNotEmpty && stdout.first.startsWith('Running "flutter packages get" in ')) {
_exitCode = result.exitCode;
return stdout;
/// Starts the analysis phase of checking the samples by invoking the analyzer
/// and parsing its output to create a map of filename to [AnalysisError]s.
Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> _analyze(
Directory directory,
Map<String, Section> sections,
Map<String, Snippet> snippets,
) {
final List<String> errors = _runAnalyzer(directory);
final Map<String, List<AnalysisError>> analysisErrors = <String, List<AnalysisError>>{};
void addAnalysisError(File file, AnalysisError error) {
if (analysisErrors.containsKey(file.path)) {
} else {
analysisErrors[file.path] = <AnalysisError>[error];
final String kBullet = Platform.isWindows ? ' - ' : '';
// RegExp to match an error output line of the analyzer.
final RegExp errorPattern = RegExp(
'^ +([a-z]+)$kBullet(.+)$kBullet(.+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$kBullet([-a-z_]+)\$',
caseSensitive: false,
bool unknownAnalyzerErrors = false;
final int headerLength = headers.length + 2;
for (String error in errors) {
final Match parts = errorPattern.matchAsPrefix(error);
if (parts != null) {
final String message = parts[2];
final File file = File(path.join(_tempDirectory.path, parts[3]));
final List<String> fileContents = file.readAsLinesSync();
final bool isSnippet = path.basename(file.path).startsWith('snippet.');
final bool isSample = path.basename(file.path).startsWith('sample.');
final String line = parts[4];
final String column = parts[5];
final String errorCode = parts[6];
final int lineNumber = int.parse(line, radix: 10) - (isSample ? headerLength : 0);
final int columnNumber = int.parse(column, radix: 10);
if (lineNumber < 0 && errorCode == 'unused_import') {
// We don't care about unused imports.
// For when errors occur outside of the things we're trying to analyze.
if (!isSnippet && !isSample) {
filename: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
throw SampleCheckerException(
'Cannot analyze dartdocs; analysis errors exist: $error',
file: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
if (errorCode == 'unused_element' || errorCode == 'unused_local_variable') {
// We don't really care if sample code isn't used!
if (isSnippet) {
snippet: snippets[file.path],
} else {
if (lineNumber < 1 || lineNumber > fileContents.length) {
Line('', filename: file.path, line: lineNumber),
throw SampleCheckerException('Failed to parse error message: $error', file: file.path, line: lineNumber);
final Section actualSection = sections[file.path];
if (actualSection == null) {
throw SampleCheckerException(
"Unknown section for ${file.path}. Maybe the temporary directory wasn't empty?",
file: file.path,
line: lineNumber,
final Line actualLine = actualSection.code[lineNumber - 1];
if (actualLine?.filename == null) {
if (errorCode == 'missing_identifier' && lineNumber > 1) {
if (fileContents[lineNumber - 2].endsWith(',')) {
final Line actualLine = sections[file.path].code[lineNumber - 2];
actualLine.indent + fileContents[lineNumber - 2].length - 1,
'Unexpected comma at end of sample code.',
} else {
lineNumber - 1,
} else {
actualLine.indent + columnNumber,
} else {
stderr.writeln('Analyzer output: $error');
unknownAnalyzerErrors = true;
if (_exitCode == 1 && analysisErrors.isEmpty && !unknownAnalyzerErrors) {
_exitCode = 0;
if (_exitCode == 0) {
print('No analysis errors in samples!');
return analysisErrors;
/// Process one block of sample code (the part inside of "```" markers).
/// Splits any sections denoted by "// ..." into separate blocks to be
/// processed separately. Uses a primitive heuristic to make sample blocks
/// into valid Dart code.
Section _processBlock(Line line, List<String> block) {
if (block.isEmpty) {
throw SampleCheckerException('$line: Empty ```dart block in sample code.');
if (block.first.startsWith('new ') || block.first.startsWith('const ') || block.first.startsWith(_constructorRegExp)) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'dynamic expression$_expressionId = ', block.toList(), ';');
} else if (block.first.startsWith('await ')) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'Future<void> expression$_expressionId() async { ', block.toList(), ' }');
} else if (block.first.startsWith('class ') || block.first.startsWith('enum ')) {
return Section.fromStrings(line, block.toList());
} else if ((block.first.startsWith('_') || block.first.startsWith('final ')) && block.first.contains(' = ')) {
_expressionId += 1;
return Section.surround(line, 'void expression$_expressionId() { ', block.toList(), ' }');
} else {
final List<String> buffer = <String>[];
int subblocks = 0;
Line subline;
final List<Section> subsections = <Section>[];
for (int index = 0; index < block.length; index += 1) {
// Each section of the dart code that is either split by a blank line, or with '// ...' is
// treated as a separate code block.
if (block[index] == '' || block[index] == '// ...') {
if (subline == null)
throw SampleCheckerException('${Line('', filename: line.filename, line: line.line + index, indent: line.indent)}: '
'Unexpected blank line or "// ..." line near start of subblock in sample code.');
subblocks += 1;
subsections.add(_processBlock(subline, buffer));
subline = null;
} else if (block[index].startsWith('// ')) {
if (buffer.length > 1) // don't include leading comments
buffer.add('/${block[index]}'); // so that it doesn't start with "// " and get caught in this again
} else {
subline ??= Line(
filename: line.filename,
line: line.line + index,
indent: line.indent,
if (subblocks > 0) {
if (subline != null) {
subsections.add(_processBlock(subline, buffer));
// Combine all of the subsections into one section, now that they've been processed.
return Section.combine(subsections);
} else {
return Section.fromStrings(line, block.toList());
/// A class to represent a line of input code.
class Line {
const Line(this.code, {this.filename, this.line, this.indent});
final String filename;
final int line;
final int indent;
final String code;
String toStringWithColumn(int column) {
if (column != null && indent != null) {
return '$filename:$line:${column + indent}: $code';
return toString();
String toString() => '$filename:$line: $code';
/// A class to represent a section of sample code, either marked by
/// "/// ## Sample code" in the comment, or by "{@tool sample}...{@end-tool}".
class Section {
const Section(this.code);
factory Section.combine(List<Section> sections) {
final List<Line> code = <Line>[];
for (Section section in sections) {
return Section(code);
factory Section.fromStrings(Line firstLine, List<String> code) {
final List<Line> codeLines = <Line>[];
for (int i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) {
filename: firstLine.filename,
line: firstLine.line + i,
indent: firstLine.indent,
return Section(codeLines);
factory Section.surround(Line firstLine, String prefix, List<String> code, String postfix) {
assert(prefix != null);
assert(postfix != null);
final List<Line> codeLines = <Line>[];
for (int i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) {
filename: firstLine.filename,
line: firstLine.line + i,
indent: firstLine.indent,
return Section(<Line>[Line(prefix)]
Line get start => code.firstWhere((Line line) => line.filename != null);
final List<Line> code;
/// A class to represent a snippet in the dartdoc comments, marked by
/// "{@tool snippet ...}...{@end-tool}". Snippets are processed separately from
/// regular samples, because they must be injected into templates in order to be
/// analyzed.
class Snippet {
Snippet({this.start, List<String> input, List<String> args, this.serial}) {
this.input = <String>[]..addAll(input);
this.args = <String>[]..addAll(args);
final Line start;
final int serial;
List<String> input;
List<String> args;
List<String> contents;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = StringBuffer('snippet ${args.join(' ')}\n');
int count = start.line;
for (String line in input) {
buf.writeln(' ${count.toString().padLeft(4, ' ')}: $line');
return buf.toString();
/// A class representing an analysis error along with the context of the error.
/// Changes how it converts to a string based on the source of the error.
class AnalysisError {
const AnalysisError(
this.source, {
final int line;
final int column;
final String message;
final String errorCode;
final Line source;
final Snippet snippet;
String toString() {
if (source != null) {
return '${source.toStringWithColumn(column)}\n>>> $message ($errorCode)';
} else if (snippet != null) {
return 'In snippet starting at '
'${snippet.start.filename}:${snippet.start.line}:${snippet.contents[line - 1]}\n'
'>>> $message ($errorCode)';
} else {
return '<source unknown>:$line:$column\n>>> $message ($errorCode)';