Greg Spencer ab2b0851a2
Add smoke tests for all the examples, fix 17 broken examples. (#89021)
This adds a smoke test for every single API example. It also fixes 17 tests that had bugs in them, or were otherwise broken, and even fixes one actual bug in the framework, and one limitation in the framework.

The bug in the framework is that NetworkImage's _loadAsync method had await response.drain<List<int>>();, but if the response is null, it will throw a cryptic exception saying that Null can't be assigned to List<int>. The fix was just to use await response.drain<void>(); instead.

The limitation is that RelativePositionedTransition takes an Animation<Rect> rect parameter, and if you want to use a RectTween with it, the value emitted there is Rect?, and one of the examples was just casting from Animation<Rect> to Animation<Rect?>, which is invalid, so I modified RelativePositionedTransition to take a Rect? and just use Rect.zero if the rect is null.
2021-09-28 09:32:06 -07:00

105 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "my_application.h"
#include <flutter_linux/flutter_linux.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include "flutter/generated_plugin_registrant.h"
struct _MyApplication {
GtkApplication parent_instance;
char** dart_entrypoint_arguments;
G_DEFINE_TYPE(MyApplication, my_application, GTK_TYPE_APPLICATION)
// Implements GApplication::activate.
static void my_application_activate(GApplication* application) {
MyApplication* self = MY_APPLICATION(application);
GtkWindow* window =
// Use a header bar when running in GNOME as this is the common style used
// by applications and is the setup most users will be using (e.g. Ubuntu
// desktop).
// If running on X and not using GNOME then just use a traditional title bar
// in case the window manager does more exotic layout, e.g. tiling.
// If running on Wayland assume the header bar will work (may need changing
// if future cases occur).
gboolean use_header_bar = TRUE;
GdkScreen* screen = gtk_window_get_screen(window);
if (GDK_IS_X11_SCREEN(screen)) {
const gchar* wm_name = gdk_x11_screen_get_window_manager_name(screen);
if (g_strcmp0(wm_name, "GNOME Shell") != 0) {
use_header_bar = FALSE;
if (use_header_bar) {
GtkHeaderBar* header_bar = GTK_HEADER_BAR(gtk_header_bar_new());
gtk_header_bar_set_title(header_bar, "flutter_api_samples");
gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button(header_bar, TRUE);
gtk_window_set_titlebar(window, GTK_WIDGET(header_bar));
} else {
gtk_window_set_title(window, "flutter_api_samples");
gtk_window_set_default_size(window, 1280, 720);
g_autoptr(FlDartProject) project = fl_dart_project_new();
fl_dart_project_set_dart_entrypoint_arguments(project, self->dart_entrypoint_arguments);
FlView* view = fl_view_new(project);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), GTK_WIDGET(view));
// Implements GApplication::local_command_line.
static gboolean my_application_local_command_line(GApplication* application, gchar*** arguments, int* exit_status) {
MyApplication* self = MY_APPLICATION(application);
// Strip out the first argument as it is the binary name.
self->dart_entrypoint_arguments = g_strdupv(*arguments + 1);
g_autoptr(GError) error = nullptr;
if (!g_application_register(application, nullptr, &error)) {
g_warning("Failed to register: %s", error->message);
*exit_status = 1;
return TRUE;
*exit_status = 0;
return TRUE;
// Implements GObject::dispose.
static void my_application_dispose(GObject* object) {
MyApplication* self = MY_APPLICATION(object);
g_clear_pointer(&self->dart_entrypoint_arguments, g_strfreev);
static void my_application_class_init(MyApplicationClass* klass) {
G_APPLICATION_CLASS(klass)->activate = my_application_activate;
G_APPLICATION_CLASS(klass)->local_command_line = my_application_local_command_line;
G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = my_application_dispose;
static void my_application_init(MyApplication* self) {}
MyApplication* my_application_new() {
return MY_APPLICATION(g_object_new(my_application_get_type(),
"application-id", APPLICATION_ID,