Victoria Ashworth af5ac930d8
Set the CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR in generated xcconfig when debugging core device (#134493)
Xcode uses the CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR build setting to determine the location of the bundle to build and install. When launching an app via Xcode with the Xcode debug workflow (for iOS 17 physical devices), temporarily set the CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR to the location of the bundle so Xcode can find it.

Also, added a Xcode Debug version of the `microbenchmarks_ios` integration test since it uses `flutter run --profile` without using `--use-application-binary`.

Fixes https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/134186.
2023-09-13 18:08:35 +00:00

100 lines
3.9 KiB

// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
/// Reads through the print commands from [process] waiting for the magic phase
/// that contains microbenchmarks results as defined in
/// `dev/benchmarks/microbenchmarks/lib/common.dart`.
Future<Map<String, double>> readJsonResults(Process process) {
// IMPORTANT: keep these values in sync with dev/benchmarks/microbenchmarks/lib/common.dart
const String jsonStart = '================ RESULTS ================';
const String jsonEnd = '================ FORMATTED ==============';
const String jsonPrefix = ':::JSON:::';
bool jsonStarted = false;
final StringBuffer jsonBuf = StringBuffer();
final Completer<Map<String, double>> completer = Completer<Map<String, double>>();
final StreamSubscription<String> stderrSub = process.stderr
.transform<String>(const Utf8Decoder())
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
stderr.writeln('[STDERR] $line');
bool processWasKilledIntentionally = false;
bool resultsHaveBeenParsed = false;
final StreamSubscription<String> stdoutSub = process.stdout
.transform<String>(const Utf8Decoder())
.transform<String>(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) async {
print('[STDOUT] $line');
if (line.contains(jsonStart)) {
jsonStarted = true;
if (jsonStarted && line.contains(jsonEnd)) {
final String jsonOutput = jsonBuf.toString();
// If we end up here and have already parsed the results, it suggests that
// we have received output from another test because our `flutter run`
// process did not terminate correctly.
// https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/19096#issuecomment-402756549
if (resultsHaveBeenParsed) {
throw 'Additional JSON was received after results has already been '
'processed. This suggests the `flutter run` process may have lived '
'past the end of our test and collected additional output from the '
'next test.\n\n'
'The JSON below contains all collected output, including both from '
'the original test and what followed.\n\n'
jsonStarted = false;
processWasKilledIntentionally = true;
resultsHaveBeenParsed = true;
// Sending a SIGINT/SIGTERM to the process here isn't reliable because [process] is
// the shell (flutter is a shell script) and doesn't pass the signal on.
// Sending a `q` is an instruction to quit using the console runner.
// See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/19208
await process.stdin.flush();
// Give the process a couple of seconds to exit and run shutdown hooks
// before sending kill signal.
// TODO(fujino): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/134566
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
// Also send a kill signal in case the `q` above didn't work.
try {
completer.complete(Map<String, double>.from(json.decode(jsonOutput) as Map<String, dynamic>));
} catch (ex) {
completer.completeError('Decoding JSON failed ($ex). JSON string was: $jsonOutput');
if (jsonStarted && line.contains(jsonPrefix)) {
jsonBuf.writeln(line.substring(line.indexOf(jsonPrefix) + jsonPrefix.length));
process.exitCode.then<void>((int code) async {
await Future.wait<void>(<Future<void>>[
if (!processWasKilledIntentionally && code != 0) {
completer.completeError('flutter run failed: exit code=$code');
return completer.future;