engine-flutter-autoroll a052fb7638
Roll Flutter Engine from 40c087b31515 to 433d360eee11 (7 revisions) (#151165)

2024-07-02 skia-flutter-autoroll@skia.org Roll Skia from 7881ad4aae92 to 7f2094d4cf43 (1 revision) (flutter/engine#53683)
2024-07-02 skia-flutter-autoroll@skia.org Roll Fuchsia Linux SDK from LkXpxHsQlkPT4mmJ7... to x5Sccm0dUoMVbnyed... (flutter/engine#53682)
2024-07-02 skia-flutter-autoroll@skia.org Roll Skia from 4c1856aadb85 to 7881ad4aae92 (1 revision) (flutter/engine#53681)
2024-07-02 skia-flutter-autoroll@skia.org Roll Skia from d7a9375e86c1 to 4c1856aadb85 (2 revisions) (flutter/engine#53680)
2024-07-02 49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com Bump github/codeql-action from 3.25.10 to 3.25.11 (flutter/engine#53678)
2024-07-02 49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com Bump google/osv-scanner-action from 1.7.4 to 1.8.1 (flutter/engine#53677)
2024-07-02 skia-flutter-autoroll@skia.org Roll Skia from 8375bdc6e191 to d7a9375e86c1 (1 revision) (flutter/engine#53676)

Also rolling transitive DEPS:
  fuchsia/sdk/core/linux-amd64 from LkXpxHsQlkPT to x5Sccm0dUoMV

If this roll has caused a breakage, revert this CL and stop the roller
using the controls here:
Please CC aaclarke@google.com,rmistry@google.com,zra@google.com on the revert to ensure that a human
is aware of the problem.

To file a bug in Flutter: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/new/choose

To report a problem with the AutoRoller itself, please file a bug:

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:
2024-07-02 13:35:26 +00:00

2 lines
41 B
