# Flutter gallery Demo app for the material design widgets and other features provided by Flutter. ## Building You can follow these instructions to build the gallery app and install it onto your device. ### Prereqs If you are new to Flutter, please first follow the [Flutter Setup](https://flutter.io/setup/) guide. ### Building and installing the Flutter app * `cd $FLUTTER_ROOT/examples/flutter_gallery` * `flutter upgrade` * `flutter run --release` The `flutter run --release` command both builds and installs the Flutter app. ## Prerelease checklist * Verify that the About box's license page scrolls and reveals its long long stream of license texts. ## Icon Android launcher icons were generated using Android Asset Studio: https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html#foreground.type=image&foreground.space.trim=1&foreground.space.pad=0.1&foreColor=607d8b%2C0&crop=0&backgroundShape=square&backColor=fafafa%2C100&effects=none