# Specify analysis options. # This file contains the analysis options used by 'flutter analyze'. # It is very similar to .analysis_options; # the only difference (currently) is the public_member_api_docs option, # which is turned on and programmatically reduced to a single output line # indicating the # of violations for that rule. analyzer: language: enableStrictCallChecks: true enableSuperMixins: true strong-mode: true errors: # we allow overriding fields (if they use super, ideally...) strong_mode_invalid_field_override: ignore # we allow type narrowing strong_mode_invalid_method_override: ignore strong_mode_static_type_error: ignore strong_mode_down_cast_composite: ignore # we allow having TODOs in the code todo: ignore exclude: - 'bin/**' linter: rules: # these are in the same order as http://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/ # to make maintenance easier # error rules - avoid_empty_else # - comment_references - control_flow_in_finally - hash_and_equals # - iterable_contains_unrelated_type - test_types_in_equals - throw_in_finally - unrelated_type_equality_checks # style rules - always_declare_return_types - always_specify_types - annotate_overrides - avoid_as - avoid_init_to_null - avoid_return_types_on_setters - await_only_futures - camel_case_types # - constant_identifier_names - control_flow_in_finally - empty_constructor_bodies - implementation_imports - library_names - library_prefixes - non_constant_identifier_names - one_member_abstracts # - overriden_field - package_api_docs - package_prefixed_library_names - prefer_is_not_empty - public_member_api_docs - slash_for_doc_comments - sort_constructors_first - sort_unnamed_constructors_first - super_goes_last # - type_annotate_public_apis # subset of always_specify_types - type_init_formals - unnecessary_brace_in_string_interp - unnecessary_getters_setters # pub rules - package_names