Improve documentation for framework.dart (#4758)

This commit is contained in:
Adam Barth 2016-06-25 12:22:14 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9c0c0225a6
commit 2fa6a709c9
2 changed files with 269 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import 'stock_arrow.dart';
enum StockRowPartKind { arrow }
class StockRowPartKey extends Key {
const StockRowPartKey(this.keySalt, this.stock, this.part) : super.constructor();
class StockRowPartKey extends LocalKey {
const StockRowPartKey(this.keySalt, this.stock, this.part);
final Object keySalt;
final Stock stock;

View file

@ -18,35 +18,45 @@ export 'package:flutter/foundation.dart' show FlutterError;
/// A Key is an identifier for [Widget]s and [Element]s. A new Widget will only
/// be used to reconfigure an existing Element if its Key is the same as its
/// original Widget's Key.
/// A [Key] is an identifier for [Widget]s and [Element]s.
/// Keys must be unique amongst the Elements with the same parent.
/// A new widget will only be used to update an existing element if its key is
/// the same as the key of the current widget associted with the element.
/// Subclasses of Key should either subclass [LocalKey] or [GlobalKey].
/// Keys must be unique amongst the [Element]s with the same parent.
/// Subclasses of [Key] should either subclass [LocalKey] or [GlobalKey].
abstract class Key {
/// Construct a ValueKey<String> with the given String.
/// Construct a [ValueKey<String>] with the given [String].
/// This is the simplest way to create keys.
factory Key(String value) => new ValueKey<String>(value);
/// Default constructor, used by subclasses.
const Key.constructor(); // so that subclasses can call us, since the Key() factory constructor shadows the implicit constructor
/// Useful so that subclasses can call us, because the Key() factory
/// constructor shadows the implicit constructor.
const Key._();
/// A key that is not a [GlobalKey].
/// Keys must be unique amongst the [Element]s with the same parent. By
/// contrast, [GlobalKey]s must be unique across the entire app.
abstract class LocalKey extends Key {
/// Default constructor, used by subclasses.
const LocalKey() : super.constructor();
const LocalKey() : super._();
/// A kind of [Key] that uses a value of a particular type to identify itself.
/// A key that uses a value of a particular type to identify itself.
/// For example, a ValueKey<String> is equal to another ValueKey<String> if
/// their values match.
/// A [ValueKey<T>] is equal to another [ValueKey<T>] if, and only if, their
/// values are [operator==].
class ValueKey<T> extends LocalKey {
/// Creates a key that delgates its [operator==] to the given value.
const ValueKey(this.value);
/// The value to which this key delegates its [operator==]
final T value;
@ -64,21 +74,24 @@ class ValueKey<T> extends LocalKey {
String toString() => '[\'$value\']';
/// A [Key] that is only equal to itself.
/// A key that is only equal to itself.
class UniqueKey extends LocalKey {
const UniqueKey();
/// Creates a key that is equal only to itself.
String toString() => '[$hashCode]';
/// A kind of [Key] that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
/// A key that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
/// Used to tie the identity of a Widget to the identity of an object used to
/// generate that Widget.
/// Used to tie the identity of a widget to the identity of an object used to
/// generate that widget.
class ObjectKey extends LocalKey {
/// Creates a key that uses [identical] on [value] for its [operator==].
const ObjectKey(this.value);
/// The object whose identity is used by this key's [operator==].
final Object value;
@ -96,13 +109,14 @@ class ObjectKey extends LocalKey {
String toString() => '[${value.runtimeType}(${value.hashCode})]';
/// Signature for a callback when a global key is removed from the tree.
typedef void GlobalKeyRemoveListener(GlobalKey key);
/// A GlobalKey is a [Key] that must be unique across the widget tree.
/// A key that is unique across the entire app.
/// Global keys uniquely indentify widget subtrees. The GlobalKey object provides
/// access to other objects that are associated with the subtree, such as the subtree's
/// [BuildContext] and, for [StatefulWidget]s, the subtree's [State].
/// Global keys uniquely indentify elements. Global keys provide access to other
/// objects that are associated with elements, such as the a [BuildContext] and,
/// for [StatefulWidget]s, a [State].
/// Widgets that have global keys reparent their subtrees when they are moved
/// from one location in the tree to another location in the tree. In order to
@ -110,16 +124,22 @@ typedef void GlobalKeyRemoveListener(GlobalKey key);
/// in the same animation frame in which it was removed from its old location in
/// the tree.
/// GlobalKeys are relatively expensive. If you don't need any of the features
/// Global keys are relatively expensive. If you don't need any of the features
/// listed above, consider using a [Key], [ValueKey], [ObjectKey], or
/// [UniqueKey] instead.
abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {
/// Creates a LabeledGlobalKey, which is a GlobalKey with a label used for debugging.
/// The label is not used for comparing the identity of the key.
/// Creates a [LabeledGlobalKey], which is a [GlobalKey] with a label used for debugging.
/// The label is purely for debugging and not used for comparing the identity
/// of the key.
factory GlobalKey({ String debugLabel }) => new LabeledGlobalKey<T>(debugLabel); // the label is purely for debugging purposes and is otherwise ignored
const GlobalKey.constructor() : super.constructor(); // so that subclasses can call us, since the Key() factory constructor shadows the implicit constructor
/// Creates a global key without a label.
/// Used by subclasss because the factory constructor shadows the implicit
/// constructor.
const GlobalKey.constructor() : super._();
static final Map<GlobalKey, Element> _registry = new Map<GlobalKey, Element>();
static final Map<GlobalKey, int> _debugDuplicates = new Map<GlobalKey, int>();
@ -158,17 +178,39 @@ abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {
Element get _currentElement => _registry[this];
/// The build context in which the widget with this key builds.
/// The current context is null if there is no widget in the tree that matches
/// this global key.
BuildContext get currentContext => _currentElement;
/// The widget in the tree that currently has this global key.
/// The current widget is null if there is no widget in the tree that matches
/// this global key.
Widget get currentWidget => _currentElement?.widget;
/// The [State] for the widget in the tree that currently has this global key.
/// The current state is null if (1) there is no widget in the tree that
/// matches this global key, (2) that widget is not a [StatefulWidget], or the
/// assoicated [State] object is not a subtype of `T`.
T get currentState {
Element element = _currentElement;
if (element is StatefulElement) {
StatefulElement statefulElement = element;
return statefulElement.state;
State state = statefulElement.state;
if (state is T)
return state;
return null;
/// Calls `listener` whenever a widget with the given global key is removed
/// from the tree.
/// Listeners can be removed with [unregisterRemoveListener].
static void registerRemoveListener(GlobalKey key, GlobalKeyRemoveListener listener) {
assert(key != null);
Set<GlobalKeyRemoveListener> listeners =
@ -177,6 +219,10 @@ abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {
/// Stop calling `listener` whenever a widget with the given global key is
/// removed from the tree.
/// Listeners can be added with [addListener].
static void unregisterRemoveListener(GlobalKey key, GlobalKeyRemoveListener listener) {
assert(key != null);
@ -219,10 +265,14 @@ abstract class GlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends Key {
/// Each LabeledGlobalKey instance is a unique key.
/// The optional label can be used for documentary purposes. It does not affect
/// the key's identity.
/// A global key with a debugging label.
/// The debug label is useful for documentation and for debugging. The label
/// does not affect the key's identity.
class LabeledGlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends GlobalKey<T> {
/// Creates a global key with a debugging label.
/// The label does not affect the key's identity.
const LabeledGlobalKey(this._debugLabel) : super.constructor();
final String _debugLabel;
@ -231,12 +281,15 @@ class LabeledGlobalKey<T extends State<StatefulWidget>> extends GlobalKey<T> {
String toString() => '[GlobalKey ${_debugLabel != null ? _debugLabel : hashCode}]';
/// A kind of [GlobalKey] that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
/// A global key that takes its identity from the object used as its value.
/// Used to tie the identity of a Widget to the identity of an object used to
/// generate that Widget.
/// Used to tie the identity of a widget to the identity of an object used to
/// generate that widget.
class GlobalObjectKey extends GlobalKey {
/// Creates a global key that uses [identical] on [value] for its [operator==].
const GlobalObjectKey(this.value) : super.constructor();
/// The object whose identity is used by this key's [operator==].
final Object value;
@ -257,22 +310,67 @@ class GlobalObjectKey extends GlobalKey {
/// This class is a work-around for the "is" operator not accepting a variable value as its right operand
class TypeMatcher<T> {
/// Creates a type matcher for the given type parameter.
const TypeMatcher();
/// Returns `true` if the given object is of type `T`.
bool check(dynamic object) => object is T;
/// A Widget object describes the configuration for an [Element].
/// Widget subclasses should be immutable with const constructors.
/// Widgets form a tree that is then inflated into an Element tree.
/// Describes the configuration for an [Element].
/// Widgets are the central class hierarchy in the Flutter framework. A widget
/// is an immutable description of part of a user interface. Widgets can be
/// inflated into elements, which manage the underlying render tree.
/// Widgets themselves have no mutable state. If you wish to associate
/// mutatable state with a widget, consider using a [StatefulWidget], which
/// creates a [State] object (via [StatefulWidget.createState]) whenever it is
/// inflated into an element and incorporated into the tree.
/// A given widget can be included in the tree zero or more times. In particular
/// a given widget can be placed in the tree multiple times. Each time a widget
/// is placed in the tree, it is inflated into an [Element], which means a
/// widget that is incorporated into the tree multiple times will be inflated
/// multiple times.
/// The [key] property controls how one widget replaces another widget in the
/// tree. If the [runtimeType] and [key] properties of the two widgets are
/// [operator==], respectively, then the new widget replaces the old widget by
/// updating the underlying element (i.e., by calling [Element.update] with the
/// new widget). Otherwise, the old element is removed from the tree, the new
/// widget is inflated into an element, and the new element is inserted into the
/// tree.
/// See also:
/// * [StatelessWidget]
/// * [StatefulWidget]
/// * [InheritedWidget]
abstract class Widget {
/// Initializes [key] for subclasses.
const Widget({ this.key });
/// Controls how one widget replaces another widget in the tree.
/// If the [runtimeType] and [key] properties of the two widgets are
/// [operator==], respectively, then the new widget replaces the old widget by
/// updating the underlying element (i.e., by calling [Element.update] with the
/// new widget). Otherwise, the old element is removed from the tree, the new
/// widget is inflated into an element, and the new element is inserted into the
/// tree.
final Key key;
/// Inflates this configuration to a concrete instance.
/// A given widget can be included in the tree zero or more times. In particular
/// a given widget can be placed in the tree multiple times. Each time a widget
/// is placed in the tree, it is inflated into an [Element], which means a
/// widget that is incorporated into the tree multiple times will be inflated
/// multiple times.
Element createElement();
/// A short, textual description of this widget.
String toStringShort() {
return key == null ? '$runtimeType' : '$runtimeType-$key';
@ -287,6 +385,11 @@ abstract class Widget {
return '$name(${data.join("; ")})';
/// Accumulates a list of strings describing the current widget's fields, one
/// field per string.
/// Subclasses should override this to have their information included in
/// [toString].
void debugFillDescription(List<String> description) { }
@ -298,32 +401,68 @@ abstract class Widget {
/// Whether the `newWidget` can be used to update an [Element] that currently
/// has the `oldWidget` as its configuration.
/// An element that uses a given widget as its configuration can be updated to
/// use another widget as its configuration if, and only if, the two widgets
/// have [runtimeType] and [key] properties that are [operator==].
static bool canUpdate(Widget oldWidget, Widget newWidget) {
return oldWidget.runtimeType == newWidget.runtimeType &&
oldWidget.key == newWidget.key;
/// StatelessWidgets describe a way to compose other Widgets to form reusable
/// parts, which doesn't depend on anything other than the configuration
/// information in the object itself. (For compositions that can change
/// dynamically, e.g. due to having an internal clock-driven state, or depending
/// on some system state, use [StatefulWidget].)
/// A widget that does not require mutable state.
/// A stateless widget is a widget that describes part of the user interface by
/// building a constellation of other widgets that describe the user interface
/// more concretely. The building process continues recursively until the
/// description of the user interface is fully concrete (e.g., consists
/// enitrely of [RenderObjectWidget]s, which describe concrete [RenderObject]s).
/// Stateless widget are useful when the part of the user interface you are
/// describing does not depend on anything other than the configuration
/// information in the object itself and the [BuildContext] in which the widget
/// is inflated. For compositions that can change dynamically, e.g. due to
/// having an internal clock-driven state, or depending on some system state,
/// consider using [StatefulWidget].
/// See also:
/// * [StatefulWidget]
abstract class StatelessWidget extends Widget {
/// Initializes [key] for subclasses.
const StatelessWidget({ Key key }) : super(key: key);
/// StatelessWidget always use [StatelessElement]s to represent
/// themselves in the Element tree.
/// Creates a [StatelessElement] to manage this widget's location in the tree.
/// It is uncommon for subclasses to override this function.
StatelessElement createElement() => new StatelessElement(this);
/// Returns another Widget out of which this StatelessWidget is built.
/// Typically that Widget will have been configured with further children,
/// such that really this function returns a tree of configuration.
/// Describes the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
/// The given build context object contains information about the location in
/// the tree at which this widget is being built. For example, the context
/// provides the set of inherited widgets for this location in the tree.
/// The framework calls this function when this widget is inserted into the
/// tree in a given [BuildContext] and when the dependencies of this widget
/// change (e.g., an [InheritedWidget] referenced by this widget changes).
/// The framework replaces the subtree below this widget with the widget
/// returned by this function, either by updating the existing subtree or by
/// removing the subtree and inflating a new subtree, depending on whether the
/// widget returned by this function [Widget.canUpdate] the root of the
/// existing subtree.
/// Typically implementations return a newly created constellation of widget
/// that are configured with information from this widget's constructor and
/// from the given [BuildContext].
/// The given [BuildContext] contains information about the location in the
/// tree at which this widget is being built. For example, the context
/// provides the set of inherited widgets for this location in the tree. A
/// given widget might be with multiple different [BuildContext] arguments
/// over time if the widget is moved around the tree or if the widget is
/// inserted into the tree in multiple places at once.
Widget build(BuildContext context);
@ -331,34 +470,102 @@ abstract class StatelessWidget extends Widget {
WidgetBuilder get _build => build;
/// StatefulWidgets provide the configuration for
/// [StatefulElement]s, which wrap [State]s, which hold mutable state
/// and can dynamically and spontaneously ask to be rebuilt.
/// A widget that has mutable state.
/// State is information (1) that can be read synchronously when the widget is
/// built and (2) for which we will be notified when it changes.
/// A stateful widget is a widget that describes part of the user interface by
/// building a constellation of other widgets that describe the user interface
/// more concretely. The building process continues recursively until the
/// description of the user interface is fully concrete (e.g., consists
/// enitrely of [RenderObjectWidget]s, which describe concrete [RenderObject]s).
/// Stateless widget are useful when the part of the user interface you are
/// describing can change dynamically, e.g. due to having an internal
/// clock-driven state, or depending on some system state. For compositions that
/// depend only on the configuration information in the object itself and the
/// [BuildContext] in which the widget is inflated, consider using
/// [StatelessWidget].
/// [StatefulWidget] instances themselves are immutable and store their mutable
/// state in separate [State] objects that are created by the [createState]
/// function. The framework calls [createState] whenever it inflates a
/// [StatefulWidget], which means that multiple [State] objects might be
/// associated with the same [StatefulWidget] if that widget has been inserted
/// into the tree in multiple places. Similarly, if a [StatefulWidget] is
/// removed from the tree and later inserted in to the tree again, the framework
/// will call [createState] again to create a fresh [State] object, simplifying
/// the lifecycle of [State] objects.
/// A [StatefulWidget] keeps the same [State] object when moving from one
/// location in the tree to another if its creator used a [GlobalKey] for its
/// [key]. Because a widget with a [GlobalKey] can be used in at most one
/// location in the tree, a widget that uses a [GlobalKey] has at most one
/// associated element. The framework takes advantage of this property when
/// moving a widget with a global key from one location in the tree to another
/// by grafting the (unique) subtree associated with that widget from the old
/// location to the new location (instead of recreating the subtree at the new
/// location). The [State] objects associated with [StatefulWidget] are grafted
/// along with the rest of the subtree, which means the [State] object is reused
/// (instead of being recreated) in the new location. However, in order to be
/// eligible for grafting, the widget might be inserted into the new location in
/// the same animation frame in which it was removed from the old location.
/// See also:
/// * [State]
/// * [StatelessWidget]
abstract class StatefulWidget extends Widget {
/// Initializes [key] for subclasses.
const StatefulWidget({ Key key }) : super(key: key);
/// StatefulWidget always use [StatefulElement]s to represent
/// themselves in the Element tree.
/// Creates a [StatefulElement] to manage this widget's location in the tree.
/// It is uncommon for subclasses to override this function.
StatefulElement createElement() => new StatefulElement(this);
/// Returns an instance of the state to which this StatefulWidget is
/// related, using this object as the configuration. Subclasses should
/// override this to return a new instance of the State class associated with
/// this StatefulWidget class, like this:
/// Creates the mutable state for this widget at a given location in the tree.
/// _MyState createState() => new _MyState();
/// Subclasses should override this function to return a newly created
/// instance of their associated [State] subclass:
/// ```dart
/// @override
/// _MyState createState() => new _MyState();
/// ```
/// The framework can call this function multiple times over the lifetime of
/// a [StatefulWidget]. For example, if the widget is inserted into the tree
/// in multiple locations, the framework will create a separate [State] object
/// for each location. Similarly, if the widget is removed from the tree and
/// later inserted into the tree again, the framework will call [createState]
/// again to create a fresh [State] object, simplifying the lifecycle of
/// [State] objects.
State createState();
/// Tracks the lifecycle of [State] objects when asserts are enabled.
enum _StateLifecycle {
/// The [State] object has been created but [State.initState] has not yet been
/// called.
/// The [State.initState] function has been called but the [State] object is
/// not yet ready to build.
/// The [State] object is ready to build and [State.dispose] has not yet been
/// called.
/// The [State.dispose] function has been called and the [State] object is
/// no longer able to build.
/// The signature of setState() methods.
/// The signature of [State.setState] functions.
typedef void StateSetter(VoidCallback fn);
/// The logic and internal state for a [StatefulWidget].