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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
2016-03-29 19:14:44 +00:00
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/driver.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/error.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/health.dart';
import 'package:flutter_driver/src/timeline.dart';
import 'package:json_rpc_2/json_rpc_2.dart' as rpc;
import 'package:mockito/mockito_no_mirrors.dart';
2016-03-29 19:14:44 +00:00
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:vm_service_client/vm_service_client.dart';
void main() {
group('FlutterDriver.connect', () {
List<LogRecord> log;
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
StreamSubscription<LogRecord> logSub;
MockVMServiceClient mockClient;
MockVM mockVM;
MockIsolate mockIsolate;
void expectLogContains(String message) {
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
expect(log.map((LogRecord r) => '$r'), anyElement(contains(message)));
setUp(() {
log = <LogRecord>[];
logSub = flutterDriverLog.listen(log.add);
mockClient = new MockVMServiceClient();
mockVM = new MockVM();
mockIsolate = new MockIsolate();
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any))
.thenReturn(makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{'status': 'ok'}));
vmServiceConnectFunction = (String url) {
return new Future<VMServiceClientConnection>.value(
new VMServiceClientConnection(mockClient, null)
tearDown(() async {
await logSub.cancel();
test('connects to isolate paused at start', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseStartEvent());
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenReturn(new Future<Null>.value());
Refactor service extensions (#3397) Bindings now have a debugRegisterServiceExtensions() method that is invoked in debug mode (only). (Once we have a profile mode, there'll be a registerProfileServiceExtensions() method that gets called in that mode only to register extensions that apply then.) The BindingBase class provides convenience methods for registering service extensions that do the equivalent of: ```dart void extension() { ... } bool extension([bool enabled]) { ... } double extension([double extension]) { ... } Map<String, String> extension([Map<String, String> parameters]) { ... } ``` The BindingBase class also itself registers ext.flutter.reassemble, which it has call a function on the binding called reassembleApplication(). The Scheduler binding now exposes the preexisting ext.flutter.timeDilation. The Renderer binding now exposes the preexisting ext.flutter.debugPaint. The Renderer binding hooks reassembleApplication to trigger the rendering tree to be reprocessed (in particular, to fix up the optimisation closures). All the logic from rendering/debug.dart about service extensions is replaced by the above. I moved basic_types to foundation. The FlutterWidgets binding hooks reassembleApplication to trigger the widget tree to be entirely rebuilt. Flutter Driver now uses ext.flutter.driver instead of ext.flutter_driver, and is hooked using the same binding mechanism. Eventually we'll probably move the logic into the Flutter library so that you just get it without having to invoke a special method first.
2016-04-19 17:53:58 +00:00
when(mockIsolate.onExtensionAdded).thenReturn(new Stream<String>.fromIterable(<String>['ext.flutter.driver']));
FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is paused at start');
test('connects to isolate paused mid-flight', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent());
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenReturn(new Future<Null>.value());
FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is paused mid-flight');
// This test simulates a situation when we believe that the isolate is
// currently paused, but something else (e.g. a debugger) resumes it before
// we do. There's no need to fail as we should be able to drive the app
// just fine.
test('connects despite losing the race to resume isolate', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent());
when(mockIsolate.resume()).thenAnswer((_) {
// This needs to be wrapped in a closure to not be considered uncaught
// by package:test
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
return new Future<Null>.error(new rpc.RpcException(101, ''));
FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Attempted to resume an already resumed isolate');
test('connects to unpaused isolate', () async {
when(mockIsolate.pauseEvent).thenReturn(new MockVMResumeEvent());
FlutterDriver driver = await FlutterDriver.connect(dartVmServiceUrl: '');
expect(driver, isNotNull);
expectLogContains('Isolate is not paused. Assuming application is ready.');
group('FlutterDriver', () {
MockVMServiceClient mockClient;
MockPeer mockPeer;
MockIsolate mockIsolate;
FlutterDriver driver;
setUp(() {
mockClient = new MockVMServiceClient();
mockPeer = new MockPeer();
mockIsolate = new MockIsolate();
driver = new FlutterDriver.connectedTo(mockClient, mockPeer, mockIsolate);
test('checks the health of the driver extension', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenReturn(
makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{'status': 'ok'}));
Health result = await driver.checkHealth();
expect(result.status, HealthStatus.ok);
test('closes connection', () async {
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
when(mockClient.close()).thenReturn(new Future<Null>.value());
await driver.close();
group('ByValueKey', () {
test('restricts value types', () async {
expect(() => find.byValueKey(null),
throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('finds by ValueKey', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, String>{
'command': 'tap',
'timeout': '5000',
'finderType': 'ByValueKey',
'keyValueString': 'foo',
'keyValueType': 'String'
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.tap(find.byValueKey('foo'));
group('tap', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.tap(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the tap command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'tap',
'timeout': '5000',
'finderType': 'ByText',
'text': 'foo',
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.tap(find.text('foo'));
group('getText', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.getText(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the getText command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
2016-03-12 08:32:34 +00:00
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'get_text',
'timeout': '5000',
'finderType': 'ByValueKey',
'keyValueString': '123',
'keyValueType': 'int'
return makeMockResponse(<String, String>{
'text': 'hello'
String result = await driver.getText(find.byValueKey(123));
expect(result, 'hello');
group('waitFor', () {
test('requires a target reference', () async {
expect(driver.waitFor(null), throwsA(const isInstanceOf<DriverError>()));
test('sends the waitFor command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'waitFor',
'finderType': 'ByTooltipMessage',
'text': 'foo',
'timeout': '1000',
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'), timeout: const Duration(seconds: 1));
group('waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks', () {
test('sends the waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks command', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
expect(i.positionalArguments[1], <String, dynamic>{
'command': 'waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks',
'timeout': '1000',
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{});
await driver.waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks(timeout: const Duration(seconds: 1));
group('traceAction', () {
test('traces action', () async {
bool actionCalled = false;
bool startTracingCalled = false;
bool stopTracingCalled = false;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[all]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
startTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
stopTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_getVMTimeline')).thenAnswer((_) async {
return <String, dynamic> {
'traceEvents': <dynamic>[
<String, String>{
'name': 'test event'
Timeline timeline = await driver.traceAction(() {
actionCalled = true;
expect(actionCalled, isTrue);
expect(startTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(stopTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(timeline.events.single.name, 'test event');
group('traceAction with timeline streams', () {
test('specify non-default timeline streams', () async {
bool actionCalled = false;
bool startTracingCalled = false;
bool stopTracingCalled = false;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[Dart, GC, Compiler]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
startTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_setVMTimelineFlags', argThat(equals(<String, dynamic>{'recordedStreams': '[]'}))))
.thenAnswer((_) async {
stopTracingCalled = true;
return null;
when(mockPeer.sendRequest('_getVMTimeline')).thenAnswer((_) async {
return <String, dynamic> {
'traceEvents': <dynamic>[
<String, String>{
'name': 'test event'
Timeline timeline = await driver.traceAction(() {
actionCalled = true;
streams: const <TimelineStream>[
expect(actionCalled, isTrue);
expect(startTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(stopTracingCalled, isTrue);
expect(timeline.events.single.name, 'test event');
group('sendCommand error conditions', () {
test('local timeout', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
// completer never competed to trigger timeout
return new Completer<Map<String, dynamic>>().future;
try {
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'), timeout: const Duration(milliseconds: 100));
fail('expected an exception');
} catch(error) {
expect(error is DriverError, isTrue);
expect(error.message, 'Failed to fulfill WaitFor: Flutter application not responding');
test('remote error', () async {
when(mockIsolate.invokeExtension(any, any)).thenAnswer((Invocation i) {
return makeMockResponse(<String, dynamic>{
'message': 'This is a failure'
}, isError: true);
try {
await driver.waitFor(find.byTooltip('foo'));
fail('expected an exception');
} catch(error) {
expect(error is DriverError, isTrue);
expect(error.message, 'Error in Flutter application: {message: This is a failure}');
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> makeMockResponse(
Map<String, dynamic> response, {bool isError: false}) {
return new Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.value(<String, dynamic>{
'isError': isError,
'response': response
class MockVMServiceClient extends Mock implements VMServiceClient { }
class MockVM extends Mock implements VM { }
class MockIsolate extends Mock implements VMRunnableIsolate { }
class MockVMPauseStartEvent extends Mock implements VMPauseStartEvent { }
class MockVMPauseBreakpointEvent extends Mock implements VMPauseBreakpointEvent { }
class MockVMResumeEvent extends Mock implements VMResumeEvent { }
class MockPeer extends Mock implements rpc.Peer { }