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# Flutter's Build Infrastructure
This directory exists to support building Flutter on our build infrastructure.
The results of such builds are viewable at:
* https://build.chromium.org/p/client.flutter/waterfall
* https://travis-ci.org/flutter/flutter/builds (limited checking used just for PRs on github)
The external master pages for the chromium infra bots do not allow
forcing new builds. Contact @eseidelGoogle or another member of
Google's Flutter team if you need to do that.
The Travis-based bots are trivial, and just run a couple of shell
scripts. The rest of this document discusses only the chromium infra
This infrastructure is broken into two parts. A buildbot master specified by our
file, and a [set of
which we run on that master. Both of these technologies are highly specific to
Google's Chromium project. We're just borrowing some of their infrastructure.
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## Prerequisites
- [install depot_tools](http://www.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/install-depot-tools)
- Python package installer: `sudo apt-get install python-pip`
- Python coverage package (only needed for `training_simulation`): `sudo pip install coverage`
## Getting the code
The following will get way more than just recipe code, but it _will_ get the recipe code:
mkdir chrome_infra
cd chrome_infra
fetch infra
More detailed instructions can be found [here](https://chromium.googlesource.com/infra/infra/+/master/doc/source.md).
Most of the functionality for recipes comes from `recipe_modules`, which are
unfortunately spread to many separate repositories. After checking out the code
search for files named `api.py` or `example.py` under `infra/build`.
## Editing a recipe
Flutter has one recipe per repository. Currently
- build/scripts/slave/recipes/flutter/flutter.py
- build/scripts/slave/recipes/flutter/engine.py
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Recipes are just Python. They are
by the [luci/recipes-py github project](https://github.com/luci/recipes-py).
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The typical cycle for editing a recipe is:
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1. Make your edits (probably to files in
2. Run `build/scripts/slave/recipes.py --use-bootstrap test train` to
update expected files
3. Run `build/scripts/tools/run_recipe.py flutter/<repo> slavename=<slavename>
mastername=client.flutter buildername=<buildername> buildnumber=1234` where `<repo>` is one
of `flutter` or `engine`, and `slavename` and `buildername` can be looked up
from the *Build Properties* section of a [recent
4. Upload the patch (`git commit`, `git cl upload`) and send it to someone in
the `recipes/flutter/OWNERS` file for review.
## Editing the client.flutter buildbot master
Flutter uses Chromium's fancy
master generation system. Chromium hosts 100s (if not 1000s) of buildbot
masters and thus has lots of infrastructure for turning them up and down.
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Eventually all of buildbot is planned to be replaced by other infrastructure,
but for now flutter has its own client.flutter master.
You would need to edit client.flutter's master in order to add slaves (talk to
@eseidelGoogle), add builder groups, or to change the html layout of
https://build.chromium.org/p/client.flutter. Carefully follow the [builders.pyl
to do so.
## Future Directions
We would like to host our own recipes instead of storing them in
Support for [cross-repository
recipes](https://github.com/luci/recipes-py/blob/master/doc/cross_repo.md) is
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in-progress. If you view the git log of this directory, you'll see we initially
tried, but it's not quite ready.
# Android Tools
The Android SDK and NDK used by Flutter's Chrome infra bots are stored in Google Cloud. During the build a bot runs the
`download_android_tools.py` script that downloads the required version of the Android SDK into `dev/bots/android_tools`.
To check which components are currently installed, download the current SDK stored in Google Cloud using the
`download_android_tools.py` script, then `dev/bots/android_tools/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --list`. If you find that some
components need to be updated or installed, follow the steps below:
## How to update Android SDK on Google Cloud Storage
1. Run Android SDK Manager and update packages
`$ dev/bots/android_tools/sdk/tools/android update sdk`
Use `android.bat` on Windows.
2. Use the UI to choose the packages you want to install and/or update.
3. Run `dev/bots/android_tools/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --update`. On Windows, run `sdkmanager.bat` instead. If the
process fails with an error saying that it is unable to move files (Windows makes files and directories read-only
when another process is holding them open), make a copy of the `dev/bots/android_tools/sdk/tools` directory, run
the `sdkmanager.bat` from the copy, and use the `--sdk_root` option pointing at `dev/bots/android_tools/sdk`.
4. Run `dev/bots/android_tools/sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager --licenses` and accept the licenses for the newly installed
components. It also helps to run this command a second time and make sure that it prints "All SDK package licenses
5. Run upload_android_tools.py -t sdk
`$ dev/bots/upload_android_tools.py -t sdk`
## How to update Android NDK on Google Cloud Storage
1. Download a new NDK binary (e.g. android-ndk-r10e-linux-x86_64.bin)
2. cd dev/bots/android_tools
`$ cd dev/bots/android_tools`
3. Remove the old ndk directory
`$ rm -rf ndk`
4. Run the new NDK binary file
`$ ./android-ndk-r10e-linux-x86_64.bin`
5. Rename the extracted directory to ndk
`$ mv android-ndk-r10e ndk`
6. Run upload_android_tools.py -t ndk
`$ cd ../..`
`$ dev/bots/upload_android_tools.py -t ndk`