Ryan Dahl 7c2e7c6608
Use gotham-like state for ops (#7385)
Provides a concrete state type that can be dynamically added. This is necessary for op crates.
* renames BasicState to OpState
* async ops take `Rc<RefCell<OpState>>`
* sync ops take `&mut OpState`
* removes `OpRegistry`, `OpRouter` traits
* `get_error_class_fn` moved to OpState
* ResourceTable moved to OpState
2020-09-10 09:57:45 -04:00

150 lines
3.7 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use super::io::{StreamResource, StreamResourceHolder};
use crate::http_util::{create_http_client, HttpBody};
use deno_core::BufVec;
use deno_core::ErrBox;
use deno_core::OpState;
use deno_core::ZeroCopyBuf;
use http::header::HeaderName;
use http::header::HeaderValue;
use http::Method;
use reqwest::Client;
use serde_derive::Deserialize;
use serde_json::Value;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::convert::From;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub fn init(rt: &mut deno_core::JsRuntime) {
super::reg_json_async(rt, "op_fetch", op_fetch);
super::reg_json_sync(rt, "op_create_http_client", op_create_http_client);
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct FetchArgs {
method: Option<String>,
url: String,
headers: Vec<(String, String)>,
client_rid: Option<u32>,
async fn op_fetch(
state: Rc<RefCell<OpState>>,
args: Value,
data: BufVec,
) -> Result<Value, ErrBox> {
let args: FetchArgs = serde_json::from_value(args)?;
let url = args.url;
let client = if let Some(rid) = args.client_rid {
let state = state.borrow();
let r = state
} else {
let cli_state = super::cli_state2(&state);
let client_ref = cli_state.http_client.borrow();
let method = match args.method {
Some(method_str) => Method::from_bytes(method_str.as_bytes())?,
None => Method::GET,
let url_ = url::Url::parse(&url)?;
// Check scheme before asking for net permission
let scheme = url_.scheme();
if scheme != "http" && scheme != "https" {
return Err(ErrBox::type_error(format!(
"scheme '{}' not supported",
let mut request = client.request(method, url_);
match data.len() {
0 => {}
1 => request = request.body(Vec::from(&*data[0])),
_ => panic!("Invalid number of arguments"),
for (key, value) in args.headers {
let name = HeaderName::from_bytes(key.as_bytes()).unwrap();
let v = HeaderValue::from_str(&value).unwrap();
request = request.header(name, v);
debug!("Before fetch {}", url);
let res = request.send().await?;
debug!("Fetch response {}", url);
let status = res.status();
let mut res_headers = Vec::new();
for (key, val) in res.headers().iter() {
res_headers.push((key.to_string(), val.to_str().unwrap().to_owned()));
let body = HttpBody::from(res);
let rid = state.borrow_mut().resource_table.add(
let json_res = json!({
"bodyRid": rid,
"status": status.as_u16(),
"statusText": status.canonical_reason().unwrap_or(""),
"headers": res_headers
struct HttpClientResource {
client: Client,
impl HttpClientResource {
fn new(client: Client) -> Self {
Self { client }
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
struct CreateHttpClientOptions {
ca_file: Option<String>,
fn op_create_http_client(
state: &mut OpState,
args: Value,
_zero_copy: &mut [ZeroCopyBuf],
) -> Result<Value, ErrBox> {
let args: CreateHttpClientOptions = serde_json::from_value(args)?;
if let Some(ca_file) = args.ca_file.clone() {
let client = create_http_client(args.ca_file.as_deref()).unwrap();
let rid = state
.add("httpClient", Box::new(HttpClientResource::new(client)));