2018-09-06 11:04:56 -04:00

209 lines
6.5 KiB

import path from "path";
import alias from "rollup-plugin-alias";
import { plugin as analyze } from "rollup-plugin-analyzer";
import commonjs from "rollup-plugin-commonjs";
import globals from "rollup-plugin-node-globals";
import nodeResolve from "rollup-plugin-node-resolve";
import typescriptPlugin from "rollup-plugin-typescript2";
import { createFilter } from "rollup-pluginutils";
import typescript from "typescript";
const mockPath = path.join(__dirname, "js", "mock_builtin.js");
const tsconfig = path.join(__dirname, "tsconfig.json");
const typescriptPath = `${
// We will allow generated modules to be resolvable by TypeScript based on
// the current build path
const tsconfigOverride = {
compilerOptions: {
paths: {
"*": ["*", path.join(process.cwd(), "*")]
// this is a preamble for the `globals.d.ts` file to allow it to be the default
// lib for deno.
const libPreamble = `/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
// this is a rollup plugin which will look for imports ending with `!string` and resolve
// them with a module that will inline the contents of the file as a string. Needed to
// support `js/assets.ts`.
function strings({ include, exclude } = {}) {
if (!include) {
throw new Error("include option must be passed");
const filter = createFilter(include, exclude);
return {
name: "strings",
* @param {string} importee
resolveId(importee) {
if (importee.endsWith("!string")) {
// strip the `!string` from `importee`
importee = importee.slice(0, importee.lastIndexOf("!string"));
if (!importee.startsWith("gen/")) {
// this is a static asset which is located relative to the root of
// the source project
return path.resolve(path.join(process.env.BASEPATH, importee));
// this is an asset which has been generated, therefore it will be
// located within the build path
return path.resolve(path.join(process.cwd(), importee));
* @param {any} code
* @param {string} id
transform(code, id) {
if (filter(id)) {
return {
code: `export default ${JSON.stringify(
id.endsWith("globals.d.ts") ? libPreamble + code : code
map: { mappings: "" }
// This plugin resolves at bundle time any generated resources that are
// in the build path under `gen` and specified with a MID starting with `gen/`.
// The plugin assumes that the MID needs to have the `.ts` extension appended.
function resolveGenerated() {
return {
name: "resolve-msg-generated",
resolveId(importee) {
if (importee.startsWith("gen/msg_generated")) {
const resolved = path.resolve(
path.join(process.cwd(), `${importee}.ts`)
return resolved;
export default function makeConfig(commandOptions) {
return {
output: {
format: "iife",
name: "denoMain",
sourcemap: true
plugins: [
// would prefer to use `rollup-plugin-virtual` to inject the empty module, but there
// is an issue with `rollup-plugin-commonjs` which causes errors when using the
// virtual plugin (see: rollup/rollup-plugin-commonjs#315), this means we have to use
// a physical module to substitute
fs: mockPath,
path: mockPath,
os: mockPath,
crypto: mockPath,
buffer: mockPath,
module: mockPath
// Provides inlining of file contents for `js/assets.ts`
include: [
// Resolves any resources that have been generated at build time
// Allows rollup to resolve modules based on Node.js resolution
jsnext: true,
main: true
// Allows rollup to import CommonJS modules
namedExports: {
// Static analysis of `typescript.js` does detect the exports properly, therefore
// rollup requires them to be explicitly defined to make them available in the
// bundle
[typescriptPath]: [
// The build script is invoked from `out/:target` so passing an absolute file path is needed
// This provides any overrides to the `tsconfig.json` that are needed to bundle
// This provides the locally configured version of TypeScript instead of the plugins
// default version
// By default, the include path only includes the cwd and below, need to include the root of the project
// and build path to be passed to this plugin. This is different front tsconfig.json include
include: ["*.ts", `${__dirname}/**/*.ts`, `${process.cwd()}/**/*.ts`],
// d.ts files are not bundled and by default like include, it only includes the cwd and below
exclude: [
// Provide some concise information about the bundle
skipFormatted: true,
}) {
if (!commandOptions.silent) {
`Bundle size: ${Math.round((bundleSize / 1000000) * 100) / 100}Mb`
`Original size: ${Math.round((bundleOrigSize / 1000000) * 100) /
console.log(`Reduction: ${bundleReduction}%`);
console.log(`Module count: ${moduleCount}`);
// source-map-support, which is required by TypeScript to support source maps, requires Node.js Buffer
// implementation. This needs to come at the end of the plugins because of the impact it has on
// the existing runtime environment, which breaks other plugins and features of the bundler.