Bert Belder d67733c34d
appveyor: place cargo and rustup in the same cache
This avoids the problem that when one of the caches is restored and the
other isn't, Rust doesn't get reinstalled, but it also isn't usable,
crashing the CI.
2018-11-07 03:55:20 +01:00

414 lines
18 KiB

# Copyright 2018 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
version: '{build}.{branch}'
skip_branch_with_pr: true
clone_folder: C:\deno
clone_depth: 1
# Appveyor uses 7zip to pack cache directories. We use these options:
# -t7z : Use '7z' format.
# -snl : Store symlinks; doesn't work, but it prevents following symlinks.
# -mtc : Use UTC timestamps. This is required for incremental builds.
# -mx=1 : Fast compression.
APPVEYOR_CACHE_ENTRY_ZIP_ARGS: -t7z -snl -mtc -mx=1
# Define some PowerShell helper functions which are used in the scripts below.
# They're defined in an environment variable to reduce noise in the build log.
# `Exec` runs a regular executable. It looks at the process' exit code,
# rather than its stderr output, to tell if a command has failed.
function Exec([ScriptBlock] $Command, [switch] $NoNewLines) {
"$Command".TrimStart(" &") | Write-Host # Echo command.
& $Command 2>&1 | Write-Host -NoNewLine:$NoNewLines # Execute command.
if ($NoNewLines) { Write-Host } # Write newline.
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { throw "Failure. Exit code: $LastExitCode" }
# Get-Tree lists all objects in a tree. It's different from Get-ChildItem
# in that the latter recurses through symlinks, which is problematic.
function Get-Tree([string[]] $Path, [switch] $Recurse, [switch] $Force) {
function Get-SubDirs([string[]] $Path) {
Get-ChildItem $Path -Force:$Force `
-Attributes Directory+!ReparsePoint |
foreach { $_.FullName } |
foreach { $_; Get-SubDirs $_ }
if ($Recurse) { $Path += Get-SubDirs $Path }
Get-ChildItem $Path -Force:$Force @args
# `Delete-Tree` is a simple wrapper around Remove-Item. It doesn't set
# an error status if one of the paths to be deleted doesn't exist.
function Delete-Tree([string[]] $Path) {
$Path | foreach {
"Deleting '$_'" | Write-Host -NoNewLine
if (Test-Path $_) {
Remove-Item $_ -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
$(if ($?) { " - ok" } else { " - failed" }) | Write-Host
} else {
" - not found" | Write-Host
# We set file atimes to this date and see if it changes.
$FILE_NOT_NEEDED = Get-Date -Date "1984-04-11T00:00:00Z" # A good year.
# Traced files are stored a hash table, using their full path as key.
$not_needed = @{}
# Whether filesystem last access time tracking has been enabled yet.
$atime_enabled = $false
# Trace whether files are actually used, so we can find and remove files
# that unnecessary. We use this to avoid hoarding stale build outputs.
function Start-TraceFilesNeeded([string[]] $Path, [switch] $Recurse) {
# Don't enable if the cache won't be saved.
if (-not (Get-SaveCache)) { return }
# Identify (new) files to trace. A non-existing path is not an error.
$files = $Path |
where { Test-Path $_ } |
foreach { Get-Tree $_ -Recurse:$Recurse -File } |
where { -not $not_needed.ContainsKey($_.FullName) }
# Set newly traced files' last access time to very long ago.
$files | foreach { $_.LastAccessTime = $FILE_NOT_NEEDED }
# Add newly traced files to the hash table with unnecessary files.
$files | foreach { $not_needed.Add($_.FullName, $true) }
# Enable last access time tracking only if any files were found.
if ($files -and -not $atime_enabled) {
Exec { fsutil behavior set DisableLastAccess 0 }
Set-Variable -Name atime_enabled -Value $true -Scope 1
# Log statistics.
Write-Host "Tracing file access for $($files.Count) files."
# Marks files as needed.
# -Auto : Auto mark files if their access time has changed.
# -Path <path[]> : Explicitly mark file(s) as needed.
# -Recurse : Recurse into directories specified with -Path.
# -Reason <text> : Optional reason, written to the build log.
function Set-FilesNeeded([switch] $Auto, [string[]] $Path,
[switch] $Recurse, [string] $Reason) {
# Helper function.
function Mark([System.IO.FileSystemInfo[]] $Files, [string] $How) {
# Find matching files that are traced, then remove them.
$keys = $Files.FullName |
where { $_ -and $not_needed.ContainsKey($_) }
$keys | foreach { $not_needed.Remove($_) }
# Write log message.
if ($keys.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host ("$Reason$(if ($Reason) { ': ' })" +
"$($keys.Count) files $How marked 'needed'.")
# Skip marking step if there are no files being traced.
if ($not_needed.Count -eq 0) { return }
# Auto mark files 'needed' when their last access time has changed.
if ($Auto) {
$files = $not_needed.Keys |
where { Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf } |
foreach { Get-Item $_ -Force } |
where { $_.LastAccessTime -ne $FILE_NOT_NEEDED }
Mark -Files $files -How "automatically"
# Mark explicitly specified paths.
if ($Path) {
$files = $Path |
where { Test-Path $_ } |
foreach { Get-Tree $_ -Recurse:$Recurse -Force -File }
Mark -Files $files -How "explicitly"
# Clean up stale files and end file tracking.
function Stop-TraceFilesNeeded {
# Look for files that had their atime changed, and mark them needed.
Set-FilesNeeded -Auto
# Make a list of all files to delete.
$files = $not_needed.Keys |
where { Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf } |
foreach { Get-Item $_ -Force }
# Compute the total size of all to-be-deleted files.
$size_info = $files | measure -Property Length -Sum
$size_mb = "{0:N1}" -f ($size_info.Sum / (1024 * 1024))
# Delete files, as well as parent directories if they became empty.
$files | Remove-Item -Force
$dirs = $files | foreach {
try { while ($_ = $_.Directory) { $_.Delete(); $_ } } catch {}
# All unnecessary files are now gone.
# Summarize what was cleaned up in the build log.
if ($files.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Deleted $($files.Count) unnecessary files and",
"$($dirs.Count) directories ($size_mb MB)."
function Sync-MTimeCache([string] $DatabasePath) {
# Load the previously saved cache, if it exists.
try {
$old_cache = Import-CliXml -Path $DatabasePath -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
$old_cache = @{}
# The updated cache gets populated while restoring the old one.
$new_cache = @{}
# Determine the mtime that will be assigned to new and modified files.
# To retain nanosecond precision when (de)serializing, mtimes are stored
# as 64-bit 'FileTime' integers, not as DateTime objects.
$now = (Get-Date).ToFileTimeUtc()
# Since we're gonna rely on git to give us file SHAs, double check that
# the work dir is clean and the index is up to date.
$dirty = git status -z --ignore-submodules=all --untracked-files=no
if ($dirty) { throw "Work tree dirty." }
# Ask git for a list of checked-out files and their hashes, metadata.
(git ls-files -z --stage --eol --full-name) -split "\0" | foreach {
# Skip non-files (symlinks etc.). File mode should be 100644/100755.
if ($_ -notmatch "^100") { return }
# Look up mtime in cache. Reset to 'now' if not found or invalid.
# The entire "mode hash attr filename" line serves as the cache key.
$mtime = $old_cache[$_]
if (-not $mtime -or $mtime -gt $now) { $mtime = $now }
# Change the file's LastWriteTime to the mtime found in the cache.
$path = ($_ -split "\t", 3)[2] # Filename starts after 2nd tab.
$lwt = [DateTime]::FromFileTimeUtc($mtime)
Set-ItemProperty -Path $path -Name LastWriteTime -Value $lwt -Force
# Add entry to updated cache.
$new_cache[$_] = $mtime
# Write the updated cache back to disk.
if (Get-SaveCache) {
$new_cache | Export-CliXml -Path $DatabasePath -ErrorAction Stop
# Log some statistics to get an idea if this is all working.
$rows = [ordered]@{ Valid = "=="; New = "=>"
Stale = "<="; Total = "*" }
$keys = @{ old = @($old_cache.Keys); new = @($new_cache.Keys) }
$diff = Compare-Object $keys.old $ -IncludeEqual
$rows.GetEnumerator() | foreach {
$keyset = ($diff | where SideIndicator -like $_.Value).InputObject
New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property ([ordered]@{
"Status" = $_.Name
"Old Cache #" = ($keyset | where { $_ -in $keys.old }).Count
"New Cache #" = ($keyset | where { $_ -in $ }).Count
} | Format-Table | Out-String -Stream | where { $_ }
# Get-SaveCache returns $true if the cache will be saved at the end.
function Get-SaveCache {
-not ($env:APPVEYOR_CACHE_SKIP_SAVE -eq "true")
# Do no save the build cache for feature branches. TODO: Once we have multiple
# permanent branches, use a build matrix so each branch has it's own cache.
- branches:
- master
# Rust stuff.
# Cache the third_party submodule to preserve binaries downloaded by,
# and to make incremental builds work.
- $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\.git\modules\third_party
- $(APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER)\third_party
# Cache file mtimes in the main git repo, also to enable incremental builds.
# Build incrementally.
# Load utility functions
- ps: Invoke-Expression $env:PS_UTILS
# Make git check out symlinks (not placeholder text files).
- git config --global core.symlinks true
# Clone the third_party submodule.
- ps: |-
try {
Exec { & git submodule update --init --force --depth 1 }
} catch {
# Git will fail if the `third_party` directory was restored from cache,
# but the `.git/modules` directory wasn't. Rebuild it from scratch.
Exec -NoNewLines { & git submodule update --init --force --depth 1 }
# Prune and pack git objects. Thus when we upload `.git/modules/` to the
# Appveyor cache, it'll include only objects that were actually needed.
# This step is skipped if the cache is not going to be saved.
- ps: if (Get-SaveCache) { git -C $env:DENO_THIRD_PARTY_PATH gc --prune=all }
# Git doesn't store file mtimes, so those are stored separately in the cache.
# Without it, ninja will assume all files are dirty and rebuild everything.
- ps: Sync-MTimeCache -DatabasePath $env:MTIME_CACHE_DB
# Configure depot_tools and add it to the search path. This is necessary
# because, later in this script, we need to invoke ninja directly.
- ps: |-
$env:PATH = "$env:DENO_THIRD_PARTY_PATH\depot_tools;$env:PATH"
# Install a recent Node.js version.
- ps: Install-Product -Product node -Version 10 -Platform x64
# Make sure the right Python version is in PATH, and others are not.
- ps: |-
# Remove the wrong Python version(s) from PATH.
$p = $env:PATH -split ";" | where { -not (Test-Path "$_\python.exe") }
# Add python27-x64.
$p += "C:\Python27-x64"
$env:PATH = $p -join ";"
# Add Rust/Cargo to PATH.
- ps: $env:PATH += ";$env:CARGO_HOME\bin"
# Install Rust via rustup-init.
# * After install, the rustup directory is very big, with many files,
# slowing down cache save/restore a lot, so we remove unnecessary stuff.
# * TODO: Use `rustup component remove docs` instead, when this issue
# is resolved:
# * TODO: Ship Rust in the third_party repo. See issue #386.
- ps: |-
if (-not (Test-Path $env:CARGO_HOME)) {
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" `
-OutFile "$env:TEMP\rustup-init.exe"
Exec -NoNewLines {
& "$env:TEMP\rustup-init.exe" -y --default-toolchain 1.30.0
Delete-Tree @(
# Log installed Node.js version + processor architecture.
- node -p "`Node ${process.version} ${process.arch}`"
# Log installed Python version + processor architecture.
- ps: |-
@("from sys import version",
"print 'Python', version") -join "`n" | & python -
# Log some more versions.
- rustc --version
- cargo --version
# Mark all files in the build dir 'not needed' until proven otherwise.
# TODO: also track files in third_party that aren't checked into the repo.
# TODO: also track files in $CARGO_TARGET_DIR.
- ps: Start-TraceFilesNeeded $env:DENO_BUILD_PATH -Recurse
# Download clang and gn, generate ninja files.
- python tools\
- ps: Set-FilesNeeded -Auto -Reason "Setup finished"
# Mark files that are produced during the build, and are known to ninja, as
# needed. We obtain this list by dry-running `ninja -t clean`.
- ps: |-
$outputs = ninja -C $env:DENO_BUILD_PATH -n -t clean -g |
where { $_ -match "^Remove (.*)$" } |
foreach { "$env:DENO_BUILD_PATH\$($Matches[1])" }
Set-FilesNeeded -Auto -Path $outputs -Reason "Build dependency graph"
- python tools\
- ps: Set-FilesNeeded -Auto -Reason "Build finished"
- cargo check --release
- ps: Set-FilesNeeded -Auto -Reason "Cargo check finished"
- python tools\
- python tools\
- ps: Exec { & python tools\ $env:DENO_BUILD_PATH }
# Delete the the rollup cache, which is unreliable, so that it doesn't get
# persisted in the appveyor cache.
- ps: if (Get-SaveCache) { Delete-Tree "$env:DENO_BUILD_PATH\.rpt2_cache" }
# Remove stale files and empty dirs from the build directory.
- ps: Stop-TraceFilesNeeded
# Verify that the build is fully up-to-date. Running ninja should be a no-op.
# This catches erroneous file cleanup, and incorrectly set up build deps.
- ps: |-
$out = ninja -C $env:DENO_BUILD_PATH -n -d explain
if ($out -notcontains "ninja: no work to do.") {
throw "Build should be up-to-date but isn't."
# Verify that javascript and typescript files which are bundled by rollup are
# listed explicitly in This is not an air-tight check.
# TODO: make rollup or another bundler write a depfile.
- ps: |-
$ignore = "test_util.ts", "unit_tests.ts", "*_test.ts"
Get-ChildItem "js" -File -Force -Name |
where { $name = $_; -not ($ignore | where { $name -like $_ }) } |
where { -not (Select-String -Pattern $_ -Path `
-SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive) } |
foreach { throw "$_ should be listed in but isn't." }
# Verify that generated ninja files do not use absolute path names.
# If they do, it makes ccache/sccache much less effective.
- ps: |-
$trap = "NO_ABS_PATH_PLS"
$dir = "$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\out\$trap"
Exec { gn gen $dir | Out-Null }
$files = Get-Tree $dir -File -Force -Recurse | where Extension -ne ".dll"
Select-String $trap -Path $files -SimpleMatch | where {
# V8 took the liberty to produce an absolute path in their ninja
# output. We can't do much about that, so we just ignore it.
$_.Line -notmatch "v8/builtins-generated/bytecodes-builtins-list.h"
} | tee -Variable line_matches
if ($line_matches) {
$ctx = $line_matches.Line |
Select-String "[^\s;,]*[\s=]*[^\s;,=]*$trap[^\s;,]*" -AllMatches |
foreach { $_.Matches.Value -replace '\$(.)', '$1' } |
sort -Unique
throw @("Absolute path(s) found in build script:") + $ctx -join "`n "
# If this build is going to be deployed, build a zip file.
- ps: |-
if ($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG -eq "true") {
Compress-Archive -CompressionLevel Optimal -Force `
-Path "$env:DENO_BUILD_PATH\deno.exe" `
provider: GitHub
secure: HQIIUEOtep3yRiBacZCtX8hVmgtdNvt6Hx7u9fP4Wj2ZYp+eBFP2OLf67RKVa5VZ
APPVEYOR_REPO_NAME: denoland/deno