2020-01-02 15:13:47 -05:00

445 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
export * from "./asserts.ts";
export * from "./bench.ts";
import diff from "./diff.ts";
export { diff };
export * from "./format.ts";
export * from "./runner.ts";
import {
} from "../fmt/colors.ts";
import { assert } from "./asserts.ts";
export type TestFunction = () => void | Promise<void>;
export interface TestDefinition {
fn: TestFunction;
name: string;
// Replacement of the global `console` function to be in silent mode
const noop = function(): void {};
// Clear the current line of the console.
// see:
const CLEAR_LINE = "\x1b[2K\r";
// Save Object of the global `console` in case of silent mode
type Console = typeof window.console;
// ref
// For historical web-compatibility reasons, the namespace object for
// console must have as its [[Prototype]] an empty object, created as if
// by ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%), instead of %ObjectPrototype%.
const disabledConsole = Object.create({}) as Console;
Object.assign(disabledConsole, {
log: noop,
debug: noop,
info: noop,
dir: noop,
warn: noop,
error: noop,
assert: noop,
count: noop,
countReset: noop,
table: noop,
time: noop,
timeLog: noop,
timeEnd: noop,
group: noop,
groupCollapsed: noop,
groupEnd: noop,
clear: noop
const originalConsole = window.console;
function enableConsole(): void {
window.console = originalConsole;
function disableConsole(): void {
window.console = disabledConsole;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
function print(txt: string, newline = true): void {
if (newline) {
txt += "\n";
declare global {
interface Window {
* A global property to collect all registered test cases.
* It is required because user's code can import multiple versions
* of `testing` module.
* If test cases aren't registered in a globally shared
* object, then imports from different versions would register test cases
* to registry from it's respective version of `testing` module.
__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY: TestDefinition[];
let candidates: TestDefinition[] = [];
if (window["__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY"]) {
candidates = window.__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY as TestDefinition[];
} else {
window["__DENO_TEST_REGISTRY"] = candidates;
let filterRegExp: RegExp | null;
let filtered = 0;
// Must be called before any test() that needs to be filtered.
export function setFilter(s: string): void {
filterRegExp = new RegExp(s, "i");
function filter(name: string): boolean {
if (filterRegExp) {
return filterRegExp.test(name);
} else {
return true;
export function test(t: TestDefinition): void;
export function test(fn: TestFunction): void;
export function test(name: string, fn: TestFunction): void;
export function test(
t: string | TestDefinition | TestFunction,
fn?: TestFunction
): void {
let name: string;
if (typeof t === "string") {
if (!fn) {
throw new Error("Missing test function");
name = t;
if (!name) {
throw new Error("The name of test case can't be empty");
} else if (typeof t === "function") {
fn = t;
name =;
if (!name) {
throw new Error("Test function can't be anonymous");
} else {
fn = t.fn;
if (!fn) {
throw new Error("Missing test function");
name =;
if (!name) {
throw new Error("The name of test case can't be empty");
assert(!!name, "The name of test case shouldn't be empty");
assert(!!fn, "Test function shouldn't be empty");
if (filter(name)) {
candidates.push({ fn, name });
} else {
const RED_FAILED = red("FAILED");
const GREEN_OK = green("OK");
const RED_BG_FAIL = bgRed(" FAIL ");
interface TestStats {
filtered: number;
ignored: number;
measured: number;
passed: number;
failed: number;
interface TestResult {
timeElapsed?: number;
name: string;
error?: Error;
ok: boolean;
printed: boolean;
interface TestResults {
keys: Map<string, number>;
cases: Map<number, TestResult>;
function createTestResults(tests: TestDefinition[]): TestResults {
return tests.reduce(
(acc: TestResults, { name }: TestDefinition, i: number): TestResults => {
acc.keys.set(name, i);
acc.cases.set(i, { name, printed: false, ok: false, error: undefined });
return acc;
{ cases: new Map(), keys: new Map() }
function formatTestTime(time = 0): string {
return `${time.toFixed(2)}ms`;
function promptTestTime(time = 0, displayWarning = false): string {
// if time > 5s we display a warning
// only for test time, not the full runtime
if (displayWarning && time >= 5000) {
return bgRed(white(bold(`(${formatTestTime(time)})`)));
} else {
return gray(italic(`(${formatTestTime(time)})`));
function report(result: TestResult): void {
if (result.ok) {
`${GREEN_OK} ${} ${promptTestTime(
} else if (result.error) {
print(`${RED_FAILED} ${}\n${result.error.stack}`);
} else {
print(`test ${} ... unresolved`);
result.printed = true;
function printFailedSummary(results: TestResults): void {
results.cases.forEach((v): void => {
if (!v.ok) {
console.error(`${RED_BG_FAIL} ${red(}`);
function printResults(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
flush: boolean,
exitOnFail: boolean,
timeElapsed: number
): void {
if (flush) {
for (const result of results.cases.values()) {
if (!result.printed) {
if (result.error && exitOnFail) {
// Attempting to match the output of Rust's test runner.
`\ntest result: ${stats.failed ? RED_BG_FAIL : GREEN_OK} ` +
`${stats.passed} passed; ${stats.failed} failed; ` +
`${stats.ignored} ignored; ${stats.measured} measured; ` +
`${stats.filtered} filtered out ` +
function previousPrinted(name: string, results: TestResults): boolean {
const curIndex: number = results.keys.get(name)!;
if (curIndex === 0) {
return true;
return results.cases.get(curIndex - 1)!.printed;
async function createTestCase(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
exitOnFail: boolean,
{ fn, name }: TestDefinition
): Promise<void> {
const result: TestResult = results.cases.get(results.keys.get(name)!)!;
try {
const start =;
await fn();
const end =;
result.ok = true;
result.timeElapsed = end - start;
} catch (err) {
result.error = err;
if (exitOnFail) {
throw err;
if (previousPrinted(name, results)) {
function initTestCases(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean
): Array<Promise<void>> {
return, stats, results, exitOnFail));
async function runTestsParallel(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean
): Promise<void> {
try {
await Promise.all(initTestCases(stats, results, tests, exitOnFail));
} catch (_) {
// The error was thrown to stop awaiting all promises if exitOnFail === true
// stats.failed has been incremented and the error stored in results
async function runTestsSerial(
stats: TestStats,
results: TestResults,
tests: TestDefinition[],
exitOnFail: boolean,
disableLog: boolean
): Promise<void> {
for (const { fn, name } of tests) {
// Displaying the currently running test if silent mode
if (disableLog) {
print(`${yellow("RUNNING")} ${name}`, false);
try {
const start =;
await fn();
const end =;
if (disableLog) {
// Rewriting the current prompt line to erase `running ....`
print(CLEAR_LINE, false);
GREEN_OK + " " + name + " " + promptTestTime(end - start, true)
results.cases.forEach((v): void => {
if ( === name) {
v.ok = true;
v.printed = true;
} catch (err) {
if (disableLog) {
print(CLEAR_LINE, false);
print(`${RED_FAILED} ${name}`);
results.cases.forEach((v): void => {
if ( === name) {
v.error = err;
v.ok = false;
v.printed = true;
if (exitOnFail) {
/** Defines options for controlling execution details of a test suite. */
export interface RunTestsOptions {
parallel?: boolean;
exitOnFail?: boolean;
only?: RegExp;
skip?: RegExp;
disableLog?: boolean;
* Runs specified test cases.
* Parallel execution can be enabled via the boolean option; default: serial.
// TODO: change return type to `Promise<boolean>` - ie. don't
// exit but return value
export async function runTests({
parallel = false,
exitOnFail = false,
only = /[^\s]/,
skip = /^\s*$/,
disableLog = false
}: RunTestsOptions = {}): Promise<void> {
const tests: TestDefinition[] = candidates.filter(
({ name }): boolean => only.test(name) && !skip.test(name)
const stats: TestStats = {
measured: 0,
ignored: candidates.length - tests.length,
filtered: filtered,
passed: 0,
failed: 0
const results: TestResults = createTestResults(tests);
print(`running ${tests.length} tests`);
const start =;
if (Deno.args.includes("--quiet")) {
disableLog = true;
if (disableLog) {
if (parallel) {
await runTestsParallel(stats, results, tests, exitOnFail);
} else {
await runTestsSerial(stats, results, tests, exitOnFail, disableLog);
const end =;
if (disableLog) {
printResults(stats, results, parallel, exitOnFail, end - start);
if (stats.failed) {
// Use setTimeout to avoid the error being ignored due to unhandled
// promise rejections being swallowed.
setTimeout((): void => {
console.error(`There were ${stats.failed} test failures.`);
}, 0);
* Runs specified test cases if the enclosing script is main.
* Execution mode is toggleable via opts.parallel, defaults to false.
export async function runIfMain(
meta: ImportMeta,
opts?: RunTestsOptions
): Promise<void> {
if (meta.main) {
return runTests(opts);