2020-07-20 01:20:51 -04:00

278 lines
9.4 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
# Performs benchmark and append data to //website/data.json.
# If //website/data.json doesn't exist, this script tries to import it from
# gh-pages branch.
# To view the results locally run target/debug/test_server and visit
# http://localhost:4545/website
import os
import sys
import json
import time
import tempfile
import subprocess
from util import build_path, executable_suffix, root_path, run, run_output
import third_party
from http_benchmark import http_benchmark
import throughput_benchmark
# The list of the tuples of the benchmark name, arguments and return code
exec_time_benchmarks = [
("hello", ["run", "cli/tests/002_hello.ts"], None),
("relative_import", ["run", "cli/tests/003_relative_import.ts"], None),
("error_001", ["run", "cli/tests/error_001.ts"], 1),
("cold_hello", ["run", "--reload", "cli/tests/002_hello.ts"], None),
["run", "--reload", "cli/tests/003_relative_import.ts"], None),
["run", "--allow-read", "cli/tests/workers_startup_bench.ts"], None),
["run", "--allow-read", "cli/tests/workers_round_robin_bench.ts"], None),
("text_decoder", ["run", "cli/tests/text_decoder_perf.js"], None),
("text_encoder", ["run", "cli/tests/text_encoder_perf.js"], None),
("check", ["cache", "--reload", "std/examples/chat/server_test.ts"], None),
["cache", "--reload", "--no-check",
"std/examples/chat/server_test.ts"], None),
def read_json(filename):
with open(filename) as json_file:
return json.load(json_file)
def write_json(filename, data):
with open(filename, 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(data, outfile)
def get_binary_sizes(build_dir):
sizes = {}
mtimes = {}
# The deno executable should be located at the root of the build tree.
deno_exe = os.path.join(build_dir, "deno" + executable_suffix)
sizes["deno"] = os.path.getsize(deno_exe)
# Because cargo's OUT_DIR is not predictable, search the build tree for
# snapshot related files.
for parent_dir, _, file_names in os.walk(build_dir):
for file_name in file_names:
if not file_name in [
file_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, file_name)
file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(file_path)
# If multiple copies of a file are found, use the most recent one.
if file_name in mtimes and mtimes[file_name] > file_mtime:
mtimes[file_name] = file_mtime
sizes[file_name] = os.path.getsize(file_path)
return sizes
def get_strace_summary_text(test_args):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
cmd = ["strace", "-c", "-f", "-o",] + test_args
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
def strace_parse(summary_text):
summary = {}
# clear empty lines
lines = list(filter(lambda x: x and x != "\n", summary_text.split("\n")))
# Filter out non-relevant lines. See the error log at
# This is checked in tools/testdata/strace_summary2.out
lines = [x for x in lines if x.find("detached ...") == -1]
if len(lines) < 4:
return {} # malformed summary
lines, total_line = lines[2:-2], lines[-1]
# data to dict for each line
for line in lines:
syscall_fields = line.split()
syscall_name = syscall_fields[-1]
syscall_dict = {}
if 5 <= len(syscall_fields) <= 6:
syscall_dict = {
"% time": float(syscall_fields[0]),
"seconds": float(syscall_fields[1]),
"usecs/call": int(syscall_fields[2]),
"calls": int(syscall_fields[3])
syscall_dict["errors"] = 0 if len(syscall_fields) < 6 else int(
summary[syscall_name] = syscall_dict
# record overall (total) data
total_fields = total_line.split()
summary["total"] = {
"% time": float(total_fields[0]),
"seconds": float(total_fields[1]),
"calls": int(total_fields[2]),
"errors": int(total_fields[3])
return summary
def get_strace_summary(test_args):
s = get_strace_summary_text(test_args)
return strace_parse(s)
except ValueError:
print "error parsing strace"
print "----- <strace> -------"
print s
print "----- </strace> ------"
def run_throughput(deno_exe):
m = {}
m["100M_tcp"] = throughput_benchmark.tcp(deno_exe, 100)
m["100M_cat"] =, 100)
m["10M_tcp"] = throughput_benchmark.tcp(deno_exe, 10)
m["10M_cat"] =, 10)
return m
# "thread_count" and "syscall_count" are both calculated here.
def run_strace_benchmarks(deno_exe, new_data):
thread_count = {}
syscall_count = {}
for (name, args, _) in exec_time_benchmarks:
s = get_strace_summary([deno_exe] + args)
thread_count[name] = s["clone"]["calls"] + 1
syscall_count[name] = s["total"]["calls"]
new_data["thread_count"] = thread_count
new_data["syscall_count"] = syscall_count
# Takes the output from "/usr/bin/time -v" as input and extracts the 'maximum
# resident set size' and returns it in bytes.
def find_max_mem_in_bytes(time_v_output):
for line in time_v_output.split('\n'):
if 'maximum resident set size (kbytes)' in line.lower():
_, value = line.split(': ')
return int(value) * 1024
def run_max_mem_benchmark(deno_exe):
results = {}
for (name, args, return_code) in exec_time_benchmarks:
cmd = ["/usr/bin/time", "-v", deno_exe] + args
out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if (return_code is e.returncode):
raise e
mem = find_max_mem_in_bytes(out)
results[name] = mem
return results
def run_exec_time(deno_exe, build_dir):
hyperfine_exe = third_party.get_prebuilt_tool_path("hyperfine")
benchmark_file = os.path.join(build_dir, "hyperfine_results.json")
def benchmark_command(deno_exe, args, return_code):
# Bash test which asserts the return code value of the previous command
# $? contains the return code of the previous command
return_code_test = "; test $? -eq {}".format(
return_code) if return_code is not None else ""
return "{} {}{}".format(deno_exe, " ".join(args), return_code_test)
run([hyperfine_exe, "--export-json", benchmark_file, "--warmup", "3"] + [
benchmark_command(deno_exe, args, return_code)
for (_, args, return_code) in exec_time_benchmarks
hyperfine_results = read_json(benchmark_file)
results = {}
for [[name, _, _], data] in zip(exec_time_benchmarks,
results[name] = {
"mean": data["mean"],
"stddev": data["stddev"],
"user": data["user"],
"system": data["system"],
"min": data["min"],
"max": data["max"]
return results
def run_http(build_dir, new_data):
stats = http_benchmark(build_dir)
new_data["req_per_sec"] = {k: v["req_per_sec"] for k, v in stats.items()}
new_data["max_latency"] = {k: v["max_latency"] for k, v in stats.items()}
def bundle_benchmark(deno_exe):
bundles = {
"file_server": "./std/http/file_server.ts",
"gist": "./std/examples/gist.ts",
sizes = {}
for name, url in bundles.items():
# bundle
path = name + ".bundle.js"
run([deno_exe, "bundle", "--unstable", url, path])
# get size of bundle
assert os.path.exists(path)
sizes[name] = os.path.getsize(path)
# remove bundle
return sizes
def main():
build_dir = build_path()
sha1 = run_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"],
deno_exe = os.path.join(build_dir, "deno")
new_data = {
"created_at": time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"),
"sha1": sha1,
# TODO(ry) The "benchmark" benchmark should actually be called "exec_time".
# When this is changed, the historical data in gh-pages branch needs to be
# changed too.
new_data["benchmark"] = run_exec_time(deno_exe, build_dir)
new_data["binary_size"] = get_binary_sizes(build_dir)
new_data["bundle_size"] = bundle_benchmark(deno_exe)
# Cannot run throughput benchmark on windows because they don't have nc or
# pipe.
if != 'nt':
new_data["throughput"] = run_throughput(deno_exe)
run_http(build_dir, new_data)
if "linux" in sys.platform:
run_strace_benchmarks(deno_exe, new_data)
new_data["max_memory"] = run_max_mem_benchmark(deno_exe)
print "===== <BENCHMARK RESULTS>"
print json.dumps(new_data, indent=2)
print "===== </BENCHMARK RESULTS>"
write_json(os.path.join(build_dir, "bench.json"), new_data)
if __name__ == '__main__':