Igor Zinkovsky 01d3e0f317
feat(cron) implement Deno.cron() (#21019)
This PR adds unstable `Deno.cron` API to trigger execution of cron jobs.

* State: All cron state is in memory. Cron jobs are scheduled according
to the cron schedule expression and the current time. No state is
persisted to disk.
* Time zone: Cron expressions specify time in UTC.
* Overlapping executions: not permitted. If the next scheduled execution
time occurs while the same cron job is still executing, the scheduled
execution is skipped.
* Retries: failed jobs are automatically retried until they succeed or
until retry threshold is reached. Retry policy can be optionally
specified using `options.backoffSchedule`.
2023-11-01 11:57:55 -07:00

24 lines
535 B

// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use async_trait::async_trait;
use deno_core::error::AnyError;
pub trait CronHandler {
type EH: CronHandle + 'static;
fn create(&self, spec: CronSpec) -> Result<Self::EH, AnyError>;
pub trait CronHandle {
async fn next(&self, prev_success: bool) -> Result<bool, AnyError>;
fn close(&self);
pub struct CronSpec {
pub name: String,
pub cron_schedule: String,
pub backoff_schedule: Option<Vec<u32>>,