Matt Mastracci bb1f5e4262
perf(core): async op pseudo-codegen and performance work (#18887)

async_ops.js: 760k -> 1030k (!)
async_ops_deferred.js: 730k -> 770k
Deno.serve bench: 118k -> 124k
WS test w/ third_party/prebuilt/mac/load_test 100 localhost 8000 0 0: unchanged

Startup time: approx 0.5ms slower (13.7 -> 14.2ms)
2023-04-30 08:50:24 +00:00

213 lines
7.1 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2023 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
/// <reference no-default-lib="true" />
/// <reference lib="esnext" />
declare namespace Deno {
namespace core {
/** Call an op in Rust, and asynchronously receive the result. */
function opAsync(
opName: string,
...args: any[]
): Promise<any>;
/** Mark following promise as "ref", ie. event loop won't exit
* until all "ref" promises are resolved. All async ops are "ref" by default. */
function refOp(promiseId: number): void;
/** Mark following promise as "unref", ie. event loop will exit
* if there are only "unref" promises left. */
function unrefOp(promiseId: number): void;
* List of all registered ops, in the form of a map that maps op
* name to function.
const ops: Record<string, (...args: unknown[]) => any>;
* List of all registered async ops, in the form of a map that maps op
* name to function.
const asyncOps: Record<string, (...args: unknown[]) => any>;
* Retrieve a list of all open resources, in the form of a map that maps
* resource id to the resource name.
function resources(): Record<string, string>;
* Close the resource with the specified op id. Throws `BadResource` error
* if resource doesn't exist in resource table.
function close(rid: number): void;
* Try close the resource with the specified op id; if resource with given
* id doesn't exist do nothing.
function tryClose(rid: number): void;
* Read from a (stream) resource that implements read()
function read(rid: number, buf: Uint8Array): Promise<number>;
* Write to a (stream) resource that implements write()
function write(rid: number, buf: Uint8Array): Promise<number>;
* Write to a (stream) resource that implements write()
function writeAll(rid: number, buf: Uint8Array): Promise<void>;
* Synchronously read from a (stream) resource that implements readSync().
function readSync(rid: number, buf: Uint8Array): number;
* Synchronously write to a (stream) resource that implements writeSync().
function writeSync(rid: number, buf: Uint8Array): number;
* Print a message to stdout or stderr
function print(message: string, is_err?: boolean): void;
* Shutdown a resource
function shutdown(rid: number): Promise<void>;
/** Encode a string to its Uint8Array representation. */
function encode(input: string): Uint8Array;
* Set a callback that will be called when the WebAssembly streaming APIs
* (`WebAssembly.compileStreaming` and `WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming`)
* are called in order to feed the source's bytes to the wasm compiler.
* The callback is called with the source argument passed to the streaming
* APIs and an rid to use with the wasm streaming ops.
* The callback should eventually invoke the following ops:
* - `op_wasm_streaming_feed`. Feeds bytes from the wasm resource to the
* compiler. Takes the rid and a `Uint8Array`.
* - `op_wasm_streaming_abort`. Aborts the wasm compilation. Takes the rid
* and an exception. Invalidates the resource.
* - `op_wasm_streaming_set_url`. Sets a source URL for the wasm module.
* Takes the rid and a string.
* - To indicate the end of the resource, use `Deno.core.close()` with the
* rid.
function setWasmStreamingCallback(
cb: (source: any, rid: number) => void,
): void;
* Set a callback that will be called after resolving ops and before resolving
* macrotasks.
function setNextTickCallback(
cb: () => void,
): void;
/** Check if there's a scheduled "next tick". */
function hasNextTickScheduled(): boolean;
/** Set a value telling the runtime if there are "next ticks" scheduled */
function setHasNextTickScheduled(value: boolean): void;
* Set a callback that will be called after resolving ops and "next ticks".
function setMacrotaskCallback(
cb: () => boolean,
): void;
* Set a callback that will be called when a promise without a .catch
* handler is rejected. Returns the old handler or undefined.
function setPromiseRejectCallback(
cb: PromiseRejectCallback,
): undefined | PromiseRejectCallback;
export type PromiseRejectCallback = (
type: number,
promise: Promise<unknown>,
reason: any,
) => void;
* Set a callback that will be called when an exception isn't caught
* by any try/catch handlers. Currently only invoked when the callback
* to setPromiseRejectCallback() throws an exception but that is expected
* to change in the future. Returns the old handler or undefined.
function setUncaughtExceptionCallback(
cb: UncaughtExceptionCallback,
): undefined | UncaughtExceptionCallback;
export type UncaughtExceptionCallback = (err: any) => void;
* Enables collection of stack traces of all async ops. This allows for
* debugging of where a given async op was started. Deno CLI uses this for
* improving error message in op sanitizer errors for `deno test`.
* **NOTE:** enabling tracing has a significant negative performance impact.
* To get high level metrics on async ops with no added performance cost,
* use `Deno.core.metrics()`.
function enableOpCallTracing(): void;
export interface OpCallTrace {
opName: string;
stack: string;
* A map containing traces for all ongoing async ops. The key is the op id.
* Tracing only occurs when `Deno.core.enableOpCallTracing()` was previously
* enabled.
const opCallTraces: Map<number, OpCallTrace>;
* Adds a callback for the given Promise event. If this function is called
* multiple times, the callbacks are called in the order they were added.
* - `init_hook` is called when a new promise is created. When a new promise
* is created as part of the chain in the case of `Promise.then` or in the
* intermediate promises created by `Promise.{race, all}`/`AsyncFunctionAwait`,
* we pass the parent promise otherwise we pass undefined.
* - `before_hook` is called at the beginning of the promise reaction.
* - `after_hook` is called at the end of the promise reaction.
* - `resolve_hook` is called at the beginning of resolve or reject function.
function setPromiseHooks(
init_hook?: (
promise: Promise<unknown>,
parentPromise?: Promise<unknown>,
) => void,
before_hook?: (promise: Promise<unknown>) => void,
after_hook?: (promise: Promise<unknown>) => void,
resolve_hook?: (promise: Promise<unknown>) => void,
): void;
const build: {
target: string;
arch: string;
os: string;
vendor: string;
env: string | undefined;