
138 lines
3.8 KiB

use crate::OpFn;
use crate::OpState;
use anyhow::Error;
pub type SourcePair = (&'static str, Box<SourceLoadFn>);
pub type SourceLoadFn = dyn Fn() -> Result<String, Error>;
pub type OpPair = (&'static str, Box<OpFn>);
pub type OpMiddlewareFn = dyn Fn(&'static str, Box<OpFn>) -> Box<OpFn>;
pub type OpStateFn = dyn Fn(&mut OpState) -> Result<(), Error>;
pub struct Extension {
js_files: Option<Vec<SourcePair>>,
ops: Option<Vec<OpPair>>,
opstate_fn: Option<Box<OpStateFn>>,
middleware_fn: Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>>,
initialized: bool,
// Note: this used to be a trait, but we "downgraded" it to a single concrete type
// for the initial iteration, it will likely become a trait in the future
impl Extension {
pub fn builder() -> ExtensionBuilder {
/// returns JS source code to be loaded into the isolate (either at snapshotting,
/// or at startup). as a vector of a tuple of the file name, and the source code.
pub fn init_js(&self) -> &[SourcePair] {
match &self.js_files {
Some(files) => files,
None => &[],
/// Called at JsRuntime startup to initialize ops in the isolate.
pub fn init_ops(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<OpPair>> {
// TODO(@AaronO): maybe make op registration idempotent
if self.initialized {
panic!("init_ops called twice: not idempotent or correct");
self.initialized = true;
/// Allows setting up the initial op-state of an isolate at startup.
pub fn init_state(&self, state: &mut OpState) -> Result<(), Error> {
match &self.opstate_fn {
Some(ofn) => ofn(state),
None => Ok(()),
/// init_middleware lets us middleware op registrations, it's called before init_ops
pub fn init_middleware(&mut self) -> Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>> {
// Provides a convenient builder pattern to declare Extensions
pub struct ExtensionBuilder {
js: Vec<SourcePair>,
ops: Vec<OpPair>,
state: Option<Box<OpStateFn>>,
middleware: Option<Box<OpMiddlewareFn>>,
impl ExtensionBuilder {
pub fn js(&mut self, js_files: Vec<SourcePair>) -> &mut Self {
pub fn ops(&mut self, ops: Vec<OpPair>) -> &mut Self {
pub fn state<F>(&mut self, opstate_fn: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(&mut OpState) -> Result<(), Error> + 'static,
self.state = Some(Box::new(opstate_fn));
pub fn middleware<F>(&mut self, middleware_fn: F) -> &mut Self
F: Fn(&'static str, Box<OpFn>) -> Box<OpFn> + 'static,
self.middleware = Some(Box::new(middleware_fn));
pub fn build(&mut self) -> Extension {
let js_files = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.js));
let ops = Some(std::mem::take(&mut self.ops));
Extension {
opstate_fn: self.state.take(),
middleware_fn: self.middleware.take(),
initialized: false,
/// Helps embed JS files in an extension. Returns Vec<(&'static str, Box<SourceLoadFn>)>
/// representing the filename and source code. This is only meant for extensions
/// that will be snapshotted, as code will be loaded at runtime.
/// Example:
/// ```ignore
/// include_js_files!(
/// prefix "deno:extensions/hello",
/// "01_hello.js",
/// "02_goodbye.js",
/// )
/// ```
macro_rules! include_js_files {
(prefix $prefix:literal, $($file:literal,)+) => {
concat!($prefix, "/", $file),
Box::new(|| {
let c = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
let path = c.join($file);
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.display());
let src = std::fs::read_to_string(path)?;