Ryan Dahl 53b6356ec5 Correct tokio_util::block_on() and op_fetch_module_meta_data
op_fetch_module_meta_data is an op that is used by the TypeScript
compiler. TypeScript requires this op to be sync. However the
implementation of the op does things on the event loop (like fetching
HTTP resources).

In certain situations this can lead to deadlocks. The runtime's thread
pool can be filled with ops waiting on the result of
op_fetch_module_meta_data. The runtime has a maximum number of
threads it can use (the number of logical CPUs on the system).

This patch changes tokio_util::block_on to launch a new Tokio runtime
for evaluating the future, thus bipassing the max-thread problem.

This is only an issue in op_fetch_module_meta_data. Other synchronous
ops are truly synchornous, not interacting with the event loop.  TODO
comments are added to direct future development.
2019-05-29 07:53:39 -04:00

157 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
use crate::resources::Resource;
use futures;
use futures::Future;
use futures::Poll;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use tokio;
use tokio::net::TcpStream;
use tokio::runtime;
pub fn create_threadpool_runtime() -> tokio::runtime::Runtime {
.panic_handler(|err| std::panic::resume_unwind(err))
pub fn run<F>(future: F)
F: Future<Item = (), Error = ()> + Send + 'static,
// tokio::runtime::current_thread::run(future)
let rt = create_threadpool_runtime();
/// This creates a new tokio runtime, with many new threads, to execute the
/// given future. This is useful when we want to block the main runtime to
/// resolve a future without worrying that we'll us up all the threads in the
/// main runtime.
pub fn block_on<F, R, E>(future: F) -> Result<R, E>
F: Send + 'static + Future<Item = R, Error = E>,
R: Send + 'static,
E: Send + 'static,
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
use std::thread;
let (sender, receiver) = channel();
// Create a new runtime to evaluate the future asynchronously.
thread::spawn(move || {
let mut rt = create_threadpool_runtime();
let r = rt.block_on(future);
// Set the default executor so we can use tokio::spawn(). It's difficult to
// pass around mut references to the runtime, so using with_default is
// preferable. Ideally Tokio would provide this function.
pub fn init<F>(f: F)
F: FnOnce(),
let rt = create_threadpool_runtime();
let mut executor = rt.executor();
let mut enter = tokio_executor::enter().expect("Multiple executors at once");
tokio_executor::with_default(&mut executor, &mut enter, move |_enter| f());
enum AcceptState {
/// Simply accepts a connection.
pub fn accept(r: Resource) -> Accept {
Accept {
state: AcceptState::Pending(r),
/// A future which can be used to easily read available number of bytes to fill
/// a buffer.
/// Created by the [`read`] function.
pub struct Accept {
state: AcceptState,
impl Future for Accept {
type Item = (TcpStream, SocketAddr);
type Error = io::Error;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<Self::Item, Self::Error> {
let (stream, addr) = match self.state {
// Similar to try_ready!, but also track/untrack accept task
// in TcpListener resource.
// In this way, when the listener is closed, the task can be
// notified to error out (instead of stuck forever).
AcceptState::Pending(ref mut r) => match r.poll_accept() {
Ok(futures::prelude::Async::Ready(t)) => {
Ok(futures::prelude::Async::NotReady) => {
// Would error out if another accept task is being tracked.
return Ok(futures::prelude::Async::NotReady);
Err(e) => {
return Err(e);
AcceptState::Empty => panic!("poll Accept after it's done"),
match mem::replace(&mut self.state, AcceptState::Empty) {
AcceptState::Pending(_) => Ok((stream, addr).into()),
AcceptState::Empty => panic!("invalid internal state"),
/// `futures::future::poll_fn` only support `F: FnMut()->Poll<T, E>`
/// However, we require that `F: FnOnce()->Poll<T, E>`.
/// Therefore, we created our version of `poll_fn`.
pub fn poll_fn<T, E, F>(f: F) -> PollFn<F>
F: FnOnce() -> Poll<T, E>,
PollFn { inner: Some(f) }
pub struct PollFn<F> {
inner: Option<F>,
impl<T, E, F> Future for PollFn<F>
F: FnOnce() -> Poll<T, E>,
type Item = T;
type Error = E;
fn poll(&mut self) -> Poll<T, E> {
let f = self.inner.take().expect("Inner fn has been taken.");
pub fn panic_on_error<I, E, F>(f: F) -> impl Future<Item = I, Error = ()>
F: Future<Item = I, Error = E>,
E: std::fmt::Debug,
f.map_err(|err| panic!("Future got unexpected error: {:?}", err))