union Any { Accept, Cache, Chdir, Chmod, Chown, Close, CopyFile, CreateWorker, CreateWorkerRes, Cwd, CwdRes, Dial, Environ, EnvironRes, Exit, Fetch, FetchModuleMetaData, FetchModuleMetaDataRes, FetchRes, FormatError, FormatErrorRes, GetRandomValues, GlobalTimer, GlobalTimerRes, GlobalTimerStop, HostGetMessage, HostGetMessageRes, HostGetWorkerClosed, HostPostMessage, IsTTY, IsTTYRes, Kill, Link, Listen, ListenRes, MakeTempDir, MakeTempDirRes, Metrics, MetricsRes, Mkdir, NewConn, Now, NowRes, Open, OpenRes, PermissionRevoke, Permissions, PermissionsRes, Read, ReadDir, ReadDirRes, ReadRes, Readlink, ReadlinkRes, Remove, Rename, ReplReadline, ReplReadlineRes, ReplStart, ReplStartRes, Resources, ResourcesRes, Run, RunRes, RunStatus, RunStatusRes, Seek, SetEnv, Shutdown, Start, StartRes, Stat, StatRes, Symlink, Truncate, Utime, WorkerGetMessage, WorkerGetMessageRes, WorkerPostMessage, Write, WriteRes, } enum ErrorKind: byte { NoError = 0, // io errors NotFound, PermissionDenied, ConnectionRefused, ConnectionReset, ConnectionAborted, NotConnected, AddrInUse, AddrNotAvailable, BrokenPipe, AlreadyExists, WouldBlock, InvalidInput, InvalidData, TimedOut, Interrupted, WriteZero, Other, UnexpectedEof, BadResource, CommandFailed, // url errors EmptyHost, IdnaError, InvalidPort, InvalidIpv4Address, InvalidIpv6Address, InvalidDomainCharacter, RelativeUrlWithoutBase, RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase, SetHostOnCannotBeABaseUrl, Overflow, // hyper errors HttpUser, HttpClosed, HttpCanceled, HttpParse, HttpOther, TooLarge, // custom errors InvalidUri, InvalidSeekMode, OpNotAvaiable, WorkerInitFailed, UnixError, NoAsyncSupport, NoSyncSupport, ImportMapError, } table Cwd {} table CwdRes { cwd: string; } enum MediaType: byte { JavaScript = 0, TypeScript, Json, Unknown } table Base { cmd_id: uint32; sync: bool = false; error_kind: ErrorKind = NoError; error: string; inner: Any; } table Start { unused: int8; } table StartRes { cwd: string; pid: uint32; argv: [string]; exec_path: string; main_module: string; // Absolute URL. debug_flag: bool; deps_flag: bool; types_flag: bool; version_flag: bool; deno_version: string; v8_version: string; no_color: bool; xeval_delim: string; } table FormatError { error: string; } table FormatErrorRes { error: string; } // Create worker as host table CreateWorker { specifier: string; } table CreateWorkerRes { rid: uint32; } table HostGetWorkerClosed { rid: uint32; } // Get message from guest worker as host table HostGetMessage { rid: uint32; } table HostGetMessageRes { data: [ubyte]; } // Post message to guest worker as host table HostPostMessage { rid: uint32; // data passed thru the zero-copy data parameter. } // Get message from host as guest worker table WorkerGetMessage { unused: int8; } table WorkerGetMessageRes { data: [ubyte]; } // Post message to host as guest worker table WorkerPostMessage { // data passed thru the zero-copy data parameter. } table FetchModuleMetaData { specifier: string; referrer: string; } table FetchModuleMetaDataRes { // If it's a non-http module, moduleName and filename will be the same. // For http modules, module_name is its resolved http URL, and filename // is the location of the locally downloaded source code. module_name: string; filename: string; media_type: MediaType; data: [ubyte]; } table Cache { extension: string; module_id: string; contents: string; } table Chdir { directory: string; } table GlobalTimer { timeout: int; } table GlobalTimerRes { } table GlobalTimerStop { } table Exit { code: int; } table Environ {} table SetEnv { key: string; value: string; } table EnvironRes { map: [KeyValue]; } table KeyValue { key: string; value: string; } table Permissions {} table PermissionRevoke { permission: string; } table PermissionsRes { run: bool; read: bool; write: bool; net: bool; env: bool; hrtime: bool; } // Note this represents The WHOLE header of an http message, not just the key // value pairs. That means it includes method and url for Requests and status // for responses. This is why it is singular "Header" instead of "Headers". table HttpHeader { is_request: bool; // Request only: method: string; url: string; // Response only: status: uint16; // Both: fields: [KeyValue]; } table Fetch { header: HttpHeader; } table FetchRes { header: HttpHeader; body_rid: uint32; } table MakeTempDir { dir: string; prefix: string; suffix: string; } table MakeTempDirRes { path: string; } table Mkdir { path: string; recursive: bool; mode: uint; // Specified by https://godoc.org/os#FileMode } table Chmod { path: string; mode: uint; // Specified by https://godoc.org/os#FileMode } table Chown { path: string; uid: uint; gid: uint; // Specified by https://godoc.org/os#Chown } table Remove { path: string; recursive: bool; } table ReadDir { path: string; } table ReadDirRes { entries: [StatRes]; } table CopyFile { from: string; to: string; } table Rename { oldpath: string; newpath: string; } table Readlink { name: string; } table ReadlinkRes { path: string; } table ReplStart { history_file: string; // TODO add config } table ReplStartRes { rid: uint32; } table ReplReadline { rid: uint32; prompt: string; } table ReplReadlineRes { line: string; } table Resources {} table Resource { rid: uint32; repr: string; } table ResourcesRes { resources: [Resource]; } table Symlink { oldname: string; newname: string; } table Link { oldname: string; newname: string; } table Stat { filename: string; lstat: bool; } table StatRes { is_file: bool; is_symlink: bool; len: ulong; modified:ulong; accessed:ulong; created:ulong; mode: uint; has_mode: bool; // false on windows name: string; } table Truncate { name: string; len: uint; } table Utime { filename: string; atime: uint64; mtime: uint64; } table Open { filename: string; perm: uint; mode: string; } table OpenRes { rid: uint32; } table Read { rid: uint32; // (ptr, len) is passed as second parameter to Deno.core.send(). } table ReadRes { nread: uint; eof: bool; } table Write { rid: uint32; } table WriteRes { nbyte: uint; } table Close { rid: uint32; } table Kill { pid: int32; signo: int32; } table Shutdown { rid: uint32; how: uint; } table Listen { network: string; address: string; } table ListenRes { rid: uint32; } table Accept { rid: uint32; } table Dial { network: string; address: string; } // Response to Accept and Dial. table NewConn { rid: uint32; remote_addr: string; local_addr: string; } table Metrics {} table MetricsRes { ops_dispatched: uint64; ops_completed: uint64; bytes_sent_control: uint64; bytes_sent_data: uint64; bytes_received: uint64; } enum ProcessStdio: byte { Inherit, Piped, Null } table Run { args: [string]; cwd: string; env: [KeyValue]; stdin: ProcessStdio; stdout: ProcessStdio; stderr: ProcessStdio; } table RunRes { rid: uint32; pid: uint32; // The following stdio rids are only valid if "Piped" was specified for the // corresponding stdio stream. The caller MUST issue a close op for all valid // stdio streams. stdin_rid: uint32; stdout_rid: uint32; stderr_rid: uint32; } table RunStatus { rid: uint32; } table RunStatusRes { got_signal: bool; exit_code: int; exit_signal: int; } table Now {} table NowRes { seconds: uint64; subsec_nanos: uint32; } table IsTTY {} table IsTTYRes { stdin: bool; stdout: bool; stderr: bool; } table Seek { rid: uint32; offset: int; whence: uint; } table GetRandomValues {} root_type Base;