// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows } from "./test_util.ts"; const { inspectArgs, // @ts-expect-error TypeScript (as of 3.7) does not support indexing namespaces by symbol } = Deno[Deno.internal]; Deno.test(function headersHasCorrectNameProp() { assertEquals(Headers.name, "Headers"); }); // Logic heavily copied from web-platform-tests, make // sure pass mostly header basic test // ref: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/blob/7c50c216081d6ea3c9afe553ee7b64534020a1b2/fetch/api/headers/headers-basic.html Deno.test(function newHeaderTest() { new Headers(); new Headers(undefined); new Headers({}); try { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any new Headers(null as any); } catch (e) { assert(e instanceof TypeError); } }); const headerDict: Record = { name1: "value1", name2: "value2", name3: "value3", // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any name4: undefined as any, "Content-Type": "value4", }; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const headerSeq: any[] = []; for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { headerSeq.push([name, value]); } Deno.test(function newHeaderWithSequence() { const headers = new Headers(headerSeq); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { assertEquals(headers.get(name), String(value)); } assertEquals(headers.get("length"), null); }); Deno.test(function newHeaderWithRecord() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { assertEquals(headers.get(name), String(value)); } }); Deno.test(function newHeaderWithHeadersInstance() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); const headers2 = new Headers(headers); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { assertEquals(headers2.get(name), String(value)); } }); Deno.test(function headerAppendSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { headers.append(name, value); assertEquals(headers.get(name), String(value)); } }); Deno.test(function headerSetSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { headers.set(name, value); assertEquals(headers.get(name), String(value)); } }); Deno.test(function headerHasSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); for (const name of Object.keys(headerDict)) { assert(headers.has(name), "headers has name " + name); assert( !headers.has("nameNotInHeaders"), "headers do not have header: nameNotInHeaders", ); } }); Deno.test(function headerDeleteSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); for (const name of Object.keys(headerDict)) { assert(headers.has(name), "headers have a header: " + name); headers.delete(name); assert(!headers.has(name), "headers do not have anymore a header: " + name); } }); Deno.test(function headerGetSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(headerDict)) { assertEquals(headers.get(name), String(value)); assertEquals(headers.get("nameNotInHeaders"), null); } }); Deno.test(function headerEntriesSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); const iterators = headers.entries(); for (const it of iterators) { const key = it[0]; const value = it[1]; assert(headers.has(key)); assertEquals(value, headers.get(key)); } }); Deno.test(function headerKeysSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); const iterators = headers.keys(); for (const it of iterators) { assert(headers.has(it)); } }); Deno.test(function headerValuesSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerDict); const iterators = headers.values(); const entries = headers.entries(); const values = []; for (const pair of entries) { values.push(pair[1]); } for (const it of iterators) { assert(values.includes(it)); } }); const headerEntriesDict: Record = { name1: "value1", Name2: "value2", name: "value3", "content-Type": "value4", "Content-Typ": "value5", "Content-Types": "value6", }; Deno.test(function headerForEachSuccess() { const headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict); const keys = Object.keys(headerEntriesDict); keys.forEach((key) => { const value = headerEntriesDict[key]; const newkey = key.toLowerCase(); headerEntriesDict[newkey] = value; }); let callNum = 0; headers.forEach((value, key, container) => { assertEquals(headers, container); assertEquals(value, headerEntriesDict[key]); callNum++; }); assertEquals(callNum, keys.length); }); Deno.test(function headerSymbolIteratorSuccess() { assert(Symbol.iterator in Headers.prototype); const headers = new Headers(headerEntriesDict); for (const header of headers) { const key = header[0]; const value = header[1]; assert(headers.has(key)); assertEquals(value, headers.get(key)); } }); Deno.test(function headerTypesAvailable() { function newHeaders(): Headers { return new Headers(); } const headers = newHeaders(); assert(headers instanceof Headers); }); // Modified from https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch/blob/7d3293200a91ad52b5ca7962f9d6fd1c04983edb/test/test.js#L2001-L2014 // Copyright (c) 2016 David Frank. MIT License. Deno.test(function headerIllegalReject() { let errorCount = 0; try { new Headers({ "He y": "ok" }); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { new Headers({ "Hé-y": "ok" }); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { new Headers({ "He-y": "ăk" }); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } const headers = new Headers(); try { headers.append("Hé-y", "ok"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { headers.delete("Hé-y"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { headers.get("Hé-y"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { headers.has("Hé-y"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { headers.set("Hé-y", "ok"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } try { headers.set("", "ok"); } catch (_e) { errorCount++; } assertEquals(errorCount, 9); // 'o k' is valid value but invalid name new Headers({ "He-y": "o k" }); }); // If pair does not contain exactly two items,then throw a TypeError. Deno.test(function headerParamsShouldThrowTypeError() { let hasThrown = 0; try { new Headers(([["1"]] as unknown) as Array<[string, string]>); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); }); Deno.test(function headerParamsArgumentsCheck() { const methodRequireOneParam = ["delete", "get", "has", "forEach"] as const; const methodRequireTwoParams = ["append", "set"] as const; methodRequireOneParam.forEach((method) => { const headers = new Headers(); let hasThrown = 0; try { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (headers as any)[method](); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); }); methodRequireTwoParams.forEach((method) => { const headers = new Headers(); let hasThrown = 0; try { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (headers as any)[method](); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); hasThrown = 0; try { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (headers as any)[method]("foo"); hasThrown = 1; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof TypeError) { hasThrown = 2; } else { hasThrown = 3; } } assertEquals(hasThrown, 2); }); }); Deno.test(function headersInitMultiple() { const headers = new Headers([ ["Set-Cookie", "foo=bar"], ["Set-Cookie", "bar=baz"], ["X-Deno", "foo"], ["X-Deno", "bar"], ]); const actual = [...headers]; assertEquals(actual, [ ["set-cookie", "foo=bar"], ["set-cookie", "bar=baz"], ["x-deno", "foo, bar"], ]); }); Deno.test(function headerInitWithPrototypePollution() { const originalExec = RegExp.prototype.exec; try { RegExp.prototype.exec = () => { throw Error(); }; new Headers([ ["X-Deno", "foo"], ["X-Deno", "bar"], ]); } finally { RegExp.prototype.exec = originalExec; } }); Deno.test(function headersAppendMultiple() { const headers = new Headers([ ["Set-Cookie", "foo=bar"], ["X-Deno", "foo"], ]); headers.append("set-Cookie", "bar=baz"); headers.append("x-Deno", "bar"); const actual = [...headers]; assertEquals(actual, [ ["set-cookie", "foo=bar"], ["set-cookie", "bar=baz"], ["x-deno", "foo, bar"], ]); }); Deno.test(function headersAppendDuplicateSetCookieKey() { const headers = new Headers([["Set-Cookie", "foo=bar"]]); headers.append("set-Cookie", "foo=baz"); headers.append("Set-cookie", "baz=bar"); const actual = [...headers]; assertEquals(actual, [ ["set-cookie", "foo=bar"], ["set-cookie", "foo=baz"], ["set-cookie", "baz=bar"], ]); }); Deno.test(function headersGetSetCookie() { const headers = new Headers([ ["Set-Cookie", "foo=bar"], ["set-Cookie", "bar=qat"], ]); assertEquals(headers.get("SET-COOKIE"), "foo=bar, bar=qat"); }); Deno.test(function toStringShouldBeWebCompatibility() { const headers = new Headers(); assertEquals(headers.toString(), "[object Headers]"); }); function stringify(...args: unknown[]): string { return inspectArgs(args).replace(/\n$/, ""); } Deno.test(function customInspectReturnsCorrectHeadersFormat() { const blankHeaders = new Headers(); assertEquals(stringify(blankHeaders), "Headers {}"); const singleHeader = new Headers([["Content-Type", "application/json"]]); assertEquals( stringify(singleHeader), `Headers { "content-type": "application/json" }`, ); const multiParamHeader = new Headers([ ["Content-Type", "application/json"], ["Content-Length", "1337"], ]); assertEquals( stringify(multiParamHeader), `Headers { "content-length": "1337", "content-type": "application/json" }`, ); }); Deno.test(function invalidHeadersFlaky() { assertThrows( () => new Headers([["x", "\u0000x"]]), TypeError, "Header value is not valid.", ); assertThrows( () => new Headers([["x", "\u0000x"]]), TypeError, "Header value is not valid.", ); });