# Testing This module provides a few basic utilities to make testing easier and consistent in Deno. ## Usage The module exports a `test` function which is the test harness in Deno. It accepts either a function (including async functions) or an object which contains a `name` property and a `fn` property. When running tests and outputting the results, the name of the past function is used, or if the object is passed, the `name` property is used to identify the test. If the assertion is false an `AssertionError` will be thrown. Asserts are exposed in `testing/asserts.ts` module. - `equal()` - Deep comparison function, where `actual` and `expected` are compared deeply, and if they vary, `equal` returns `false`. - `assert()` - Expects a boolean value, throws if the value is `false`. - `assertEquals()` - Uses the `equal` comparison and throws if the `actual` and `expected` are not equal. - `assertNotEquals()` - Uses the `equal` comparison and throws if the `actual` and `expected` are equal. - `assertStrictEq()` - Compares `actual` and `expected` strictly, therefore for non-primitives the values must reference the same instance. - `assertStrContains()` - Make an assertion that `actual` contains `expected`. - `assertMatch()` - Make an assertion that `actual` match RegExp `expected`. - `assertArrayContains()` - Make an assertion that `actual` array contains the `expected` values. - `assertThrows()` - Expects the passed `fn` to throw. If `fn` does not throw, this function does. Also compares any errors thrown to an optional expected `Error` class and checks that the error `.message` includes an optional string. - `assertThrowsAsync()` - Expects the passed `fn` to be async and throw (or return a `Promise` that rejects). If the `fn` does not throw or reject, this function will throw asynchronously. Also compares any errors thrown to an optional expected `Error` class and checks that the error `.message` includes an optional string. - `unimplemented()` - Use this to stub out methods that will throw when invoked - `unreachable()` - Used to assert unreachable code `runTests()` executes the declared tests. It accepts a `RunOptions` parameter: - parallel : Execute tests in a parallel way. - exitOnFail : if one test fails, test will throw an error and stop the tests. If not all tests will be processed. Basic usage: ```ts import { assertEquals, runTests, test } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/mod.ts"; test({ name: "testing example", fn(): void { assertEquals("world", "world"); assertEquals({ hello: "world" }, { hello: "world" }); } }); runTests(); ``` Short syntax (named function instead of object): ```ts test(function example(): void { assertEquals("world", "world"); assertEquals({ hello: "world" }, { hello: "world" }); }); ``` Using `assertStrictEq()`: ```ts test(function isStrictlyEqual(): void { const a = {}; const b = a; assertStrictEq(a, b); }); // This test fails test(function isNotStrictlyEqual(): void { const a = {}; const b = {}; assertStrictEq(a, b); }); ``` Using `assertThrows()`: ```ts test(function doesThrow(): void { assertThrows((): void => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); }); assertThrows((): void => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); }, TypeError); assertThrows( (): void => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); }, TypeError, "hello" ); }); // This test will not pass test(function fails(): void { assertThrows((): void => { console.log("Hello world"); }); }); ``` Using `assertThrowsAsync()`: ```ts test(async function doesThrow(): Promise { await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); } ); await assertThrowsAsync(async (): Promise => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); }, TypeError); await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { throw new TypeError("hello world!"); }, TypeError, "hello" ); await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { return Promise.reject(new Error()); } ); }); // This test will not pass test(async function fails(): Promise { await assertThrowsAsync( async (): Promise => { console.log("Hello world"); } ); }); ``` ### Benching Usage Basic usage: ```ts import { runBenchmarks, bench } from "https://deno.land/std/testing/bench.ts"; bench(function forIncrementX1e9(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e9; i++); b.stop(); }); runBenchmarks(); ``` Averaging execution time over multiple runs: ```ts bench({ name: "runs100ForIncrementX1e6", runs: 100, func(b): void { b.start(); for (let i = 0; i < 1e6; i++); b.stop(); } }); ``` #### Benching API ##### `bench(benchmark: BenchmarkDefinition | BenchmarkFunction): void` Registers a benchmark that will be run once `runBenchmarks` is called. ##### `runBenchmarks(opts?: BenchmarkRunOptions): Promise` Runs all registered benchmarks serially. Filtering can be applied by setting `BenchmarkRunOptions.only` and/or `BenchmarkRunOptions.skip` to regular expressions matching benchmark names. ##### `runIfMain(meta: ImportMeta, opts?: BenchmarkRunOptions): Promise` Runs specified benchmarks if the enclosing script is main. ##### Other exports ```ts /** Provides methods for starting and stopping a benchmark clock. */ export interface BenchmarkTimer { start: () => void; stop: () => void; } /** Defines a benchmark through a named function. */ export interface BenchmarkFunction { (b: BenchmarkTimer): void | Promise; name: string; } /** Defines a benchmark definition with configurable runs. */ export interface BenchmarkDefinition { func: BenchmarkFunction; name: string; runs?: number; } /** Defines runBenchmark's run constraints by matching benchmark names. */ export interface BenchmarkRunOptions { only?: RegExp; skip?: RegExp; } ```