# Deno runtime tests Files in this directory are unit tests for Deno runtime. They are run under compiled Deno binary as opposed to files in `cli/js/` which are bundled and snapshotted using `deno_typescript` crate. Testing Deno runtime code requires checking API under different runtime permissions (ie. running with different `--allow-*` flags). To accomplish this all tests exercised are created using `unitTest()` function. ``` import { unitTest } from "./test_util.ts"; unitTest(function simpleTestFn(): void { // test code here }); unitTest({ skip: Deno.build.os === "win", perms: { read: true, write: true }, }, function complexTestFn(): void { // test code here } ); ``` `unitTest` is is a wrapper function that enhances `Deno.test()` API in several ways: - ability to conditionally skip tests using `UnitTestOptions.skip` - ability to register required set of permissions for given test case using `UnitTestOptions.perms` - sanitization of resources - ensuring that tests close all opened resources preventing interference between tests - sanitization of async ops - ensuring that tests don't leak async ops by ensuring that all started async ops are done before test finishes ## Running tests `unit_test_runner.ts` is the main script used to run unit tests. Runner discoveres required permissions combinations by loading `cli/js/tests/unit_tests.ts` and going through all registered instances of `unitTest`. There are three ways to run `unit_test_runner.ts`: - run tests matching current process permissions ``` // run tests that don't require any permissions target/debug/deno unit_test_runner.ts // run tests with "net" permission target/debug/deno --allow-net unit_test_runner.ts target/debug/deno --allow-net --allow-read unit_test_runner.ts ``` - run all tests - "master" mode, that spawns worker processes for each discovered permission combination: ``` target/debug/deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --master ``` By default all output of worker processes is discarded; for debug purposes `--verbose` flag can be provided to preserve output from worker ``` target/debug/deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --master --verbose ``` - "worker" mode; communicates with parent using TCP socket on provided address; after initial setup drops permissions to specified set. It shouldn't be used directly, only be "master" process. ``` target/debug/deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --worker --addr= --perms=net,write,run ``` ### Filtering Runner supports basic test filtering by name: ``` target/debug/deno unit_test_runner.ts -- netAccept target/debug/deno -A unit_test_runner.ts --master -- netAccept ``` Filter string must be specified after "--" argument