// Copyright 2018-2020 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. //! This mod provides DenoError to unify errors across Deno. use crate::colors; use crate::source_maps::apply_source_map; use crate::source_maps::SourceMapGetter; use deno_core::ErrBox; use deno_core::StackFrame; use deno_core::V8Exception; use std::error::Error; use std::fmt; /// A trait which specifies parts of a diagnostic like item needs to be able to /// generate to conform its display to other diagnostic like items pub trait DisplayFormatter { fn format_category_and_code(&self) -> String; fn format_message(&self, level: usize) -> String; fn format_related_info(&self) -> String; fn format_source_line(&self, level: usize) -> String; fn format_source_name(&self) -> String; } fn format_source_name(script_name: String, line: i64, column: i64) -> String { let script_name_c = colors::cyan(script_name); let line_c = colors::yellow((1 + line).to_string()); let column_c = colors::yellow((1 + column).to_string()); format!("{}:{}:{}", script_name_c, line_c, column_c,) } /// Formats optional source, line and column into a single string. pub fn format_maybe_source_name( script_name: Option, line: Option, column: Option, ) -> String { if script_name.is_none() { return "".to_string(); } assert!(line.is_some()); assert!(column.is_some()); format_source_name(script_name.unwrap(), line.unwrap(), column.unwrap()) } /// Take an optional source line and associated information to format it into /// a pretty printed version of that line. pub fn format_maybe_source_line( source_line: Option, line_number: Option, start_column: Option, end_column: Option, is_error: bool, level: usize, ) -> String { if source_line.is_none() || line_number.is_none() { return "".to_string(); } let source_line = source_line.as_ref().unwrap(); // sometimes source_line gets set with an empty string, which then outputs // an empty source line when displayed, so need just short circuit here if source_line.is_empty() { return "".to_string(); } assert!(start_column.is_some()); assert!(end_column.is_some()); let line = (1 + line_number.unwrap()).to_string(); let line_color = colors::black_on_white(line.to_string()); let line_len = line.len(); let line_padding = colors::black_on_white(format!("{:indent$}", "", indent = line_len)) .to_string(); let mut s = String::new(); let start_column = start_column.unwrap(); let end_column = end_column.unwrap(); // TypeScript uses `~` always, but V8 would utilise `^` always, even when // doing ranges, so here, if we only have one marker (very common with V8 // errors) we will use `^` instead. let underline_char = if (end_column - start_column) <= 1 { '^' } else { '~' }; for i in 0..end_column { if i >= start_column { s.push(underline_char); } else { s.push(' '); } } let color_underline = if is_error { colors::red(s).to_string() } else { colors::cyan(s).to_string() }; let indent = format!("{:indent$}", "", indent = level); format!( "\n\n{}{} {}\n{}{} {}\n", indent, line_color, source_line, indent, line_padding, color_underline ) } /// Format a message to preface with `error: ` with ansi codes for red. pub fn format_error_message(msg: String) -> String { let preamble = colors::red("error:".to_string()); format!("{} {}", preamble, msg) } fn format_stack_frame(frame: &StackFrame) -> String { // Note when we print to string, we change from 0-indexed to 1-indexed. let function_name = colors::italic_bold(frame.function_name.clone()); let source_loc = format_source_name(frame.script_name.clone(), frame.line, frame.column); if !frame.function_name.is_empty() { format!(" at {} ({})", function_name, source_loc) } else if frame.is_eval { format!(" at eval ({})", source_loc) } else { format!(" at {}", source_loc) } } /// Wrapper around V8Exception which provides color to_string. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct JSError(V8Exception); impl JSError { pub fn new(v8_exception: V8Exception) -> Self { Self(v8_exception) } pub fn from_json( json_str: &str, source_map_getter: &impl SourceMapGetter, ) -> ErrBox { let unmapped_exception = V8Exception::from_json(json_str).unwrap(); Self::from_v8_exception(unmapped_exception, source_map_getter) } pub fn from_v8_exception( unmapped_exception: V8Exception, source_map_getter: &impl SourceMapGetter, ) -> ErrBox { let mapped_exception = apply_source_map(&unmapped_exception, source_map_getter); let js_error = Self(mapped_exception); ErrBox::from(js_error) } } impl Into for JSError { fn into(self) -> V8Exception { self.0 } } impl DisplayFormatter for JSError { fn format_category_and_code(&self) -> String { "".to_string() } fn format_message(&self, _level: usize) -> String { format!( "{}{}", colors::red_bold("error: ".to_string()), self.0.message.clone() ) } fn format_related_info(&self) -> String { "".to_string() } fn format_source_line(&self, level: usize) -> String { format_maybe_source_line( self.0.source_line.clone(), self.0.line_number, self.0.start_column, self.0.end_column, true, level, ) } fn format_source_name(&self) -> String { let e = &self.0; if e.script_resource_name.is_none() { return "".to_string(); } format!( "\n► {}", format_maybe_source_name( e.script_resource_name.clone(), e.line_number, e.start_column, ) ) } } impl fmt::Display for JSError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "{}{}{}", self.format_message(0), self.format_source_name(), self.format_source_line(0), )?; for frame in &self.0.frames { write!(f, "\n{}", format_stack_frame(&frame))?; } Ok(()) } } impl Error for JSError {} #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::colors::strip_ansi_codes; fn error1() -> V8Exception { V8Exception { message: "Error: foo bar".to_string(), source_line: None, script_resource_name: None, line_number: None, start_position: None, end_position: None, error_level: None, start_column: None, end_column: None, frames: vec![ StackFrame { line: 4, column: 16, script_name: "foo_bar.ts".to_string(), function_name: "foo".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, StackFrame { line: 5, column: 20, script_name: "bar_baz.ts".to_string(), function_name: "qat".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, StackFrame { line: 1, column: 1, script_name: "deno_main.js".to_string(), function_name: "".to_string(), is_eval: false, is_constructor: false, is_wasm: false, }, ], } } #[test] fn js_error_to_string() { let e = error1(); assert_eq!("error: Error: foo bar\n at foo (foo_bar.ts:5:17)\n at qat (bar_baz.ts:6:21)\n at deno_main.js:2:2", strip_ansi_codes(&JSError(e).to_string())); } #[test] fn test_format_none_source_name() { let actual = format_maybe_source_name(None, None, None); assert_eq!(actual, ""); } #[test] fn test_format_some_source_name() { let actual = format_maybe_source_name( Some("file://foo/bar.ts".to_string()), Some(1), Some(2), ); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "file://foo/bar.ts:2:3"); } #[test] fn test_format_none_source_line() { let actual = format_maybe_source_line(None, None, None, None, false, 0); assert_eq!(actual, ""); } #[test] fn test_format_some_source_line() { let actual = format_maybe_source_line( Some("console.log('foo');".to_string()), Some(8), Some(8), Some(11), true, 0, ); assert_eq!( strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "\n\n9 console.log(\'foo\');\n ~~~\n" ); } #[test] fn test_format_error_message() { let actual = format_error_message("foo".to_string()); assert_eq!(strip_ansi_codes(&actual), "error: foo"); } }