// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. import { test, testPerm, assert, assertEquals } from "./test_util.ts"; testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchJsonSuccess(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); const json = await response.json(); assertEquals(json.name, "deno"); }); test(async function fetchPerm(): Promise { let err; try { await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); } catch (err_) { err = err_; } assertEquals(err.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.PermissionDenied); assertEquals(err.name, "PermissionDenied"); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchUrl(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); assertEquals(response.url, "http://localhost:4545/package.json"); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchHeaders(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); const headers = response.headers; assertEquals(headers.get("Content-Type"), "application/json"); assert(headers.get("Server").startsWith("SimpleHTTP")); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchBlob(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); const headers = response.headers; const blob = await response.blob(); assertEquals(blob.type, headers.get("Content-Type")); assertEquals(blob.size, Number(headers.get("Content-Length"))); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchAsyncIterator(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); const headers = response.headers; let total = 0; for await (const chunk of response.body) { total += chunk.length; } assertEquals(total, Number(headers.get("Content-Length"))); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function responseClone(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/package.json"); const response1 = response.clone(); assert(response !== response1); assertEquals(response.status, response1.status); assertEquals(response.statusText, response1.statusText); const ab = await response.arrayBuffer(); const ab1 = await response1.arrayBuffer(); for (let i = 0; i < ab.byteLength; i++) { assertEquals(ab[i], ab1[i]); } }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchEmptyInvalid(): Promise { let err; try { await fetch(""); } catch (err_) { err = err_; } assertEquals(err.kind, Deno.ErrorKind.RelativeUrlWithoutBase); assertEquals(err.name, "RelativeUrlWithoutBase"); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchMultipartFormDataSuccess(): Promise< void > { const response = await fetch( "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/multipart_form_data.txt" ); const formData = await response.formData(); assert(formData.has("field_1")); assertEquals(formData.get("field_1").toString(), "value_1 \r\n"); assert(formData.has("field_2")); /* TODO(ry) Re-enable this test once we bring back the global File type. const file = formData.get("field_2") as File; assertEquals(file.name, "file.js"); */ // Currently we cannot read from file... }); testPerm( { net: true }, async function fetchURLEncodedFormDataSuccess(): Promise { const response = await fetch( "http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/form_urlencoded.txt" ); const formData = await response.formData(); assert(formData.has("field_1")); assertEquals(formData.get("field_1").toString(), "Hi"); assert(formData.has("field_2")); assertEquals(formData.get("field_2").toString(), ""); } ); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchWithRedirection(): Promise { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4546/"); // will redirect to http://localhost:4545/ assertEquals(response.status, 200); assertEquals(response.url, "http://localhost:4545/"); const body = await response.text(); assert(body.includes("Directory listing for /")); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchWithRelativeRedirection(): Promise< void > { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/tests"); // will redirect to /tests/ assertEquals(response.status, 200); const body = await response.text(); assert(body.includes("Directory listing for /tests/")); }); // The feature below is not implemented, but the test should work after implementation /* testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchWithInfRedirection(): Promise< void > { const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4549/tests"); // will redirect to the same place assertEquals(response.status, 0); // network error }); */ testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchInitStringBody(): Promise { const data = "Hello World"; const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/echo_server", { method: "POST", body: data }); const text = await response.text(); assertEquals(text, data); assert(response.headers.get("content-type").startsWith("text/plain")); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchRequestInitStringBody(): Promise< void > { const data = "Hello World"; const req = new Request("http://localhost:4545/echo_server", { method: "POST", body: data }); const response = await fetch(req); const text = await response.text(); assertEquals(text, data); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchInitTypedArrayBody(): Promise< void > { const data = "Hello World"; const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/echo_server", { method: "POST", body: new TextEncoder().encode(data) }); const text = await response.text(); assertEquals(text, data); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchInitURLSearchParamsBody(): Promise< void > { const data = "param1=value1¶m2=value2"; const params = new URLSearchParams(data); const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/echo_server", { method: "POST", body: params }); const text = await response.text(); assertEquals(text, data); assert( response.headers .get("content-type") .startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchInitBlobBody(): Promise { const data = "const a = 1"; const blob = new Blob([data], { type: "text/javascript" }); const response = await fetch("http://localhost:4545/echo_server", { method: "POST", body: blob }); const text = await response.text(); assertEquals(text, data); assert(response.headers.get("content-type").startsWith("text/javascript")); }); // TODO(ry) The following tests work but are flaky. There's a race condition // somewhere. Here is what one of these flaky failures looks like: // // test fetchPostBodyString_permW0N1E0R0 // assertEquals failed. actual = expected = POST /blah HTTP/1.1 // hello: World // foo: Bar // host: // content-length: 11 // hello world // Error: actual: expected: POST /blah HTTP/1.1 // hello: World // foo: Bar // host: // content-length: 11 // hello world // at Object.assertEquals (file:///C:/deno/js/testing/util.ts:29:11) // at fetchPostBodyString (file /* function bufferServer(addr: string): Deno.Buffer { const listener = Deno.listen("tcp", addr); const buf = new Deno.Buffer(); listener.accept().then(async conn => { const p1 = buf.readFrom(conn); const p2 = conn.write( new TextEncoder().encode( "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nNF" ) ); // Wait for both an EOF on the read side of the socket and for the write to // complete before closing it. Due to keep-alive, the EOF won't be sent // until the Connection close (HTTP/1.0) response, so readFrom() can't // proceed write. Conversely, if readFrom() is async, waiting for the // write() to complete is not a guarantee that we've read the incoming // request. await Promise.all([p1, p2]); conn.close(); listener.close(); }); return buf; } testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchRequest():Promise { const addr = ""; const buf = bufferServer(addr); const response = await fetch(`http://${addr}/blah`, { method: "POST", headers: [["Hello", "World"], ["Foo", "Bar"]] }); assertEquals(response.status, 404); assertEquals(response.headers.get("Content-Length"), "2"); const actual = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()); const expected = [ "POST /blah HTTP/1.1\r\n", "hello: World\r\n", "foo: Bar\r\n", `host: ${addr}\r\n\r\n` ].join(""); assertEquals(actual, expected); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchPostBodyString():Promise { const addr = ""; const buf = bufferServer(addr); const body = "hello world"; const response = await fetch(`http://${addr}/blah`, { method: "POST", headers: [["Hello", "World"], ["Foo", "Bar"]], body }); assertEquals(response.status, 404); assertEquals(response.headers.get("Content-Length"), "2"); const actual = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()); const expected = [ "POST /blah HTTP/1.1\r\n", "hello: World\r\n", "foo: Bar\r\n", `host: ${addr}\r\n`, `content-length: ${body.length}\r\n\r\n`, body ].join(""); assertEquals(actual, expected); }); testPerm({ net: true }, async function fetchPostBodyTypedArray():Promise { const addr = ""; const buf = bufferServer(addr); const bodyStr = "hello world"; const body = new TextEncoder().encode(bodyStr); const response = await fetch(`http://${addr}/blah`, { method: "POST", headers: [["Hello", "World"], ["Foo", "Bar"]], body }); assertEquals(response.status, 404); assertEquals(response.headers.get("Content-Length"), "2"); const actual = new TextDecoder().decode(buf.bytes()); const expected = [ "POST /blah HTTP/1.1\r\n", "hello: World\r\n", "foo: Bar\r\n", `host: ${addr}\r\n`, `content-length: ${body.byteLength}\r\n\r\n`, bodyStr ].join(""); assertEquals(actual, expected); }); */