Alex Crichton 9e4f4d151a Fix dep info showing up with a build script
Cargo would erroneously bail out early and accidentally forget to emit a
dep info file if any dependency used a build script, so this fixes that!
2017-11-12 02:31:18 -08:00

85 lines
2.2 KiB

extern crate cargotest;
extern crate hamcrest;
use cargotest::support::{basic_bin_manifest, main_file, execs, project};
use hamcrest::{assert_that, existing_file};
fn build_dep_info() {
let p = project("foo")
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("foo"))
.file("src/", &main_file(r#""i am foo""#, &[]))
assert_that(p.cargo("build"), execs().with_status(0));
let depinfo_bin_path = &p.bin("foo").with_extension("d");
assert_that(depinfo_bin_path, existing_file());
fn build_dep_info_lib() {
let p = project("foo")
.file("Cargo.toml", r#"
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
name = "ex"
crate-type = ["lib"]
.file("", "fn main() {}")
.file("src/", "")
.file("examples/", "")
assert_that(p.cargo("build").arg("--example=ex"), execs().with_status(0));
assert_that(&p.example_lib("ex", "lib").with_extension("d"), existing_file());
fn build_dep_info_rlib() {
let p = project("foo")
.file("Cargo.toml", r#"
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
name = "ex"
crate-type = ["rlib"]
.file("src/", "")
.file("examples/", "")
assert_that(p.cargo("build").arg("--example=ex"), execs().with_status(0));
assert_that(&p.example_lib("ex", "rlib").with_extension("d"), existing_file());
fn build_dep_info_dylib() {
let p = project("foo")
.file("Cargo.toml", r#"
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = []
name = "ex"
crate-type = ["dylib"]
.file("src/", "")
.file("examples/", "")
assert_that(p.cargo("build").arg("--example=ex"), execs().with_status(0));
assert_that(&p.example_lib("ex", "dylib").with_extension("d"), existing_file());