
1900 lines
52 KiB

//! Tests for the `cargo fix` command.
use cargo::core::Edition;
use cargo_test_support::compare::assert_match_exact;
use cargo_test_support::git::{self, init};
use cargo_test_support::paths::{self, CargoPathExt};
use cargo_test_support::registry::{Dependency, Package};
use cargo_test_support::tools;
use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, is_nightly, project};
fn do_not_fix_broken_builds() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() {
let mut x = 3;
pub fn foo2() {
let _x: u32 = "a";
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
.with_stderr_contains("[ERROR] could not compile `foo` (lib) due to 1 previous error[..]")
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut x = 3;"));
fn fix_broken_if_requested() {
let p = project()
fn foo(a: &u32) -> u32 { a + 1 }
pub fn bar() {
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --broken-code")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn fix_path_deps() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = { path = 'bar' }
extern crate bar;
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs -p foo -p bar")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
[LOCKING] 2 packages
[CHECKING] bar v0.1.0 ([..])
[FIXED] bar/src/ (1 fix)
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 ([..])
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
fn do_not_fix_non_relevant_deps() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = { path = '../bar' }
.file("foo/src/", "")
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn prepare_for_2018() {
let p = project()
mod foo {
pub const FOO: &str = "fooo";
mod bar {
use ::foo::FOO;
fn main() {
let x = ::foo::FOO;
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2015 edition to 2018
[FIXED] src/ (2 fixes)
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
println!("{}", p.read_file("src/"));
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains("use crate::foo::FOO;"));
.contains("let x = crate::foo::FOO;"));
fn local_paths() {
let p = project()
use test::foo;
mod test {
pub fn foo() {}
pub fn f() {
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2015 edition to 2018
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
println!("{}", p.read_file("src/"));
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains("use crate::test::foo;"));
fn upgrade_extern_crate() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = '2018'
bar = { path = 'bar' }
extern crate bar;
use bar::bar;
pub fn foo() {
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
.file("bar/src/", "pub fn bar() {}")
let stderr = "\
[LOCKING] 2 packages
[CHECKING] bar v0.1.0 ([..])
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 ([..])
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
println!("{}", p.read_file("src/"));
assert!(!p.read_file("src/").contains("extern crate"));
fn specify_rustflags() {
let p = project()
mod foo {
pub const FOO: &str = "fooo";
fn main() {
let x = ::foo::FOO;
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
.env("RUSTFLAGS", "-C linker=cc")
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2015 edition to 2018
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
fn no_changes_necessary() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
fn fixes_extra_mut() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn fixes_two_missing_ampersands() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
let mut y = 3;
x + y
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[FIXED] src/ (2 fixes)
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn tricky() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3; let mut y = 3;
x + y
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])
[FIXED] src/ (2 fixes)
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn preserve_line_endings() {
let p = project()
"fn add(a: &u32) -> u32 { a + 1 }\r\n\
pub fn foo() -> u32 { let mut x = 3; add(&x) }\r\n\
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn fix_deny_warnings() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
fn fix_deny_warnings_but_not_others() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
pub fn bar() {
let mut _y = 4;
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
assert!(!p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut x = 3;"));
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut _y = 4;"));
fn fix_two_files() {
let p = project()
pub mod bar;
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
pub fn foo() -> u32 {
let mut x = 3;
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)")
assert!(!p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut x = 3;"));
assert!(!p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut x = 3;"));
fn fixes_missing_ampersand() {
let p = project()
.file("src/", "fn main() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }
pub fn foo2() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }
pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }
.file("examples/", "fn main() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
.file("", "fn main() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
p.cargo("fix --all-targets --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
.with_stderr_contains("[COMPILING] foo v0.0.1 ([..])")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] (1 fix)")
// Don't assert number of fixes for this one, as we don't know if we're
// fixing it once or twice! We run this all concurrently, and if we
// compile (and fix) in `--test` mode first, we get two fixes. Otherwise
// we'll fix one non-test thing, and then fix another one later in
// test mode.
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] src/[..]")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] examples/ (1 fix)")
.with_stderr_contains("[FIXED] tests/ (1 fix)")
.with_stderr_contains("[FINISHED] [..]")
fn fix_features() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = []
#[cfg(feature = "bar")]
pub fn foo() -> u32 { let mut x = 3; x }
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs").run();
p.cargo("fix --features bar --allow-no-vcs").run();
p.cargo("check --features bar").run();
fn shows_warnings() {
let p = project()
"#[deprecated] fn bar() {} pub fn foo() { let _ = bar(); }",
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_contains("[..]warning: use of deprecated[..]")
fn warns_if_no_vcs_detected() {
let p = project().file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}").build();
"error: no VCS found for this package and `cargo fix` can potentially perform \
destructive changes; if you'd like to suppress this error pass `--allow-no-vcs`\
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs").run();
fn warns_about_dirty_working_directory() {
let p = git::new("foo", |p| p.file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}"));
p.change_file("src/", "");
error: the working directory of this package has uncommitted changes, \
and `cargo fix` can potentially perform destructive changes; if you'd \
like to suppress this error pass `--allow-dirty`, `--allow-staged`, or \
commit the changes to these files:
* src/ (dirty)
p.cargo("fix --allow-dirty").run();
fn warns_about_staged_working_directory() {
let (p, repo) = git::new_repo("foo", |p| p.file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}"));
p.change_file("src/", "pub fn bar() {}");
error: the working directory of this package has uncommitted changes, \
and `cargo fix` can potentially perform destructive changes; if you'd \
like to suppress this error pass `--allow-dirty`, `--allow-staged`, or \
commit the changes to these files:
* src/ (staged)
p.cargo("fix --allow-staged").run();
fn errors_about_untracked_files() {
let mut git_project = project().at("foo");
git_project = git_project.file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}");
let p =;
let _ = init(&p.root());
error: the working directory of this package has uncommitted changes, \
and `cargo fix` can potentially perform destructive changes; if you'd \
like to suppress this error pass `--allow-dirty`, `--allow-staged`, or \
commit the changes to these files:
* Cargo.toml (dirty)
* src/ (dirty)
p.cargo("fix --allow-dirty").run();
fn does_not_warn_about_clean_working_directory() {
let p = git::new("foo", |p| p.file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}"));
fn does_not_warn_about_dirty_ignored_files() {
let p = git::new("foo", |p| {
p.file("src/", "pub fn foo() {}")
.file(".gitignore", "bar\n")
p.change_file("bar", "");
fn fix_all_targets_by_default() {
let p = project()
.file("src/", "pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
.file("tests/", "pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
assert!(!p.read_file("src/").contains("let mut x"));
assert!(!p.read_file("tests/").contains("let mut x"));
fn prepare_for_unstable() {
// During the period where a new edition is coming up, but not yet stable,
// this test will verify that it cannot be migrated to on stable. If there
// is no next edition, it does nothing.
let next = match Edition::LATEST_UNSTABLE {
Some(next) => next,
None => {
eprintln!("Next edition is currently not available, skipping test.");
let latest_stable = Edition::LATEST_STABLE;
let prev = latest_stable.previous().unwrap();
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "{}"
.file("src/", "")
// -j1 to make the error more deterministic (otherwise there can be
// multiple errors since they run in parallel).
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs -j1")
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[WARNING] `src/` is on the latest edition, but trying to migrate to edition {next}.
Edition {next} is unstable and not allowed in this release, consider trying the nightly release channel.
If you are trying to migrate from the previous edition ({prev}), the
process requires following these steps:
1. Start with `edition = \"{prev}\"` in `Cargo.toml`
2. Run `cargo fix --edition`
3. Modify `Cargo.toml` to set `edition = \"{latest_stable}\"`
4. Run `cargo build` or `cargo test` to verify the fixes worked
More details may be found at
", next=next, latest_stable=latest_stable, prev=prev))
if !is_nightly() {
// The rest of this test is fundamentally always nightly.
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[MIGRATING] src/ from {latest_stable} edition to {next}
latest_stable = latest_stable,
next = next,
fn prepare_for_latest_stable() {
// This is the stable counterpart of prepare_for_unstable.
let latest_stable = Edition::LATEST_STABLE;
let previous = latest_stable.previous().unwrap();
let p = project()
name = 'foo'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = '{}'
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[MIGRATING] src/ from {} edition to {}
previous, latest_stable
#[cargo_test(nightly, reason = "fundamentally always nightly")]
fn prepare_for_already_on_latest_unstable() {
// During the period where a new edition is coming up, but not yet stable,
// this test will check what happens if you are already on the latest. If
// there is no next edition, it does nothing.
let next_edition = match Edition::LATEST_UNSTABLE {
Some(next) => next,
None => {
eprintln!("Next edition is currently not available, skipping test.");
let p = project()
cargo-features = ["edition{}"]
name = 'foo'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = '{}'
next_edition, next_edition
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_contains("[CHECKING] foo [..]")
[WARNING] `src/` is already on the latest edition ({next_edition}), unable to migrate further
next_edition = next_edition
fn prepare_for_already_on_latest_stable() {
// Stable counterpart of prepare_for_already_on_latest_unstable.
if Edition::LATEST_UNSTABLE.is_some() {
eprintln!("This test cannot run while the latest edition is unstable, skipping.");
let latest_stable = Edition::LATEST_STABLE;
let p = project()
name = 'foo'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = '{}'
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_contains("[CHECKING] foo [..]")
[WARNING] `src/` is already on the latest edition ({latest_stable}), unable to migrate further
latest_stable = latest_stable
fn fix_overlapping() {
let p = project()
pub fn foo<T>() {}
pub struct A;
pub mod bar {
pub fn baz() {
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --edition --lib")
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2015 edition to 2018
[FIXED] src/ (2 fixes)
[FINISHED] `dev` profile [..]
let contents = p.read_file("src/");
println!("{}", contents);
fn fix_idioms() {
let p = project()
name = 'foo'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = '2018'
use std::any::Any;
pub fn foo() {
let _x: Box<Any> = Box::new(3);
let stderr = "\
[CHECKING] foo [..]
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
p.cargo("fix --edition-idioms --allow-no-vcs")
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains("Box<dyn Any>"));
fn idioms_2015_ok() {
let p = project().file("src/", "").build();
p.cargo("fix --edition-idioms --allow-no-vcs").run();
fn shows_warnings_on_second_run_without_changes() {
let p = project()
fn bar() {}
pub fn foo() {
let _ = bar();
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_contains("[..]warning: use of deprecated[..]")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_contains("[..]warning: use of deprecated[..]")
fn shows_warnings_on_second_run_without_changes_on_multiple_targets() {
let p = project()
fn bar() {}
pub fn foo() {
let _ = bar();
fn bar() {}
fn main() {
let _ = bar();
fn bar() {}
fn foo_test() {
let _ = bar();
fn bar() {}
fn foo_test() {
let _ = bar();
fn bar() {}
fn main() {
let _ = bar();
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --all-targets")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> examples/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> src/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> src/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> tests/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> tests/")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --all-targets")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> examples/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> src/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> src/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> tests/")
.with_stderr_contains(" --> tests/")
fn doesnt_rebuild_dependencies() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = { path = 'bar' }
.file("src/", "extern crate bar;")
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
.file("bar/src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs -p foo")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
[LOCKING] 2 packages
[CHECKING] bar v0.1.0 ([..])
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 ([..])
[FINISHED] `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs -p foo")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 ([..])
[FINISHED] `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
fn does_not_crash_with_rustc_wrapper() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("RUSTC_WRAPPER", tools::echo_wrapper())
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --verbose")
.env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER", tools::echo_wrapper())
fn uses_workspace_wrapper_and_primary_wrapper_override() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --verbose")
.env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER", tools::echo_wrapper())
.with_stderr_contains("WRAPPER CALLED: rustc src/ --crate-name foo [..]")
fn only_warn_for_relevant_crates() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
a = { path = 'a' }
.file("src/", "")
name = "a"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
pub fn foo() {}
pub mod bar {
use foo;
pub fn baz() { foo() }
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --edition")
[LOCKING] 2 packages
[CHECKING] a v0.1.0 ([..])
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 ([..])
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2015 edition to 2018
[FINISHED] `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]
fn fix_to_broken_code() {
let p = project()
name = 'foo'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = "2015"
use std::env;
use std::fs;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::{self, Command};
fn main() {
// Ignore calls to things like --print=file-names and compiling
// Also compatible for rustc invocations with `@path` argfile.
let is_lib_rs = env::args_os()
.flat_map(|p| if let Some(p) = p.to_str().unwrap_or_default().strip_prefix("@") {
} else {
.any(|l| l == Path::new("src/"));
if is_lib_rs {
let path = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
let path = path.join("foo");
if path.exists() {
} else {
let status = Command::new("rustc")
.expect("failed to run rustc");
name = 'bar'
version = '0.1.0'
edition = "2015"
.file("bar/", "fn main() {}")
.file("bar/src/", "pub fn foo() { let mut x = 3; drop(x); }")
// Build our rustc shim
// Attempt to fix code, but our shim will always fail the second compile
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --broken-code")
.env("RUSTC", p.root().join("foo/target/debug/foo"))
.with_stderr_contains("[WARNING] failed to automatically apply fixes [..]")
"pub fn foo() { let x = 3; drop(x); }"
fn fix_with_common() {
let p = project()
.file("src/", "")
"mod common; #[test] fn t1() { common::try(); }",
"mod common; #[test] fn t2() { common::try(); }",
.file("tests/common/", "pub fn try() {}")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs").run();
assert_eq!(p.read_file("tests/common/"), "pub fn r#try() {}");
fn fix_in_existing_repo_weird_ignore() {
// Check that ignore doesn't ignore the repo itself.
let p = git::new("foo", |project| {
.file("src/", "")
.file(".gitignore", "foo\ninner\nCargo.lock\ntarget\n")
.file("inner/file", "")
// This is questionable about whether it is the right behavior. It should
// probably be checking if any source file for the current project is
// ignored.
.with_stderr_contains("[ERROR] no VCS found[..]")
fn fix_color_message() {
// Check that color appears in diagnostics.
let p = project()
.file("src/", "std::compile_error!{\"color test\"}")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --color=always")
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs --color=never")
.with_stderr_contains("error: color test")
fn edition_v2_resolver_report() {
// Show a report if the V2 resolver shows differences.
Package::new("common", "1.0.0")
.feature("f1", &[])
.feature("dev-feat", &[])
.add_dep(Dependency::new("opt_dep", "1.0").optional(true))
Package::new("opt_dep", "1.0.0").publish();
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0")
Dependency::new("common", "1.0")
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
common = "1.0"
bar = "1.0"
common = { version = "1.0", features = ["opt_dep"] }
common = { version="1.0", features=["dev-feat"] }
.file("src/", "")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
[LOCKING] 4 packages
[DOWNLOADING] crates ...
[DOWNLOADED] common v1.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..]
[DOWNLOADED] opt_dep v1.0.0 [..]
note: Switching to Edition 2021 will enable the use of the version 2 feature resolver in Cargo.
This may cause some dependencies to be built with fewer features enabled than previously.
More information about the resolver changes may be found at
When building the following dependencies, the given features will no longer be used:
common v1.0.0 removed features: dev-feat, f1, opt_dep
common v1.0.0 (as host dependency) removed features: dev-feat, f1
The following differences only apply when building with dev-dependencies:
common v1.0.0 removed features: f1, opt_dep
[CHECKING] opt_dep v1.0.0
[CHECKING] common v1.0.0
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2018 edition to 2021
fn rustfix_handles_multi_spans() {
// Checks that rustfix handles a single diagnostic with multiple
// suggestion spans (non_fmt_panic in this case).
let p = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.1.0"))
pub fn foo() {
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs").run();
fn fix_edition_2021() {
// Can migrate 2021, even when lints are allowed.
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
pub fn f() -> bool {
let x = 123;
match x {
0...100 => true,
_ => false,
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs")
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
[MIGRATING] src/ from 2018 edition to 2021
[FIXED] src/ (1 fix)
assert!(p.read_file("src/").contains(r#"0..=100 => true,"#));
fn fix_shared_cross_workspace() {
// Fixing a file that is shared between multiple packages in the same workspace.
// Make sure two processes don't try to fix the same file at the same time.
let p = project()
members = ["foo", "bar"]
.file("foo/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.1.0"))
.file("foo/src/", "pub mod shared;")
// This will fix both unused and bare trait.
.file("foo/src/", "pub fn fixme(x: Box<&Fn() -> ()>) {}")
.file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0"))
pub mod shared;
// The output here can be either of these two, depending on who runs first:
// [FIXED] bar/src/../../foo/src/ (2 fixes)
// [FIXED] foo/src/ (2 fixes)
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.env("__CARGO_FIX_YOLO", "1")
[LOCKING] 2 packages
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
[CHECKING] bar v0.1.0 [..]
[FIXED] [..]foo/src/ (2 fixes)
"pub fn fixme(_x: Box<&dyn Fn() -> ()>) {}",
fn abnormal_exit() {
// rustc fails unexpectedly after applying fixes, should show some error information.
// This works with a proc-macro that runs twice:
// - First run (collect diagnostics pass): writes a file, exits normally.
// - Second run (verify diagnostics work): it detects the presence of the
// file, removes the file, and aborts the process.
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
pm = {path="pm"}
pub fn f() {
let mut x = 1;
name = "pm"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
proc-macro = true
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
pub fn crashme(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Use a file to succeed on the first pass, and fail on the second.
let p = std::env::var_os("ONCE_PATH").unwrap();
let check_path = std::path::Path::new(&p);
if check_path.exists() {
eprintln!("I'm not a diagnostic.");
} else {
std::fs::write(check_path, "").unwrap();
p.cargo("fix --lib --allow-no-vcs")
"[WARNING] failed to automatically apply fixes suggested by rustc to crate `foo`",
.with_stderr_contains("I'm not a diagnostic.")
// "signal: 6, SIGABRT: process abort signal" on some platforms
.with_stderr_contains("rustc exited abnormally: [..]")
.with_stderr_contains("Original diagnostics will follow.")
fn fix_with_run_cargo_in_proc_macros() {
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
proc-macro = true
use proc_macro::*;
pub fn foo(_input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let output = std::process::Command::new(env!("CARGO"))
.args(&["metadata", "--format-version=1"])
eprintln!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap());
println!("{}", std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap());
use foo::foo;
fn main() {
p.cargo("fix --allow-no-vcs")
.with_stderr_does_not_contain("error: could not find .rs file in rustc args")
fn non_edition_lint_migration() {
// Migrating to a new edition where a non-edition lint causes problems.
let p = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("foo", "0.1.0"))
// This is only used in a test.
// To be correct, this should be gated on #[cfg(test)], but
// sometimes people don't do that. If the unused_imports
// lint removes this, then the unittest will fail to compile.
use std::str::from_utf8;
pub mod foo {
pub const FOO: &[u8] = &[102, 111, 111];
fn example() {
from_utf8(::foo::FOO), Ok("foo")
// Check that it complains about an unused import.
p.cargo("check --lib")
p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs").run();
let contents = p.read_file("src/");
// Check it does not remove the "unused" import.
assert!(contents.contains("use std::str::from_utf8;"));
// Check that it made the edition migration.
fn fix_in_dependency() {
// Tests what happens if rustc emits a suggestion to modify a file from a
// dependency in cargo's home directory. This should never happen, and
// indicates a bug in rustc. However, there are several known bugs in
// rustc where it does this (often involving macros), so `cargo fix` has a
// guard that says if the suggestion points to some location in CARGO_HOME
// to not apply it.
// See for some other
// examples.
// This test uses a simulated rustc which replays a suggestion via a JSON
// message that points into CARGO_HOME. This does not use the real rustc
// because as the bugs are fixed in the real rustc, that would cause this
// test to stop working.
Package::new("bar", "1.0.0")
macro_rules! m {
($i:tt) => {
let $i = 1;
let p = project()
name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2015"
bar = "1.0"
pub fn foo() {
// The path in CARGO_HOME.
let bar_path = std::fs::read_dir(paths::home().join(".cargo/registry/src"))
// Since this is a substitution into a Rust string (representing a JSON
// string), deal with backslashes like on Windows.
let bar_path_str = bar_path.to_str().unwrap().replace("\\", "/");
// This is a fake rustc that will emit a JSON message when the `foo` crate
// builds that tells cargo to modify a file it shouldn't.
let rustc = project()
.file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("rustc-replay", "1.0.0"))
fn main() {
let pkg_name = match std::env::var("CARGO_PKG_NAME") {
Ok(pkg_name) => pkg_name,
Err(_) => {
let r = std::process::Command::new("rustc")
if pkg_name == "foo" {
eprintln!("{}", r#"{
"$message_type": "diagnostic",
"message": "unused variable: `abc`",
"code": "unused_variables",
"explanation": null
"level": "warning",
"file_name": "__BAR_PATH__/bar-1.0.0/src/",
"byte_start": 127,
"byte_end": 129,
"line_start": 5,
"line_end": 5,
"column_start": 29,
"column_end": 31,
"is_primary": true,
"text": " let $i = 1;",
"highlight_start": 29,
"highlight_end": 31
"label": null,
"suggested_replacement": null,
"suggestion_applicability": null,
"expansion": null
"message": "`#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default",
"code": null,
"level": "note",
"rendered": null
"message": "if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore",
"code": null,
"level": "help",
"file_name": "__BAR_PATH__/bar-1.0.0/src/",
"byte_start": 127,
"byte_end": 129,
"line_start": 5,
"line_end": 5,
"column_start": 29,
"column_end": 31,
"is_primary": true,
"text": " let $i = 1;",
"highlight_start": 29,
"highlight_end": 31
"label": null,
"suggested_replacement": "_abc",
"suggestion_applicability": "MachineApplicable",
"expansion": null
"rendered": null
"rendered": "warning: unused variable: `abc`\n --> __BAR_PATH__/bar-1.0.0/src/\n |\n5 | let $i = 1;\n | ^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_abc`\n |\n = note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default\n\n"
}"#.replace("\n", ""));
"##.replace("__BAR_PATH__", &bar_path_str))
let rustc_bin = rustc.bin("rustc-replay");
// The output here should not say `Fixed`.
// It is OK to compare the full diagnostic output here because the text is
// hard-coded in rustc-replay. Normally tests should not be checking the
// compiler output.
p.cargo("fix --lib --allow-no-vcs")
.env("RUSTC", &rustc_bin)
[CHECKING] bar v1.0.0
[CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..]
warning: unused variable: `abc`
--> [ROOT]/home/.cargo/registry/src/[..]/bar-1.0.0/src/
5 | let $i = 1;
| ^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_abc`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
warning: `foo` (lib) generated 1 warning (run `cargo fix --lib -p foo` to apply 1 suggestion)