use crate::support::{basic_manifest, git, main_file, path2url, project, registry::Package}; use std::fs; #[test] fn offline_unused_target_dep() { // --offline with a target dependency that is not used and not downloaded. Package::new("unused_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("used_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] used_dep = "1.0" [target.'cfg(unused)'.dependencies] unused_dep = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); // Do a build that downloads only what is necessary. p.cargo("build") .with_stderr_contains("[DOWNLOADED] used_dep [..]") .with_stderr_does_not_contain("[DOWNLOADED] unused_dep [..]") .run(); p.cargo("clean").run(); // Build offline, make sure it works. p.cargo("build --offline").run(); } #[test] fn offline_missing_optional() { Package::new("opt_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] opt_dep = { version = "1.0", optional = true } "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); // Do a build that downloads only what is necessary. p.cargo("build") .with_stderr_does_not_contain("[DOWNLOADED] opt_dep [..]") .run(); p.cargo("clean").run(); // Build offline, make sure it works. p.cargo("build --offline").run(); p.cargo("build --offline --features=opt_dep") .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] failed to download `opt_dep v1.0.0` Caused by: can't make HTTP request in the offline mode ", ) .with_status(101) .run(); } #[test] fn cargo_compile_path_with_offline() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [] path = "bar" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.0.1")) .file("bar/src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --offline").run(); } #[test] fn cargo_compile_with_downloaded_dependency_with_offline() { Package::new("present_dep", "1.2.3") .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("present_dep", "1.2.3")) .file("src/", "") .publish(); // make package downloaded let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] present_dep = "1.2.3" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let p2 = project() .at("bar") .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "bar" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] present_dep = "1.2.3" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p2.cargo("build --offline") .with_stderr( "\ [COMPILING] present_dep v1.2.3 [COMPILING] bar v0.1.0 ([..]) [FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]", ) .run(); } #[test] fn cargo_compile_offline_not_try_update() { let p = project() .at("bar") .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "bar" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] not_cached_dep = "1.2.5" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --offline") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] failed to load source for a dependency on `not_cached_dep` Caused by: Unable to update registry `` Caused by: unable to fetch registry `` in offline mode Try running without the offline flag, or try running `cargo fetch` within your \ project directory before going offline. ", ) .run(); p.change_file(".cargo/config", "net.offline = true"); p.cargo("build") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]Unable to update registry[..]") .run(); } #[test] fn compile_offline_without_maxvers_cached() { Package::new("present_dep", "1.2.1").publish(); Package::new("present_dep", "1.2.2").publish(); Package::new("present_dep", "1.2.3") .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("present_dep", "1.2.3")) .file( "src/", r#"pub fn get_version()->&'static str {"1.2.3"}"#, ) .publish(); Package::new("present_dep", "1.2.5") .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("present_dep", "1.2.5")) .file("src/", r#"pub fn get_version(){"1.2.5"}"#) .publish(); // make package cached let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] present_dep = "=1.2.3" "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let p2 = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] present_dep = "1.2" "#, ) .file( "src/", "\ extern crate present_dep; fn main(){ println!(\"{}\", present_dep::get_version()); }", ) .build(); p2.cargo("run --offline") .with_stderr( "\ [COMPILING] present_dep v1.2.3 [COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 ([CWD]) [FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..] Running `[..]`", ) .with_stdout("1.2.3") .run(); } #[test] fn cargo_compile_forbird_git_httpsrepo_offline() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.5.0" authors = [""] [dependencies.dep1] git = '' "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --offline").with_status(101).with_stderr("\ error: failed to load source for a dependency on `dep1` Caused by: Unable to update Caused by: can't checkout from '': you are in the offline mode (--offline)").run(); } #[test] fn compile_offline_while_transitive_dep_not_cached() { let baz = Package::new("baz", "1.0.0"); let baz_path = baz.archive_dst(); baz.publish(); let baz_content = fs::read(&baz_path).unwrap(); // Truncate the file to simulate a download failure. fs::write(&baz_path, &[]).unwrap(); Package::new("bar", "0.1.0").dep("baz", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" [dependencies] bar = "0.1.0" "#, ) .file("src/", "fn main(){}") .build(); // simulate download bar, but fail to download baz p.cargo("build") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]failed to verify the checksum of `baz[..]") .run(); // Restore the file contents. fs::write(&baz_path, &baz_content).unwrap(); p.cargo("build --offline") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] failed to download `baz v1.0.0` Caused by: can't make HTTP request in the offline mode ", ) .run(); } #[test] fn update_offline() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#, ) .file("src/", "fn main() {}") .build(); p.cargo("update --offline") .with_status(101) .with_stderr("error: you can't update in the offline mode[..]") .run(); } #[test] fn cargo_compile_offline_with_cached_git_dep() { let git_project = git::new("dep1", |project| { project .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("dep1", "0.5.0")) .file( "src/", r#" pub static COOL_STR:&str = "cached git repo rev1"; "#, ) }) .unwrap(); let repo = git2::Repository::open(&git_project.root()).unwrap(); let rev1 = repo.revparse_single("HEAD").unwrap().id(); // Commit the changes and make sure we trigger a recompile git_project.change_file( "src/", r#"pub static COOL_STR:&str = "cached git repo rev2";"#, ); git::add(&repo); let rev2 = git::commit(&repo); // cache to registry rev1 and rev2 let prj = project() .at("cache_git_dep") .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [project] name = "cache_git_dep" version = "0.5.0" [dependencies.dep1] git = '{}' rev = "{}" "#, git_project.url(), rev1 ), ) .file("src/", "fn main(){}") .build(); prj.cargo("build").run(); prj.change_file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [project] name = "cache_git_dep" version = "0.5.0" [dependencies.dep1] git = '{}' rev = "{}" "#, git_project.url(), rev2 ), ); prj.cargo("build").run(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.5.0" [dependencies.dep1] git = '{}' "#, git_project.url() ), ) .file( "src/", &main_file(r#""hello from {}", dep1::COOL_STR"#, &["dep1"]), ) .build(); let git_root = git_project.root(); p.cargo("build --offline") .with_stderr(format!( "\ [COMPILING] dep1 v0.5.0 ({}#[..]) [COMPILING] foo v0.5.0 ([CWD]) [FINISHED] dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in [..]", path2url(git_root), )) .run(); assert!(p.bin("foo").is_file()); p.process(&p.bin("foo")) .with_stdout("hello from cached git repo rev2\n") .run(); p.change_file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.5.0" [dependencies.dep1] git = '{}' rev = "{}" "#, git_project.url(), rev1 ), ); p.cargo("build --offline").run(); p.process(&p.bin("foo")) .with_stdout("hello from cached git repo rev1\n") .run(); } #[test] fn offline_resolve_optional_fail() { // Example where resolve fails offline. // // This happens if at least 1 version of an optional dependency is // available, but none of them satisfy the requirements. The current logic // that handles this is `RegistryIndex::query_inner`, and it doesn't know // if the package being queried is an optional one. This is not ideal, it // would be best if it just ignored optional (unselected) dependencies. Package::new("dep", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] dep = { version = "1.0", optional = true } "#, ) .file("src/", "") .build(); p.cargo("fetch").run(); // Change dep to 2.0. p.change_file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] dep = { version = "2.0", optional = true } "#, ); p.cargo("build --offline") .with_status(101) .with_stderr("\ [ERROR] failed to select a version for the requirement `dep = \"^2.0\"` candidate versions found which didn't match: 1.0.0 location searched: `[..]` index (which is replacing registry ``) required by package `foo v0.1.0 ([..]/foo)` perhaps a crate was updated and forgotten to be re-vendored? As a reminder, you're using offline mode (--offline) which can sometimes cause \ surprising resolution failures, if this error is too confusing you may wish to \ retry without the offline flag. ") .run(); }