//! Tests for the new feature resolver. use cargo_test_support::cross_compile::{self, alternate}; use cargo_test_support::install::cargo_home; use cargo_test_support::paths::CargoPathExt; use cargo_test_support::publish::validate_crate_contents; use cargo_test_support::registry::{Dependency, Package}; use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, cargo_process, project, rustc_host, Project}; use std::fs::File; /// Switches Cargo.toml to use `resolver = "2"`. pub fn switch_to_resolver_2(p: &Project) { let mut manifest = p.read_file("Cargo.toml"); if manifest.contains("resolver =") { panic!("did not expect manifest to already contain a resolver setting"); } if let Some(index) = manifest.find("[workspace]\n") { manifest.insert_str(index + 12, "resolver = \"2\"\n"); } else if let Some(index) = manifest.find("[package]\n") { manifest.insert_str(index + 10, "resolver = \"2\"\n"); } else { panic!("expected [package] or [workspace] in manifest"); } p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &manifest); } #[cargo_test] fn inactivate_targets() { // Basic test of `itarget`. A shared dependency where an inactive [target] // changes the features. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] compile_error!("f1 should not activate"); "#, ) .publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .add_dep( Dependency::new("common", "1.0") .target("cfg(whatever)") .enable_features(&["f1"]), ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] common = "1.0" bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]f1 should not activate[..]") .run(); switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn inactive_target_optional() { // Activating optional [target] dependencies for inactivate target. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .feature("f2", &[]) .feature("f3", &[]) .feature("f4", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn f() { if cfg!(feature="f1") { println!("f1"); } if cfg!(feature="f2") { println!("f2"); } if cfg!(feature="f3") { println!("f3"); } if cfg!(feature="f4") { println!("f4"); } } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] common = "1.0" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] dep1 = {path='dep1', optional=true} dep2 = {path='dep2', optional=true, features=["f3"]} common = {version="1.0", optional=true, features=["f4"]} [features] foo1 = ["dep1/f2"] foo2 = ["dep2"] "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { if cfg!(feature="foo1") { println!("foo1"); } if cfg!(feature="foo2") { println!("foo2"); } if cfg!(feature="dep1") { println!("dep1"); } if cfg!(feature="dep2") { println!("dep2"); } if cfg!(feature="common") { println!("common"); } common::f(); } "#, ) .file( "dep1/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "dep1" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f1"]} [features] f2 = ["common/f2"] "#, ) .file( "dep1/src/lib.rs", r#"compile_error!("dep1 should not build");"#, ) .file( "dep2/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "dep2" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] common = "1.0" [features] f3 = ["common/f3"] "#, ) .file( "dep2/src/lib.rs", r#"compile_error!("dep2 should not build");"#, ) .build(); p.cargo("run --all-features") .with_stdout("foo1\nfoo2\ndep1\ndep2\ncommon\nf1\nf2\nf3\nf4\n") .run(); p.cargo("run --features dep1") .with_stdout("dep1\nf1\n") .run(); p.cargo("run --features foo1") .with_stdout("foo1\ndep1\nf1\nf2\n") .run(); p.cargo("run --features dep2") .with_stdout("dep2\nf3\n") .run(); p.cargo("run --features common") .with_stdout("common\nf4\n") .run(); switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("run --all-features") .with_stdout("foo1\nfoo2\ndep1\ndep2\ncommon") .run(); p.cargo("run --features dep1").with_stdout("dep1\n").run(); p.cargo("run --features foo1").with_stdout("foo1\n").run(); p.cargo("run --features dep2").with_stdout("dep2\n").run(); p.cargo("run --features common").with_stdout("common").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn itarget_proc_macro() { // itarget inside a proc-macro while cross-compiling if cross_compile::disabled() { return; } Package::new("hostdep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("pm", "1.0.0") .proc_macro(true) .target_dep("hostdep", "1.0", rustc_host()) .file("src/lib.rs", "extern crate hostdep;") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] pm = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); // Old behavior p.cargo("check").run(); p.cargo("check --target").arg(alternate()).run(); // New behavior switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check").run(); p.cargo("check --target").arg(alternate()).run(); // For good measure, just make sure things don't break. p.cargo("check --target").arg(alternate()).run(); } #[cargo_test] fn decouple_host_deps() { // Basic test for `host_dep` decouple. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] pub fn foo() {} #[cfg(not(feature = "f1"))] pub fn bar() {} "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [build-dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f1"]} [dependencies] common = "1.0" "#, ) .file( "build.rs", r#" use common::foo; fn main() {} "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "use common::bar;") .build(); p.cargo("check") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]unresolved import `common::bar`[..]") .run(); switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn decouple_host_deps_nested() { // `host_dep` decouple of transitive dependencies. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] pub fn foo() {} #[cfg(not(feature = "f1"))] pub fn bar() {} "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [build-dependencies] bdep = {path="bdep"} [dependencies] common = "1.0" "#, ) .file( "build.rs", r#" use bdep::foo; fn main() {} "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "use common::bar;") .file( "bdep/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "bdep" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f1"]} "#, ) .file("bdep/src/lib.rs", "pub use common::foo;") .build(); p.cargo("check") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]unresolved import `common::bar`[..]") .run(); switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn decouple_dev_deps() { // Basic test for `dev_dep` decouple. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .feature("f2", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" // const ensures it uses the correct dependency at *build time* // compared to *link time*. #[cfg(all(feature="f1", not(feature="f2")))] pub const X: u32 = 1; #[cfg(all(feature="f1", feature="f2"))] pub const X: u32 = 3; pub fn foo() -> u32 { let mut res = 0; if cfg!(feature = "f1") { res |= 1; } if cfg!(feature = "f2") { res |= 2; } res } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f1"]} [dev-dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f2"]} "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { let expected: u32 = std::env::args().skip(1).next().unwrap().parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(foo::foo(), expected); assert_eq!(foo::build_time(), expected); assert_eq!(common::foo(), expected); assert_eq!(common::X, expected); } #[test] fn test_bin() { assert_eq!(foo::foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::X, 3); assert_eq!(foo::build_time(), 3); } "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { common::foo() } pub fn build_time() -> u32 { common::X } #[test] fn test_lib() { assert_eq!(foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::X, 3); } "#, ) .file( "tests/t1.rs", r#" #[test] fn test_t1() { assert_eq!(foo::foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::foo(), 3); assert_eq!(common::X, 3); assert_eq!(foo::build_time(), 3); } #[test] fn test_main() { // Features are unified for main when run with `cargo test`, // even with the new resolver. let s = std::process::Command::new("target/debug/foo") .arg("3") .status().unwrap(); assert!(s.success()); } "#, ) .build(); // Old behavior p.cargo("run 3").run(); p.cargo("test").run(); // New behavior switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("run 1").run(); p.cargo("test").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn build_script_runtime_features() { // Check that the CARGO_FEATURE_* environment variable is set correctly. // // This has a common dependency between build/normal/dev-deps, and it // queries which features it was built with in different circumstances. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("normal", &[]) .feature("dev", &[]) .feature("build", &[]) .file( "build.rs", r#" fn is_set(name: &str) -> bool { std::env::var(name) == Ok("1".to_string()) } fn main() { let mut res = 0; if is_set("CARGO_FEATURE_NORMAL") { res |= 1; } if is_set("CARGO_FEATURE_DEV") { res |= 2; } if is_set("CARGO_FEATURE_BUILD") { res |= 4; } println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=RunCustomBuild=\"{}\"", res); let mut res = 0; if cfg!(feature = "normal") { res |= 1; } if cfg!(feature = "dev") { res |= 2; } if cfg!(feature = "build") { res |= 4; } println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=CustomBuild=\"{}\"", res); } "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { let mut res = 0; if cfg!(feature = "normal") { res |= 1; } if cfg!(feature = "dev") { res |= 2; } if cfg!(feature = "build") { res |= 4; } res } pub fn build_time() -> u32 { #[cfg(RunCustomBuild="1")] return 1; #[cfg(RunCustomBuild="3")] return 3; #[cfg(RunCustomBuild="4")] return 4; #[cfg(RunCustomBuild="5")] return 5; #[cfg(RunCustomBuild="7")] return 7; } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [build-dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["build"]} [dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["normal"]} [dev-dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["dev"]} "#, ) .file( "build.rs", r#" fn main() { assert_eq!(common::foo(), common::build_time()); println!("cargo:rustc-cfg=from_build=\"{}\"", common::foo()); } "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { common::foo() } pub fn build_time() -> u32 { common::build_time() } #[test] fn test_lib() { assert_eq!(common::foo(), common::build_time()); assert_eq!(common::foo(), std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT").unwrap().parse().unwrap()); } "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { assert_eq!(common::foo(), common::build_time()); assert_eq!(common::foo(), std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT").unwrap().parse().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_bin() { assert_eq!(common::foo(), common::build_time()); assert_eq!(common::foo(), std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT").unwrap().parse().unwrap()); } "#, ) .file( "tests/t1.rs", r#" #[test] fn test_t1() { assert_eq!(common::foo(), common::build_time()); assert_eq!(common::foo(), std::env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT").unwrap().parse().unwrap()); } #[test] fn test_main() { // Features are unified for main when run with `cargo test`, // even with the new resolver. let s = std::process::Command::new("target/debug/foo") .status().unwrap(); assert!(s.success()); } "#, ) .build(); // Old way, unifies all 3. p.cargo("run").env("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT", "7").run(); p.cargo("test").env("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT", "7").run(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); // normal + build unify p.cargo("run").env("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT", "1").run(); // dev_deps are still unified with `cargo test` p.cargo("test").env("CARGO_FEATURE_EXPECT", "3").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn cyclical_dev_dep() { // Check how a cyclical dev-dependency will work. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [features] dev = [] [dev-dependencies] foo = { path = '.', features = ["dev"] } "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn assert_dev(enabled: bool) { assert_eq!(enabled, cfg!(feature="dev")); } #[test] fn test_in_lib() { assert_dev(true); } "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { let expected: bool = std::env::args().skip(1).next().unwrap().parse().unwrap(); foo::assert_dev(expected); } "#, ) .file( "tests/t1.rs", r#" #[test] fn integration_links() { foo::assert_dev(true); // The lib linked with main.rs will also be unified. let s = std::process::Command::new("target/debug/foo") .arg("true") .status().unwrap(); assert!(s.success()); } "#, ) .build(); // Old way unifies features. p.cargo("run true").run(); // dev feature should always be enabled in tests. p.cargo("test").run(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); // Should decouple main. p.cargo("run false").run(); // And this should be no different. p.cargo("test").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn all_feature_opts() { // All feature options at once. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("normal", &[]) .feature("build", &[]) .feature("dev", &[]) .feature("itarget", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn feats() -> u32 { let mut res = 0; if cfg!(feature="normal") { res |= 1; } if cfg!(feature="build") { res |= 2; } if cfg!(feature="dev") { res |= 4; } if cfg!(feature="itarget") { res |= 8; } res } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["normal"]} [dev-dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["dev"]} [build-dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["build"]} [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["itarget"]} "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { expect(); } fn expect() { let expected: u32 = std::env::var("EXPECTED_FEATS").unwrap().parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, common::feats()); } #[test] fn from_test() { expect(); } "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("run").env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "15").run(); p.cargo("test").env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "15").run(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); // Only normal feature. p.cargo("run").env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "1").run(); // only normal+dev p.cargo("test").env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "5").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn required_features_host_dep() { // Check that required-features handles build-dependencies correctly. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [[bin]] name = "x" required-features = ["bdep/f1"] [build-dependencies] bdep = {path="bdep"} "#, ) .file("build.rs", "fn main() {}") .file( "src/bin/x.rs", r#" fn main() {} "#, ) .file( "bdep/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "bdep" version = "0.1.0" [features] f1 = [] "#, ) .file("bdep/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("run") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] target `x` in package `foo` requires the features: `bdep/f1` Consider enabling them by passing, e.g., `--features=\"bdep/f1\"` ", ) .run(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("run --features bdep/f1").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn disabled_shared_host_dep() { // Check for situation where an optional dep of a shared dep is enabled in // a normal dependency, but disabled in an optional one. The unit tree is: // foo // ├── foo build.rs // | └── common (BUILD dependency, NO FEATURES) // └── common (Normal dependency, default features) // └── somedep Package::new("somedep", "1.0.0") .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn f() { println!("hello from somedep"); } "#, ) .publish(); Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("default", &["somedep"]) .add_dep(Dependency::new("somedep", "1.0").optional(true)) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn check_somedep() -> bool { #[cfg(feature="somedep")] { extern crate somedep; somedep::f(); true } #[cfg(not(feature="somedep"))] { println!("no somedep"); false } } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "1.0.0" edition = "2018" resolver = "2" [dependencies] common = "1.0" [build-dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", default-features = false} "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", "fn main() { assert!(common::check_somedep()); }", ) .file( "build.rs", "fn main() { assert!(!common::check_somedep()); }", ) .build(); p.cargo("run -v").with_stdout("hello from somedep").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn required_features_inactive_dep() { // required-features with an inactivated dep. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] bar = {path="bar"} [[bin]] name = "foo" required-features = ["feat1"] [features] feat1 = [] "#, ) .file("src/main.rs", "fn main() {}") .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0")) .file("bar/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check").with_stderr("[FINISHED] [..]").run(); p.cargo("check --features=feat1") .with_stderr("[CHECKING] foo[..]\n[FINISHED] [..]") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn decouple_proc_macro() { // proc macro features are not shared Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("somefeat", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub const fn foo() -> bool { cfg!(feature="somefeat") } #[cfg(feature="somefeat")] pub const FEAT_ONLY_CONST: bool = true; "#, ) .publish(); Package::new("pm", "1.0.0") .proc_macro(true) .feature_dep("common", "1.0", &["somefeat"]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" extern crate proc_macro; extern crate common; #[proc_macro] pub fn foo(input: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream { assert!(common::foo()); "".parse().unwrap() } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "1.0.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] pm = "1.0" common = "1.0" "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" //! Test with docs. //! //! ```rust //! pm::foo!{} //! fn main() { //! let expected = std::env::var_os("TEST_EXPECTS_ENABLED").is_some(); //! assert_eq!(expected, common::foo(), "common is wrong"); //! } //! ``` "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" pm::foo!{} fn main() { println!("it is {}", common::foo()); } "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("run") .env("TEST_EXPECTS_ENABLED", "1") .with_stdout("it is true") .run(); // Make sure the test is fallible. p.cargo("test --doc") .with_status(101) .with_stdout_contains("[..]common is wrong[..]") .run(); p.cargo("test --doc").env("TEST_EXPECTS_ENABLED", "1").run(); p.cargo("doc").run(); assert!(p .build_dir() .join("doc/common/constant.FEAT_ONLY_CONST.html") .exists()); // cargo doc should clean in-between runs, but it doesn't, and leaves stale files. // https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/6783 (same for removed items) p.build_dir().join("doc").rm_rf(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("run").with_stdout("it is false").run(); p.cargo("test --doc").run(); p.cargo("doc").run(); assert!(!p .build_dir() .join("doc/common/constant.FEAT_ONLY_CONST.html") .exists()); } #[cargo_test] fn proc_macro_ws() { // Checks for bug with proc-macro in a workspace with dependency (shouldn't panic). let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["foo", "pm"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "foo/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [features] feat1 = [] "#, ) .file("foo/src/lib.rs", "") .file( "pm/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "pm" version = "0.1.0" [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies] foo = { path = "../foo", features=["feat1"] } "#, ) .file("pm/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check -p pm -v") .with_stderr_contains("[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..]--cfg[..]feat1[..]") .run(); // This may be surprising that `foo` doesn't get built separately. It is // because pm might have other units (binaries, tests, etc.), and so the // feature resolver must assume that normal deps get unified with it. This // is related to the bigger issue where the features selected in a // workspace depend on which packages are selected. p.cargo("check --workspace -v") .with_stderr( "\ [FRESH] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FRESH] pm v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] dev [..] ", ) .run(); // Selecting just foo will build without unification. p.cargo("check -p foo -v") // Make sure `foo` is built without feat1 .with_stderr_line_without(&["[RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo"], &["--cfg[..]feat1"]) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn has_dev_dep_for_test() { // Check for a bug where the decision on whether or not "dev dependencies" // should be used did not consider `check --profile=test`. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dev-dependencies] dep = { path = 'dep', features = ['f1'] } "#, ) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[test] fn t1() { dep::f(); } "#, ) .file( "dep/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "dep" version = "0.1.0" [features] f1 = [] "#, ) .file( "dep/src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] pub fn f() {} "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("check -v") .with_stderr( "\ [CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); p.cargo("check -v --profile=test") .with_stderr( "\ [CHECKING] dep v0.1.0 [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name dep [..] [CHECKING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); // New resolver should not be any different. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check -v --profile=test") .with_stderr( "\ [FRESH] dep [..] [FRESH] foo [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn build_dep_activated() { // Build dependencies always match the host for [target.*.build-dependencies]. if cross_compile::disabled() { return; } Package::new("somedep", "1.0.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "") .publish(); Package::new("targetdep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("hostdep", "1.0.0") // Check that "for_host" is sticky. .target_dep("somedep", "1.0", rustc_host()) .feature("feat1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" extern crate somedep; #[cfg(not(feature="feat1"))] compile_error!{"feat1 missing"} "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", &format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" # This should never be selected. [target.'{}'.build-dependencies] targetdep = "1.0" [target.'{}'.build-dependencies] hostdep = {{version="1.0", features=["feat1"]}} "#, alternate(), rustc_host() ), ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("build.rs", "fn main() {}") .build(); p.cargo("check").run(); p.cargo("check --target").arg(alternate()).run(); // New behavior. switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("check").run(); p.cargo("check --target").arg(alternate()).run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_bad_setting() { // Unknown setting in `resolver` let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "foo" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("build") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]/foo/Cargo.toml` Caused by: `resolver` setting `foo` is not valid, valid options are \"1\" or \"2\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_original() { // resolver="1" uses old unification behavior. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] compile_error!("f1 should not activate"); "#, ) .publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .add_dep( Dependency::new("common", "1.0") .target("cfg(whatever)") .enable_features(&["f1"]), ) .publish(); let manifest = |resolver| { format!( r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "{}" [dependencies] common = "1.0" bar = "1.0" "#, resolver ) }; let p = project() .file("Cargo.toml", &manifest("1")) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .with_status(101) .with_stderr_contains("[..]f1 should not activate[..]") .run(); p.change_file("Cargo.toml", &manifest("2")); p.cargo("check").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_not_both() { // Can't specify resolver in both workspace and package. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] resolver = "2" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("build") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ error: failed to parse manifest at `[..]/foo/Cargo.toml` Caused by: cannot specify `resolver` field in both `[workspace]` and `[package]` ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_ws_member() { // Can't specify `resolver` in a ws member. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["a"] "#, ) .file( "a/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "a" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" "#, ) .file("a/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check") .with_stderr( "\ warning: resolver for the non root package will be ignored, specify resolver at the workspace root: package: [..]/foo/a/Cargo.toml workspace: [..]/foo/Cargo.toml [CHECKING] a v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_ws_root_and_member() { // Check when specified in both ws root and member. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["a"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "a/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "a" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" "#, ) .file("a/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); // Ignores if they are the same. p.cargo("check") .with_stderr( "\ [CHECKING] a v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn resolver_enables_new_features() { // resolver="2" enables all the things. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("normal", &[]) .feature("build", &[]) .feature("dev", &[]) .feature("itarget", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn feats() -> u32 { let mut res = 0; if cfg!(feature="normal") { res |= 1; } if cfg!(feature="build") { res |= 2; } if cfg!(feature="dev") { res |= 4; } if cfg!(feature="itarget") { res |= 8; } res } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["a", "b"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "a/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "a" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["normal"]} [dev-dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["dev"]} [build-dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["build"]} [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] common = {version = "1.0", features=["itarget"]} "#, ) .file( "a/src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { expect(); } fn expect() { let expected: u32 = std::env::var("EXPECTED_FEATS").unwrap().parse().unwrap(); assert_eq!(expected, common::feats()); } #[test] fn from_test() { expect(); } "#, ) .file( "b/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "b" version = "0.1.0" [features] ping = [] "#, ) .file( "b/src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { if cfg!(feature="ping") { println!("pong"); } } "#, ) .build(); // Only normal. p.cargo("run --bin a") .env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "1") .with_stderr( "\ [UPDATING] [..] [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] common [..] [COMPILING] common v1.0.0 [COMPILING] a v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] [RUNNING] `target/debug/a[EXE]` ", ) .run(); // only normal+dev p.cargo("test").cwd("a").env("EXPECTED_FEATS", "5").run(); // Can specify features of packages from a different directory. p.cargo("run -p b --features=ping") .cwd("a") .with_stdout("pong") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn install_resolve_behavior() { // install honors the resolver behavior. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature = "f1")] compile_error!("f1 should not activate"); "#, ) .publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.0.0").dep("common", "1.0").publish(); Package::new("foo", "1.0.0") .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "1.0.0" resolver = "2" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] common = {version="1.0", features=["f1"]} [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/main.rs", "fn main() {}") .publish(); cargo_process("install foo").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn package_includes_resolve_behavior() { // `cargo package` will inherit the correct resolve behavior. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["a"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "a/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "a" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Zzz"] description = "foo" license = "MIT" homepage = "https://example.com/" "#, ) .file("a/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("package").cwd("a").run(); let rewritten_toml = format!( r#"{} [package] name = "a" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Zzz"] description = "foo" homepage = "https://example.com/" license = "MIT" resolver = "2" "#, cargo::core::package::MANIFEST_PREAMBLE ); let f = File::open(&p.root().join("target/package/a-0.1.0.crate")).unwrap(); validate_crate_contents( f, "a-0.1.0.crate", &["Cargo.toml", "Cargo.toml.orig", "src/lib.rs"], &[("Cargo.toml", &rewritten_toml)], ); } #[cargo_test] fn tree_all() { // `cargo tree` with the new feature resolver. Package::new("log", "0.4.8").feature("serde", &[]).publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] log = {version="*", features=["serde"]} "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("tree --target=all") .with_stdout( "\ foo v0.1.0 ([..]/foo) └── log v0.4.8 ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn shared_dep_same_but_dependencies() { // Checks for a bug of nondeterminism. This scenario creates a shared // dependency `dep` which needs to be built twice (once as normal, and // once as a build dep). However, in both cases the flags to `dep` are the // same, the only difference is what it links to. The normal dependency // should link to `subdep` with the feature disabled, and the build // dependency should link to it with it enabled. Crucially, the `--target` // flag should not be specified, otherwise Unit.kind would be different // and avoid the collision, and this bug won't manifest. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["bin1", "bin2"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "bin1/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "bin1" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] dep = { path = "../dep" } "#, ) .file("bin1/src/main.rs", "fn main() { dep::feat_func(); }") .file( "bin2/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "bin2" version = "0.1.0" [build-dependencies] dep = { path = "../dep" } subdep = { path = "../subdep", features = ["feat"] } "#, ) .file("bin2/build.rs", "fn main() { dep::feat_func(); }") .file("bin2/src/main.rs", "fn main() {}") .file( "dep/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "dep" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] subdep = { path = "../subdep" } "#, ) .file( "dep/src/lib.rs", "pub fn feat_func() { subdep::feat_func(); }", ) .file( "subdep/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "subdep" version = "0.1.0" [features] feat = [] "#, ) .file( "subdep/src/lib.rs", r#" pub fn feat_func() { #[cfg(feature = "feat")] println!("cargo:warning=feat: enabled"); #[cfg(not(feature = "feat"))] println!("cargo:warning=feat: not enabled"); } "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("build --bin bin1 --bin bin2") // unordered because bin1 and bin2 build at the same time .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [COMPILING] subdep [..] [COMPILING] dep [..] [COMPILING] bin2 [..] [COMPILING] bin1 [..] warning: feat: enabled [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); p.process(p.bin("bin1")) .with_stdout("cargo:warning=feat: not enabled") .run(); // Make sure everything stays cached. p.cargo("build -v --bin bin1 --bin bin2") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [FRESH] subdep [..] [FRESH] dep [..] [FRESH] bin1 [..] warning: feat: enabled [FRESH] bin2 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn test_proc_macro() { // Running `cargo test` on a proc-macro, with a shared dependency that has // different features. // // There was a bug where `shared` was built twice (once with feature "B" // and once without), and both copies linked into the unit test. This // would cause a type failure when used in an intermediate dependency // (the-macro-support). let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "runtime" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" [dependencies] the-macro = { path = "the-macro", features = ['a'] } [build-dependencies] shared = { path = "shared", features = ['b'] } "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file( "the-macro/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "the-macro" version = "0.1.0" [lib] proc-macro = true test = false [dependencies] the-macro-support = { path = "../the-macro-support" } shared = { path = "../shared" } [dev-dependencies] runtime = { path = ".." } [features] a = [] "#, ) .file( "the-macro/src/lib.rs", " fn _test() { the_macro_support::foo(shared::Foo); } ", ) .file( "the-macro-support/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "the-macro-support" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] shared = { path = "../shared" } "#, ) .file( "the-macro-support/src/lib.rs", " pub fn foo(_: shared::Foo) {} ", ) .file( "shared/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "shared" version = "0.1.0" [features] b = [] "#, ) .file("shared/src/lib.rs", "pub struct Foo;") .build(); p.cargo("test --manifest-path the-macro/Cargo.toml").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn doc_optional() { // Checks for a bug where `cargo doc` was failing with an inactive target // that enables a shared optional dependency. Package::new("spin", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .add_dep(Dependency::new("spin", "1.0").optional(true)) .publish(); // The enabler package enables the `spin` feature, which we don't want. Package::new("enabler", "1.0.0") .feature_dep("bar", "1.0", &["spin"]) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] enabler = "1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("doc") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [UPDATING] [..] [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] spin v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] bar v1.0.0 [..] [DOCUMENTING] bar v1.0.0 [CHECKING] bar v1.0.0 [DOCUMENTING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn minimal_download() { // Various checks that it only downloads the minimum set of dependencies // needed in various situations. // // This checks several permutations of the different // host_dep/dev_dep/itarget settings. These 3 are planned to be stabilized // together, so there isn't much need to be concerned about how the behave // independently. However, there are some cases where they do behave // independently. Specifically: // // * `cargo test` forces dev_dep decoupling to be disabled. // * `cargo tree --target=all` forces ignore_inactive_targets off and decouple_dev_deps off. // * `cargo tree --target=all -e normal` forces ignore_inactive_targets off. // // However, `cargo tree` is a little weird because it downloads everything // anyways. // // So to summarize the different permutations: // // dev_dep | host_dep | itarget | Notes // --------|----------|---------|---------------------------- // | | | -Zfeatures=compare (new resolver should behave same as old) // | | ✓ | This scenario should not happen. // | ✓ | | `cargo tree --target=all -Zfeatures=all`† // | ✓ | ✓ | `cargo test` // ✓ | | | This scenario should not happen. // ✓ | | ✓ | This scenario should not happen. // ✓ | ✓ | | `cargo tree --target=all -e normal -Z features=all`† // ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | A normal build. // // † — However, `cargo tree` downloads everything. Package::new("normal", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("normal_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("normal_opt", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("dev_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("dev_dep_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("build_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("build_dep_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("build_dep_opt", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_normal", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_normal_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_dev_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_dev_dep_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_build_dep", "1.0.0").publish(); Package::new("itarget_build_dep_pm", "1.0.0").publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] normal = "1.0" normal_pm = "1.0" normal_opt = { version = "1.0", optional = true } [dev-dependencies] dev_dep = "1.0" dev_dep_pm = "1.0" [build-dependencies] build_dep = "1.0" build_dep_pm = "1.0" build_dep_opt = { version = "1.0", optional = true } [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dependencies] itarget_normal = "1.0" itarget_normal_pm = "1.0" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.dev-dependencies] itarget_dev_dep = "1.0" itarget_dev_dep_pm = "1.0" [target.'cfg(whatever)'.build-dependencies] itarget_build_dep = "1.0" itarget_build_dep_pm = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("build.rs", "fn main() {}") .build(); let clear = || { cargo_home().join("registry/cache").rm_rf(); cargo_home().join("registry/src").rm_rf(); p.build_dir().rm_rf(); }; // none // Should be the same as `-Zfeatures=all` p.cargo("check -Zfeatures=compare") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo(&["features=compare"]) .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [UPDATING] [..] [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [COMPILING] build_dep v1.0.0 [COMPILING] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [CHECKING] normal_pm v1.0.0 [CHECKING] normal v1.0.0 [COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); clear(); // New behavior switch_to_resolver_2(&p); // all p.cargo("check") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [COMPILING] build_dep v1.0.0 [COMPILING] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [CHECKING] normal v1.0.0 [CHECKING] normal_pm v1.0.0 [COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); clear(); // This disables decouple_dev_deps. p.cargo("test --no-run") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] dev_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [COMPILING] build_dep v1.0.0 [COMPILING] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [COMPILING] normal_pm v1.0.0 [COMPILING] normal v1.0.0 [COMPILING] dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 [COMPILING] dev_dep v1.0.0 [COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] [EXECUTABLE] unittests src/lib.rs (target/debug/deps/foo-[..][EXE]) ", ) .run(); clear(); // This disables itarget, but leaves decouple_dev_deps enabled. p.cargo("tree -e normal --target=all") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] ", ) .with_stdout( "\ foo v0.1.0 ([ROOT]/foo) ├── itarget_normal v1.0.0 ├── itarget_normal_pm v1.0.0 ├── normal v1.0.0 └── normal_pm v1.0.0 ", ) .run(); clear(); // This disables itarget and decouple_dev_deps. p.cargo("tree --target=all") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_normal_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_normal v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_dev_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] itarget_build_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] dev_dep v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [..] [DOWNLOADED] build_dep v1.0.0 [..] ", ) .with_stdout( "\ foo v0.1.0 ([ROOT]/foo) ├── itarget_normal v1.0.0 ├── itarget_normal_pm v1.0.0 ├── normal v1.0.0 └── normal_pm v1.0.0 [build-dependencies] ├── build_dep v1.0.0 ├── build_dep_pm v1.0.0 ├── itarget_build_dep v1.0.0 └── itarget_build_dep_pm v1.0.0 [dev-dependencies] ├── dev_dep v1.0.0 ├── dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 ├── itarget_dev_dep v1.0.0 └── itarget_dev_dep_pm v1.0.0 ", ) .run(); clear(); } #[cargo_test] fn pm_with_int_shared() { // This is a somewhat complex scenario of a proc-macro in a workspace with // an integration test where the proc-macro is used for other things, and // *everything* is built at once (`--workspace --all-targets // --all-features`). There was a bug where the UnitFor settings were being // incorrectly computed based on the order that the graph was traversed. // // There are some uncertainties about exactly how proc-macros should behave // with `--workspace`, see https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/8312. // // This uses a const-eval hack to do compile-time feature checking. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["foo", "pm", "shared"] resolver = "2" "#, ) .file( "foo/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] pm = { path = "../pm" } shared = { path = "../shared", features = ["norm-feat"] } "#, ) .file( "foo/src/lib.rs", r#" // foo->shared always has both features set const _CHECK: [(); 0] = [(); 0-!(shared::FEATS==3) as usize]; "#, ) .file( "pm/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "pm" version = "0.1.0" [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies] shared = { path = "../shared", features = ["host-feat"] } "#, ) .file( "pm/src/lib.rs", r#" // pm->shared always has just host const _CHECK: [(); 0] = [(); 0-!(shared::FEATS==1) as usize]; "#, ) .file( "pm/tests/pm_test.rs", r#" // integration test gets both set const _CHECK: [(); 0] = [(); 0-!(shared::FEATS==3) as usize]; "#, ) .file( "shared/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "shared" version = "0.1.0" [features] norm-feat = [] host-feat = [] "#, ) .file( "shared/src/lib.rs", r#" pub const FEATS: u32 = { if cfg!(feature="norm-feat") && cfg!(feature="host-feat") { 3 } else if cfg!(feature="norm-feat") { 2 } else if cfg!(feature="host-feat") { 1 } else { 0 } }; "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("build --workspace --all-targets --all-features -v") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [COMPILING] shared [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name shared [..]--crate-type lib [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name shared [..]--crate-type lib [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name shared [..]--test[..] [COMPILING] pm [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name pm [..]--crate-type proc-macro[..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name pm [..]--test[..] [COMPILING] foo [..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..]--test[..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name pm_test [..]--test[..] [RUNNING] `rustc --crate-name foo [..]--crate-type lib[..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); // And again, should stay fresh. p.cargo("build --workspace --all-targets --all-features -v") .with_stderr_unordered( "\ [FRESH] shared [..] [FRESH] pm [..] [FRESH] foo [..] [FINISHED] [..]", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn doc_proc_macro() { // Checks for a bug when documenting a proc-macro with a dependency. The // doc unit builder was not carrying the "for host" setting through the // dependencies, and the `pm-dep` dependency was causing a panic because // it was looking for target features instead of host features. let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" resolver = "2" [dependencies] pm = { path = "pm" } "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file( "pm/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "pm" version = "0.1.0" [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies] pm-dep = { path = "../pm-dep" } "#, ) .file("pm/src/lib.rs", "") .file("pm-dep/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("pm-dep", "0.1.0")) .file("pm-dep/src/lib.rs", "") .build(); // Unfortunately this cannot check the output because what it prints is // nondeterministic. Sometimes it says "Compiling pm-dep" and sometimes // "Checking pm-dep". This is because it is both building it and checking // it in parallel (building so it can build the proc-macro, and checking // so rustdoc can load it). p.cargo("doc").run(); } #[cargo_test] fn edition_2021_default_2() { // edition = 2021 defaults to v2 resolver. Package::new("common", "1.0.0") .feature("f1", &[]) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .publish(); Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .add_dep( Dependency::new("common", "1.0") .target("cfg(whatever)") .enable_features(&["f1"]), ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] common = "1.0" bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); // First without edition. p.cargo("tree -f") .arg("{p} feats:{f}") .with_stdout( "\ foo v0.1.0 [..] ├── bar v1.0.0 feats: └── common v1.0.0 feats:f1 ", ) .run(); p.change_file( "Cargo.toml", r#" cargo-features = ["edition2021"] [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] common = "1.0" bar = "1.0" "#, ); // Importantly, this does not include `f1` on `common`. p.cargo("tree -f") .arg("{p} feats:{f}") .with_stdout( "\ foo v0.1.0 [..] ├── bar v1.0.0 feats: └── common v1.0.0 feats: ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn all_features_merges_with_features() { Package::new("dep", "0.1.0") .feature("feat1", &[]) .file( "src/lib.rs", r#" #[cfg(feature="feat1")] pub fn work() { println!("it works"); } "#, ) .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [features] a = [] [dependencies] dep = "0.1" [[example]] name = "ex" required-features = ["a", "dep/feat1"] "#, ) .file( "examples/ex.rs", r#" fn main() { dep::work(); } "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("run --example ex --all-features --features dep/feat1") .with_stderr( "\ [UPDATING] [..] [DOWNLOADING] crates ... [DOWNLOADED] [..] [COMPILING] dep v0.1.0 [COMPILING] foo v0.1.0 [..] [FINISHED] [..] [RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/ex[EXE]` ", ) .with_stdout("it works") .run(); switch_to_resolver_2(&p); p.cargo("run --example ex --all-features --features dep/feat1") .with_stderr( "\ [FINISHED] [..] [RUNNING] `target/debug/examples/ex[EXE]` ", ) .with_stdout("it works") .run(); }