//! Tests for caching compiler diagnostics. use super::messages::raw_rustc_output; use cargo_test_support::tools; use cargo_test_support::{basic_manifest, is_coarse_mtime, project, registry::Package, sleep_ms}; fn as_str(bytes: &[u8]) -> &str { std::str::from_utf8(bytes).expect("valid utf-8") } #[cargo_test] fn simple() { // A simple example that generates two warnings (unused functions). let p = project() .file( "src/lib.rs", " fn a() {} fn b() {} ", ) .build(); // Capture what rustc actually emits. This is done to avoid relying on the // exact message formatting in rustc. let rustc_output = raw_rustc_output(&p, "src/lib.rs", &[]); // -q so the output is the same as rustc (no "Compiling" or "Finished"). let cargo_output1 = p .cargo("check -q --color=never") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); assert_eq!(rustc_output, as_str(&cargo_output1.stderr)); assert!(cargo_output1.stdout.is_empty()); // Check that the cached version is exactly the same. let cargo_output2 = p .cargo("check -q") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); assert_eq!(rustc_output, as_str(&cargo_output2.stderr)); assert!(cargo_output2.stdout.is_empty()); } // same as `simple`, except everything is using the short format #[cargo_test] fn simple_short() { let p = project() .file( "src/lib.rs", " fn a() {} fn b() {} ", ) .build(); let rustc_output = raw_rustc_output(&p, "src/lib.rs", &["--error-format=short"]); let cargo_output1 = p .cargo("check -q --color=never --message-format=short") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); assert_eq!(rustc_output, as_str(&cargo_output1.stderr)); // assert!(cargo_output1.stdout.is_empty()); let cargo_output2 = p .cargo("check -q --message-format=short") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&cargo_output2.stdout)); assert_eq!(rustc_output, as_str(&cargo_output2.stderr)); assert!(cargo_output2.stdout.is_empty()); } #[cargo_test] fn color() { // Check enabling/disabling color. let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "fn a() {}").build(); // Hack for issue in fwdansi 1.1. It is squashing multiple resets // into a single reset. // https://github.com/kennytm/fwdansi/issues/2 fn normalize(s: &str) -> String { #[cfg(windows)] return s.replace("\x1b[0m\x1b[0m", "\x1b[0m"); #[cfg(not(windows))] return s.to_string(); } let compare = |a, b| { assert_eq!(normalize(a), normalize(b)); }; // Capture the original color output. let rustc_color = raw_rustc_output(&p, "src/lib.rs", &["--color=always"]); assert!(rustc_color.contains("\x1b[")); // Capture the original non-color output. let rustc_nocolor = raw_rustc_output(&p, "src/lib.rs", &[]); assert!(!rustc_nocolor.contains("\x1b[")); // First pass, non-cached, with color, should be the same. let cargo_output1 = p .cargo("check -q --color=always") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); compare(&rustc_color, as_str(&cargo_output1.stderr)); // Replay cached, with color. let cargo_output2 = p .cargo("check -q --color=always") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); compare(&rustc_color, as_str(&cargo_output2.stderr)); // Replay cached, no color. let cargo_output_nocolor = p .cargo("check -q --color=never") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); compare(&rustc_nocolor, as_str(&cargo_output_nocolor.stderr)); } #[cargo_test] fn cached_as_json() { // Check that cached JSON output is the same. let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "fn a() {}").build(); // Grab the non-cached output, feature disabled. // NOTE: When stabilizing, this will need to be redone. let cargo_output = p .cargo("check --message-format=json") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); assert!(cargo_output.status.success()); let orig_cargo_out = as_str(&cargo_output.stdout); assert!(orig_cargo_out.contains("compiler-message")); p.cargo("clean").run(); // Check JSON output, not fresh. let cargo_output1 = p .cargo("check --message-format=json") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); assert_eq!(as_str(&cargo_output1.stdout), orig_cargo_out); // Check JSON output, fresh. let cargo_output2 = p .cargo("check --message-format=json") .exec_with_output() .expect("cargo to run"); // The only difference should be this field. let fix_fresh = as_str(&cargo_output2.stdout).replace("\"fresh\":true", "\"fresh\":false"); assert_eq!(fix_fresh, orig_cargo_out); } #[cargo_test] fn clears_cache_after_fix() { // Make sure the cache is invalidated when there is no output. let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "fn asdf() {}").build(); // Fill the cache. p.cargo("check").with_stderr_contains("[..]asdf[..]").run(); let cpath = p .glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/output-*") .next() .unwrap() .unwrap(); assert!(std::fs::read_to_string(cpath).unwrap().contains("asdf")); // Fix it. if is_coarse_mtime() { sleep_ms(1000); } p.change_file("src/lib.rs", ""); p.cargo("check") .with_stdout("") .with_stderr( "\ [CHECKING] foo [..] [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); assert_eq!( p.glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/output-*").count(), 0 ); // And again, check the cache is correct. p.cargo("check") .with_stdout("") .with_stderr( "\ [FINISHED] [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn rustdoc() { // Create a warning in rustdoc. let p = project() .file( "src/lib.rs", " #![warn(missing_docs)] pub fn f() {} ", ) .build(); let rustdoc_output = p .cargo("doc -q --color=always") .exec_with_output() .expect("rustdoc to run"); assert!(rustdoc_output.status.success()); let rustdoc_stderr = as_str(&rustdoc_output.stderr); assert!(rustdoc_stderr.contains("missing")); assert!(rustdoc_stderr.contains("\x1b[")); assert_eq!( p.glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/output-*").count(), 1 ); // Check the cached output. let rustdoc_output = p .cargo("doc -q --color=always") .exec_with_output() .expect("rustdoc to run"); assert_eq!(as_str(&rustdoc_output.stderr), rustdoc_stderr); } #[cargo_test] fn fix() { // Make sure `fix` is not broken by caching. let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn try() {}").build(); p.cargo("fix --edition --allow-no-vcs").run(); assert_eq!(p.read_file("src/lib.rs"), "pub fn r#try() {}"); } #[cargo_test] fn very_verbose() { // Handle cap-lints in dependencies. Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "fn not_used() {}") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("check -vv") .with_stderr_contains("[..]not_used[..]") .run(); p.cargo("check").with_stderr("[FINISHED] [..]").run(); p.cargo("check -vv") .with_stderr_contains("[..]not_used[..]") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn doesnt_create_extra_files() { // Ensure it doesn't create `output` files when not needed. Package::new("dep", "1.0.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "fn unused() {}") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] dep = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("src/main.rs", "fn main() {}") .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); assert_eq!( p.glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/output-*").count(), 0 ); assert_eq!( p.glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/dep-*/output-*").count(), 0 ); if is_coarse_mtime() { sleep_ms(1000); } p.change_file("src/lib.rs", "fn unused() {}"); p.cargo("build").run(); assert_eq!( p.glob("target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/output-*").count(), 1 ); } #[cargo_test] fn replay_non_json() { // Handles non-json output. let rustc = project() .at("rustc") .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("rustc_alt", "1.0.0")) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { eprintln!("line 1"); eprintln!("line 2"); let r = std::process::Command::new("rustc") .args(std::env::args_os().skip(1)) .status(); std::process::exit(r.unwrap().code().unwrap_or(2)); } "#, ) .build(); rustc.cargo("build").run(); let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "").build(); p.cargo("check") .env("RUSTC", rustc.bin("rustc_alt")) .with_stderr( "\ [CHECKING] foo [..] line 1 line 2 [FINISHED] dev [..] ", ) .run(); p.cargo("check") .env("RUSTC", rustc.bin("rustc_alt")) .with_stderr( "\ line 1 line 2 [FINISHED] dev [..] ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn caching_large_output() { // Handles large number of messages. // This is an arbitrary amount that is greater than the 100 used in // job_queue. This is here to check for deadlocks or any other problems. const COUNT: usize = 250; let rustc = project() .at("rustc") .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("rustc_alt", "1.0.0")) .file( "src/main.rs", &format!( r#" fn main() {{ for i in 0..{} {{ eprintln!("{{{{\"message\": \"test message {{}}\", \"level\": \"warning\", \ \"spans\": [], \"children\": [], \"rendered\": \"test message {{}}\"}}}}", i, i); }} let r = std::process::Command::new("rustc") .args(std::env::args_os().skip(1)) .status(); std::process::exit(r.unwrap().code().unwrap_or(2)); }} "#, COUNT ), ) .build(); let mut expected = String::new(); for i in 0..COUNT { expected.push_str(&format!("test message {}\n", i)); } rustc.cargo("build").run(); let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "").build(); p.cargo("check") .env("RUSTC", rustc.bin("rustc_alt")) .with_stderr(&format!( "\ [CHECKING] foo [..] {}warning: `foo` (lib) generated 250 warnings [FINISHED] dev [..] ", expected )) .run(); p.cargo("check") .env("RUSTC", rustc.bin("rustc_alt")) .with_stderr(&format!( "\ {}warning: `foo` (lib) generated 250 warnings [FINISHED] dev [..] ", expected )) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn rustc_workspace_wrapper() { let p = project() .file( "src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() { assert!(true); }\n\ fn unused_func() {}", ) .build(); p.cargo("check -v") .env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER", tools::echo_wrapper()) .with_stderr_contains("WRAPPER CALLED: rustc --crate-name foo src/lib.rs [..]") .run(); // Check without a wrapper should rebuild p.cargo("check -v") .with_stderr_contains( "\ [CHECKING] foo [..] [RUNNING] `rustc[..] [WARNING] [..]unused_func[..] ", ) .with_stdout_does_not_contain("WRAPPER CALLED: rustc --crate-name foo src/lib.rs [..]") .run(); // Again, reading from the cache. p.cargo("check -v") .env("RUSTC_WORKSPACE_WRAPPER", tools::echo_wrapper()) .with_stderr_contains("[FRESH] foo [..]") .with_stdout_does_not_contain("WRAPPER CALLED: rustc --crate-name foo src/lib.rs [..]") .run(); // And `check` should also be fresh, reading from cache. p.cargo("check -v") .with_stderr_contains("[FRESH] foo [..]") .with_stderr_contains("[WARNING] [..]unused_func[..]") .with_stdout_does_not_contain("WRAPPER CALLED: rustc --crate-name foo src/lib.rs [..]") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn wacky_hashless_fingerprint() { // On Windows, executables don't have hashes. This checks for a bad // assumption that caused bad caching. let p = project() .file("src/bin/a.rs", "fn main() { let unused = 1; }") .file("src/bin/b.rs", "fn main() {}") .build(); p.cargo("build --bin b") .with_stderr_does_not_contain("[..]unused[..]") .run(); p.cargo("build --bin a") .with_stderr_contains("[..]unused[..]") .run(); // This should not pick up the cache from `a`. p.cargo("build --bin b") .with_stderr_does_not_contain("[..]unused[..]") .run(); }