use std::io::{fs, File}; use support::{project, execs, cargo_dir}; use support::{UPDATING, DOWNLOADING, COMPILING, PACKAGING, VERIFYING}; use support::paths::{mod, PathExt}; use support::registry as r; use hamcrest::assert_that; fn setup() { r::init(); } test!(simple { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = ">= 0.0.0" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}"); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.cargo_process("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `{reg}` {downloading} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url(), reg = r::registry()).as_slice())); // Don't download a second time assert_that(p.cargo_process("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `{reg}` [..] bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) [..] foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, dir = p.url(), reg = r::registry()).as_slice())); }) test!(deps { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = ">= 0.0.0" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}"); r::mock_pkg("baz", "0.0.1", []); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", [("baz", "*")]); assert_that(p.cargo_process("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `{reg}` {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} baz v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url(), reg = r::registry()).as_slice())); }) test!(nonexistent { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] nonexistent = ">= 0.0.0" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}"); assert_that(p.cargo_process("build"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ no package named `nonexistent` found (required by `foo`) location searched: registry file://[..] version required: >= 0.0.0 ")); }) test!(bad_cksum { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bad-cksum = ">= 0.0.0" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}"); r::mock_pkg("bad-cksum", "0.0.1", []); File::create(&r::mock_archive_dst("bad-cksum", "0.0.1")).unwrap(); assert_that(p.cargo_process("build").arg("-v"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ Unable to get packages from source Caused by: Failed to download package `bad-cksum v0.0.1 (registry file://[..])` from [..] Caused by: Failed to verify the checksum of `bad-cksum v0.0.1 (registry file://[..])` ")); }) test!(update_registry { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] notyet = ">= 0.0.0" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}"); assert_that(p.cargo_process("build"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ no package named `notyet` found (required by `foo`) location searched: registry file://[..] version required: >= 0.0.0 ")); r::mock_pkg("notyet", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `{reg}` {downloading} notyet v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} notyet v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url(), reg = r::registry()).as_slice())); }) test!(package_with_path_deps { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies.notyet] version = "0.0.1" path = "notyet" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}") .file("notyet/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "notyet" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] "#) .file("notyet/src/", "");; assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("package").arg("-v"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ failed to verify package tarball Caused by: no package named `notyet` found (required by `foo`) location searched: registry file://[..] version required: ^0.0.1 ")); r::mock_pkg("notyet", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("package"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {packaging} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) {verifying} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) {updating} registry `[..]` {downloading} notyet v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} notyet v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}[..]) ", packaging = PACKAGING, verifying = VERIFYING, updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url(), ))); }) test!(lockfile_locks { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `[..]` {downloading} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url()).as_slice())); p.root().move_into_the_past().unwrap(); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.2", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout("")); }) test!(lockfile_locks_transitively { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("baz", "0.0.1", []); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", [("baz", "*")]); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `[..]` {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} baz v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url()).as_slice())); p.root().move_into_the_past().unwrap(); r::mock_pkg("baz", "0.0.2", []); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.2", [("baz", "*")]); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout("")); }) test!(yanks_are_not_used { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("baz", "0.0.1", []); r::mock_pkg_yank("baz", "0.0.2", [], true); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", [("baz", "*")]); r::mock_pkg_yank("bar", "0.0.2", [("baz", "*")], true); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `[..]` {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {downloading} [..] v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} baz v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url()).as_slice())); }) test!(relying_on_a_yank_is_bad { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("baz", "0.0.1", []); r::mock_pkg_yank("baz", "0.0.2", [], true); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", [("baz", "=0.0.2")]); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ no package named `baz` found (required by `bar`) location searched: registry file://[..] version required: = 0.0.2 ")); }) test!(yanks_in_lockfiles_are_ok { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0)); fs::rmdir_recursive(&r::registry_path().join("3")).unwrap(); r::mock_pkg_yank("bar", "0.0.1", [], true); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout("")); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("update"), execs().with_status(101).with_stderr("\ no package named `bar` found (required by `foo`) location searched: registry file://[..] version required: * ")); }) test!(update_with_lockfile_if_packages_missing { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0)); p.root().move_into_the_past().unwrap(); fs::rmdir_recursive(&paths::home().join(".cargo/registry")).unwrap(); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `[..]` {downloading} bar v0.0.1 (registry file://[..]) ", updating = UPDATING, downloading = DOWNLOADING).as_slice())); }) test!(update_lockfile { let p = project("foo") .file("Cargo.toml", r#" [project] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [dependencies] bar = "*" "#) .file("src/", "fn main() {}");; r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.1", []); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0)); r::mock_pkg("bar", "0.0.2", []); fs::rmdir_recursive(&paths::home().join(".cargo/registry")).unwrap(); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("update") .arg("-p").arg("bar"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {updating} registry `[..]` ", updating = UPDATING).as_slice())); assert_that(p.process(cargo_dir().join("cargo")).arg("build"), execs().with_status(0).with_stdout(format!("\ {downloading} [..] v0.0.2 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} bar v0.0.2 (registry file://[..]) {compiling} foo v0.0.1 ({dir}) ", downloading = DOWNLOADING, compiling = COMPILING, dir = p.url()).as_slice())); })