//! Tests for dep-info files. This includes the dep-info file Cargo creates in //! the output directory, and the ones stored in the fingerprint. use cargo_test_support::compare::assert_match_exact; use cargo_test_support::paths::{self, CargoPathExt}; use cargo_test_support::registry::Package; use cargo_test_support::{ basic_bin_manifest, basic_manifest, is_nightly, main_file, project, rustc_host, Project, }; use filetime::FileTime; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; use std::str; // Helper for testing dep-info files in the fingerprint dir. #[track_caller] fn assert_deps(project: &Project, fingerprint: &str, test_cb: impl Fn(&Path, &[(u8, &str)])) { let mut files = project .glob(fingerprint) .map(|f| f.expect("unwrap glob result")) // Filter out `.json` entries. .filter(|f| f.extension().is_none()); let info_path = files .next() .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("expected 1 dep-info file at {}, found 0", fingerprint)); assert!(files.next().is_none(), "expected only 1 dep-info file"); let dep_info = fs::read(&info_path).unwrap(); let dep_info = &mut &dep_info[..]; let deps = (0..read_usize(dep_info)) .map(|_| { ( read_u8(dep_info), str::from_utf8(read_bytes(dep_info)).unwrap(), ) }) .collect::>(); test_cb(&info_path, &deps); fn read_usize(bytes: &mut &[u8]) -> usize { let ret = &bytes[..4]; *bytes = &bytes[4..]; u32::from_le_bytes(ret.try_into().unwrap()) as usize } fn read_u8(bytes: &mut &[u8]) -> u8 { let ret = bytes[0]; *bytes = &bytes[1..]; ret } fn read_bytes<'a>(bytes: &mut &'a [u8]) -> &'a [u8] { let n = read_usize(bytes); let ret = &bytes[..n]; *bytes = &bytes[n..]; ret } } fn assert_deps_contains(project: &Project, fingerprint: &str, expected: &[(u8, &str)]) { assert_deps(project, fingerprint, |info_path, entries| { for (e_kind, e_path) in expected { let pattern = glob::Pattern::new(e_path).unwrap(); let count = entries .iter() .filter(|(kind, path)| kind == e_kind && pattern.matches(path)) .count(); if count != 1 { panic!( "Expected 1 match of {} {} in {:?}, got {}:\n{:#?}", e_kind, e_path, info_path, count, entries ); } } }) } #[cargo_test] fn build_dep_info() { let p = project() .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("foo")) .file("src/foo.rs", &main_file(r#""i am foo""#, &[])) .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let depinfo_bin_path = &p.bin("foo").with_extension("d"); assert!(depinfo_bin_path.is_file()); let depinfo = p.read_file(depinfo_bin_path.to_str().unwrap()); let bin_path = p.bin("foo"); let src_path = p.root().join("src").join("foo.rs"); if !depinfo.lines().any(|line| { line.starts_with(&format!("{}:", bin_path.display())) && line.contains(src_path.to_str().unwrap()) }) { panic!( "Could not find {:?}: {:?} in {:?}", bin_path, src_path, depinfo_bin_path ); } } #[cargo_test] fn build_dep_info_lib() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [[example]] name = "ex" crate-type = ["lib"] "#, ) .file("build.rs", "fn main() {}") .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("examples/ex.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --example=ex").run(); assert!(p.example_lib("ex", "lib").with_extension("d").is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn build_dep_info_rlib() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [[example]] name = "ex" crate-type = ["rlib"] "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("examples/ex.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --example=ex").run(); assert!(p.example_lib("ex", "rlib").with_extension("d").is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn build_dep_info_dylib() { let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [[example]] name = "ex" crate-type = ["dylib"] "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .file("examples/ex.rs", "") .build(); p.cargo("build --example=ex").run(); assert!(p.example_lib("ex", "dylib").with_extension("d").is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn dep_path_inside_target_has_correct_path() { let p = project() .file("Cargo.toml", &basic_bin_manifest("a")) .file("target/debug/blah", "") .file( "src/main.rs", r#" fn main() { let x = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/target/debug/blah")); } "#, ) .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let depinfo_path = &p.bin("a").with_extension("d"); assert!(depinfo_path.is_file(), "{:?}", depinfo_path); let depinfo = p.read_file(depinfo_path.to_str().unwrap()); let bin_path = p.bin("a"); let target_debug_blah = Path::new("target").join("debug").join("blah"); if !depinfo.lines().any(|line| { line.starts_with(&format!("{}:", bin_path.display())) && line.contains(target_debug_blah.to_str().unwrap()) }) { panic!( "Could not find {:?}: {:?} in {:?}", bin_path, target_debug_blah, depinfo_path ); } } #[cargo_test] fn no_rewrite_if_no_change() { let p = project().file("src/lib.rs", "").build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let dep_info = p.root().join("target/debug/libfoo.d"); let metadata1 = dep_info.metadata().unwrap(); p.cargo("build").run(); let metadata2 = dep_info.metadata().unwrap(); assert_eq!( FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata1), FileTime::from_last_modification_time(&metadata2), ); } #[cargo_test] fn relative_depinfo_paths_ws() { if !is_nightly() { // -Z binary-dep-depinfo is unstable (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/63012) return; } // Test relative dep-info paths in a workspace with --target with // proc-macros and other dependency kinds. Package::new("regdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); Package::new("pmdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); Package::new("bdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); let p = project() /*********** Workspace ***********/ .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [workspace] members = ["foo"] "#, ) /*********** Main Project ***********/ .file( "foo/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] pm = {path = "../pm"} bar = {path = "../bar"} regdep = "0.1" [build-dependencies] bdep = "0.1" bar = {path = "../bar"} "#, ) .file( "foo/src/main.rs", r#" pm::noop!{} fn main() { bar::f(); regdep::f(); } "#, ) .file("foo/build.rs", "fn main() { bdep::f(); }") /*********** Proc Macro ***********/ .file( "pm/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "pm" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies] pmdep = "0.1" "#, ) .file( "pm/src/lib.rs", r#" extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn noop(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { pmdep::f(); "".parse().unwrap() } "#, ) /*********** Path Dependency `bar` ***********/ .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0")) .file("bar/src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .build(); let host = rustc_host(); p.cargo("build -Z binary-dep-depinfo --target") .arg(&host) .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo() .with_stderr_contains("[COMPILING] foo [..]") .run(); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/pm-*/dep-lib-pm", &[(0, "src/lib.rs"), (1, "debug/deps/libpmdep-*.rlib")], ); assert_deps_contains( &p, &format!("target/{}/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/dep-bin-foo", host), &[ (0, "src/main.rs"), ( 1, &format!( "debug/deps/{}pm-*.{}", paths::get_lib_prefix("proc-macro"), paths::get_lib_extension("proc-macro") ), ), (1, &format!("{}/debug/deps/libbar-*.rlib", host)), (1, &format!("{}/debug/deps/libregdep-*.rlib", host)), ], ); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/dep-build-script-build-script-build", &[(0, "build.rs"), (1, "debug/deps/libbdep-*.rlib")], ); // Make sure it stays fresh. p.cargo("build -Z binary-dep-depinfo --target") .arg(&host) .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo() .with_stderr("[FINISHED] dev [..]") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn relative_depinfo_paths_no_ws() { if !is_nightly() { // -Z binary-dep-depinfo is unstable (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/63012) return; } // Test relative dep-info paths without a workspace with proc-macros and // other dependency kinds. Package::new("regdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); Package::new("pmdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); Package::new("bdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); let p = project() /*********** Main Project ***********/ .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [dependencies] pm = {path = "pm"} bar = {path = "bar"} regdep = "0.1" [build-dependencies] bdep = "0.1" bar = {path = "bar"} "#, ) .file( "src/main.rs", r#" pm::noop!{} fn main() { bar::f(); regdep::f(); } "#, ) .file("build.rs", "fn main() { bdep::f(); }") /*********** Proc Macro ***********/ .file( "pm/Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "pm" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [lib] proc-macro = true [dependencies] pmdep = "0.1" "#, ) .file( "pm/src/lib.rs", r#" extern crate proc_macro; use proc_macro::TokenStream; #[proc_macro] pub fn noop(_item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { pmdep::f(); "".parse().unwrap() } "#, ) /*********** Path Dependency `bar` ***********/ .file("bar/Cargo.toml", &basic_manifest("bar", "0.1.0")) .file("bar/src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .build(); p.cargo("build -Z binary-dep-depinfo") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo() .with_stderr_contains("[COMPILING] foo [..]") .run(); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/pm-*/dep-lib-pm", &[(0, "src/lib.rs"), (1, "debug/deps/libpmdep-*.rlib")], ); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/dep-bin-foo", &[ (0, "src/main.rs"), ( 1, &format!( "debug/deps/{}pm-*.{}", paths::get_lib_prefix("proc-macro"), paths::get_lib_extension("proc-macro") ), ), (1, "debug/deps/libbar-*.rlib"), (1, "debug/deps/libregdep-*.rlib"), ], ); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/dep-build-script-build-script-build", &[(0, "build.rs"), (1, "debug/deps/libbdep-*.rlib")], ); // Make sure it stays fresh. p.cargo("build -Z binary-dep-depinfo") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo() .with_stderr("[FINISHED] dev [..]") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn reg_dep_source_not_tracked() { // Make sure source files in dep-info file are not tracked for registry dependencies. Package::new("regdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] regdep = "0.1" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() { regdep::f(); }") .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); assert_deps( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/regdep-*/dep-lib-regdep", |info_path, entries| { for (kind, path) in entries { if *kind == 1 { panic!( "Did not expect package root relative path type: {:?} in {:?}", path, info_path ); } } }, ); } #[cargo_test] fn canonical_path() { if !is_nightly() { // -Z binary-dep-depinfo is unstable (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/63012) return; } if !cargo_test_support::symlink_supported() { return; } Package::new("regdep", "0.1.0") .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() {}") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] regdep = "0.1" "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "pub fn f() { regdep::f(); }") .build(); let real = p.root().join("real_target"); real.mkdir_p(); p.symlink(real, "target"); p.cargo("build -Z binary-dep-depinfo") .masquerade_as_nightly_cargo() .run(); assert_deps_contains( &p, "target/debug/.fingerprint/foo-*/dep-lib-foo", &[(0, "src/lib.rs"), (1, "debug/deps/libregdep-*.rmeta")], ); } #[cargo_test] fn non_local_build_script() { // Non-local build script information is not included. Package::new("bar", "1.0.0") .file( "build.rs", r#" fn main() { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=build.rs"); } "#, ) .file("src/lib.rs", "") .publish(); let p = project() .file( "Cargo.toml", r#" [package] name = "foo" version = "0.1.0" [dependencies] bar = "1.0" "#, ) .file("src/main.rs", "fn main() {}") .build(); p.cargo("build").run(); let contents = p.read_file("target/debug/foo.d"); assert_match_exact( "[ROOT]/foo/target/debug/foo[EXE]: [ROOT]/foo/src/main.rs", &contents, ); }