//! Tests for the `cargo new` command. use cargo_test_support::cargo_process; use cargo_test_support::paths; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; fn create_default_gitconfig() { // This helps on Windows where libgit2 is very aggressive in attempting to // find a git config file. let gitconfig = paths::home().join(".gitconfig"); File::create(gitconfig).unwrap(); // If we're running this under a user account that has a different default branch set up // then tests that assume the default branch is master will fail. We set the default branch // to master explicitly so that tests that rely on this behavior still pass. fs::write( paths::home().join(".gitconfig"), r#" [init] defaultBranch = master "#, ) .unwrap(); } #[cargo_test] fn simple_lib() { cargo_process("new --lib foo --vcs none --edition 2015") .with_stderr("[CREATED] library `foo` package") .run(); assert!(paths::root().join("foo").is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml").is_file()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/src/lib.rs").is_file()); assert!(!paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore").is_file()); let lib = paths::root().join("foo/src/lib.rs"); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&lib).unwrap(); assert_eq!( contents, r#"pub fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> usize { left + right } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn it_works() { let result = add(2, 2); assert_eq!(result, 4); } } "# ); cargo_process("build").cwd(&paths::root().join("foo")).run(); } #[cargo_test] fn simple_bin() { cargo_process("new --bin foo --edition 2015") .with_stderr("[CREATED] binary (application) `foo` package") .run(); assert!(paths::root().join("foo").is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml").is_file()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/src/main.rs").is_file()); cargo_process("build").cwd(&paths::root().join("foo")).run(); assert!(paths::root() .join(&format!("foo/target/debug/foo{}", env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX)) .is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn both_lib_and_bin() { cargo_process("new --lib --bin foo") .with_status(101) .with_stderr("[ERROR] can't specify both lib and binary outputs") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn simple_git() { cargo_process("new --lib foo --edition 2015").run(); assert!(paths::root().is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml").is_file()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/src/lib.rs").is_file()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.git").is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore").is_file()); let fp = paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore"); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&fp).unwrap(); assert_eq!(contents, "/target\n/Cargo.lock\n",); cargo_process("build").cwd(&paths::root().join("foo")).run(); } #[cargo_test] fn no_argument() { cargo_process("new") .with_status(1) .with_stderr_contains( "\ error: The following required arguments were not provided: ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn existing() { let dst = paths::root().join("foo"); fs::create_dir(&dst).unwrap(); cargo_process("new foo") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "[ERROR] destination `[CWD]/foo` already exists\n\n\ Use `cargo init` to initialize the directory", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn invalid_characters() { cargo_process("new foo.rs") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] invalid character `.` in package name: `foo.rs`, [..] If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"foo.rs\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/foo.rs.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"foo.rs\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn reserved_name() { cargo_process("new test") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] the name `test` cannot be used as a package name, it conflicts [..] If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"test\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/test.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"test\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn reserved_binary_name() { cargo_process("new --bin incremental") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] the name `incremental` cannot be used as a package name, it conflicts [..] If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. ", ) .run(); cargo_process("new --lib incremental") .with_stderr( "\ [WARNING] the name `incremental` will not support binary executables with that name, \ it conflicts with cargo's build directory names [CREATED] library `incremental` package ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn keyword_name() { cargo_process("new pub") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] the name `pub` cannot be used as a package name, it is a Rust keyword If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"pub\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/pub.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"pub\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn std_name() { cargo_process("new core") .with_stderr( "\ [WARNING] the name `core` is part of Rust's standard library It is recommended to use a different name to avoid problems. If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"core\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/core.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"core\" path = \"src/main.rs\" [CREATED] binary (application) `core` package ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn git_prefers_command_line() { let root = paths::root(); fs::create_dir(&root.join(".cargo")).unwrap(); fs::write( &root.join(".cargo/config"), r#" [cargo-new] vcs = "none" name = "foo" email = "bar" "#, ) .unwrap(); cargo_process("new foo --vcs git").run(); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore").exists()); assert!(!fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml")) .unwrap() .contains("authors =")); } #[cargo_test] fn subpackage_no_git() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.git").is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore").is_file()); let subpackage = paths::root().join("foo").join("components"); fs::create_dir(&subpackage).unwrap(); cargo_process("new foo/components/subcomponent").run(); assert!(!paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.git") .is_file()); assert!(!paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.gitignore") .is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn subpackage_git_with_gitignore() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.git").is_dir()); assert!(paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore").is_file()); let gitignore = paths::root().join("foo/.gitignore"); fs::write(gitignore, b"components").unwrap(); let subpackage = paths::root().join("foo/components"); fs::create_dir(&subpackage).unwrap(); cargo_process("new foo/components/subcomponent").run(); assert!(paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.git") .is_dir()); assert!(paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.gitignore") .is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn subpackage_git_with_vcs_arg() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); let subpackage = paths::root().join("foo").join("components"); fs::create_dir(&subpackage).unwrap(); cargo_process("new foo/components/subcomponent --vcs git").run(); assert!(paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.git") .is_dir()); assert!(paths::root() .join("foo/components/subcomponent/.gitignore") .is_file()); } #[cargo_test] fn unknown_flags() { cargo_process("new foo --flag") .with_status(1) .with_stderr_contains( "error: Found argument '--flag' which wasn't expected, or isn't valid in this context", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn explicit_invalid_name_not_suggested() { cargo_process("new --name 10-invalid a") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] the name `10-invalid` cannot be used as a package name, \ the name cannot start with a digit\n\ If you need a binary with the name \"10-invalid\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/10-invalid.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"10-invalid\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn explicit_project_name() { cargo_process("new --lib foo --name bar") .with_stderr("[CREATED] library `bar` package") .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn new_with_edition_2015() { cargo_process("new --edition 2015 foo").run(); let manifest = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml")).unwrap(); assert!(manifest.contains("edition = \"2015\"")); } #[cargo_test] fn new_with_edition_2018() { cargo_process("new --edition 2018 foo").run(); let manifest = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml")).unwrap(); assert!(manifest.contains("edition = \"2018\"")); } #[cargo_test] fn new_default_edition() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); let manifest = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml")).unwrap(); assert!(manifest.contains("edition = \"2021\"")); } #[cargo_test] fn new_with_bad_edition() { cargo_process("new --edition something_else foo") .with_stderr_contains("error: \"something_else\" isn't a valid value[..]") .with_status(1) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn new_with_reference_link() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); let contents = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.toml")).unwrap(); assert!(contents.contains("# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html")) } #[cargo_test] fn lockfile_constant_during_new() { cargo_process("new foo").run(); cargo_process("build").cwd(&paths::root().join("foo")).run(); let before = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.lock")).unwrap(); cargo_process("build").cwd(&paths::root().join("foo")).run(); let after = fs::read_to_string(paths::root().join("foo/Cargo.lock")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(before, after); } #[cargo_test] fn restricted_windows_name() { if cfg!(windows) { cargo_process("new nul") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] cannot use name `nul`, it is a reserved Windows filename If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. ", ) .run(); } else { cargo_process("new nul") .with_stderr( "\ [WARNING] the name `nul` is a reserved Windows filename This package will not work on Windows platforms. [CREATED] binary (application) `nul` package ", ) .run(); } } #[cargo_test] fn non_ascii_name() { cargo_process("new Привет") .with_stderr( "\ [WARNING] the name `Привет` contains non-ASCII characters Support for non-ASCII crate names is experimental and only valid on the nightly toolchain. [CREATED] binary (application) `Привет` package ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn non_ascii_name_invalid() { // These are alphanumeric characters, but not Unicode XID. cargo_process("new ⒶⒷⒸ") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] invalid character `Ⓐ` in package name: `ⒶⒷⒸ`, \ the first character must be a Unicode XID start character (most letters or `_`) If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"ⒶⒷⒸ\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/ⒶⒷⒸ.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"ⒶⒷⒸ\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); cargo_process("new a¼") .with_status(101) .with_stderr( "\ [ERROR] invalid character `¼` in package name: `a¼`, \ characters must be Unicode XID characters (numbers, `-`, `_`, or most letters) If you need a package name to not match the directory name, consider using --name flag. If you need a binary with the name \"a¼\", use a valid package name, \ and set the binary name to be different from the package. \ This can be done by setting the binary filename to `src/bin/a¼.rs` \ or change the name in Cargo.toml with: [[bin]] name = \"a¼\" path = \"src/main.rs\" ", ) .run(); } #[cargo_test] fn git_default_branch() { // Check for init.defaultBranch support. create_default_gitconfig(); cargo_process("new foo").run(); let repo = git2::Repository::open(paths::root().join("foo")).unwrap(); let head = repo.find_reference("HEAD").unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.symbolic_target().unwrap(), "refs/heads/master"); fs::write( paths::home().join(".gitconfig"), r#" [init] defaultBranch = hello "#, ) .unwrap(); cargo_process("new bar").run(); let repo = git2::Repository::open(paths::root().join("bar")).unwrap(); let head = repo.find_reference("HEAD").unwrap(); assert_eq!(head.symbolic_target().unwrap(), "refs/heads/hello"); }