#!/usr/bin/env python3 import json import re import os import sys SHOW_UNUSED_LANGS = "--unused" in sys.argv # use a regex on code to get all "hex.lang.id"_lang occurences def get_lang_occurences_in_code(path): for dir, _, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if not os.path.splitext(file)[1] in (".cpp", ".c", ".hpp", ".h"): continue filepath = os.path.join(dir, file) with open(filepath) as file: for line_num, line in enumerate(file): for m in re.finditer('"([^"]*?)"_lang', line): yield (filepath, line_num+1, m.group(1)) # Get langs in a specific json file def get_langs(filepath) -> list[str]: if filepath == None: return [] elif not os.path.exists(filepath): print(f"Warning: no langs file found at {filepath}") return [] with open(filepath, "r") as file: data = json.loads(file.read()) existing_langs = [] for key, _ in data["translations"].items(): existing_langs.append(key) return existing_langs def check_langs(code_path, bonus_langs, specific_langs_path): print(f"\n--- Checking langs at {code_path}") specific_langs = get_langs(specific_langs_path) unused_langs = specific_langs.copy() ret = True for filepath, line, match in get_lang_occurences_in_code(code_path): try: unused_langs.remove(match) except ValueError: pass if not match in bonus_langs + specific_langs: ret = False print(f"Problem: Lang '{match}' at {filepath}:{line} not found") if SHOW_UNUSED_LANGS and len(unused_langs) > 0: print(f"Unused langs in {specific_langs_path}:") for unused_lang in unused_langs: print(unused_lang) return ret ui_langs = get_langs("./plugins/ui/romfs/lang/en_US.json") exit_ok = True exit_ok &= check_langs("./main", ui_langs, None) for plugin in os.listdir("./plugins"): if plugin == "ui": continue exit_ok &= check_langs(f"./plugins/{plugin}", ui_langs, f"./plugins/{plugin}/romfs/lang/en_US.json") sys.exit(0 if exit_ok else 1)