Ed Santiago d254fa4c35 system tests: enable more remote tests; cleanup
info, images, run, networking tests: remove some skip_if_remote()s
that were added in the varlink days. All of these tests now seem
to work with APIv2.

help test: check that first output line from 'podman --help'
is the program description (regression check for #7273).

load test: clean up stray images, rewrite test to make it conform
to existing convention. In the process, discover and file #7337

exec test (and networking): file #7360, and add FIXME comment
to skip()s suggesting evaluating those tests once that is fixed.

pod test: now that #6328 is fixed, use 'podman pod inspect --format'
instead of relying on jq

Various other tests: add an explanation of why test is disabled
so we can more easily distinguish "this will never be meaningful
under remote" vs "hey, doesn't work for now, but maybe someday".

Signed-off-by: Ed Santiago <santiago@redhat.com>
2020-08-19 08:12:14 -06:00

258 lines
8.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bats
load helpers
# This is a long ugly way to clean up pods and remove the pause image
function teardown() {
run_podman pod rm -f -a
run_podman rm -f -a
run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}'
while read id name; do
if [[ "$name" =~ /pause ]]; then
run_podman rmi $id
done <<<"$output"
@test "podman pod top - containers in different PID namespaces" {
if is_remote && is_rootless; then
skip "FIXME: pending #7139"
# With infra=false, we don't get a /pause container (we also
# don't pull k8s.gcr.io/pause )
run_podman pod create $no_infra
# Start two containers...
run_podman run -d --pod $podid $IMAGE top -d 2
run_podman run -d --pod $podid $IMAGE top -d 2
# ...and wait for them to actually start.
wait_for_output "PID \+PPID \+USER " $cid1
wait_for_output "PID \+PPID \+USER " $cid2
# Both containers have emitted at least one top-like line.
# Now run 'pod top', and expect two 'top -d 2' processes running.
run_podman pod top $podid
is "$output" ".*root.*top -d 2.*root.*top -d 2" "two 'top' containers"
# By default (podman pod create w/ default --infra) there should be
# a /pause container.
if [ -z "$no_infra" ]; then
is "$output" ".*0 \+1 \+0 \+[0-9. ?s]\+/pause" "there is a /pause container"
# Clean up
run_podman pod rm -f $podid
@test "podman pod - communicating between pods" {
if is_remote && is_rootless; then
skip "FIXME: pending #7139"
run_podman 1 pod exists $podname
run_podman pod create --infra=true --name=$podname
run_podman pod exists $podname
run_podman pod exists $podid
# Randomly-assigned port in the 5xxx range
for port in $(shuf -i 5000-5999);do
if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port; } &>/dev/null; then
# Listener. This will exit as soon as it receives a message.
run_podman run -d --pod $podname $IMAGE nc -l -p $port
# (While we're here, test the 'Pod' field of 'podman ps'. Expect two ctrs)
run_podman ps --format '{{.Pod}}'
is "$output" "${podid:0:12}${newline}${podid:0:12}" "ps shows 2 pod IDs"
# Talker: send the message via common port on localhost
message=$(random_string 15)
run_podman run --rm --pod $podname $IMAGE \
sh -c "echo $message | nc $port"
# Back to the first (listener) container. Make sure message was received.
run_podman logs $cid1
is "$output" "$message" "message sent from one container to another"
# Clean up. First the nc -l container...
run_podman rm $cid1
# ...then, from pause container, find the image ID of the pause image...
run_podman pod inspect --format '{{(index .Containers 0).ID}}' $podname
run_podman container inspect --format '{{.Image}}' $pause_cid
# ...then rm the pod, then rmi the pause image so we don't leave strays.
run_podman pod rm $podname
run_podman rmi $pause_iid
# Pod no longer exists
run_podman 1 pod exists $podid
run_podman 1 pod exists $podname
# Random byte
function octet() {
echo $(( $RANDOM & 255 ))
# random MAC address: convention seems to be that 2nd lsb=1, lsb=0
# (i.e. 0bxxxxxx10) in the first octet guarantees a private space.
# FIXME: I can't find a definitive reference for this though
# Generate the address IN CAPS (A-F), but we will test it in lowercase.
function random_mac() {
local mac=$(printf "%02X" $(( $(octet) & 242 | 2 )) )
for i in $(seq 2 6); do
mac+=$(printf ":%02X" $(octet))
echo $mac
# Random RFC1918 IP address
function random_ip() {
local ip="172.20"
for i in 1 2;do
ip+=$(printf ".%d" $(octet))
echo $ip
@test "podman pod create - hashtag AllTheOptions" {
if is_remote && is_rootless; then
skip "FIXME: pending #7139"
add_host_n=$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).xyz
dns_search=$(random_string 15 | tr A-Z a-z).abc
hostname=$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).net
labelname=$(random_string 11)
labelvalue=$(random_string 22)
# Randomly-assigned ports in the 5xxx and 6xxx range
for port_in in $(shuf -i 5000-5999);do
if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port_in; } &>/dev/null; then
for port_out in $(shuf -i 6000-6999);do
if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port_out; } &>/dev/null; then
# Create a pod with all the desired options
# FIXME: --ip=$ip fails:
# Error adding network: failed to allocate all requested IPs
local mac_option="--mac-address=$mac"
if is_rootless; then
run_podman pod create --name=mypod \
--pod-id-file=$pod_id_file \
$mac_option \
--hostname=$hostname \
--add-host "$add_host_n:$add_host_ip" \
--dns "$dns_server" \
--dns-search "$dns_search" \
--dns-opt "$dns_opt" \
--publish "$port_out:$port_in" \
--label "${labelname}=${labelvalue}"
# Check --pod-id-file
is "$(<$pod_id_file)" "$pod_id" "contents of pod-id-file"
# Check each of the options
if [ -n "$mac_option" ]; then
run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE ip link show
# 'ip' outputs hex in lower-case, ${expr,,} converts UC to lc
is "$output" ".* link/ether ${mac,,} " "requested MAC address was set"
run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE hostname
is "$output" "$hostname" "--hostname set the hostname"
run_podman run --rm --pod $pod_id $IMAGE cat /etc/hosts
is "$output" ".*$add_host_ip $add_host_n" "--add-host was added"
is "$output" ".* $hostname" "--hostname is in /etc/hosts"
# ^^^^ this must be a tab, not a space
run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE cat /etc/resolv.conf
is "$output" ".*nameserver $dns_server" "--dns [server] was added"
is "$output" ".*search $dns_search" "--dns-search was added"
is "$output" ".*options $dns_opt" "--dns-opt was added"
# pod inspect
run_podman pod inspect --format '{{.Name}}: {{.ID}} : {{.NumContainers}} : {{.Labels}}' mypod
is "$output" "mypod: $pod_id : 1 : map\[${labelname}:${labelvalue}]" \
"pod inspect --format ..."
# pod ps
run_podman pod ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Name}} {{.Status}} {{.Labels}}'
is "$output" "${pod_id:0:12} mypod Running map\[${labelname}:${labelvalue}]" "pod ps"
run_podman pod ps --no-trunc --filter "label=${labelname}=${labelvalue}" --format '{{.ID}}'
is "$output" "$pod_id" "pod ps --filter label=..."
# Test local port forwarding, as well as 'ps' output showing ports
# Run 'nc' in a container, waiting for input on the published port.
c_name=$(random_string 15)
run_podman run -d --pod mypod --name $c_name $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in
# Try running another container also listening on the same port.
run_podman 1 run --pod mypod --name dsfsdfsdf $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in
is "$output" "nc: bind: Address in use" \
"two containers cannot bind to same port"
# While the container is still running, run 'podman ps' (no --format)
# and confirm that the output includes the published port
run_podman ps --filter id=$cid
is "${lines[1]}" "${cid:0:12} $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in .*$port_out->$port_in/tcp $c_name" \
"output of 'podman ps'"
# send a random string to the container. This will cause the container
# to output the string to its logs, then exit.
teststring=$(random_string 30)
echo "$teststring" | nc $port_out
# Confirm that the container log output is the string we sent it.
run_podman logs $cid
is "$output" "$teststring" "test string received on container"
# Clean up
run_podman rm $cid
run_podman pod rm -f mypod
# vim: filetype=sh